Can I Access wp-includes Without Connecting to FTP? - wordpress

I am working on a Wordpress site and have not been given FTP access. I can get to most of what I need via the Wordpress > Editor feature, but I need to get to the wp-includes/general-template.php - is this possible without connecting to the server?

Maybe one of these ftp file plugin that lets u edit stuff from browser or download?


Creation of FTP credentials for Wordpress local

I've installed wordpress local on my computer with xampp, it's working but now I need to transfer my on my wordpress local. I want to add an extension but it's asking me my FTP credentials and I'm not finding them nor succeeding in creating some. I've tried the different things I found on your forum (chmod, define FS method) but it's not successfull, when i try to download an extension, it tells me that it can't be added to the file. How can I do it please ?
Thank you :) !
If it's asking you for FTP credentials to transfer it through the web, that won't be possible as your site is not reachable, it's only installed locally. This is doable by adding some extra software to make your site accessible, like ngrok.
Instead of that, why don't you use the site exporter?
Additionally, if you have a Business or eCommerce plan, you can use a plugin to export your site, like enter link description here

Cpanel wordpress file directory hide for client

Good day, im a freelance developer and quick question is how do i hide or disable a client from seeing wp content wp config files of WordPress, they supplied me with cPanel logins and have sensitive files i don't want touched or viewed. Thanks
First of all, very important to know you that WordPress Administrator can able to see the wp_content, wp_config files and so on (if you have no restriction from your host). Why not there are some plugins (ex: Wp File Manager) to direct access on this kind of files.
To prevent it you can change the role Administrator to Editor or you can restricted the file permission from server.
Thank you

Server ftp write errors

We have a linux based server through which we offer a hosting service. We have a problem with WordPress and other platforms. each wordpress site asks FTP accounts every time you install WordPress, themes, add ons or to try to upgrade it .
We need to get write access to the wordpress , joomla , drupal , etc. platforms automatically when its installed to customers server space via softaculus .
I have no experience of the hosting service, im just make websites, and I've tried to make the ftp accounts wp -config file, but it does not fix the other customer sites and when added to the wp -config file, it is not the best solution (Still asks for a password when install theme, add ons or update anything)
Sorry for bad english. can anyone help me to get this problem fixed?
We need write acces for: Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, Magent ETC bases. We have c-panel acces for every customer and softaculus installer for wordpress etc platforms
When you get the error message, web server needs to get write access to the WordPress files. So you can add write access to the files, I think the problem will resolved.
If you couldn't add write access to the files, you would contact your hosting service center.
It's most likely the permissions problems here.
You need to be sure that your webserver can read all files and folders in the web root folder and you need to make every user the owner of each folder and files.
Using cPanel it should be done automatically when you create FTP user and providing it's home directory. If you have a mess with permissions already you may need to edit them manually. You can try to set 644 permission for all files and folders and then change owner to the actual user.
Look here for more information about file permissions on Linux, it should help.
Its been fixed, I set on apache write access different so its now working probably!
Link for details:

Deleting a URL in Wordpress Using FTP

I am trying to delete a specific URL for a website and cannot seem to locate the file in FTP. There is no public_html folder for the site when I FTP in. Does someone know where I might be able to access the pages?
Remove it via your WP admin login? Not via FTP?
By "URL" do you mean removing one of the webpages? Because you have to do that via your wordpress panel you can't do that by FTP (you can do it via the database tho I believe)
Wordpress is a cms system. You would need to log into the portal. There is no actual pages. They are all theme files inside your wordpress theme folder. (httpdocs/wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/page.php. Though I don't think the url would be there.)

Wordpress upload folder

i have a blog stored in and I'm not very familiar with this yet. I really need to upload a folder from my computer (inside there is some html and js files) but the wordpress doesn't allow FTP access (I guess).
How can I solve this issue? Is it possible?
Maybe some administration plugin..
Thanks in advance.
Word press does allow for FTP access I use microsoft web expressions 4 quite often.
Check out this site: or post your problem.
Edit** missed your .com my mistake confirms your claim. HTML and JS are not allowed on a workaround may get you banned. Best to check with their support first.
You would need FTP access to your server that Wordpress is running on then you would need an FTP client like FileZilla to transfer the files
