iis 7.5 ASP.net hanging requests - asp.net

I am having some performance issues with my iis webserver. It is hanging randomly and I am trying to figure out how to speed up the server. I enabled Failed request tracing on the server and set it to generate a log when the request is over 3 seconds.
The resulting logs(xml) dont show much but there is a point in the compact performance log that indicates what part of the log the server is hanging on. Below is the part of the log where the large time loss is occurring.
65. i GENERAL_GET_URL_METADATA PhysicalPath="", AccessPerms="513" 17:46:32.577
66. i HANDLER_CHANGED OldHandlerName="", NewHandlerName="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0", NewHandlerModules="ManagedPipelineHandler", NewHandlerScriptProcessor="", NewHandlerType="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler" 17:46:32.577
67. i VIRTUAL_MODULE_UNRESOLVED Name="FormsAuthentication", Type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" 17:46:47.771
I am not sure what Handler changed is but it is taking a long time, any tips would be great on where to start looking.

It is hard to come up with a solution without having any piece of code in sight. Here are some general hints/tips you can follow in order to have great performances with an ASP.NET application.
The fastest way to do a request is to not do it in the first place. Try caching everything that can be cached. There are server-side caches and client-side caches. Each have their own uses, but you are not limited to only one type.
Make sure you do not cache and/or keep references of any request-related objects into memory. ASP.NET have a limited number of concurrent requests and keeping a request reference in memory will hang your server if it runs out of threads
Close the request as soon as you are done with it
Everything that is not needed by the client at the time of the request should be done in the background
Make sure you have no memory leak in your application. Garbage Collections are often the cause of hangs in ASP.NET application. When garbage collecting, all running threads are paused. This is especially true for Gen 2 garbage collections. You can enable background generation 2 garbage collections.
Isolate the problematic code. Use a profiler and see which type of request is CPU-intensive. Then dig deeper and see what inside that request makes it slow.
In any well-balanced application, objects should either be short-lived and live forever. In the case of an ASP.NET application, the objects created during the course of a request should ideally die within that request or during the next GC gen 0.
Consider object pooling for large objects and objects that are long to initialize
Make sure your app pool doesn't totally crash and restarts (look the IIS logs and/or the Windows Events)
Some useful debugging tools you can use:
LeanSentry. Great for diagnosing ASP.NET server hangs
windbg. High learning curve but by far the most powerful debugging tool you can use
PerfView. Useful for analyzing ETW events like I/O or CPU usage

There are many ways to improve server performance. But before that you should start with checking CPU usage during the "hang". An infinite loop in the application code may cause this behavior. Unless there is I/O, locking, or sleeps in the loop, you will be able to see it from the CPU usage as you will get exactly one full core's worth of CPU usage for each infinite loop.
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More Info:
I can see entry related to VIRTUAL MODULE UNRESOLVED: which is related to bad use of Response.Redirect(url); Also make sure you have deployed your app on integrated mode on IIS.
here's a simple checklist you might want to reconsider:
Always pre-compiling your site, as opposed to copying it! you might gain a significant performance boost compiling your website before deployment: ASP.NET Precompilation Overview
Do not run the production application with debug="true" enabled, when debug flag is true in your web.config, Much more memory is used within the application at runtime, and since some additional debug paths are enabled, codes can execute much slower
Check your Web.config file to ensure trace is disabled in the section
IIS 7.5 comes with the Auto-Start Feature. WAS (Windows Process Activation Service) starts all the application pools that are configured to start automatically, ensure that your application pool is configured to AlwaysRunning in the IIS 7.5 applicationHost.config, check out here for more detail.
Every asp.net server can be well configured by aspnet.config file located in the root of the framework folder. Ensure that Publisher Evidence for Code Access Security (CAS) is set to false in your aspnet.config file, This might increase the initial page load when you restart the ASP.NET app pool. you can read more about it here.
Also you might want to try Application Initialization Module for IIS 7.5, this module also available on IIS 8.0 can decrease the response time for first requests by pre-loading worker processes


Cpu cores per IIS website (process)

