I have the following code,
Here O is the charater O not zero 0
Module Playground1.
Inductive nat : Type :=
| O : nat
| S : nat → nat.
Definition pred (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O ⇒ O
| S n' ⇒ n'
End Playground1.
Definition minustwo (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O ⇒ O
| S O ⇒ O
| S (S n') ⇒ n'
Check (S (S (S (S O)))).
Eval compute in (minustwo 4).
I just want to know how it evaluates to 2? I mean how it is actually checking with a numeral and subtracting? I am not subtracting anything here, still it is working? I want to know what is the basic idea here? When I call minustwo 4 how coq know it is a numeral and how it is returning the result? How the matching is working here?
It is quite easy with Coq to follow step by step what is going on. But before we can do that, we need to know what your program looks like to Coq without all the syntactic sugar. To do that, type the following in your program:
Set Printing All.
If you now print minustwo, you will see that
Print minustwo
> match n return nat with
> | O => O
> | S n0 => match n0 return nat with
> | O => O
> | S n' => n'
> end
> end
your pattern match is actually broken up into two pattern matches.
Not let us see step by step how Coq evaluates minustwo 4. To do so, create the following theorem:
Goal (minustwo 4 = 2).
We don't care that much about the theorem itself, we care more about the fact that it contains the term minustwo 4. We can now simplify the expression step by step (you should run this in an ide to actually see what is going on).
First, we unfold the definition of minustwo, using a tactic called cbv delta.
cbv delta. (* unfold the definition of minustwo *)
We can now call the function, using the tactic cbv beta.
cbv beta. (* do the function call *)
We can now do the pattern match with
cbv iota; cbv beta. (* pattern match *)
And because Coq broke up the match into two, we get to do it again
cbv iota; cbv beta. (* pattern match *)
And that is why minustwo 4 is 2
(* 4. Let oddn and evenn be the predicates that test whether a given number
is odd or even. Show that the sum of an odd number with an even number is odd. *)
Inductive oddn : nat -> Prop :=
| odd1 : oddn 1
| odd2 : forall n, oddn n -> oddn (S (S n)).
Inductive evenn : nat -> Prop :=
| even1 : evenn 0
| even2 : forall n, evenn n -> evenn (S (S n)).
Theorem odd_add : forall n m, oddn n -> evenn m -> oddn (n + m).
Proof. intros. destruct m.
+ Search add. rewrite <- plus_n_O. apply H.
+ destruct H.
++ simpl. apply odd2.
I don't know how can I prove this theorem, since I can not link oddn with evenn.
(* 6. We call a natural number good if the sum of all
its digits is divisible by 5. For example 122 is good
but 93 is not. Define a function count such that
(count n) returns the number of good numbers smaller than
or equal to n. Here we assume that 0 <= n < 10000.
Hint: You may find the "let ... in" struct useful. You may
directly use the div and modulo functions defined in the
standard library of Coq. *)
Definition isGood(n:nat) : bool :=
Fixpoint count (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S n' => if isGood n then 1 + count n'
else count n'
Compute count 15.
Example count_test1 : count 15 = 3.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Example count_test2 : count 2005 = 401.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
For the second problem, I got stuck because the recursion I defined won't be accepted by Coq(non-decreasing?).
I just got stuck with these two problems, can anyone work them out?
If you want to define independently oddnand even, you may prove a lemma which relates these two predicates, like:
Remark R : forall n, (evenn n <-> oddn (S n)) /\
(oddn n <-> evenn (S n)).
(* proof by induction on n *)
Then, it's easy to apply this remark for solving your first exercise.
Please note that you may define even and odd in several other ways:
as mutually inductive predicates
with existential quantifiers
define even, then oddin function of even
I don't understand the problem with the second exercise.
A few days ago, we discussed about a function sum_digits you can use (with modulo) to define isGood.
Your function count looks OK, but quite inefficient (with Peano natural numbers).
