I have a bare bones game state system worked out however I need some advice on how to improve it. I have a GameState.h that all the game states inherit from. Therefore to manage the game states I have a class that stores a vector of game states
std::vector<GameState *> gameStates;
This handles the game states but using function like pop/push(_back).
At the moment I am creating my game states like this:
GameState *mainMenu = nullptr;
GameState *inGame = nullptr;
mainMenu = new MainMenuState();
inGame = new InGameState();
then initializing them like so:
mainMenu->initialize(this, camera);
inGame->initialize(this, camera);
then adding them to the vector like this:
should I do it like I am already doing it or like this:
setCurrentGameState(new MainMenuState(this, camera));
Should I initialize all of the game states at the start of the game or should I initialize them when they are pushed into the vector then delete them again whey they are popped? In the past I have tried to initialize them when they are pushed however it makes handling the memory much harder. However would initializing all of the game states a the start of the game hinder performance?
What i can say from my experience is: It depends on how big is your game.
A little suggestion. You can split your game in multiple FSM. One for main menu/options/credits part and one for the "real" game part. In this way you can instantiate all the states for the current FSM in use and call the related methods to activate them.
One little architecture example:
class State
virtual void OnEnter() = 0;
virtual void OnUpdate(float i_fTime) = 0;
virtual void OnExit() = 0;
class FSM
here you call onenter for the state where you want
to go and onexit for the current state
virtual void GoToState( const std::string& state_name ) = 0;
here you call OnUpdate method on m_pCurrentState
virtual void Update( float i_fTime ) = 0;
State* m_pCurrentState;
std::map<std::string, State*> m_mStates;
class FSMSystem
void SetCurrentFSM( FSM* i_pFSM );
void Update( float i_fTime );
FSM* m_pCurrentFSM;
For each of your custom fsm, you have to implement from FSM interface. For each of your custom state, you have to implement State class.
Initialize your state inside constructor ( or an init method ) during the creation of your FSM. Leave the heavy stuff ( like texture loading/complex algorithm or similar request to the OnEnter method ).
In QML you can use Animator type to "animate on the scene graph's rendering thread even when the UI thread is blocked."
How can I achieve the same thing for Qt Widgets?
Basically, I want something like:
1) start loading screen / splash-screen
2) start GUI-blocking operation
3) stop loading screen / splash-screen
It is not possible to move the ui-blocking operation to a separate thread (Widgets are being created). I cannot modify this part.
I tried QQuickWidget and QQuickView containing the splash-screen scene with an Animator inside but it didn't work - they got blocked as well.
EDIT: In the separate thread I read the file containing the UI description. Then I recursively create hundreds of Widgets (including QQuickWidgets, QLabels for images, Web views etc.).
Point of the question was to see if there is a "workaround" for that (e.g. displaying the aforementioned QML scene in some separate window with an own event loop). Unfortunately at this point not much more can be done about the overall design of the above.
Probably the widgets you're creating do too much work. You have to specify exactly how many widgets you're creating, and how. Show some example code. In general, the GUI thread is for cooperative multitasking - if you have something that "blocks", break it down into tiny chunks. For example, suppose that you're processing some XML or json file to build the UI. You could have that task do it one widget at a time, and be invoked each time the event loop is about to block (i.e. use a zero-duration "timer" and invert control).
You should also do the maximum possible amount of work outside of the gui thread. I.e. the UI description should be read and converted to an efficient representation that encapsulates the work to be done in the main thread. This conversion has to be done asynchronously.
