Online Load Testing tool for web application -

My requirement is to hit a web page 10,000 times in a second and to test performance online so is there any online load testing tool that can fulfill my requirement
Any Help is greatly appreciate.

To run it offline, you probably want siege. For an online load testing tool, I recommend you google for "online load testing" and you'll get plenty of results.


Generate ASP Web API help documentation at design time

Hi I came across this link which will give us a way to browse web api documentation. But, I need it to be available without running the server. Does anyone here have an idea on how to make the API documentation generated during run time be available at design time? Thanks.

Jmeter for performance testing ASP.NET application

I have been given the task of using JMeter for performance testing for our web application.
Until now I was using selenium for UI testing and I have selenium test (testNG framework) ready, which I have executed using Selenium RC.
Is any migration from selenium to JMeter possible? Failing that, some helpful tutorials on JMeter would be much appreciated.
Once upon a time, I use jmeter for load testing and had much trouble for just login to our web application. After lot of searching I write the blog login testing with jmeter.
If you are not using, then it may not be very helpful. In that case, you may visit build web test plan using jmeter
Other Links:
Jmeter Summary Report analysis
I understand you are told to use JMeter.
Nevertheless, you could quickly evaluate other tools to check if another would not fit your needs.
I just tried gatling and could easily
record a stress test by running manually my scenario in the browser
customize the script to fit my needs
run it with multiple configuration (number of users, length of the test etc.)
You might want to take a look :

article about number of connected users?

Several months (maybe even a year or two) ago, I saw an asp .net article that showed how to tell how many people were connected to a running web application. Of course I only glanced over the article & didn't save it. Does anyone remember seeing the article or know where I can find it or perhaps something like it? I have searched Google from the best of my memory of the title & content but I'm getting no hits.
The reason I'm asking is because I have a WCF web service that has crashed several times after I publish updates and the only thing I can think that would cause these weird problems is that people are connected to it & its corrupting the files. I'm not going to publish any more updates during the day now, but we also have a couple of people that work during the night and it would be nice to see if people are connected or not before "flipping the switch".
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
The following article shows how you can use Session_Start and Session_End of the Global Application Class to count the number of active sessions:
How to show number of online users / visitors for ASP.NET website?
In your search, consider using keywords like
perfmon sessions
Intel has a good article. Unfortunately, it's 404 at the moment, but Google cache has a nice copy. Original link to the Intel "Using perfmon to tune n-tier .NET applications"
When your WCF service crashes, there are likely to be entries in the Windows event log. If not, then the service should be doing logging on its own. I suggest you look and find out whether the service may not have been telling you wnat's wrong.

Performance testing strategy web app

We recently had a web app that went out to site acceptance testing where they found severe performance problems related to request size (massive viewstate
We need to ammend our testing strategy to include performance testing, can anyone give us guidance on best practices please?
This is a very broad case to cover, but here are a few of the highlights of things that we do on a regular basis.
DO NOT just test on your network, get remote testing in. LAN connections are very fast, large pages and large load times can go by un-noticed. Ideally get to a place where it mimics the production location in regards to hardware and proximity/connection to the end user.
Use ANTS Profiler or similar tool to profile for expensive methods, and high memory usage.
Test with multiple users, to simulate load. Depending on the nature of the application also load test, either with multiple physical testers or with testing tools that allow you to simulate and script a load scenario.
Review the code to see if objects are retaining viewstate when they shouldn't need to.
I don't know a hard and fast set of "rules" but I find these are good starting points.
In addition to Mitchel's comments above I would recommend conducting load testing as part of your Continuos Integration (CI) process. Visual Studio Team Suite (Test Edition) contains a good load/stress test tool.

ViewState and Web Load Testing

I'm trying to do load testing against an ASP.NET web site and I need to be able to parametertise field value of a page to test different code paths.
I had great success with JMeter when load testing a JSP web site before. However, because ASP.NET encodes all form values in the ViewState, changing control values does not really work.
I Googled this problem and people said the web testing tool in Visual Studio Team Tester Edition works well with ASP.NET pages. However, it cost quite a bit so I am just wondering does anyone know how to get around the ViewState issue with JMeter or WAPT?
I've used WebLoad before. Its scripting language is basically JS, so you may be able to find controls on the page using JS and invoke them as part of your load script.
WebLoad is free.
I've figured out how to do this, basically you cannot simply record a static script with JMeter. What you need to do is to record a request, send it, capture the viewstate in the response and send the viewstate back in next request.
If you need more details, I've documented how to do this along with some screenshots on my blog post
As webapps get more complex (ViewState, AJAX, etc) it is tougher and tougher to use traditional load testing tools. That's because they try to jam a ton of virtual users on a very small amount of hardware resources.
My company, BrowserMob, took a different approach. We build a load testing service that uses real web browsers to drive load. Your scripts end up being essentially functional tests (specifically Selenium scripts). My background has been in Selenium for some time (I created Selenium RC and founded, so as soon as cloud computing made it possible to rent the 5TB+ of RAM necessary to do this, I jumped on the idea :)
