I have two tables.
Both tables have only 1 column.
Both have random integer values between 1 to 1000.
I want to intersect these two tables. The catch is I want to intersect the numbers even if they have a difference of about 10.
1st table -> 5 , 50, 160, 280
2nd table -> 14, 75, 162, 360
Output ->
1st table -> 5, 160
2nd table -> 14, 162
How can I achieve this in R
You could do this with the sapply function, checking if each element of x or y is sufficiently close to some member of the other vector:
x <- c(5, 50, 160, 280)
y <- c(14, 75, 162, 360)
new.x <- x[sapply(x, function(z) min(abs(z-y)) <= 10)]
new.y <- y[sapply(y, function(z) min(abs(z-x)) <= 10)]
# [1] 5 160
# [1] 14 162
Here is an approach that uses the outer function (so your 2 tables will need to be reasonably sized):
x <- c(5,50,160,280)
y <- c(999,14,75,162,360)
tmp1 <- outer(x,y, function(x,y) abs(x-y))
tmp2 <- which(tmp1 <= 10, arr.ind=TRUE)
x=x[ tmp2[,1] ],
y=y[ tmp2[,2] ]
This looks at every possible pair between x and y and computes the difference between the 2 values, then finds those with a difference <= 10.
I have been tasked to write my own median function in R, without using the built-in median function. If the numbers are odd; calculate the two middle values, as is usual concerning the median value.
Something i probably could do in Java, but I struggle with some of the syntax in
R Code:
list1 <- c(7, 24, 9, 42, 12, 88, 91, 131, 47, 71)
n = length(sorted)
if(n%2==0) # problem here, implementing mod() and the rest of logic.
Here is a self-written function mymedian:
mymedian <- function(lst) {
n <- length(lst)
s <- sort(lst)
list1 <- c(7, 24, 9, 42, 12, 88, 91, 131, 47, 71)
list2 <- c(7, 24, 9, 42, 12, 88, 91, 131, 47)
such that
> mymedian(list1)
[1] 44.5
> mymedian(list2)
[1] 42
I believe this should get you the median you're looking for:
homemade_median <- function(vec){
sorted <- sort(vec)
n <- length(sorted)
if(n %% 2 == 0){
mid <- sorted[c(floor(n/2),floor(n/2)+1)]
med <- sum(mid)/2
} else {
med <- sorted[ceiling(n/2)]
median(list1) # for comparison
A short function that does the trick:
my_median <- function(x){
# Order Vector ascending
x <- sort(x)
# For even lenght average the value of the surrounding numbers
if((length(x) %% 2) == 0){
return((x[length(x)/2] + x[length(x)/2 + 1]) / 2)
# For uneven lenght just take the value thats right in the center
return(x[(length(x)/2) + 0.5])
Check to see if it returns desired outcomes:
list2 <- c(1,4,5,90,18)
You don't need to test for evenness, you can just create a sequence from half the length plus one, using floor and ceiling as appriopriate:
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(101)
my_median <- function(x)
mid <- seq(floor((length(x)+1)/2),ceiling((length(x)+1)/2))
[1] 0.1682606
[1] 0.1682606
[1] 0.2473015
[1] 0.2473015
I would like to find out the three closest numbers in a vector.
Something like
v = c(10,23,25,26,38,50)
c = findClosest(v,3)
23 25 26
I tried with sort(colSums(as.matrix(dist(x))))[1:3], and it kind of works, but it selects the three numbers with minimum overall distance not the three closest numbers.
There is already an answer for matlab, but I do not know how to translate it to R:
%finds the index with the minimal difference in A
minDiffInd = find(abs(diff(A))==min(abs(diff(A))));
%extract this index, and it's neighbor index from A
val1 = A(minDiffInd);
val2 = A(minDiffInd+1);
How to find two closest (nearest) values within a vector in MATLAB?