The simplest way to accomplish that is to encapsulate each widget's creation in a lambda that refers to some context object. Such a lambda would have the signature [...](BatchContext &ctx). The vector of those lambdas would be kept by the CreationContext object as well:
class BatchContext : public QObject {
using Op = std::function<void(CreationContext &)>;
using QObject::QObject;
// useful for Op to keep track of where things go
void push(QWidget *w) { m_stack.push_back(w); }
QWidget *pop() { return m_stack.isEmpty() ? nullptr : m_stack.takeLast(); }
QWidget *top() const { return m_stack.isEmpty() ? nullptr : m_stack.last(); }
int stackSize() const { return m_stack.size(); }
bool stackEmpty() const { return m_stack.isEmpty(); }
Q_SLOT void startExec() {
if (m_execIndex < ops.size())
m_execTimer.start(0, this);
template <typename F>
void addOp(F &&op) { m_ops.push_back(std::forward<F>(op)); }
QVector<Op> m_ops;
QVector<QWidget *> m_stack;
QBasicTimer m_execTimer;
int m_execIndex = 0;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *ev) override {
if (ev->timerId() == m_execTimer.timerId())
if (!exec())
/// Does a unit of work, returns true if more work is available
bool exec() {
if (m_execIndex < m_ops.size())
return m_execIndex < ops.size();
After the context is created asynchronously, it can be passed to the main thread where you can then invoke startExec() and the widgets will be created one-at-a-time. The stack is but an example of how you might implement one aspect of widget creation process - the tracking of what widget is the "current parent".
I have a simple data class that gets called from another class.
Data Class:
class Data
QString getName() const
return this->mName;
void setName(AccessData* access, const QString& name)
this->mName = name;
QString mName;
QReadWriteLock mLock;
And here's the class I am using to get/set a new name that also handles the locking:
class AccessData : public QObject
QString getName(Data* data)
QReadLocker lock(&data->mLock);
return data->getName();
void setName(Data* data, const QString& name)
QWriteLocker lock(&data->mLock);
data->setName(this, name);
void emitNameChanged(Data* data)
emit this->nameChanged(data);
void nameChanged(AccessData* access, Data* data);
What happens is this:
I use the AccessData class to read and write the name of a Data instance. The AccessData class is responsible for locking for read/write. However, the Data class as you can see, in it's setName() method calls back the AccessData instance to properly emit a signal about the change. NOTE: This is just pseudo code, in reality it is more complex that's why the Data class needs to be able to emit signals through it's caller.
And here's the problem:
Say I have an instance of "Data" called "d": Data* d;
I am now using an "AccessData" instance "a" to change the name: a->setName(d, "new name");
At the same time, I am conncected to the nameChanged() signal with this code:
void nameChanged(AccessData* access, Data* data)
// Read the new name
QString newName = access->getName();
And here's the issue:
Calling a->setName(d, "new name")
"d" is now locked by "a" (Write lock)
"d" emits a signal about the name change though still locked
My method connected to the nameChanged signal tries to access getName()
This will cause another QReadLock issued which simply results in a deadlock
What can I do to properly handle this? There's two things that came up to me:
Emit the signal delayed (aka non-blocking) to get it into the loop.
This is NOT what I want because I want the signals to be pushed immediately.
Move the lock/unlock stuff within the Data class and first unlock, then emit the signal.
This is NOT what I want because I want to keep the Data class completely free from locking stuff.
Any idea? Do I have a miss conception?
thanks a lot
You need to make your mind about what the objects in your model represent. The philosophy of Data is suspicious. It owns the lock (has-a composition), but you don't want it to be self-lockable. If Data is meant to be a simple data wrapper, then it shouldn't own the lock. So either allow it to handle its own lock (and then you can unlock before emiting), or move the lock and the emitting too away from Data to AccessData.
If for some reason you want to keep the presented design, you can "solve" this with initializing mLock as QReadWriteLock::Recursive. Then the same thread can lock it multiple times over - given that you still call an equivalent amount of unlock(). But my personal experience is that reentrant locking is a sure sign of runaway/misunderstood call flow and a creeping misconcept which will bite back hard. While i do read about theoretical concepts which supposedly cannot be solved without reentrant locks, i still have to see one practically unavoidable.
Environment: Ubuntu, Qt Creator
In my Qt app, I found that sometimes Qt doesn't respond to my key press event immediately, but if I wait a while, it eventually responds.
I think something is blocking the UI.
As I know, if a Qt's component (QWidget etc.) is being destroyed, the Qt UI will be blocked. I have checked my code, there is no component being destroyed at the time I'm pressing the up/down key.
I really want to know is there any other things can block Qt UI.
connect(webViewWidget, SIGNAL(loadfinished()), this, SLOT(addItem()));
void addItem()
delete webViewWidget; // will this delete block UI?
mListWidget = new ScrollWidget();
mScrollArea = new ScrollArea(this);
for(int i=0; i<Datalen; i++)
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
case UP_KEY:
scroll up;
case DOWN_KEY:
scroll down;
In general, your key press event will not be processed before all other events which were put into the application's event queue before pressing your key are processed.