My attempt to create a custom linear order for a custom data type failed, Below is my code:
theory Scratch
imports Main
datatype st = Str "string"
fun solf_str_int:: "string ⇒ int" where
"solf_str_int str = (if (size str) > 0
then int(nat_of_char (hd str) + 1) + 100 * (solf_str_int (tl str))
else 0)"
fun soflord:: "st ⇒ st ⇒ bool" where
"soflord s1 s2 = (case s1 of Str ss1 ⇒ (case s2 of Str ss2 ⇒
(solf_str_int ss1) ≤ (solf_str_int ss2)))"
instantiation st :: linorder
definition nleq: "less_eq n1 n2 == soflord n1 n2"
definition neq: "eq n1 n2 == (n1 ≤ n2) ∧ (n2 ≤ n1)"
definition nle: "less n1 n2 == (n1 ≤ n2) ∧ (¬(n1 = n2))" (* ++ *)
instance proof
fix n1 n2 x y :: st
show "n1 ≤ n1" by (simp add:nleq split:st.split)
show "(n1 ≤ n2) ∨ (n2 ≤ n1)" by (simp add:nleq split:st.split) (*why is 'by ()' highlited?*)
(*this fail if I comment line ++ out*)
show "(x < y) = (x ≤ y ∧ (¬ (y ≤ x)))" by (simp add:nleq neq split:node.split)
The definition marked with (* ++ *) is not right and if delete it the last show give problems.
How do I correct the prove?
Why is the second last show partially highlighted?
When you define the operations of a type class (less_eq and less in the case of linorder), the name of the overloaded operation can only be used if the inferred type of the operation matches exactly the overloaded instance that is being defined. In particular, the type is not specialised if it turns out to be too general.
The definition for less_eq works because soflord restricts the types of n1 and n2 to st, so less_eq is used with type st => st => bool, which is precisely what is needed here. For less, type inference computes the most general type 'b :: ord => 'b => bool. As this is not of the expected type st => st => bool, Isabelle does not recognize the definition as a definition of an overloaded operation and consequently complains that you want to redefine an existing operation in its full generality. If you restrict the types as necessary, then the definition works as expected.
definition nle: "less n1 (n2 :: st) == (n1 ≤ n2) ∧ (¬(n1 = n2))"
However, your definitions do not define a linear order on st. The problem is that antisymmetry is violated. For example, the two strings Str ''d'' and Str [Char Nibble0 Nibble0, Char Nibble0 Nibble0] (i.e., the string consisting of two characters at codepoint 0) are "equivalent" in your order, although they are different values. You attempt to define equality on st, too, but in higher-order logic, equality cannot be defined. It is determined by the way you constructed your type. If you really want to identify strings that are equivalent according to your order, you have to construct a quotient first, e.g., using the quotient package.
The purple highlighting of by(simp ...) indicates that the proof method simp is still running. In your case, it will not terminate, because simp will keep unfolding the defining equation for solf_str_int: its right-hand side contains an instance of the left-hand side. I recommend that you define your functions by pattern-matching on the left-hand side of =. Then, the equations are only used when they can consume a pattern. Thus, you have to trigger case distinctions yourself (e.g. using cases), but you also get more control over the automated tactics.
I'm just getting started in Isabelle and I'm getting a type unification error while working through Exercise 3.3 in of Concrete Semantics:
Define a substitution function
subst :: vname ⇒ aexp ⇒ aexp ⇒ aexp
such that subst x a e is the result of replacing every occurrence of variable x by a in e. For example:
subst ''x'' (N 3) (Plus (V ''x'') (V ''y'')) = Plus (N 3) (V ''y'')
Here's what I've got so far:
theory Scratchpad
imports Main
type_synonym vname = string
type_synonym val = int
type_synonym state = "vname ⇒ val"
datatype aexp = N int | V vname | Plus aexp aexp
fun subst :: "vname ⇒ aexp ⇒ aexp ⇒ aexp" where
"subst x (N a) (N e) = (N e)" |
"subst x (N a) (V e) = (if x=e then (N a) else (V e))" |
"subst x (N a) (Plus e1 e2) = Plus(subst(x (N a) e1) subst(x (N a) e2))"
When the third case in the function definition is commented out, running the test cases
value "subst ''x'' (N 3) (N 5)"
value "subst ''x'' (N 3) (V ''x'')"
produces (N 5) and (N 3) respectively, so I know the first two lines are working correctly. Adding the last line results in the error
Type unification failed: Clash of types "_ ⇒ _" and "_ list"
Type error in application: operator not of function type
Operator: x :: char list
Operand: N a :: aexp
I don't think this is a syntax issue, although I'm not yet completely sure what purposes different types of quotation marks serve (e.g. double quotes vs. two single quotes). From this answer, I believe that Isabelle is assigning x to be a function type on the right side of the line, which is not what I want.
What do the error messages actually mean (specifically and generally), and how do I fix this?
To answer your question about quotes: Two single quotes are used in Isabelle/HOL (more precisely its inner syntax) to denote string literals. That is, by ''abc'' we denote the string containing the three characters a, b, and c (which would again use some special syntax if you had to enter them literally). Double quotes on the other hand, are mostly used to separate Isar statements (outer syntax) from terms inside the logic. So while ''...'' is part of the term language, "..." is not.
