Prevent SASS/Compass From Outputting Partials - css

I am successfully using Compass to generate a CSS file but it is also outputting my partials to the CSS directory. How can I make it only output the stylesheets that will be used in the page? There's no need to add the partials to the destination css directory.

From the manual:
If you have a SCSS or Sass file that you want to import but don’t want
to compile to a CSS file, you can add an underscore to the beginning
of the filename. This will tell Sass not to compile it to a normal CSS
file. You can then import these files without using the underscore.


Compiling Sass (scss) to css

I have this template - web template - editorial when I added it to my existing Meteor app it does not load the scss files, only the css file which is in the client directory. Though I put the scss files in the public folder. What best way can I add this? because I could not get it to work i decided to compile the scss to css.
I have tried to compile the files by doing thus on the cmd: sass --update scss:css it only compiled the main.scss, ie8.scss, ie9.scss to the css folder, other are not compiled. How do I compile all at once and maintain the same sub-directory folder in the css folder. Why and how do I do this?
If other files name start with _ character then these files are partials meaning they get no compiled and their content can only used with import.
Read the official doc about partials.
The files with names starting with underscore are considered as partials and not compiled to css files. That is why you are not seeing those in your output css.
Please navigate to section with heading 'Partials' in this document ... and read the next 2 sections.
You can create partial Sass files that contain little snippets of CSS that you can include in other Sass files. This is a great way to modularize your CSS and help keep things easier to maintain. A partial is simply a Sass file named with a leading underscore. You might name it something like _partial.scss. The underscore lets Sass know that the file is only a partial file and that it should not be generated into a CSS file. Sass partials are used with the #import directive.

Working with Bootstrap 4 and Sass (and Bower)?

I'm learning to use Sass (never used a CSS pre-processor before), and I'm wondering how to use it with Bootstrap 4 properly.
Should I include in my header.php files the bootstrap.min.css? Then when I need to use a Sass mixin or some variable, do I include it in my .scss file?
Should I include all of bootstrap.scss in my styles.scss, then compile it to one style.css and only include that?
You should have a main file (a Sass manifest) where you import your Sass variables, mixins and partials as well as the Bootstrap library. After that's in place Sass will automatically output a CSS file you can include on your header.php file.
Import only the bits you need from Bootstrap (instead of the whole library). Here's a handly list where you can see the components you can choose from.
Make sure to create variables.scss file based on the template Bootstrap provides.
Make sure to import the variables file before the Bootstrap library so it takes effect.
Use Sass in watch mode on development

how to prevent a sass build of each page file when just changing a common scss file

I have a _common.scss file which I import to various page.scss files:
#import "common";
#page {
#import "partials/all";
#import "components/all";
But the problem is, since all my pages import _common.scss, the way I have things structured, if I make any changes inside _common.scss (or any of the files it imports), sass has to rebuild all the page css files. But if I just make _common.scss its own file and call it with a <link> tag (<link href="common.css">), then the page.scss file has errors, because it is trying to use variables and mixins defined in _common.scss and its imports.
Is it possible to structure my project so that the page.scss files can use all the mixins and variables in _common, but so that sass doesn't have to rebuild each page.css file each time I make a change to the common file? i.e. - make it so that sass only builds the common file when a change is made in common, and only builds the page file when a change is made in page?
I would say it is not possible, since the aim is to have one css for each page at the end. This said it HAS to be rebuild if something is changed in common.

When to use SASS Partials? [duplicate]

I have the following sass directory
This works fine, however I don't want all my .scss files to compile to css files.I just want to output main.css because it imports the other files.
Whenever I do compass watch all the css get created...
Is this possible?
Start the filename with an underscore. You can then import this and it's styles will only get added to the file that imports it. The actual file itself will never get generated into it's own css file.
Hope it helps.

Use compass to compile scss file to a different css

I had a doubt regarding compiling the scss file using compass. For example I have 2 directories, 1 for Sass and another 1 for my CSS files. In my css directory, I have 2 CSS files... "xuvs.css" and "site.css"....
If I make changes in the "xuvs.scss" file, so during the final compilation, by default Compass applies the changes to "xuvs.css"... So is it possible to apply those changes in the "site.css" instead of "xuvs.css" file using compass?
By default, Sass and Compass will output .css files for any matching .scss files that are not prefixed with an underscore. This is why your "css" directory contains the two compiled files: one for each of your .scss files.
It is possible to modify xuvs.scss and have it compile into site.css: you would do this via the #import rule, however, unless you changed the file name of xuvs.scss to _xuvs.scss, you would still have a separate, compiled file named xuvs.css. Files that are prefixed with an underscore are called partials.
It is considered a "best practice" to create partials and #import them into a single, compiled "base" .scss file. In your case, this compiled file would be called site.css.