My assumption is that the for the n nearest values, the only thing that matters is the difference between the v[i] - v[i - (n-1)]. That is, finding the minimum of diff(x, lag = n - 1L).
findClosest <- function(x, n) {
x <- sort(x)
x[seq.int(which.min(diff(x, lag = n - 1L)), length.out = n)]
findClosest(v, 3L)
[1] 23 25 26
Let's define "nearest numbers" by "numbers with minimal sum of L1 distances". You can achieve what you want by a combination of diff and windowed sum.
You could write a much shorter function but I wrote it step by step to make it easier to follow.
v <- c(10,23,25,26,38,50)
#' Find the n nearest numbers in a vector
#' #param v Numeric vector
#' #param n Number of nearest numbers to extract
#' #details "Nearest numbers" defined as the numbers which minimise the
#' within-group sum of L1 distances.
findClosest <- function(v, n) {
# Sort and remove NA
v <- sort(v, na.last = NA)
# Compute L1 distances between closest points. We know each point is next to
# its closest neighbour since we sorted.
delta <- diff(v)
# Compute sum of L1 distances on a rolling window with n - 1 elements
# Why n-1 ? Because we are looking at deltas and 2 deltas ~ 3 elements.
withingroup_distances <- zoo::rollsum(delta, k = n - 1)
# Now it's simply finding the group with minimum within-group sum
# And working out the elements
group_index <- which.min(withingroup_distances)
element_indices <- group_index + 0:(n-1)
findClosest(v, 2)
# 25 26
findClosest(v, 3)
# 23 25 26
A base R option, idea being we first sort the vector and subtract every ith element with i + n - 1 element in the sorted vector and select the group which has minimum difference.
closest_n_vectors <- function(v, n) {
v1 <- sort(v)
inds <- which.min(sapply(head(seq_along(v1), -(n - 1)), function(x)
v1[x + n -1] - v1[x]))
v1[inds: (inds + n - 1)]
closest_n_vectors(v, 3)
#[1] 23 25 26
closest_n_vectors(c(2, 10, 1, 20, 4, 5, 23), 2)
#[1] 1 2
closest_n_vectors(c(19, 23, 45, 67, 89, 65, 1), 2)
#[1] 65 67
closest_n_vectors(c(19, 23, 45, 67, 89, 65, 1), 3)
#[1] 1 19 23
In case of tie this will return the numbers with smallest value since we are using which.min.
Since we have got quite a few answers, it is worth doing a benchmark of all the solutions till now
x <- sample(100000000, 100000)
identical(findClosest_antoine(x, 3), findClosest_Sotos(x, 3),
closest_n_vectors_Ronak(x, 3), findClosest_Cole(x, 3))
#[1] TRUE
antoine = findClosest_antoine(x, 3),
Sotos = findClosest_Sotos(x, 3),
Ronak = closest_n_vectors_Ronak(x, 3),
Cole = findClosest_Cole(x, 3),
times = 10
#Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
#antoine 148.751 159.071 163.298 162.581 167.365 181.314 10 b
# Sotos 1086.098 1349.762 1372.232 1398.211 1453.217 1553.945 10 c
# Ronak 54.248 56.870 78.886 83.129 94.748 100.299 10 a
# Cole 4.958 5.042 6.202 6.047 7.386 7.915 10 a
An idea is to use zoo library to do a rolling operation, i.e.
m1 <- rollapply(v, 3, by = 1, function(i)c(sum(diff(i)), c(i)))
m1[which.min(m1[, 1]),][-1]
#[1] 23 25 26
Or make it into a function,
findClosest <- function(vec, n) {
vec1 <- sort(vec)
m1 <- rollapply(vec1, n, by = 1, function(i) c(sum(diff(i)), c(i)))
return(m1[which.min(m1[, 1]),][-1])
findClosest(v, 3)
#[1] 23 25 26
For use in a dataframe,
I have two data frames:
a <- c(10, 20, 30)
c <- c(1, 50, 100)
df1 <- data.frame(cbind(a, b, c))
x <- c(80, 30, 15)
z <- c(10, 46, 99)
df2 <- data.frame(cbind(x, y, z))
I want to find the values in c that are immediately below the values in z, and then return the equivalent values in a.
