Can't access meteor lib helpers from client - meteor

I'm trying to understand meteorjs and have a little question.
I wanted to create a getDateTime helper and wanted this helper to be available on the client and the server.
I then inserted this code in lib/helpers
function getDateTime() {
var now = new Date();
var year = now.getFullYear();
var month = now.getMonth()+1;
var day = now.getDate();
var hour = now.getHours();
var minute = now.getMinutes();
var second = now.getSeconds();
if(month.toString().length == 1) {
var month = '0'+month;
if(day.toString().length == 1) {
var day = '0'+day;
if(hour.toString().length == 1) {
var hour = '0'+hour;
if(minute.toString().length == 1) {
var minute = '0'+minute;
if(second.toString().length == 1) {
var second = '0'+second;
var dateTime = year+'/'+month+'/'+day+' '+hour+':'+minute+':'+second;
return dateTime;
Unfortunately this function is not available ( "undefined" ) on the client.
When I look at the source, I can see it but it is encapsulated in:
(function(){ };
I don't quite understand why this is for.
What should I do to access the function?

Each .js file in a Meteor application is enclosed in an immediately-invoked function expression (function () { ... })() to prevent local variables from cluttering the global scope. To make that function accessible in other files, define it like this:
// note: no "var"
getDateTime = function () {
// ...


Adobe ExtendScript Javascript: Replacing string with a function containing UI elements

New to coding in general, was wondering if its possible to change a content of a variable and update it to the UI with replace() or change()? I believe its much more harder than that but I can't wrap my head around it.
(function(thisObj) {
function scriptBuildUI(thisObj) {
var win = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "replaceTest", undefined, 0);
win.alignChildren = ['center','top'];
var myTab = win.add("panel", undefined);
var replacebutton = myTab.add("button",undefined,"Replace");
var myTab2 = "x";
replacebutton.onClick = function(){ myTab2.replace("x",function(){hO()}) };
function hO() {myTab.add("button", undefined,"Retgf")};
win.onResizing = win.onResize = function() {
win instanceof Window
? (, : (win.layout.layout(true), win.layout.resize());
I am not sure what you try to do here. myTab2 is a string variable and .replace() is a string function there. It returns a string. So you are trying to replace the "x" with the content of the function? To what end?
Also, the way i see it, that would just add another button to myTab.
If you could tell me what you try to do, maybe we can find a work-around.
Edit: To just assign your function to myTab2, you can directly do that. And if you want changes to your UI, i think you need to run win.layout.layout(true); to make them vissible. The folowing code adds a button to your tab every time it's clicked.
(function(thisObj) {
function scriptBuildUI(thisObj) {
var win = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "replaceTest", undefined, 0);
win.alignChildren = ['center','top'];
var myTab = win.add("panel", undefined);
var replacebutton = myTab.add("button",undefined,"Replace");
var myTab2 = "x";
replacebutton.onClick = function(){ myTab2=hO() };
function hO() {
myTab.add("button", undefined,"Retgf");
win.onResizing = win.onResize = function() {
win instanceof Window
? (, : (win.layout.layout(true), win.layout.resize());

How to browse to the next page in a datasource that is loaded into table in Google AppMaker

I'm working on a requirement where I have a datasource named 'emailSearchResults' where I search for email messages metadata and load the results in the datasource.
The fields in the datasource are not relevant, however I set the datasource to have 50 records per page as per the below screenshot:
The script I used to load the datasource is shown in the query field, that call the following script:
function getMessageDetails(userId, msgID)
var messageDetails = [];
var messageData;
var msgID_,subject_,from_,date_;
messageData=Gmail.Users.Messages.get(userId,msgID,{format:"metadata", metadataHeaders:["Message-ID", "Subject", "From", "Date"]});
for (var counter =0;counter<4;counter++)
if (messageData.payload.headers[counter].name=="Message-ID")
if (messageData.payload.headers[counter].name=="Subject")
if (messageData.payload.headers[counter].name=="From")
if (messageData.payload.headers[counter].name=="Date")
return messageDetails;
function searchMessages(userId,condition)
// first we build the conditions
// we can make it fixed
// or we can make it dynamic
var searchResult;
var deleteResult;
var currentMessage;
var results = [];
var pageToken;
var params = {};
var _stat;
var options = {
includeSpamTrash: "true",
pageToken: pageToken
var msgRecord = [];
for (var i = 0; i < searchResult.messages.length; i++)
var record=app.models.emailSearchResults.newRecord();
if (searchResult.nextPageToken) {
options.pageToken = searchResult.nextPageToken;
} while (searchResult.pageToken);
return results;
On the main page I put a table and linked it to the datasource, and I enabled pagination on the table, so I get the pager buttons at the bottom of the table as below:
When I execute the app and the datasource is filled, I see the first page results in a correct way, however when I want to move to the next page, I click the next page button and once the loading is complete I find out that I still see the same results from the first page on the table.
I am not familiar with how to make the table show the results of the second page then the third page, and I am going in circles on this...
Hope the explanation is clear and addresses the issue..
I would really appreciate any help on this!
Currently pagination isn't working as expected with calculated datasources. You can, however, build your own. There are several changes you'll need to make to accomplish this. First you'll want to refactor your searchMessages function to something like this:
function searchMessages(userId, pageToken){
var results = [];
var options = {
includeSpamTrash: "true",
pageToken: pageToken,
maxResults: 50
var searchResult = Gmail.Users.Messages.list(userId, options);
for (var i = 0; i < searchResult.messages.length; i++){
var record = app.models.emailSearchResults.newRecord();
var msgRecord = getMessageDetails(userId,searchResult.messages[i].id);
record.msgMainID = searchResult.messages[i].id;
record.msgID = msgRecord[3];
record.subject = msgRecord[2];
record.senderAddress = msgRecord[1];
record.msgDate = msgRecord[0];
return {records: results, nextPageToken: searchResult.nextPageToken};
Then you'll want to change your datasource query. You'll need to add a number parameter called page.
var cache = CacheService.getUserCache();
var page = || 1;
var pageToken;
if(page > 1){
pageToken = cache.get('pageToken' + page.toString());
var results = searchMessages('me', pageToken);
var nextPage = (page + 1).toString();
cache.put('pageToken' + nextPage, results.nextPageToken);
return results.records;
You'll need to modify the pagination widget's various attributes. Here are the previous/next click functions:
widget.datasource.query.pageIndex--; = widget.datasource.query.pageIndex;
widget.datasource.query.pageIndex++; = widget.datasource.query.pageIndex;
You should be able to take it from there.

