ERROR by deployApp("nameofApps") - r

I'm using the shiny package(v0.9.1). After executing the command deployApp("nameofApp") I got the following error. I couldn't find anyone, who had similar problem. May be someone can try explaining, how can I overcome this problem?
runApp("nameofApp") # works fine!
deployApp("nameofApp") # ERROR see below!
[Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 201442 error: Unhandled Exception: create: SQL error or missing database: no such table: entity]


Why am I getting connection reset error in Sqoop?

I am using Sqoop 1.4.6v and hadoop-2.7.1v.
I am importing data from Oracle DB and using ojdbc6.jar.
It is working fine but sometimes I am getting following error:-
19/03/15 16:27:23 INFO mapreduce.Job: Task Id : attempt_1552649108375_0013_m_000000_0, Status : FAILED
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Connection reset
How do I resolve this issue?
Any help regarding this would be appreciated.
I found something for you let me know if it helps :
This problem occurs primarily due to the lack of a fast random number generation device on the host where the map tasks execute
Please refer the sqoop guide for detailed explanation:

Compilation Error on my server on SmartStore App

I have installed SmartStore on my server. everything is working fine except the add category module. when ever I try to Add or Edit any category an error pops saying :
Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the
compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please
review the following specific error details and modify your source
code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the
following methods or properties:
Line 441: .ToolBar(commands => commands.Template(CategoryProductsGridCommands))
Please help me out. I m stuck :(
After working on it, we got the solution for this. So kindly try like this.
Hope will work
.ToolBar(commands => commands.Template(pp=>GridCommands(pp)))

Error loading repositories

In the Azure portal, when I go to my Container Registry and click on Repositories (under Services), my repositories don't load and I get the error message Error loading repositories.
The console of Chrome contains the following error messages:
GET 401 (Unauthorized) -
[Microsoft_Azure_ContainerRegistries] 1:20:06 PM -
efe5474C39B089216811DEA68B8392644A0C676A067.js:24 (With body:)
MsPortalFx.Base.Diagnostics.ErrorReporter 1 MsPortalFx.Base.Diagnostics.ErrorReporter: _errorData: undefined
_sourceErrorLevel: undefined
baseTypes: ["MsPortalFx.Errors.AjaxError","MsPortalFx.Errors.Error"]
code: undefined
data: {"type":"GET","sessionId":"9e259d2b5dab4ad2972a1e6b76e844d2","status":401,"statusText":"Unauthorized","duration":28.5}
errorLevel: 2
errorThrown: Unauthorized
extension: Microsoft_Azure_ContainerRegistries
handled: undefined
innerErrors: []
jqXHR: {"readyState":4,"responseText":"{\"errors\":[{\"code\":\"UNAUTHORIZED\",\"message\":\"authentication required\",\"detail\":[{\"Type\":\"registry\",\"Name\":\"catalog\",\"Action\":\"*\"}]}]}\n","responseJSON":{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":[{"Type":"registry","Name":"catalog","Action":"*"}]}]},"status":401,"statusText":"Unauthorized"}
message: ajaxExtended call failed
name: Error
source: undefined
stack: null
textStatus: error
timestamp: 1567.8750000000002
type: MsPortalFx.Errors.AjaxError
The error says I'm unauthorized, but I have the Owner role, so this should not be possible. Other users that are owner don't get this error.
Any clue how I can fix this?
The error resolved itself after a couple of days.
I tried using a different browser and a different computer. Both methods still showed the error. So I think it might have been a bug.
just uploaded my AKS and needed to pull lots of images from ACR. also got error afterwards due to load:
{"type":"MsPortalFx.Errors.FetchDataError","baseTypes":["MsPortalFx.Errors.FetchDataError","MsPortalFx.Errors.DataError","MsPortalFx.Errors.Error"],"_errorData":{"readyState":4,"responseText":"","status":500,"statusText":"Internal Server Error"},"extension":"Microsoft_Azure_ContainerRegistries","errorLevel":2,"timestamp":10180.93499999668,"source":"DataCache:2:3","message":"","name":"Error","innerErrors":[],"dataSetName":"DataCache:2:3"}

Error: Unhandled Exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

I am loading one of the example apps from Shiny R into`
shinyapps::setAccountInfo(name='xxx', token='xxx', secret='xxx')
and then I get this error:
Error: Unhandled Exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getitem'
The app appeared in the web-page of as "undeployed".
Any clue what may be causing this error? the error is the same whether I run R 64 or 32 bit.
I had the same problem today. I wasn't able to successfully deploy a new app (getting the same error), but I was able to redeploy a previous app.
I have tried removing all packages and code from my new app (left only empty shinyServer and shinyUI functions uncommented) and still couldn't deploy.
Restarted R several times. Updated all packages. Nothing helped.
A few hours later I tried to deploy again and it passed without errors.
I know this is not exactly an answer but I suspect it was a server-side error because it failed during the "Starting instances" step of deployment.
So try to deploy it again, hope it works this time.

CorePlot SIGABRT runtime error xcode4

I've modified the code at to run on xcode4, I have a view that I put into my ConsoleViewControllor.xib with its class as CPTGraphHostingView.
Compiles great, at runtime however, I get a SIGABRT at line
hostingView.hostedGraph = graph; with the error
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIView setHostedGraph:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5910d40'
* Call stack at first throw:
Anyone else run into this issue? I'm more than willing to give you code and answer more questions. Thanks in advance!
Check the setup in your .xib again. -[UIView setHostedGraph:] means that Xcode created a UIView, not a CPTGraphHostingView.
