is it possible to get the Entity object before objectify saves it (and fill some other data) - objectify

I have some personal data structure mixed with "standard fields". I would like to avoid the manual work on simple fields (with datastore native API):
toPersist.setProperty("field1", value1);
toPersist.setUnindexedProperty("field2", value2);
but I still want to get the prefilled Entity instance toPersist so I can add my own #Ignore fields my self
For example:
Entity filled = OfyService.ofy().save().entity(this).fill();
filled.setProperty("mySpecialField", jsonValue);
// I want to save my entities alone
datastore.put( filled );
reversely I'd like to get the Entity object representing each entry in a load() call.
Is this possible? or do I have to dive into Objectify code to hack it?
thanks for your answers

I don't follow your question exactly, but I'm pretty sure what you're looking for are the #OnLoad and #OnSave annotations. You add them to methods within your entity classes, and those methods will be called just after an entity is loaded, or just before one is saved, respectively. The documentation for them is here.
After your comments (below) I now understand what you are trying to accomplish. Yes, Objectify supports this (though I have never tried it myself). You want to use the Saver.toEntity() and Loader.fromEntity() methods. It appears you can use them like this:
// Use Objectify to convert a POJO into an Entity
Entity filled = ofy().save().toEntity(myPojo);
// Use Objectify to convert an Entity into a POJO
Object pojoCopy = ofy().load().fromEntity(filled);


Something akin to "Sparse Fieldsets" in .NET

I'm trying to find the vocabulary to describe what I want and if it exists.
I have a table that shows a few data points from large objects. Loading the entire objects just for the table is very slow. Is there a way to only pass to the front the few properties I want without having to define a new object?
I found something called Sparse Fieldsets in JSON API, and I'm wondering if something like this exists for .NET under another name.
Talking to another coder, I realize it probably makes more sense to implement something like this between the backend and the database and make a specific call for this table. I still need to work out if I need to create a new object to support this. I think it'd still be faster if I just kept the same object but nulled out all of the connecting objects that I don't need for the table. But maybe that's considered bad practice? Also we're using Entity Framework for what it's worth.
Update 2:
I just created a new query without all of the .Include() and works well enough for what I need:
.Include(f => f.Apples).ThenInclude(f => f.Apple)
.Include(f => f.Sugars).ThenInclude(f => f.MolecularStructure)
.Include(f => f.Recipe)
Maybe you are looking for Anonymous Types?
For example, if you had a typed object with three properties, but you only wanted to operate on two:
var threePropThing = new ThreePropertyThing { Id = 1, Message = "test", ExtraProperty = "ex" };
var myAnonThing = new { Id = threePropThing.Id, Message = threePropThing.Message };
Best practice would be to not pass this anonymous object around. But, if you really needed to, you could return it as type object.
Typically, when passing data around in c#, you want to have it typed.
C# is a strongly-typed language and I would say that it is unusual for C# to support scenarios, when object definition (properties) are not known in advance, like in JSON API "fields" parameter case. Implementing this would imply using reflection to filter the properties, which is usually slow and error-prone.
When implementing C# web-services, people usually create one DTO response model per each request.
If your table has fixed set of fields, I would personally recommend to create a DTO class containing only the fields which are required for your table, and then create a method which returns this response for your specific request. While it doesn't align with "without having to define a new object" in the question, it makes the intention clear and makes it really easier to maintain the API in future.
You might want to use libraries like AutoMapper to save time and avoid duplicated code of copying the values from data model to DTO, if you have many such methods.

Saving an entire one-to-many structure of transient objects in one query

In Short
I seem to have landed on a MAJOR anti-pattern of saving objects WAY too many times. I've read through the limited Objectify docs and can't seem to find the right pattern to use.
I have multiple objects I want to store. They are all transient (they don't exist in the database yet) and they have a one-to-many relationship. I don't want to sit and call ofy().save() on every last object in my hierarchy.
In the following example, a Player has a List of Cards.
My Model:
public class Player {
#Id private Long id = null;//will be generated
private List<Ref<Card>> cards = new ArrayList<Ref<Card>>();
//getters and setters here
public class Card{
#Id private Long id = null;//will be generated
//lots of other fields and getters and setters here
My Operation:
I need to create a new player and new card, with the player having a reference to the card in his List "cards."
I would like to just create the player and card java objects, set their relationships, and pass them to Objectify to be saved. Like this:
Player player = new Player();
Card card = new Card();
That will fail. The 3rd line attempts to create a new Ref for Card, which cannot be done because Card doesn't have an Id yet, which will be assigned to it once it's already persisted. It seems I must never associate an object with another until one has already been saved.
Current Crappy Solution
So, my solution must be to save the Card first, and then relate it to the Player, then save the player.
Player player = new Player();
Card card = new Card();
This is insane. It seems reasonable at first, but my app is dealing with many more relationships than just this, and with this pattern my algorithm will be a spiderweb of checking for transient objects inside collections before saving the entity I'm actually concerned with.
There MUST be some way to tell Objectify to just SAVE all child/related entities along with the entity I've requested, and furthermore generate the Ids necessary instead of throwing an Exception at me.
Furthermore, I'll also need this sort of "recursive save" solution even when none of my objects are transient (ie they all have IDs already). I can't waste my time iterating through collections and then all the collections WITHIN those collections and saving them all. I'm going to need some way of telling Objectify to just SAVE THIS WHOLE HEIRARCHY OF OBJECTS I just passed you.
I've been reading around this #Load annotation and I feel like maybe there's something in there I'm missing... I don't know. Need help. Documentation is slim.
For posterity -
Using the allocateId() method decouples the entire ID generation constraint away from the database and you get a VERY clean pattern, particularly if you do as I did:
All database #Entity classes get a private constructor and a static public factory for creating transient objects. This static factory method ( createTransient() ) will always allocate a new ID. So then, all client code can use this method for acquiring new transient objects, or the obvious objectify load for acquiring existing persisted instances. Simple. Done. Lovely.
I recommend two things:
Allocate ids manually when you construct your objects using ObjectifyFactory.allocateId(). Do not use the "save with null autogenerates" feature. As you've noticed, it's a PITA to deal with entity objects that have null ids, so don't allow them to exist.
Use deferred saves. ofy().defer().save().entity(blah); You can save almost any number of things this way and they'll only get saved once on commit (or closing of the objectify session). Deferring save on the same entity multiple times produces only a single save.
This pattern of leaving ids null and filling it in on save is a holdover from the JPA days. It didn't work very well with JPA either; there were plenty of frustrating edge cases dealing with entities missing ids (especially when you wanted to put the in maps or sets). The best solution is to simply guarantee that no entity is ever missing an id in the first place.
Note that you'll want to allocate the id in a custom constructor, not the no-args constructor that Objectify uses to build your entity on load. Allocating an id is cheap but still a call to the GAE service layer and you don't want to do this on every load.

