Im trying to find the smallest number that is also false in my dictionary. I'm also using the new Swift Language. How can I make this work?
var firstRow = [1: false, 2: false, 3: false, 4: false, 5: false, 6: false]
for (number, bool) in firstRow {
if bool == false {
// NSLog("\(number)")
for i = number; i > 0; i-- {
if number <= smallest {
smallest = number
// NSLog("\(bool, number)")
Here you go:
var smallest = 10000000000
for (number, bool) in firstRow {
if bool == false && number < smallest{
smallest = number
If you're doing this strictly in Swift, I'd go with ASKASK while adding the the change:
let firstRow = [1: true, 2: false, 3: true]
var smallest = Int.max
for (number, bool) in firstRow {
if bool == false && number < smallest {
smallest = number
There's no guarantee about the order in which your key-value pairs will be enumerated in your Dictionary, so given this example the fact that your keys are Integers that are displayed in ascending order does not help us, you will still need to check every pair in the Dictionary.
You might benefit from using an Array of Tuples here, especially if you know beforehand that the associated integers will be added to your collection in increasing order - or even if you don't, then you could at least sort the array by the first value in each tuple and thereby break out of the for loop when appropriate; for example:
let firstRow = [(1, true), (2, false), (3: true)]
var smallest: Int! // given that it might be possible _none_ of them are 'false'
for (number, bool) in firstRow {
if bool == false {
smallest = number
There seems to be a built-in filter() method on arrays in Swift, so I'd go with something like:
let falseNumbers: Int[] = firstRow.keys.filter { firstRow[$0] == false }
let smallestFalseNumber: Int = sort(falseNumbers)[0]
The above assumes there is at least one false value in firstRow dictionary. To ensure that:
if find(firstRow.values, false) {
// The above code
You can use the built-in min(by: ) method to fetch the minimum value using key or value in dictionary.
let minmum = firstrow.min { a, b in
return a.value < b.value
// use minimum object to print key and value
Given this code:
var a map[string][][]int
var aa map[string][][]int = map[string][][]int{"a": [][]int{{10, 10}, {20, 20}}}
var bb map[string][][]int = map[string][][]int{"b": [][]int{{30, 30}, {40, 40}}}
fmt.Println(aa) // >> map[a:[[10 10] [20 20]] b:[[30 30] [40 40]]]
how do I know if '[30, 30]' is in 'aa'?
I want to check, whether 'aa' has '[30 30]'.
You'll have to iterate over the contents of your map to check whether an element is contained in that map or not.
For example:
target := []int{30, 30}
for _, v := range myMap {
for _, sub := range v {
if len(sub) == len(target) && sub[0] == target[0] && sub[1] == target[1] {
With myMap as aa you'll get no output, and with myMap as bb you'll get "Yeah" printed.
If your inner-most slices get longer, you should do the check step as a loop as well instead of hard-coded like that.
Maps are only indexed by key. This means its cheap and easy (ideally constant time complexity) to find a or b, but its harder to look for a value (linear time complexity).
Therefore, it's a few for loops:
func find(searchFor [][]int, m map[string][][]int) bool {
for _, v := range m {
if sliceEq(v, searchFor) {
return true
return false
func sliceEq(a, b [][]int) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
Given matrices A and B the tropical product is defined to be the usual matrix product with multiplication traded out for addition and addition traded out for minimum. That is, it returns a new matrix C such that,
C_ij = minimum(A_ij, B_ij, A_i1 + B_1j, A_i2 + B_12,..., A_im + B_mj)
Given the underlying adjacency matrix A_g of a graph g, the nth "power" with respect to the tropical product represents the connections between nodes reachable in at most n steps. That is, C_ij = (A**n)_ij has value m if nodes i and j are separated by m<=n edges.
In general, given some graph with N nodes. The diameter of the graph can only be at most N; and, given a graph with diameter k, A**n = A**k for all n>k and the matrix D_ij = A**k is called the "distance matrix" entries representing the distances between all nodes in the graph.