Issues DocumentMerge in Google AppMaker

As I would like to create documents by merging the entries in a list into a Google Docs template. I have therefore integrated the DocumentMerge method from my previous question into a printButton in a list widget.
Clicking on the printButton should produce a document that merges the contents of the current row into the document template. But when I click on the printButton the method fails due to a circular reference. How can I fix that? The print method goes like this ...
function printReview(widget) {
var review = app.models.Review.getRecord(widget.datasource.item._key);
var templateId = 'templateId';
var filename = 'Review for ...' + new Date();
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(templateId).makeCopy(filename);
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyFile.getId());
var copyBody = copyDoc.getBody();
var fields = app.metadata.models.Review.fields;
for (var i in fields) {
var text = '$$' + fields[i].name + '$$';
var data = review[fields[i].name];
copyBody.replaceText(text, data);
As Morfinismo noticed you are getting the error because you are trying to pass complex object from client to server and serializer fails to handle it. In order to fix that you need to adjust your code:
// onClick button's event handler (client script)
function onPrintClick(button) {
var reviewKey = button.datasource.item._key;
.withSuccessHandler(function() { /* TODO */ })
.withFailureHandler(function() { /* TODO */ })
// server script
function printReview(reviewKey) {
var review = app.models.Review.getRecord(reviewKey);

Can I pass a function closure (with my parameters) as Firebase's set() method 'oncomplete' argument?

I want to do further processing depending on the success or failure of the set() method, but I need the context of some objects at the time I call the set() method. Otherwise my objects will be out of scope when the oncomplete function is called unless I put them in global - which I don't really want to do.
Here is an example:
function oncomplete_AddTran(tran,client,appt,balance){
/* if named argument 'balance' exists it is safe to assume
Firebase has not 'stepped on' the arguments with it's single
Error object or null */
if(balance typeof object) console.log("my parameters made it here");
function addTran(tran, client, appt, balance) {
var tranListRef = new Firebase(TRANS_LOCATION);
var oncomplete = function() {
oncomplete_AddTran(tran, client, appt, balance); };
var tranref = tranListRef.child(, oncomplete);
Yes, it is possible. I am too impatient waiting for the confirmation I was looking for and decided to test myself. Here is the code I used (that works for my purpose):
function oncomplete_AddTran(tran,client,appt,balance){
console.log("arguments passed:" + arguments.length);
// firebase original arguments :: arguments.callee.caller.arguments
var fbargs = arguments.callee.caller.arguments;
function addTran(tran, client, appt, balance) {
var tranListRef = new Firebase(TRANS_LOCATION);
var oncomplete = function() {
oncomplete_AddTran(tran, client, appt, balance); };
var tranref = tranListRef.child(, oncomplete);
function main() {
var tran = {}; = "test1"; tran.literal = { tran: "tran" };
var client = {}; client.literal = { client: "client" };
var appt = {}; appt.literal = { appt:"appt" };
var balance = {}; balance.literal = { balance:"balance" };
The arguments were passed as expected but I still don't know how Firebase's set() method will pass the error object to the callback (in the event of an error) because I haven't tried reproducing an error and don't really know if I can.
The default null, and another (undefined) that is supposed to be passed when there is no error is not found in arguments.callee.caller.arguments (see callback function in example above). I am not sure that what I am doing is good practice - seems a bit hacky to me so I won't accept this answer to the question (yet).

ActionScript object name by variable

In this example:
var poets:Array = new Array();
poets.push({name:"Angelou", born:"1928"});
poets.push({name:"Blake", born:"1757"});
poets.push({name:"cummings", born:"1894"});
poets.push({name:"Dante", born:"1265"});
poets.push({name:"Wang", born:"701"});
Is it possible for 'name' and 'born' to be variables?
As #RIAstar points out, they are properties of an 'associative array' - your dynamic Object{}:
var poets:Array = new Array();
poets.push({name:"Angelou", born:"1928"});
poets.push({name:"Blake", born:"1757"});
poets.push({name:"cummings", born:"1894"});
poets.push({name:"Dante", born:"1265"});
poets.push({name:"Wang", born:"701"});
or if a more expanded version:
var prop1:String = "name";
var prop2:String = "born";
var poets:Array = [];
poets[0] = {};
poets[0][prop1] = "test2";
poets[0][prop2] = "1900";
If you want to create a function that returns data given the attribute name, you can do something like this:
public function getDataByAttribute(fieldName:String):Array {
function (item:*, index:int, array:Array):String {
return item[fieldName];
// sample call
var results:Array = getDataByAttribute("born");
You can modify it to suit your needs.
To explore Array's functions, see this blog (not mine).