Now for the error message. It tells you that you are trying to use the list x (type _ list) as a function (type _ => _). Why does Isabelle think you want to use x as a function? Well, because juxtaposition (i.e., writing terms next to each other, separated by white space) denotes function application. Thus x (N a) is interpreted as applying a function x to an argument (N a) (just as f y is the application of f to the argument y). In order to give your definition the correct meaning you have to use parenthesis at the right positions. I guess what you intended in your third clause was:
Plus (subst x (N a) e1) (subst x (N a) e2)
where we have two occurrences of the function subst applied to three arguments. (So it was a syntax issue after all ;).)
Another comment. Your implementation of subst could be more general. As is, the second argument of subst is always fixed to be some number a (because of your usage of the constructor N). However, everything should work just as well if you would allow arbitrary expressions of type aexp.
From the manual FMapInterface.In is defined as:
Definition In (k:key)(m: t elt) : Prop := exists e:elt, MapsTo k e m.
So, I was expecting that unfolding a term In k m would yield exists e, MapsTo k e m.
However, in Coq 8.4pl4, given this:
In (elt:=t) k m
performing an unfold yields
Raw.In0 t (this m)
by issuing a Print M (where M is the module in question) I get
Module M
: Sig
:= (FMapAVL.Make ID)
My solution is to use lemmas find_mapsto_iff and in_find_iff (from FMapFacts), but that seems overly complicated. Why doesn't unfolding the definition work?
The instance of module FMapInterface (obtained from FMapAVL.Make) changes the definition of In, so this basic property is lost in the instance.
Instead, the result must be proved at the level of FMapInterface. The solution is to create an auxiliary module with these two properties.
Require Coq.FSets.FMapFacts.
Require Coq.FSets.FMapInterface.
Module MapUtil (Import M:FMapInterface.WS).
Module F := FMapFacts.Facts M.
Import F.
Lemma mapsto_to_in:
forall elt k e m,
MapsTo (elt:=elt) k e m ->
In k m.
unfold In.
exists e.
Lemma in_to_mapsto : forall (elt:Type) m x,
In x m -> exists (e:elt), MapsTo x e m.
unfold In in H.
End MapUtil.
Using the module above follows the same pattern of using Coq.FSets.FMapFacts. For example:
Require Import Coq.Structures.OrderedTypeEx. (* Imports: Nat_as_OT *)
Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapAVL. (* Imports: FMapAVL.Make *)
Module Map_Nat := FMapAVL.Make Nat_as_OT. (* Defines a map with nats as keys. *)
Module Map_Nat_Util := MapUtil Map_Nat. (* Defines an instance of module MapUtil. *)
I'm trying to write the sieve of Eratosthenes in Coq. I have a function crossout : forall {n:nat}, vector bool n -> nat -> vector bool n. When the sieve finds a number that is prime, it uses crossout to mark all the numbers that are not prime and then recurses on the resulting vector. The sieve obviously can't be structurally recursive on the vector itself, but it is structurally recursive on the length of the vector. What I want is to do something like this:
Fixpoint sieve {n:nat} (v:vector bool n) (acc:nat) {struct n} : list nat :=
match v with
| [] => Datatypes.nil
| false :: v' => sieve v' (S acc)
| true :: v' => Datatypes.cons acc (sieve (crossout v' acc) (S acc))
But if I write it like this, Coq complains that the length of v' is not a subterm of n. I know that it is, but no matter how I structure the function, I can't seem to convince Coq that it is. Does anyone know how I can?
This is one of the most common pitfalls with dependent types in Coq. What is happening intuitively is that as soon as you pattern match on v, Coq "forgets" that the length of that vector is actually n, and loses the connection between the length of v' and the predecessor of n. The solution here is to apply what Adam Chlipala calls the convoy pattern, and make the pattern match return a function. While it is possible to do it by pattern matching on v, I think it is easier to do it by pattern matching on n:
Require Import Vector.
Axiom crossout : forall {n}, t bool n -> nat -> t bool n.
Fixpoint sieve {n:nat} : t bool n -> nat -> list nat :=
match n with
| 0 => fun _ _ => Datatypes.nil
| S n' => fun v acc =>
if hd v then
Datatypes.cons acc (sieve (crossout (tl v) acc) (S acc))
sieve (tl v) (S acc)
Notice how the header of sieve has changed a little bit: now the return type is actually a function to help Coq's type inference.
For more information, check out Adam's book: http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/html/MoreDep.html.