Therefore it could be any kind of event which has not finished processing. Maybe you can figure out if there are any events, e.g. by using QApplication::hasPendingEvents or by inheriting from QApplication and adding debug output whenever an event is added or fully processed.
Destruction of objects is usually not a concern, unless you are doing a lot of work in the destructor. Destroying a webview may take long. You probably should not be destroying it like you do. Instrument that delete (see code below) and see how long it takes.
Your own code may be calling APIs that block. Are you calling any third party libraries? Are you calling any wait... methods in Qt's own API?
If you're unsure, you can instrument every slot and every reimplemented virtual method like xxxEvent(...). You'd need to instrument only slots and reimplemented QObject/QWidget methods, not every method in your code.
You may be producing an event storm, perhaps by posting lots of events in a loop, or by sending a lot of signals that are hooked up to slots connected via a Qt::QueuedConnection. Make sure you're not calling repaint() from within paintEvent() for example.
The instrumentation example below uses RAII and is very easy to apply. Alternatively, you can use a profiler.
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#define INSTRUMENT() Instrument instr__ument(__FUNCTION__)
#define INSTRUMENTLIM(lim) Instrument instr__ument(__FUNCTION__, (lim))
class Instrument {
QElapsedTimer timer;
int limit;
const char * function;
Instrument(const char * name, int timeLimitMs = 20) :
function(name), limit(timeLimitMs) { timer.start(); }
~Instrument() {
if (timer.elapsed() > limit) {
qDebug("%s was slow, took %d ms", function, timer.elapsed());
void slot(...)
void addItem()
delete webViewWidget; // will this delete block UI?
mListWidget = new ScrollWidget();
mScrollArea = new ScrollArea(this);
for(int i=0; i<Datalen; i++)
I am undertaking a game using a combination of c++ in visual studios 2010 and Qt 4.7 (both windows). The game is a clone of battleship and is console input based. I have created my gui how I want it to look, and on the Qt side in Qt designer, my gui consists of a grid layout 10x10, using labels to hold pixmaps of game cells:
I have painstakingly named each label to represent its position in the 2d array (ie. fleet map => F_00 => F[0,0] => F[i],[j]). I can manually choose what pixmap I would like to display using the properties editor, but I would like something dynamic.
I use an update mapboard class to redraw the game board after a player fires, which keeps storing over a char array. I would like to update my pixmaps for each, using a generic getupdatearray type function. As we traverse the array it will update the pixmap currently associated with individual labels to match their cousins from the array. (say F[5][6] = 'X' for hit, then when the loops got to that position in the array it would update the grid of pixmaps at F_56 to equal hit.png, replacing the empty.png.
I have an idea how to make the loop that would accomplish this, but unsure how i would go about getting the pixmap for each label to be more along the lines of a runtime feature versus the now compile time (static) feature. I have read about QPainter and another Qt class that deals with images, but still having a hard go at it.
Question to any of you, how do I update these pixmaps based on a 2d array?
loop structure - i can figure out
condition statements - i can figure out
qt specific syntax dealing with labels- newbie so no idea atm.
Here's some pseudocode of the kind of thing I am trying to do with map.h:
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>
class map {
char updateboard(char mapname, char b[][10]){
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
for(int j=0;j<10;j++){
char C = b[i][j];
if (C == 'M'){//miss
Qlabel mapname_[i][j](<img src='images/missspace.png'/>);
else if(C == 'X'){//hit
Qlabel mapname_[i][j](<img src='images/hitspace.png'/>);
else if(C == ' '){//undiscovered space
Qlabel mapname_[i][j](<img src='image/emptyspace.png'/>);
Then in my mainwindow.cpp, I include map.h and say:
// calls class function update board
// takes updated array values and replaces old pixmap with new
map.updateboard(T,b[][10]); // target map update
map.updateboard(F,v[][10]); // fleet map update
Thanks in Advance
I've gotten to the point where I can swap pixmaps with buttons presses, but I would like to create something more dynamic. I wanted to use a Qstring in which I place the name of the label I want to change using by appending x y values using:
When I try to call it using:
...it obviously doesnt work. Is there a way to type case it, or use the contents of the string as the Qlabel name?
