Example use case of tmux's "refresh-client"? - tmux

From the man page (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/tmux.1.html):
refresh-client [-S] [-t target-client]
(alias: refresh)
Refresh the current client if bound to a key, or a single client
if one is given with -t. If -S is specified, only update the
client's status bar.
What does it mean for a client to be bound to a key? I'm trying to think of when I may actually use this.
This is by default bound to "r" in tmux, and I'm thinking of overriding it. Could someone explain an example use case for wanting to refresh the client? Thanks.

tmux only updates the screen when there is some new content to display. If you put something like date into your status line, the date will only update when the content of the pane changes, when you change between panes, or when run refresh-client. So in that case, you could use Ctrl-b r to refresh the screen.
Alternatively, you can also set set status-interval 1 to redraw every second, but that will cause CPU usage and drain your battery.
If you don't have anything dynamic in your status line, you can safely remap the key. And if you ever need to execute refresh-client, you can still run it with tmux refresh-client.


How to manually acknowledge on the listener?

I'm creating an application that reads from some source cluster/topic then does some processing on the message and finally writes to a destination cluster/topic. I would like to only move the offset when the message passes the processing phase. Do I just need to set spring.kafka.consumer.enable-auto-commit=false? Or do I need to also implement an AcknowledgingMessageListener or a ConsumerAwareMessageListener and do either consumer.commitSync() or ack.acknowledge()?
Created a plain MessageListener.
Yes, you need at least an AcknowledgingMessageListener and set the container's AckMode to MANUAL or MANUAL_IMMEDIATE.
See https://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/docs/current/reference/html/#committing-offsets

Can multiple requests update a single environment variable in Paw?

I have a variable named primary_address_id which can be set or updated via several API requests. For example, I may call AddAddress and specify that the new address should be the primary, or I can call MakePrimaryAddress to set an existing address as the primary.
I'm coming from Postman where I have tests defined for each of these API endpoints to update primary_address_id -- simple. But I can't find a way to do this in Paw; it seems I have to set the value to the response of just a single request. Am I missing something obvious? Or is this feature planned for a future release?
A workaround is to set the value of primary_address_id to the response from GetPrimaryAddress, but that means if I'm adding or updating an address I have to make a second call just to update my environment (which I may forget to do). If I could trigger GetPrimaryAddress to run after the Add/Update/List/etc endpoints that would be an acceptable workaround, but I shouldn't need to manually make two separate requests to accomplish this.
It sounds like you will need to make two subsequent requests but you can make groups of requests that will execute in sequence from one command.
Right click the request list and click "New Group" then within that group you can make a sequence of requests that will update your desired environment variable each time.
Create a new group of requests
To run a group of requests click on the group name; in this case "Address" and then click "Send Requests"
Execute group of requests in sequence
Hope this helps.

How to show in GNU Screen hardstatus tabs that have an activity?

Each time I have more than 4 tabs, I really like to know in which one there's activity.
Until now, I used to benefit from rxvt tabbing system. It displays a * next to tabs which are not shown, but have an activity. It's really usefull when you're on a IRC channel for example.
How can I do it with zsh/screen ?
Here's my .zshrc :
function precmd {
echo -ne "\033]83;title zsh\007"
function preexec {
local foo="$2 "
local bar=${${=foo}[1]}
echo -ne "\033]83;title $bar\007"
and my .screenrc
hardstatus off
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B} %m-%d %{W} %c %{g}]'
shell "/usr/bin/zsh"
aclchg :window: -rwx #?
aclchg :window: +x title
This is documented in the manual:
monitor [on|off]
Toggles activity monitoring of windows. When monitoring is
turned on and an affected window is switched into the background,
you will receive the activity notification message in the status
line at the first sign of output and the window will also be
marked with an `#' in the window-status display. Monitoring is
initially off for all windows.
You can manually toggle monitoring for the current window via C-a M, or if you want monitoring on for all windows by default, add defmonitor on to your screenrc. Once on, any windows to the left or right of the current one in your hardstatus line (as expanded by %-Lw and %+Lw respectively in your hardstatus string line) will show an # symbol after the hyphen which follows the window number. You'll also get an alert message which can be configured via the activity command.
On my system, the # doesn't appear until something else in the window changes. This can be fixed by removing hardstatus off from your config file.
Finally, I strongly recommend that you try tmux. Development on GNU screen has mostly stalled, and tmux is an actively maintained and developed replacement which has pretty much a large superset of screen's functionality.

Asterisk: Record application is generating empty files

User making the call is asked to dial an extension. This is done by 1#playing a prompt with Background and then 2#wait_for_digit. Based on the extension that has been dialed, the destination number is determined and the call is forwarded to that number.
If the called person doesn't not answer, then Playback is used to play a prompt that asks the user to record the voice message; recording the voice message is done with the Record application.
This Record application is always generating empty wav files, size 44 bytes. If I remove the 1#playing a prompt with Background the Record application is generating proper files. If the Background is included, all recordings are empty.
I am using Perl Asterisk::AGI module.
$agi->exec('Background', 'en/extra/please-enter-the-extension,n'); # this is the troubling part
my $my_extension = $agi->wait_for_digit(5000);
$agi->exec('Playback', 'en/extra/the-party-you-are-calling&en/extra/is-curntly-busy,noanswer');
$agi->exec('Playback', 'en/vm-intro,noanswer');
my $file = 'xyz.wav';
$agi->exec('Record', "$file,0,10,k");
What should I do to make it work as I want it to?
Thank you.
The same script is working without glitches now. Not sure if something unrelated to the script has changed.
Most likly you have check your codecs. IF you use g729 or g723 and no transcoder,it just can't write in wav format.

