Importing Sass stylesheets from an external directory - css

I have the following set up:
d:\modules\base - This is where my CSS framework (Inuit CSS) and site theme lives. The idea is for others to be able to use this as an import into their sites main style.scss and write their own styles on top of this.
d:\sites\my-site - As described above, I will import the module\base into my site.
To do this I use
#import "D:\modules\base\style";
Which works... But for other developers, their module mite be on a different drive, or have a different folder structure. So I was wondering if there was any way to do the following:
#import "$module-path\style";
Then they could set their module path themselves in a config file or something similar.
I appreciate there may be other methods to make this easier, e.g. having it all in the same folder, but would be interested if there was a solution to this method.

I managed to get around this by making a directory link in d:\sites\my-site
in CMD, type
mklink /D my-link-name D:\modules\base\stylesheets
this creates a link in the directory your in called "my-link-name" and points it to the module.
Then I just include this in my sites style.scss like so:
#import "my-link-name\style";

Just use a relative path to your import, e.g.:
#import '../../base/style';


How to import global SASS with Gatsby

I'm trying to have a global .scss file that gets imported into all pages.
I have the following project structure
I tried passing options via gatsby-plugin-sass and also exposing global styles with gatsby-browser.js using this link: Include sass in gatsby globally but no luck.
My typography.scss file
Passing options to gatsby-config.js
My gatsby-config.js file
Error message
Exposing global styles with gatsby-browser.js
Error message
I've also tried reading the documentation:
I'm new to Gatsby and completely out of ideas at this point. I appreciate any help.
Thank you.
The approach of using gatsby-browser.js is perfectly valid and it should work, in addition, your paths look correct to me.
Regarding your typography.scss, it clearly seems that the relative paths are not working, try adding/removing relativity using ../../path/to/fonts or ./path/to/fonts.
Another approach that may work for you, is removing the options from your gatsby-plugin-sass plugin and import it as .scss import to the desired file.
Let's say that you fix the issue with the relative paths in your typography.scss (first step). Once done, your .subtitle class file, you can simply:
#import '../../../styles/fonts/typography.scss' use it. Something like:
#import '../../../styles/fonts/typography.scss
font-family: $font-medium;
So, summarizing. The first step should be to fix the relative font importation and then, import that file directly in the needed .scss files.
Once you comment the manifest plugin (which request a missing asset in the GitHub), it loads the fonts correctly:
Notice the K, quite unique in this typography.
Gatsby uses the path inside /pages folder to build URLs of the pages. You were putting the templates folder inside the /pages folder, causing some weird behavior. Move it outside to fix the issue.

CSS #import "~materlize-css" | Using Webpack | No style being made

I'm using Sage, a WordPress framework, and it lets you choose during creation some css frameworks, but I want to use Materialize CSS instead.
It uses Webpack to build and combine the .scss files into one. I did an npm install materialize-css so it's in my node_modules. In my project structure, I made an scss file that's used to import the module basically.
I also have bulma in this build, included via the original creation, so I can try to see how the structure is setup. It uses the following import statement:
#import "~bulma";
This works. I'm so confused about how this works. I think the ~ (tilde) tells Webpack something, but I don't know what. What I figured is that Webpacks checks the package.json file or something and finds it in the node_modules.
I've tried #import "~materialize-css"; with no luck.
Can someone explain what the heck Webpack is doing? Haha, because I can't find any documentation on this.
Here are the node_module folder structures, maybe this has something to do with it:
Perhaps the root of Bulma is bulma.sass yet for Materialize-CSS, there's no file, it's in sass/materialize.scss.
If needed, here's the github for the Sage framework, the webpack.config.js is in the build folder:
You have to specific the file you want to import also like this
#import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
#import "~font-awesome/scss/font-awesome";
#import "~toastr/toastr";

Import custom stylesheets into create-react-app's app.scss

I am new to styling using app.scss for a new create-react-app and would like to know the following:
Should i store all the .scss and .css files in the style folder?
If I would like to import all of them into the app.scss, how do I
go about doing that?
I noticed that app.scss does these:
#import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap'
$fa-font-path: '~#fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts'
When i tried to do this: #import './myStyles.css' it does not get picked up. I am not sure what is going on.
The reason i am adament about putting it in the app.scss file is becauase i created a toggle that allows me to switch between dark and light theme. However, I am unable to add customed theme to the existing themes.
Hope my question is clear
Here is reply for you query-
1.Should i store all the .scss and .css files in the style folder? - for this you have to make two folder, one is css and another sass(better approach)
2.If I would like to import all of them into the app.scss, how do I go about doing that?-
"#import 'reset';" no need of scss extension
If you are working on big project then i would suggest you that better follow this structure.
inside sass or scss folder make subfolder for diffrent works like vendor, module,particles etc. like modules/_colors.scss and follow below structure
// Modules and Variables
#import "partials/base";
#import "partials/buttons";
I hope this will help.

Ionic sass custom sheets

I have some problems with SASS in ionic,
Whats the problem?
The problem is that custom stylesheet's doesn't work how it should.
I have sass folder with file and _test.scss file with some code.
I imported _test.css in file like this:
#import "../scss/test";
And when I edit and save, it's works perfectly, compiled in min.css and working in my browser, but when I edit and save my _test.scss file, nothing happening. _test.scss file only works, when I compile my file.
Can someone help me with that? What I miss??
Without seeing your folder structure, It's a shot in the dark but i think your _test.scss file isnt being watched.
Try moving it to be in the same directory as the other files and change your import to be.
#import "{folderName}/test";
Just make sure its within the scss folder with the other files
First of all I'm assuming you are using Ionic 1.x.x in my answer. You have a couple of places where you should check.
First is the ionic.project file:
"watchPatterns": [
Make sure you have your directory inside the watchPatterns. This most probably is correct since it's the Ionic default. You however mentioned sass folder in your question so I can't be sure. This is why I'm suggesting all the custom folder stuff below. Although you also mentioned that is located in the same folder so the folder probably is the default ionic folder if you have not changed the name of the folder.
Secondly in your gulpfile.js you have the following:
sass: [
Make sure your css file is included in these paths. The second one is a possibility when a custom folder is used. Just set the path correctly. This will then use the default ionic gulp task sass and watcher watch.
After this you should be able to include your custom SASS stylesheet in the scss/ file (not in www folder) with the following:
#import "www/customdirectory/style"; // If custom directory
#import "style";
If the _style.scss file is in the same directory as the then you do not need to set the path, just the name of the file is enough.
Hopefully this can be helpful to you when trying to solve your problem.

Is #import really that bad to use for performance if using with LESS?

I am planning on dividing up my LESS CSS into multiple files to modularize my CSS and make it easier to manage and maintain. Ultimately I will be using #import to import all of my modular CSS files into one file that will get enqueued in WordPress.
Is #import a bad idea for performance?
Yes, using multiple imports will incurr equivalent number of file requests the browser has to make.
As long as you compile the LESS source into a CSS file and include that CSS file as the stylesheet for your site, performance will not be an issue.
For example when you make a Wordpress theme you can make a folder for your CSS and then compile it using for example simpLESS (if you are on Windows)
Sample template directory structure:
-style.css <- this is the target file you would compile into
You can setup the target file to compile into easily. Also, simpLESS will keep the first top comment in the resulting file so that you can put your theme information in it.