You manually entered and named 200 label widgets? Let no one call you lazy. :)
Per your update, you now know how to use QLabel::setPixmap(). What you think you need is getting a QLabel pointer from a name, which would be a combination of two things:
QWidget::findChild to get a QWidget* from a QString
qobject_cast to get a QLabel* from a QWidget
If you go down this path, what you'd wind up with is something like:
QWidget* cellWidget = ui->findChild(TR_position);
QLabel* cellLabel = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(cellWidget);
But BEWARE! There are many things wrong with this approach.
It's brittle: What if there doesn't happen to be any widget with that name (mysterious crash)? Or even worse, what if there are multiple widgets with that name and this code marches along blissfully ignorant of that odd condition that is likely a bug?
It's poor OOP: While there are some decent cases to use dynamic casting (or "downcasting"), it usually indicates a flaw in a design. You know that all QLabels are QWidgets, but not all QWidgets are QLabels...so that qobject_cast call might return NULL. It's just one more point of failure. Sometimes you can't avoid this, but really there is no reason your program needs to be structured in such a way.
It's terribly slow: Searching for a widget by its name is essentially a naive recursive search. If you've set aside a separate widget frame for each grid and only search that, Qt will have to do 100 string compares to find the last element (so 50 in the average case). Imagine clearing the grid with a loop...now you're talking about 100*50 string compares!
All these things are avoidable. Just as it's possible to use loops to set the images on the controls by name, it's possible to use loops to create the widgets in the first place. You basically would leave the area for the game board blank in the design tool, and then dynamically create the controls with code...attach them to the layout with code...and save pointers to them in 2D array. (You wouldn't access them by label name at that point, you'd index them just as you are indexing your board.)
You could create your own class derived from QLabel (such as a GameCell class) which contained the information for your board cell and methods related to it. Then you wouldn't need an array of label widgets in parallel to an array representing your board. You'd simply have one array of objects that took care of both aspects of the implementation.
UPDATE: Since you asked in the comments for specifics, here's a GameCell class:
class GameCell : public QLabel
enum State { Undiscovered, Hit, Miss };
GameCell (QWidget *parent = 0) : QLabel (parent),
currentState (Undiscovered)
State getState() const { return currentState; }
void setState(State newState) {
if (currentState != newState) {
currentState = newState;
void syncBitmap() { // you'd use setPixmap instead of setText
switch (currentState) {
case Undiscovered: setText("U"); break;
case Hit: setText("H"); break;
case Miss: setText("M"); break;
State currentState;
This does double duty by behaving like a QWidget as well as maintaining a piece of internal state. Then a GameMap widget can use a QGridLayout of these GameCells:
class GameMap : public QWidget {
static const int Rows = 10;
static const int Columns = 10;
GameMap (QWidget* parent = 0) :
QWidget (parent)
layout = new QGridLayout (this);
for (int column = 0; column < Columns; column++) {
for (int row = 0; row < Rows; row++) {
GameCell* cell = new GameCell (this);
cells[column][row] = cell;
layout->addWidget(cell, row, column);
GameCell* cells[Columns][Rows];
QGridLayout* layout;
If you wanted to, you could just leave spaces in your layout in the designer you wanted to fill in with the GameMap widget. Or you can push on and do the whole thing programmatically. For the sake of simplicity I'll just put two boards next to each other with a vertical separator on the surface of a dialog:
class Game : public QDialog
Game (QWidget *parent = 0)
: QDialog(parent)
targetMap = new GameMap (this);
fleetMap = new GameMap (this);
verticalSeparator = new QFrame (this);
layout = new QHBoxLayout (this);
GameMap* targetMap;
QFrame* verticalSeparator;
GameMap* fleetMap;
QHBoxLayout* layout;
I'm not going to write a whole game here or make it look fancy. That's just the gist, showing how to get 200 labels up in a programmatic fashion:
With my code, getting a GameCell from an (x,y) coordinate doesn't require an average of 50 string compares. Due to the formalized and predictable nature of 2D arrays, indexing into cells[x][y] only requires a single multiply operation and a single addition operation. There's no downcasting, and you can simply write:
ADDENDUM: Creating a QWidget for each grid cell isn't necessarily the way to go in the first place. Some might consider that "heavyweight". If your game were being played out on a large virtual space of tiles then it could be much too slow. You might find it useful to look into QGraphicsGridLayout, which could be a more appropriate approach in the long run:
Using QWidgets won't be much of an issue with a 10x10 grid, however, so if you want to just stick with that then you can. If you're going to do it that way, then at least you shouldn't be placing them all by hand!