So matching z to c will give me the locations: 1, 1, 2, and I want to output those locations from a (i.e 10, 10, 20)
Edit: For each value in z I want to find the location of the value that is below it in c, then return the value in a based on that location
You can use outer with the comparison <. Then colSums should add the TRUEs and give you your answer given that df1 is ordered on c, i.e.
colSums(outer(df1$c, df2$z, `<`))
#[1] 1 1 2
df1$a[colSums(outer(df1$c, df2$z, `<`))]
#[1] 10 10 20
This question comes as a follow-up to these excellent answers.
From the answer I linked above, one can calculate, from a vector of numeric x if there is any series of at least n elements that satisfy a condition (being bigger than 50 for example) where the series of n elements is wrapped in between at least one series on each side of at least m elements that do not satisfy this same condition (see the post above for more information). My goal is to generalize this function to allow different conditions for the series of n elements than for the series of m elements. Below I am considering the example of one of the two answers the the linked post but it might be easier to modify the function from the other answer to make the generalization.
### Function ###
runfun = function(TFvec, list_n, cond=`>=`) {
## setup
n = length(list_n)
r = rle(TFvec); l = r$length
## initial condition
idx = which(cond(l, list_n[1]) & r$value)
idx = idx[idx > n - 1 & idx + n - 1 <= length(l)]
## adjacent conditions
for (i in seq_len(n - 1)) {
if (length(idx) == 0)
break # no solution
thresh = list_n[i + 1]
test = cond(l[idx + i], thresh) & cond(l[idx - i], thresh)
idx = idx[test]
## starts = cumsum(l)[idx - 1] + 1
## any luck?
length(idx) != 0
### Examples ###
x = c(20, 11, 52, 53, 10, 2, 3, 51, 34, 54, 29)
n = 2
m = 3
runfun(TFvec = x>50, list_n = list(n,m)) # FALSE
x = c(20, 11, 44, 52, 53, 10, 2, 3, 51, 34, 54, 29)
n = 2
m = 3
runfun(TFvec = x>50, list_n = list(n,m)) # TRUE
I am now trying to push this function a bit further by allowing to find a series of at least n elements that satisfy a condition wrapped around at least one series on each side of at least m elements that satisfy another condition. Something like:
runfun2(TFvec = list(x > 50, x < 40), list_n = list(n,m))
would return TRUE if there is at least one series of at least n elements that are large than 50 in x and if this series is wrapped between at least two series (one on each side) of at least m elements that are smaller than 40 in x.
TFvec now is a list of the same length than list_n. For the special case where the elements of the list of TFvec are identical runfun2 does the same thing as runfun. For simplicity, one can assume that an element of x can never be true under the two (or more) possible conditions.
Like this, perhaps:
& c(r$values[-1],0)==2
& c(0,head(r$values,-1))==2
possible<-possible[r$lengths[possible]>=m &
r$lengths[possible+1]>=n &
> set.seed(123)
> x<-sample(100,300,T)
> f(x>50,x<40,3,2)
[1] 20 294
[1] 9 4
> x[18:30]
[1] 5 33 96 89 70 65 100 66 71 55 60 29 15
> x[292:299]
[1] 11 8 89 76 82 99 11 10
I have two set of samples that are time independent. I would like to merge them and calculate the missing values
for the times where I do not have values of both. Simplified example:
A <- cbind(time=c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100),
Avalue=c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2))
B <- cbind(time=c(15, 30, 45, 60), Bvalue=c(100, 200, 300, 400))
C <- merge(A,B, all=TRUE)
time Avalue Bvalue
1 10 1 NA
2 15 NA 100
3 20 2 NA
4 30 3 200
5 40 2 NA
6 45 NA 300
7 50 1 NA
8 60 2 400
9 70 3 NA
10 80 2 NA
11 90 1 NA
12 100 2 NA
By assuming linear change between each sample, it is possible to calculate the missing NA values.