I've heard that only 1 cpu core can be used per asp.net 4.0 website in IIS 7. Using more cpu cores means entering webfarm territory (as a result session management should be done respectively). But I could not find any references confirming this.
So are there any limitations on cpu core count that can be used per website, where session still can be in-proc? Any references?
Absolut wrong.
The IIS7 and asp.net use all cpu and the power of the server. Also include in that and the SQL server that run in parallel with asp.net/iis and also use all the cpus and (all) the memory. Also if you make any system Thread, you also potential use a different cpu.
What you have "hear" probably is the session is blocking the asynchronous processing of the pages that is not totally bad you know, is help in many case. Again that is not mean that is use one CPU, only that the calls on the same site are synchronous (the one wait the other)
Few words about the session. Personally I have totally replace it with my custom made session handler, but for any beginner site and small sites the current session is perfect because is help you to synchronize the calls.
Without the current session module, you need to handle the synchronization by case manually - that is not so easy. If you not do that, the results is usually double and triple submissions of the same data (all that from experience).
Now if you design your site for web garden, and design it good, you take care of the synchronization of the calls and make it work fast, and correct.
Read about the session blocking on:
Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session
Replacing ASP.Net's session entirely
What perfmon counters are useful for identifying ASP.NET bottlenecks?
Trying to make Web Method Asynchronous

ASP.Net -- monitors/lock or mutex

I have an ASP.net (c#) application, that has a portion of code that modifies a globally accessible resource (like a web.config file). When modifying the resource, naturally, to prevent race conditions only one user is allowed at a time so I need to lock the code using a monitor:
//..modify resource
//..save resource
I was satisfied with this locking approach but then I thought, what if this isn't enough? should i use a mutex instead? I know a mutex is useful for inter-process locking (across many processes and applications), and thus slower, but given the nature of a deployed asp.net page (multiple requests at once across multiple app domains), is this necessary?
The answer it seems, would depend on how asp pages are handled on the server side. I have done research regarding the http pipeline, app domain, thread pooling etc. but i remain confused as to whether it is necessary to implore inter-process locking for my synchronization, or is intra-process locking sufficient for a web app???
Note: I don't want to get caught up in the specific task because I want this question to remain general, as it can be relevant in many (mult-threading) scenarios. Furthermore, I know there are more ways to accomplish these tasks (async handlers/pages, web services, etc) that I don't care about right now.
If your application only runs in one AppPool, then it is running in one physical w3wp.exe process, so the monitors/lock should be sufficient for guarding the shared resource. With that strategy, you only need to protect across threads running in the same process.
We encountered a situation in work where we had an IIS application configured to run in a single AppDomain but lock was not sufficient to protect access to a resource.
The reason we think this was happening is that IIS was recycling the AppDomain before the lock was released, and kicking off a new AppDomain, so we were getting conflicts.
Changing to use a Mutex has resolved this for us (so far).

Why is the AspNetSessionData stage of page processing delaying my page by 20+ seconds?

I have a web application that uses ASP.NET with "InProc" session handling. Normally, everything works fine, but a few hundred requests each day take significantly longer to run than normal. In the IIS logs, I can see that these pages (which usually require 2-5 seconds to run) are running for 20+ seconds.
I enabled Failed Request Tracing in Verbose mode, and found that the delay is happening in the AspNetSessionData section. In the example shown below, there was a 39-second gap between AspNetSessionDataBegin and AspNetSessionDataEnd.
I'm not sure what to do next. I can't find any reason for this delay, and I can't find any more logging features that could be enabled to tell me what's happening here. Does anyone know why this is happening, or have any suggestions for additional steps I can take to find the problem?
My app usually stores 1-5MB in session for each user, mostly cached data for searches. The server has plenty of available memory, and only runs about 50 users.
It could be caused by lock contention for the session state. Take a look at the last paragraph of MSDN's ASP.NET Session State Overview. See also K. Scott Allen's helpful post on this subject.
If a page is annotated with EnableSessionState="True" (or inherits the web.config default), then all requests for that page will acquire a write lock on the session state. All other requests that use session state -- even if they do not acquire a write lock -- are blocked until that request finishes.
If a page is annotated with EnableSessionState="ReadOnly", then the page will not acquire a write lock and so will not block other requests. (Though it may be blocked by another request holding the write lock.)
To eliminate this lock contention, you may want to implement your own [finer grained] locking around the HttpContext.Cache object or static WeakReferences. The latter is probably more efficient. (See pp. 118-122 of Ultra-Fast ASP.NET by Richard Kiessig.)
There is chance your are running up against the maximum amount of memory that Application Pool is allowed to consume, which causes a restart of the Application Pool (which would account for the delay you are seeing in accessing the session). The amount of memory on the server doesn't impact the amount of memory ASP.NET can use, this is controlled in the machine.config in the memoryLimit property and in IIS 6.0 later in IIS itself using the "Maximum memory used" property. Beyond that, have you considered alternatives to each user using 5 MB of session memory? This will not scale well at all and can cause a lot of issues while under load. Might caching be a more effective solution? Do the searches take so long that you need to do this, could the SQL/Database Setup be optimized to speed up your queries?