Am I doing it right?
A client of mine has a group where I'm developing Qt-based client-server stuff with a lot of fun widget stuff and sockets.
Another group within the company wants to use a wrapped version of the QTcpSocket-based client data provider classes. (Which does basically what it sounds like, provides data from the server to the client displays)
However, that group has a huge application built mostly with MFC, and that is simply not going to change any time soon. The Qt-based DLL is also delay-loading so that it can be deployed without this feature in certain configurations.
I've got it working, but it's a little hacky. Here's my solution at the moment:
The DLL wrapper class constructor calls QCoreApplication::instance() to see if it's NULL or not. If it's NULL, it assumes it's in a non-Qt app, and creates a QCoreApplication instance of it's own:
if (QCoreApplication::instance() == NULL)
int argc = 1;
char* argv[] = { "dummy.exe", NULL };
d->_app = new QCoreApplication(argc, argv); // safe?
d->_app = NULL;
It then will set up a windows timer to occasionally call processEvents():
if (eventTimerInterval > 0)
// STATE: start a timer to occasionally process the Qt events in the event queue
SetTimer(NULL, (UINT_PTR)this, eventTimerInterval, CDatabaseLayer_TimerCallback);
The callback simply calls the processEvents() function using the timerID as a pointer to the class instance. The SetTimer() docs say when HWND is NULL it ignores the timerID, so this appears to be perfectly valid.
VOID CALLBACK BLAHBLAH_TimerCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime)
((BLAHBLAH*)idEvent)->processEvents(); // basically just calls d->_app->processEvents();
I then destroy the QCoreApplication instance as the very last thing in the destructor.
.. other stuff
QCoreApplication* app = d->_app;
d->_app = NULL;
delete d;
if (app != NULL)
delete app;
If the hosting application wishes to time the calls to processEvents() itself, it can pass 0 in for eventTimerInterval and call BLAHBLAH::processEvents() itself.
Any thoughts on this? Porting that app to Qt is not an option. It's not ours.
It appears to work, but there are probably several assumptions being broken here. Can I just construct a QCoreApplication with dummy arguments like that? Is the event queue safe to operate in this manner?
I don't want this blowing up in my face later. Thoughts?
Studying the Qt code it seems QCoreApplication is needed to dispatch system-wide messages such as timer events. Things like signal/slots and even QThreads do not depend on it unless they are related to those system-wide messages. Here is how I do this in a shared library (in a cross platform way using Qt itself) and I actually do call exec, because processEvents() alone does not process everything.
I have a global namespace:
// Private Qt application
namespace QAppPriv
static int argc = 1;
static char * argv[] = {"sharedlib.app", NULL};
static QCoreApplication * pApp = NULL;
static QThread * pThread = NULL;
I have an OpenApp method in a QObject (that is moc'ed) like this:
// Initialize the app
if (QAppPriv::pThread == NULL)
// Separate thread for application thread
QAppPriv::pThread = new QThread();
// Direct connection is mandatory
connect(QAppPriv::pThread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(OnExec()), Qt::DirectConnection);
And here is OnExec slot:
if (QCoreApplication::instance() == NULL)
QAppPriv::pApp = new QCoreApplication(QAppPriv::argc, QAppPriv::argv);
if (QAppPriv::pApp)
delete QAppPriv::pApp;
So far it seems to be working fine, I am not sure if I need to delete the app at the end, I will update my answer if I find something.
The Qt Documentation for 4.5.2 says that the arguments to QCoreApplication need to have lifetimes as long as the application object - so you shouldn't really use local variables.
Apart from that little thing:
I'm grappling with the same problem, and everything seems to work for me too. I would recommend being very careful at unload / exit time, however, since if you're using the event loop from another application and that event loop is stopped before your library is unloaded then all sorts of crashy nastiness can happen when you try to close() sockets and delete QObjects.