ASP.NET vnext and open database -

is there some possibility to work with an open database like mysql, mariadb or other and ASP.NET vNext?
Perhaps a beta driver or something like that?

For ASP.NET vNext you can choose to target the full .NET Framework or a slimmed down, bin-deployable, cross platform, Core framework.
If you target the full .NET Framework then you get all the data access options you had before. If you target the CoreCLR then you can use the new version of Entity Framework (EF7). Currently we have the following providers available on CoreCLR; SQL Server, SQLite, and an in memory provider for testing. Of course, more providers will become available as we work towards RTM.
In addition to EF7, there are also the corresponding provider specific SDKs that EF is building on top of, and these can be used in application code as well (e.g. there is an implementation of SqlClient that can be used to access a SQL Server database).
You can read more about our plans for EF7 here -

It depends on if you are using the CoreCLR (the trimmed down version) or the Desktop profiles. In the Desktop profile you have everything you have in .NET available and you can add your own open source libraries (via Nuget).
Just open up your project.json and add the needed dependencies.
Anyway you should not be dealing with low level ADO.NET, you can use Entity Framework, or Massive or nHibernate, or whatever, to abstract away the specific database your project is using now, as it is bound to change or multiply during the project lifetime...

You should still be able to use anything ADO.Net related with ASP.Net vNext - it is, after all, still .Net!

Yes, it is possible, but only if you use full .net profile (on windows it will be .net framework and on linux - mono). NHibernate working well on mono, so you can eventually use mysql, postgresql and other databases in you APS.NET 5 vNext application. Here is complete example of application with NHibernate and PostgreSQL on Ubuntu server.


Can I stick with ASP.Net and move from EF6 to EF Core?

I am starting to port a EF6 application to EF Core. The app also uses Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework. However I am unable to find if it is possible to use that package with EF Core. It seems like I need to use
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore, but this seem to force me to move to Asp.Net Core.
Is it possible to avoid that, i.e. Can I stick with AspNet and move from EF6 to EF Core or do I have to move from AspNet to Asp.Net Core at the same time? I have tried to find an answer in the docs, so any pointers would be helpfull!
You do not need to move your entire application to use the .NET Core because .NET Full Framework can reference .NET Core libraries. The opposite is also true, NET Core 2.0+ can reference full .NET Framework libraries.
However, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore is dependent on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity and will not be able to 'talk' to Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework, at a minimum you would need to isolate your other dependencies on Microsoft.AspNet.Identity. It's not readily apparent if you will run into any conflicts but I would err on the side of caution and refactor your (Full .NET Framework) application to only depend on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity (Instead of both AspNet and AspNetCore simultaneously) which is completely feasible.

Difference between EF.SqlServer and EF.SqlServerCompact

I want to install Entity Framework in my ASP.NET 5 MVC project using project.json.
In the dependencies section I start typing EntityFramework and I only see
"EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact": "6.1.3" instead of "EntityFramework.SqlServer": "6.1.3".
What is the reason for this and what effects will this have?
Are there limitations in the compact version?
If I create a new ASP.NET 4 project with MVC and install EntityFramework then I see the EntityFramework.SqlServer reference installed and not the compact.
EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact is for interacting with SQL CE. It's a single file based database. If you're dealing with MS SQL Server, that's definitely not what you want. You want EntityFramwork 6.1.3, there is no EntityFramework.SqlServer.

Embedded database for a simple portable application

I am going to develop small WPF application. Target platform is .NET 3.5. The main goal is to make it portable (move to any folder and it works out of the box). It should run on Windows 7 machine without any additional installations. However I need a database into it (not need ORM support, just simple storage). Could you please suggest database that would be better for this purpose? I think about SQL CE 4.0 but I am not sure whether it requires additional installations like C++ libs or not. Including DLLs is OK.

What's the difference between using the Windows Sqlite library and the .NET sqlite library?

There are Windows dll's here:
There are .NET setups here:
If I'm using sqlite for an ASP.NET web application, which one should I use?
The Windows .dll's are straight Win32 versions (which, of course, you can use from .Net if you wish to).
But if you're using a .Net program (C#, VB.Net or ASP.Net), you're probably better off using the .Net versions.
To elaborate a bit - the .Net version is a fork:
System.Data.SQLite About
This is a fork of the popular ADO.NET adapter for SQLite known as
System.Data.SQLite. The originator of System.Data.SQLite, Robert
Simpson, is aware of this fork, has expressed his approval, and has
commit privileges on the new Fossil repository. The SQLite development
team intends to maintain System.Data.SQLite moving forward.
You might also be interested in this link.

Connectivity of Winform Applications/ASP.NET application with SAP databases

How can I fetch data in a Winforms application or ASP.NET form from a SAP database? The .NET framework used is 2.0. , language is C# and SAP version is 7.10.
Not sure if this will work for you, but there's a C library, which can probably be used from your C# application and which provides a quite easy API for calling BAPIs in SAP. (Accessing the underlying database directly via SQL is not to be recommended... Better use BAPIs or a custom-tailored RFC-enabled function module.)
You may also be able to use the "SAP connector for Microsoft .NET" (from the same link above), but it was developed with .NET 1.1 and may have compatibility problems with .NET 2.0?!
Update (2011): Since Dec. 2010 there is a new version of the "SAP connector for Microsoft .NET" available, which works with .NET Frameworks 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0. This would now be the perfect solution for your question! See ---> SAP connector for Microsoft .NET
Apologies for the plug.... I work for ERP-Link, and we have a product, iNet.BPS, which is a VS2005 plug-in that helps you create proxy objects that can be used by your .NET code to call BAPI's on an SAP system. iNet.BPS lets you customize the BAPI method calls, for instance it lets you elide optional parameters your application is not using, thus simplifying your code by not having to pass over a dozen parameters to the BAPI. This product is not dependent on SAP AG's SAP Connector for .NET.
Here's a link to the marketing page,