Re-enable ASP.NET session that caused IIS hang

I'm trying to implement some fail safes on a client's web server which is running two of their most important sites (ASP.NET on IIS7). I'm going to set up application pool limiting so that if any w3wp process uses 90%+ CPU for longer than a minute then it gets killed (producing a temporary 503 Service Unavailable message to any visitors), and based on my local testing will be restarted within a minute - a much better solution than having one CPU-hogging process taking down the whole server for any length of time.
This seems to work, however during my fiddling on my local IIS7 instance I've noticed that if a request calls my "Kill.aspx", even when the site comes back up IIS will not serve the session that caused it to hang. I can only restart the test site from a different session - but as soon as I clear my cookies on the "killer" browser I can get to the site again.
So, whatever malicious behaviour IIS is trying to curb with this would not work against an even slightly determined opponent. In most cases, if excrement does hit fan it will be coding/configuration error and not the fault of the user who happened to request a page at that time.
Therefore, I'd like to turn this feature off as the theoretical user would have no idea that they need to clear their cookies before they can access the site again. I would really appreciate any ideas on how this might be possible.
Yous should be using ASP.Net Session StateServer instead of In-Proc (see msdn for details). That way, you session will run in different process and won't be affected by IIS crash.
Turn what "feature" off? If the worker process is reset (and your using in-proc session) then the session is blown away on a reset.
You might want to investigate moving your session storage to a state server or some other out of process scenario.
Also, you might want to set the application pool to use several worker processes (aka: web garden) this way if one process is killed the others continue serving content.
Next, as another option you might want to set up multiple web servers and load balance them.
Finally, you might want to profile the app to see exactly how they are causing it to spin into nothingness. My guess is that there are a number of code issues you are simply covering up with this idea.

ASP.NET Memory Usage in IIS is FAR greater than in DevEnv. Is this normal?

I have an ASP.NET app that scrapes data from a handful of external pages, parses the relevant bits and displays them in a table. Total data retrieved is 3-4MB and the resulting page is about 1MB. I am using synchronous WebRequest GetResponse for the retrieval, but the same problem existed using an asynchronous BeginGetResponse/EndGetResponse process.
There is no database access, no session storage, no caching, but an in-memory list of about 100 objects (total 1MB of data), plus a good amount of AJAX (AjaxControlToolkit). This issue appears on the very first run of the app, even if I have restarted IIS.
The issue:
When I run the app on my dev computer, the maximum commit charge is about 1.5GB. The biggest user, measured by Task Manager's VM Size, is WebDev.WebServer.exe (600MB). The app runs perfectly.
When I run it on my rent-a-server (IIS 7.5, 1GB RAM), the maximum commit charge is over 3.8GB. The biggest user is w3wp.exe at 2.7GB. IIS grinds to a halt and spits out a timed-out error page.
Given my limited server budget and the hope of having multiple simultaneous users, I'm kind of in a panic.
Is this normal? If I bump the server RAM up to 4GB, will that be enough?
Will multiple users require even more memory?
Could the culprit be AJAX or the list of objects?
Thanks for any insight you can provide.
Did you try running this in your dev environment under IIS 7.5?
Make sure debug="false", not "true" in your web.config
I think you need to dig out some debugging tools and capture a worker process dump of your production server, you won't be able to properly diagnose this issue with just PerfMon and Task Manager.
I posted this answer on Stack Overflow a while back which should get you started:
CLR out Of Memory Exceptions
Well, after some hard work, I have identified the culprit: our old nemesis the Endless Loop. Of course, if the development environment had thrown an exception, I would have caught and excised the problem - but it didn't.
I would say the lesson learned here is to understand that different versions of IIS and DevEnv respond to errors differently and that we must test the app in the same configuration in which it will be deployed.
Thanks everyone for your feedback.