Intuitively it is easy to see that the A value at time 15 and 45 should be 1.5. But a proper calculation for B
for instance at time 20 would be
100 + (20 - 15) * (200 - 100) / (30 - 15)
which equals 133.33333.
The first parenthesis being the time between estimate time and the last sample available.
The second parenthesis being the difference between the nearest samples.
The third parenthesis being the time between the nearest samples.
How can I use R to calculate the NA values?
Using the zoo package:
Cz <- zoo(C)
index(Cz) <- Cz[,1]
Cz_approx <- na.approx(Cz)
The proper way to do this statistically and still get valid confidence intervals is to use Multiple Imputation. See Rubin's classic book, and there's an excellent R package for this (mi).
An ugly and probably inefficient Base R solution:
# Data provided:
A <- cbind(time=c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100),
Avalue=c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2))
B <- cbind(time=c(15, 30, 45, 60), Bvalue=c(100, 200, 300, 400))
C <- merge(A,B, all=TRUE)
# Scalar valued at the minimum time difference: -> min_time_diff
min_time_diff <- min(diff(C$time))
# Adjust frequency of the series to hold all steps in range: -> df
df <- merge(C,
data.frame(time = seq(min_time_diff,
by = min_time_diff)),
by = "time",
all = TRUE)
# Linear interpolation function handling ties,
# returns interpolated vector the same length
# a the input vector: -> vector
l_interp_vec <- function(na_vec){
approx(x = na_vec,
method = "linear",
ties = "constant",
n = length(na_vec))$y
# Applied to a dataframe, replacing NA values
# in each of the numeric vectors,
# with interpolated values.
# input is dataframe: -> dataframe()
interped_df <- data.frame(lapply(df, function(x){
# Store a scalar of min row where x isn't NA: -> min_non_na
min_non_na <- min(which(!(is.na(x))))
# Store a scalar of max row where x isn't NA: -> max_non_na
max_non_na <- max(which(!(is.na(x))))
# Store scalar of the number of rows needed to impute prior
# to first NA value: -> ru_lower
ru_lower <- ifelse(min_non_na > 1, min_non_na - 1, min_non_na)
# Store scalar of the number of rows needed to impute after
# the last non-NA value: -> ru_lower
ru_upper <- ifelse(max_non_na == length(x),
length(x) - 1,
(length(x) - (max_non_na + 1)))
# Store a vector of the ramp to function: -> l_ramp_up:
ramp_up <- as.numeric(
cumsum(rep(x[min_non_na]/(min_non_na), ru_lower))
# Apply the interpolation function on vector "x": -> y
y <- as.numeric(l_interp_vec(as.numeric(x[min_non_na:max_non_na])))
# Create a vector that combines the ramp_up vector
# and y if the first NA is at row 1: -> z
if(length(ramp_up) > 1 & max_non_na != length(x)){
# Create a vector interpolations if there are
# multiple NA values after the last value: -> lower_l_int
lower_l_int <- as.numeric(cumsum(rep(mean(diff(c(ramp_up, y))),
ru_upper+1)) +
# Store the linear interpolations in a vector: -> z
z <- as.numeric(c(ramp_up, y, lower_l_int))
}else if(length(ramp_up) > 1 & max_non_na == length(x)){
# Store the linear interpolations in a vector: -> z
z <- as.numeric(c(ramp_up, y))
}else if(min_non_na == 1 & max_non_na != length(x)){
# Create a vector interpolations if there are
# multiple NA values after the last value: -> lower_l_int
lower_l_int <- as.numeric(cumsum(rep(mean(diff(c(ramp_up, y))),
ru_upper+1)) +
# Store the linear interpolations in a vector: -> z
z <- as.numeric(c(y, lower_l_int))
# Store the linear interpolations in a vector: -> z
z <- as.numeric(y)
# Interpolate between points in x, return new x:
return(as.numeric(ifelse(is.na(x), z, x)))
# Subset interped df to only contain
# the time values in C, store a data frame: -> int_df_subset
int_df_subset <- interped_df[interped_df$time %in% C$time,]