mobile navigation doesn't fix on scrolling - css

I'm working for a responsive website on a slider like FB App. It works fine, but if the user scrolls, the open navigation moves with the content. I'm trying to put position: fixed to the element. This works,but if the navigation element is larger than the screen the rest of the content cannot reached. Example: (just put the screen to a width of about 300px an the mobile Icon appears, click on it for example).
Has anyone an idea how to fix this?
Thanks for help, regards

I don't know if this is the cause, but you have a javascript error (check the console), which may break things up.


How to deal with mobile browser nav bar?

I'm developing a website. I have a button that I want to be fixed in the right-bottom corner. The problem is, in mobile browsers, it gets covered by the navigation bar:
The bar sometimes hides while user is scrolling. Can reappear again.
This happens both on Android/Chrome and iOs/Safari.
Is there an elegant way to script the element so it would always be displayed in full and stuck just in the corner of the shown part of the website?
I think the mobile browsers does hides the bar when it is scrolling down and shows it when you scroll up.
Maybe move the location of the button when scrolling up with JS or something.

Why does my site display differently on a mobile device when scrollbars are not present

When viewing my website from an iPhone or iPad my site displays just fine when scrollbars on present. However, when you access a page when scroll bars are not needed the display gets messed up. I have no idea how to resolve this issue. Any ideas?
For an example my website is The homepage appears fine on a mobile device. But if you access the display does not fit on the page since scroll bars are not needed.
Thanks for the help!
It looks to me like both those links you provided render with scroll bars depending on the width of my browser screen. I think you're ultimate issue here is responsive design.
You have a width set on your .container css selector. This is breaking the responsiveness of you're site, because it's being forced to that width even on smaller screens. Try removing that!

CSS: I don't have horizontal scroll but when I click and drag the page it goes left

I'm developing a website and on its home page I have some sliders.
When I use these sliders I used to get horizontal scroll. I managed to fix that using overflow-x:hidden; at the css for the body element.
My problem is that When I click and drag the page to the right the scrollbar doesn't appear, but the user have the same effect as if he was using the scrollbar.
I received the html/css from a third part front-end developer and I'd prefer not to have to modify his css much.
Would you have any tips to fix this behavior without having to do further changes in the html/css structure?
Thanks in advance for any help.

CSS issue with drupal theme

I have created a drupal theme, URL:
There is a small shift in the layout when we switch between home page and about us page.
This is working fine in firefox only, all other browsers are showing this shift.
I know this is a CSS issue, but not able to fix it.
Any help is appreciated.
The About us page is shorter than the screen height and therefor has no need for the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen. The home page is longer and has a scroll bar. When the scroll bar appears or disappears it looks like the screen is shifting but that's all it is.
This css rule will simple fix the body width flickering issue:
body {
overflow-y: scroll;

Search Bar Not Showing in Some Browsers

Some visitors of my site are complaining they cannot see the Search bar on my website, when they are using firefox, or some other browser.
The search bar should be at the top right menu
Link to site here :
I believe this is a CSS issue, any ideas on how to fix?
Your menubar is too wide, so the searchbar placed on a new line (at least on a 1024x768 screen).
Just give #menubar a height of 80px and you can see it on the next line.
The real solution will be to give the input inside the searchbox a width. Something like 120px.
