Qt: QMouseEvent - How to get widget - qt

I am using QMouseEvent and QKeyEvents in my program. I programmatically make various widgets (QDockWidgets and QCustomPlots).
I would like to use a single click and keypress handler function. However, I am struggling to get the widget that is actually being clicked, so that I can do certain stuff within that widget.
Is there a way to return from a ClickEvent the name of the widget that was clicked?

You can implement eventFilter in your mainWindow and listen for events from widgets there :
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject * obj, QEvent * event)
if((myWidget *)obj == widget1 && event->type()==QEvent::KeyPress)
int pressedKey = ((QKeyEvent*)event)->key();
else if((myWidget *)obj == widget2 && event->type()==QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
if(((QMouseEvent*)event)->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
return false;
Also do not forget to install event filters for your widgets in the mainWindow constructor :


How to connect clicking on context help button with my custom action?

I have a dialog with two buttons in the title bar: the context help button and the close button. How can I find out that the user clicked the context help button to perform my custom action? (I want to show some help page in the browser as in VS dialogs.)
I found a similar question, but how to do this with qt?
Context help button behaviour on CPropertySheet
Now I use the code like this:
class MyHelper : public QObject
explicit MyHelper( QObject * parent = nullptr ) {
qApp->installEventFilter( this );
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject * obj, QEvent * ev ) override {
if ( ev->type() == QEvent::EnterWhatsThisMode ) {
showHelp( QApplication::activeWindow() );
return true;
return QObject::eventFilter( obj, ev );
void showHelp( QWidget * sender ) {
I believe that QWidget::nativeEvent is what you are looking for.

qt mouse event filter

I have a QWidget with a QGraphicsView and a push button. The QGraphicsView has to take mouse press and release events to detect a swipe .At the same time push button should run a small function on clicked. I used an event filter in the QWidget to detect the mouse events.
bool Widget::eventFilter(QObject * obj, QEvent * event)
// Capturing keyboard events for moving
if( event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress )
//Do something
//Capturing mouse events for swipe
else if( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*> (event);
swipe_startPoint = mouseEvent->pos();
else if( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*> (event);
swipe_endPoint = mouseEvent->pos();
In the constructor of the Widget class i have the following
The problem is that the button is getting clicked but the MouseButtonRelease event that sets the 'swipe_endPoint' value is not working.
When i set
the mouse pressed and released events are working perfectly but the button stops accepting the events.
Other things that i have tried are :-
Set the event filter to the viewPort
Please help me get this mouse event working. Thanks in advance.
Note : Using QT 5.6.0 in Ubuntu

Make QLineEdit detect Tab Key Press event?

I couldn't find anything in the docs. I found one solution that uses PyQt or something, but I'd rather not have to use that. Also, it would be pretty nice if there was a signal for it, but it doesn't look like there is.
1.When you install an event filter as Sam suggested (m_lineEdit->installEventFilter(this);) you need to handle QEvent::KeyPress and check the key to be equal Qt::Key_Tab:
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
if (obj == m_lineEdit) {
if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Tab)
//do what you need;
return true;
// pass the event on to the parent class
return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, event);
2.Another way to do that is to create a new class inherited from QLineEdit and reimplement keyPressEvent:
void LineEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Tab)
emit tabPressed();
You should be able to use QObject::installEventFilter(QObject*) to intercept the key press event. There's an example here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qobject.html#installEventFilter .

How to make a Qt dialog read-only?

How to make a QT dialog read-only? Any general way to implement it easily? For example
(1) set all its containing widgets disable. (how to implement it?)
(2) Intercept edit events like key pressed, mouse pressed but how not to intercept the one to close the dialog?
I think this feature should be very helpful.
Disabling the widgets can be done similar to the following:
void myDialog::disableWidgets()
QList<QWidget *> widgets = this->findChildren<QWidget *>();
foreach(QWidget* widget, widgets)
To intercept events, QDialog includes the function installEventFilter(QObject*).
This allows you to use a separate object to receive all events passed to the dialog. You can then choose to handle the event in the object, or pass it on to the dialog itself by calling the base class QObject::eventFilter
class MyEventHandler : public QObject
bool MyEventHandler::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
// handle key press events
if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)
// Do something
// ...
return true; // event handled by the class
{ // ignore this event and pass it to the dialog as usual
return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
return false;
QDialog* dlg = new QDialog;
MyEventHandler evtHandler = new MyEventHandler;
Read-only is a strange term to apply to a dialog. Disabling all widgets as above does the trick. If you only wanted to make the input part of a QInputDialog read-only (while leaving scrollbars, buttons, etc. enabled), you could adapt that code as below:
QInputDialog dialog(this);
QList<QWidget *> widgets = dialog.findChildren<QWidget *>();
foreach(QWidget* widget, widgets) {
if (strcmp(widget->metaObject()->className(),"QPlainTextEdit")==0) {
QPlainTextEdit *t = static_cast<QPlainTextEdit*>(widget);

How to let QComboBox have context menu?

I have a Qt combo box. When it pops, items are listed down. When right clicking an item, I hope a context menu to pop up. Any way to implement it? I find a function onContextMenuEvent under QComboBox. Does it help? Thanks.
You can obtain the list widget using QComboBox::view. You can add a context menu to the list as usual. But also you should install event filter on the view's viewport and block right click events because such events cause popup list to close.
In the initialization:
QAbstractItemView* view = ui->comboBox->view();
connect(view, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),
this, SLOT(list_context_menu(QPoint)));
Event filter:
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) {
if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
if (static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e)->button() == Qt::RightButton) {
return true;
return false;
In the slot:
void MainWindow::list_context_menu(QPoint pos) {
QAbstractItemView* view = ui->comboBox->view();
QModelIndex index = view->indexAt(pos);
if (!index.isValid()) { return; }
QMenu menu;
QString item = ui->comboBox->model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
menu.addAction(QString("test menu for item: %1").arg(item));
In this example items are identified by their displayed texts. But you also can attach additional data to items using QComboBox::setItemData. You can retrieve this data using ui->comboBox->model()->data(...) with the role that was used in setItemData.
