meteor installing packages twice - client and server - meteor

I noticed that upon adding packages to Meteor with the command "meteor add packageName" (e.g. accounts-Facebook), all of them are added in the client/packages folder, which subsequently will put them all in the browser.
Why does this happen and how can this be prevented? They seem to be installed twice, once in server/packages and once in client/packages, I don't understand.
Meteor should put only client-relevant packages in the client folder.


How to Disable download missing package each time in meteor?

I tried to create meteor web application, but meteor download missing package each time when I change my code, and it was unnecessary.
So, can I config it only runs at the first time?
Could you add the actual message on the package it tries to download? Anyway, there are two potential locations where meteor looks for packages that need to be installed.
This is which each Meteor application and it's using Meteor Atmosphere packages. You can find these at .meteor folder in your project root file called packages path ./meteor/packages
Other potential place is packages.json in project root. It exists if you have used npm install or meteor npm install within the project.
Deleting unnecessary packages from these files should do the trick.

Hot swap of local Meteor package

I am using local Meteor package for my app (not posted on Atmosphere.js).
When I update this package elsewhere, I proceed with the following:
Update version of the package.
Delete old package from /packages/ directory of the live app.
See my program search for packages 3(?) times and then crash:
Your app is crashing. Here's the latest log:
Errors prevented startup:
While selecting package versions:
error: unknown package in top-level dependencies: vladimir3000:testpack
Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
Copy new package with new version.
See my app picking up the changes and going live again:
vladimir3000:testpack upgraded from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
=>Meteor server restarted
Is there a way to avoid step 3 and more elegantly instruct meteor to replace one package with another. Meteor update would not work as the package is not on atmosphere.js. Or hot swap is something from SOA world not from blood and fibers of Meteor javascript?
You can simply paste over the files for the package.
When you delete the old package, Meteor sees a file change and rebuilds the app. Since the package no longer exists in the packages directory, Meteor will try to pull it down from Atmosphere since it sees that there is a dependency on vladimir3000:testpack in .meteor/packages.
It will attempt to resolve this dependency a few times, with each build failing because the package you are referencing is unknown.
You can stop meteor and delete and replace the folder. Or you can copy and paste over the folder. The second method is preferable because Meteor will simply rebuild with all of the new files, rather than rebuilding and trying to resolve the dependency using Atmosphere.

Meteor doesn't work in Windows 10

I downloaded the Meteor's official Download from here: Meteor 1.2.1
and the installer is just 1.2mb
Now, after running it: Nothing happens. No permission. Nothing. This page is shown:
And then when I hit Skip this step, this is shown:
Even after restarting, there is no .meteor folder in AppData\Local directory, and Meteor command is still not recognised.
Also, I think, how can a 1.2mbinstall something like Meteor which is like 53mb when installed via curl on OSX or Linux.
Are the Meteor fooling windows? I dont know why the installer doesn't work. The point is: How can it?
Downloaded file is installer not setup.
First install the meteor in your machine.
Then set it in environment variable.

Error while installing natural node in meteor project

I am working on a meteor project. Have to use natural package for natural language facility. I installed that using 'npm install natural'. But when ran the project, got error as 'ReferenceError: require is not defined'.
Added this line: var abc=Meteor.require('natural'); in the file in which have to use it. But when I am running the project, it is showing error as:=> Started proxy.
=> Meteor is available. Update this project with 'meteor update'.
=> Started MongoDB.
=> Errors prevented startup:
While building package `router`:
error: no such package: 'page-js-ie-support'
error: no such package: 'HTML5-History-API'
-- When tried to install the above listed missing packages, showing error as:
smart.json changed.. installing from smart.json, I got the following error after successfully installing various packages like natural, iron-router, paginated-subscription, router, accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown, spin. But after that showing following error. Why so?
throw('Could not locate package.js within path ' + self.source.packagePa
Could not locate package.js within path /home/priya/.meteorite/packages/natural/NaturalNode/natural/d541ca394659521498ed36a7f6e03fef93163e53
-- The packages in my project are: I don't understand here as router package is already listed then why showing error while running the project.??
meteor list --using
Please guide me in this direction. This error is becoming a recursive kind of error. Have broke my head in this problem but still stuck. Thanks in advance
You have a package called Natural (not sure which) which isn't built to the correct packages specifications or has been modified somehow.
This can't be fixed that easily, you would have to contact the author of the package to fix it or modify it yourself. I can't find NaturalNode on atmosphere so its likely a custom package.
You might want to make the rest of your app work to debug fixing it though. To do that you need to remove this package
Remove the files and folders in ~/.meteorite/packages
Look through your packages smart.json and remove the offending package (natural). and run mrt update. And remove the rest of the code in your app relating to natural that might stop your app booting up.
From what it looks like you've cloned into meteorite somehow. You would have to look at how to build a package for meteor.
The files you have used are an npm module and don't just work with meteor if you copy the files in. You have to make a compatible meteorite package for it to work. Or use meteor-npm to use the npm module in your app directly.
This project may also help you get started as an example of how to make a wrapper for an npm module to use with meteor

Can I undo updating Meteor?

I think updating Meteor might have broken my app. It was working, then I ran meteor update, and now it is not working. Can I do something like meteor downgrade?
Meteor 0.6.0 and above ships with a new distribution system. You can now pass the --release argument to any Meteor command and it will run against the requested release. For example, to bundle your app against Meteor 0.6.1, run: meteor bundle --release 0.6.1. Notably, this only works for post-0.6.0 releases.
If you want to pin your app to a specific release, run: meteor update --release <release>. This modifies the .meteor/release file in your app directory. Then simply run Meteor as usual. You'll still get notified when there's a new release available.
UPDATE: As of Meteor 0.6.0, this functionality is available without using Meteorite. See Avital's answer. (for versions > 0.6.0. To use functionality on versions less than 0.6.0 you can still use Meteorite:
If you want to control versions with your apps (so your existing app can still use an older version, or 0.57.1 (with the security bug fix) you can use meteorite:
Install it via npm install -g meteorite
Its also helpful with loads of other packages from
To control the version of your app edit your smart.json to something with:
"meteor": {
"tag": "v0.5.7"
Only the app you've already made will be affected & you can upgrade it when you're ready.
I have tried this and it is very hard. My best advice is to try and copy all the files from an app running the version you want, then paste your app's code in there.
There is no meteor downgrade command from its CLI. The best and easy way if you have version control like GIT, just undo your recent changes by git stash save, and run meteor again.
On Windows, I was able to effectively "downgrade" from a failed upgrade by editing the version number to a previous working release in the file:
You need to change it to a version which has a corresponding folder in: .meteor\packages\meteor-tool