Possible to use Entity getters in custom repository?

I am in need of grabbing a few fields of an entity, running them through some processing, and returning the processed data. I am wondering if it is possible to call the getters of the Entity for which the custom repository is being built inside that custom repository? The only way I thought of so far seems like it would create an infinite loop by calling the entity's repository, which would include a call to the very custom repository being used as well.
I can write the actual queries, but I figured it it would be cleaner to access the data through existing methods, then why not?
Update: So I built a method in the custom repository that I pass the entity object to that I want to work with. Seems a little weird that I would have to pass the entity to it's own custom repository so that it would know what to act on, but I can't seem to find any other way. So in my Controller right now I am calling the entity, then calling up the repository for the entity, and passing the previously called entity to the repository. Is that right?
$user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:User');
$profiles = $user_repository->getAllUsersProfiles($user);
It turns out I had the whole concept of Custom Repositories incorrect. I was using them to store methods that would pull out data relevant to the entity, but only relevant in the sense that the entity was being used to filter something else.
Prior to this epiphany my User Custom Repository had methods like getAllUsersProfiles($user) and getAllUsersCampaigns($user). My previously incorrect understanding was that because the User entity was the thing that was central to filtering the Profiles and Campaigns, that these belonged in the User Custom Repository.
What I have now come to understand is that getAllUserProfiles($user) belongs in the Profiles Custom Repository, and would be more appropriately named getAllByUser($user). Now when I need to use it, I pull up the Profiles Repository and call the appropriate method:
$profile_repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Profile');
$all_profiles = $profile_repository->getAllByUser($user);

Convert Doctrine 2 result object (entity) to array?

I know that it is possible to specify that you want array type instead of object type when you run query with Doctrine. However, I happen to be working with the code that I can't edit which returns to me the result from a query as an object and I want to be able to convert that to array somehow. It seems like in the older version doctrine used to have something like toArray() which can be used.
Is there something similar to that now which I can use?
No, doctrine 2 uses the data mapper pattern and doesn't make any assumptions about the PHP class. If the class doesn't provide a toArray() method explicitly, then you'd need to create the array manually with the object's getter methods.

Symfony2: best approach to use business (repository) logic in entity or controller

I'm having a design issue in my project, related to where put some business logic.
I have three entities, Event, TicketOrder and Ticket. One Event has a lot of TicketOrders and one TicketOrder has a lot of Tickets.
In my template, I have to show how many tickets an Event has. I've thinking of the best approach to achieve this and didn't get a good solution. I've tried this:
1) Create a private member 'ticketsCount' in Event entity, with setTicketsCount and getTicketsCount method. Create a 'loadTicketsCount' method with a LifeCycleCallback 'PostLoad', to access the TicketRepository method 'findByEvent'. This was impossible because I can't access repository in an entity class.
2) In the action that will be used to display the Event, I can access Ticket Repository and set event 'ticketsCount' property manually. I don't know if it is a good approach because if my action is listing a lot of events I'll have to loop trough all events and make a repository call to each of then.
I really don't know the best approach to achieve this and will really appreciate if someone can help me.
Thanks! ;)
When you use findAll, findBy or findBy* methods of doctrine entity repository, a simple php array is returned containing the entity objects.
The array class implements countable interface. So using twigs length filter
{{|length }}
you perform a simple php count() on the array.
Actually it makes now sense to perform a count query, because you already have the result in memory. So it seems more efficient to count the result and retrieve it from memory, because when you access associations they are completely loaded into memory.
However associations between entities can get pretty large. So imagine you have associations with hundred thousands of entities. You won't those entites to be loaded all together and kept in memory all the time. So in Doctrine 2.1 you can annotate an association as Extra Lazy. If you do so in your case a count query is performed when you call the above twig filter. But the result is not kept in memory.
According to your latest comment:
I can imagine one way to do this. In a template you can call a controller's action with the render statement like
{% render YourMainBundle:getTickets with { 'event_id' : } %}
and in this action you can call a query that looks for all tickets associated to the certain event. This action has to return html, e.g. an template filled with data.