Response Buffer Limit Exceeded

I am running a simple query to get data out of my database & display them. I'm getting an error that says Response Buffer Limit Exceeded.
Error is : Response object error 'ASP 0251 : 80004005'
Response Buffer Limit Exceeded
/abc/test_maintenanceDetail.asp, line 0
Execution of the ASP page caused the Response Buffer to exceed its configured limit.
I have also tried Response.flush in my loop and also use response.buffer = false in my top of the page, but still I am not getting any data.
My database contains 5600 records for that, Please give me some steps or code to solve the issue.
I know this is way late, but for anyone else who encounters this problem: If you are using a loop of some kind (in my case, a Do-While) to display the data, make sure that you are moving to the next record (in my case, a rs.MoveNext).
Here is what a Microsoft support page says about this:
But it’s easier in the GUI:
In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, click on ASP.
Change Behavior > Limits Properties > Response Buffering Limit from 4 MB to 64 MB.
Apply and restart.
The reason this is happening is because buffering is turned on by default, and IIS 6 cannot handle the large response.
In Classic ASP, at the top of your page, after <%#Language="VBScript"%> add:
<%Response.Buffer = False%>
In ASP.NET, you would add Buffer="False" to your Page directive.
For example:
<%#Page Language="C#" Buffer="False"%>
I faced the same kind of issue, my IIS version is 8.5. Increased the Response Buffering Limit under the ASP -> Limit Properties solved the issue.
In IIS 8.5, select your project, you can see the options in the right hand side. In that under the IIS, you can see the ASP option.
In the option window increase the Response Buffering Limit to 40194304 (approximately 40 MB) .
Navigate away from the option, in the right hand side top you can see the Actions menu, Select Apply. It solved my problem.
If you are not allowed to change the buffer limit at the server level, you will need to use the <%Response.Buffer = False%> method.
HOWEVER, if you are still getting this error and have a large table on the page, the culprit may be table itself. By design, some versions of Internet Explorer will buffer the entire content between before it is rendered to the page. So even if you are telling the page to not buffer the content, the table element may be buffered and causing this error.
Some alternate solutions may be to paginate the table results, but if you must display the entire table and it has thousands of rows, throw this line of code in the middle of the table generation loop: <% Response.Flush %>. For speed considerations, you may also want to consider adding a basic counter so that the flush only happens every 25 or 100 lines or so.
Drawbacks of not buffering the output:
slowdown of overall page load
tables and columns will adjust their widths as content is populated (table appears to wiggle)
Users will be able to click on links and interact with the page before it is fully loaded. So if you have some javascript at the bottom of the page, you may want to move it to the top to ensure it is loaded before some of your faster moving users click on things.
See this KB article for more information http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925764
Hope that helps.
Thank you so much!
<%Response.Buffer = False%> worked like a charm!
My asp/HTML table that was returning a blank page at about 2700 records. The following debugging lines helped expose the buffering problem: I replace the Do While loop as follows and played with my limit numbers to see what was happening:
Do While not rs.EOF
'etc .... your block of code that writes the table rows
Do While reccount < 2500
if rs.EOF then recount = 2501
'etc .... your block of code that writes the table rows
response.write "recount = " & recount
raise or lower the 2500 and 2501 to see if it is a buffer problem. for my record set, I could see that the blank page return, blank table, was happening at about 2700 records, good luck to all and thank you again for solving this problem! Such a simple great solution!
You can increase the limit as follows:
Stop IIS.
Locate the file %WinDir%\System32\Inetsrv\Metabase.xml
Modify the AspBufferingLimit value. The default value is 4194304, which is about 4 MB.
Changing it to 20MB (20971520).
Restart IIS.
One other answer to the same error message (this just fixed my problem) is that the System drive was low on disk space. Meaning about 700kb free. Deleting a lot of unused stuff on this really old server and then restarting IIS and the website (probably only IIS was necessary) cause the problem to disappear for me.
I'm sure the other answers are more useful for most people, but for a quick fix, just make sure that the System drive has some free space.
I rectified the error 'ASP 0251 : 80004005' Response Buffer Limit as follow:
To increase the buffering limit in IIS 6, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
cd /d %systemdrive%\inetpub\adminscripts
Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs SET w3svc/aspbufferinglimit LimitSize
Note LimitSize represents the buffering limit size in bytes. For example, the number 67108864 sets the buffering limit size to 64 MB.
To confirm that the buffer limit is set correctly, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
cd /d %systemdrive%\inetpub\adminscripts
Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs GET w3svc/aspbufferinglimit
refers to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/944886
If you are looking for the reason and don't want to fight the system settings, these are two major situations I faced:
You may have an infinite loop without next or recordest.movenext
Your text data is very large but you think it is not! The common reason for this situation is to copy-paste an Image from Microsoft word directly into the editor and so the server translates the image to data objects and saves it in your text field. This can easily occupies the database resources and causes buffer problem when you call the data again.
In my case i just have writing this line before rs.Open .....
rs.Open query, conn
It can be due to CursorTypeEnum also. My scenario was the initial value equal to CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic 3.
After changed to default, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly 0, it backs to normal.
