Entity for table not managed by Doctrine? - symfony

So I'm using Symfony 2 with Doctrine 2 for a new web application but we have a few common tables shared among different applications.
We need to access these tables (read-only, there would be no updates) but I don't want Doctrine to manage them. My vision is to create an entity for it so Doctrine can use it, including relations to it, but not have it do create/alter table statements when I do doctrine:schema:update.
Am I overthinking this?

Create your entities (manually or using generator) and mark them as readOnly


Symfony form, EntytyType/ChoiceType from 2 different entities

I need to create a dropdown in a Symfony form that contains entities from 2 different tables, for example:
Where EntityA and EntityB are two different classes and MySQL tables, with a different structure.
Is it possible to achieve this?
You should use the choice_loader option of a ChoiceType field.
You can use a CallbackChoiceLoader to load your entities through a closure or implement your own choice loader as a service that you can inject to your form type.
This allows you to build a custom query (or execute two queries in this case) and return the choice list built from the results lazily.
Check the official documentation here (https://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/forms/types/choice.html#choice-loader).

Edit Symfony entity from the frontend

I have a Symfony app using multiple entities.
A third-party analytic tool plugs to my database to create reportings.
What I would like to achieve, is being able to update the Symfony entity from the frontend in order to add new fields to the database tables (in order to get the new fields showing up in the reporting tool).
Anyone has a idea on how to achieve that?
Thanks in advance.
If i understand correctly, you wan't to be able to add fields to your entity dynamicaly.
I don't know if this is doable and if so, it would probably be messy and unsecure.
What you can do however is using sub-entities with dynamic key => values fields.
You should have one main entity, an entity with the list of your dynamic fields, a many to many relation between your main entity and your fields entities and a third entity with the actual values from those fields.

Symfony Mapping in Doctrine without Annotations or XML Files

a customer has an existing database. The schema is often changed within the database itself (e.g. he adds a new column).
My task is to develop an admin area with symfony that automatically reacts on table schema changes without modifying the application code. E.g. the customer adds a new column to table "MyEntity", and the application automatically generates a new column in the accordingly list view.
My approach is to dynamically map the table columns to the Entity class so that ALL Attributes and ALL Getters/Setters are generated dynamically from the table schema.
So is it possible to map the table columns in a Doctrine Entity without the use of Annotations or XML Files.
Something like:
class MyEntity{
public function generateMappingFromSchema($sTableName){...}
Please don't do that. Doctrine was not designed for such use case.
There is a library though you should check https://github.com/laravel-doctrine/fluent which basically is a mapping driver that allows you to manage your mappings in an Object Oriented approach. And there are other tools:
which are maybe better for that, I don't know.
But again, please don't do that. Do not allow the customer to modify the database schema or give them e.g. a phpMyAdmin which was designed for that.

Entities associations across different managers

I have a small question about doctrine and Symfony 2:
Is it possible to declare a relation (OneToMany) between two entities which are managed by two different entity managers (and two different DB connections) ?
To be more precise, I have two bundles :
FpnABundle -> Mapped with A_database (and A_entitymanager)
FpnBBundle -> Mapped with B_database (and B_entitymanager)
And I need to define an association between FpnABundle:User and FpnBBundle:Post
If I try to do that, when I perform a DB schema update, I have the following error :
The class 'Fpn\ABundle\Entity\User' was not found in the chain configured namespaces Fpn\BBundle\Entity
Thanks for your help!
Basically, the answer is no.
You will probably need to do this: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/doctrine/resolve_target_entity.html
Even with this it will only work if the two databases are on the same server. And at some point you will probably need to add the schema name to the the table name. Somewhat painful.

MVC3 Entity Framework using default membership relationships

I want to create a relationship between a custom table (Websites) and the default aspnet tables related to Users.
I'm using code-first so for most FK relationships I would just do
public ModelName ModelName { get; set; }
With this, EF will automatically create the FK relationships. Very easy.
What's confusing is the most effective way to hook into the aspnet users/membership table. Do I create a new model Users that acts as an interface so that I can implement custom user code?
Is there a best way to do this that fits well into EF best practices? I basically just want to relate a user to the Websites table/model so that EF can do its thing.
"Do I create a new model Users that acts as an interface so that I can implement custom user code?"
If you want flexibility, I would say this is the way to go. This way it would be easier if you wanted to change to some sort of different Authentication DB structure in the future.
For example, have an "AppUser" Entity where the corresponding table has a foreign key to the "UserID" column of the aspnet_Membership table. This way you can simply add properties to your "AppUser" Entity instead of trying to change the MS table structure (which can be a real pain). You can still interact with the built-in MS Membership classes and functions from your MVC project using something like the MvcMembership starter Kit DLL's.
Hope this helps!
This has few preconditions:
ASP.NET tables must be in the same database as your own tables
Previous precondition means that you must either create your database and tables manually (without automatic code-first generation) or you must use some custom initializer which will add non mapped ASP.NET tables as part of database recreation
If you want your model class to have relation with ASP.NET table you must model ASP.NET table as another entity. I'm not sure if you can use ASP.NET classes for that because for example MembershipUser doesn't have parameterless public constructor which is required for EF. So you will most probably need to create duplicate classes and their mappings and use these classes when referencing ASP.NET entities.