I have written a tropical product function in chapel and I want to write a function that takes an adjacency matrix and returns the resulting distance matrix. I have tried the following approaches to no avail. Guidance in getting past these errors would be greatly appreciated!
proc tropicLimit(A:[] real,B:[] real) {
var R = tropic(A,B);
if A == R {
return A;
} else {
which threw a domain mismatch error so I made the following edit:
proc tropicLimit(A:[] real,B:[] real) {
var R = tropic(A,B);
if A.domain == R.domain {
if && reduce (A == R) {
return R;
} else {
} else {
which throws
src/MatrixOps.chpl:602: error: control reaches end of function that returns a value
proc tropicLimit(A:[] real,B:[] real) {
var R = tropic(A,B);
if A.domain == R.domain {
if && reduce (A == R) { // Line 605 is this one
} else {
} else {
return R;
Brings me back to this error
src/MatrixOps.chpl:605: error: halt reached - Sparse arrays can't be zippered with anything other than their domains and sibling arrays (CS layout)
I also tried using a for loop with a break condition but that didn't work either
proc tropicLimit(B:[] real) {
var R = tropic(B,B);
for n in B.domain.dim(2) {
var S = tropic(R,B);
if S.domain != R.domain {
R = S; // Intended to just reassign the handle "R" to the contents of "S" i.o.w. destructive update of R
} else {
return R;
Any suggestions?
src/MatrixOps.chpl:605: error: halt reached - Sparse arrays can't be zippered with anything other than their domains and sibling arrays (CS layout)
I believe you are encountering a limitation of zippering sparse arrays in the current implementation, documented in #6577.
Removing some unknowns from the equation, I believe this distilled code snippet demonstrates the issue you are encountering:
use LayoutCS;
var dom = {1..10, 1..10};
var Adom: sparse subdomain(dom) dmapped CS();
var Bdom: sparse subdomain(dom) dmapped CS();
var A: [Adom] real;
var B: [Bdom] real;
Adom += (1,1);
Bdom += (1,1);
A[1,1] = 1.0;
B[1,1] = 2.0;
writeln(A.domain == B.domain); // true
var willThisWork = && reduce (A == B);
// dang.chpl:19: error: halt reached - Sparse arrays can't be zippered with
// anything other than their domains and sibling arrays (CS layout)
As a work-around, I would suggest looping over the sparse indices after confirming the domains are equal and performing a && reduce. This is something you could wrap in a helper function, e.g.
proc main() {
var dom = {1..10, 1..10};
var Adom: sparse subdomain(dom) dmapped CS();
var Bdom: sparse subdomain(dom) dmapped CS();
var A: [Adom] real;
var B: [Bdom] real;
Adom += (1,1);
Bdom += (1,1);
A[1,1] = 1.0;
B[1,1] = 2.0;
if A.domain == B.domain {
writeln(equal(A, B));
/* Some day, this should be A.equals(B) ! */
proc equal(A: [], B: []) {
// You could also return 'false' if domains do not match
assert(A.domain == B.domain);
var s = true;
forall (i,j) in A.domain with (&& reduce s) {
s &&= (A[i,j] == B[i,j]);
return s;
src/MatrixOps.chpl:602: error: control reaches end of function that returns a value
This error is a result of not returning something in every condition. I believe you intended to do:
proc tropicLimit(A:[] real,B:[] real) {
var R = tropic(A,B);
if A.domain == R.domain {
if && reduce (A == R) {
return R;
} else {
return tropicLimit(R,B);
} else {
return tropicLimit(R,B);
I am trying to implement the fizz buzz problem using maps in go lang. However, this code requires improvement in its working. It keeps on printing undesired and redundant results due to the for loop that iterates over the map. I tried a lot of solutions but failed. Is it feasible without using any help of a slice of keys?
package main
import "fmt"
func fizzbuzz(i int) {
myMap:= make(map[int]string)
myMap[3] = "fizz"
myMap[5] = "buzz"
myMap[15] = "fizzbuzz"
for k,v:= range myMap{
if i%k==0 {fmt.Printf("%v \n",v)
} else {fmt.Printf("%v \n",i)}
func main() {
for i:=1;i<10000;i++ {
With a map
With your rule set, the entire for loop should be to decide if the i number is to be replaced with a word. But you emit a result in each iteration. At most one result should be emitted by the for. If i is not dividable by any of the keys, then i should be emitted.
Keys may be multiples of others (e.g. 15 = 3 * 5), and if the i number is dividable by such a key, we want to emit the word associated with the greatest key. So the for loop should not emit anything, because if you find a good key, there may be a greater one. So the loop should just find the greatest good key.
After the loop you can check if any good key was found, and if so, emit the word associated with it, else emit the number:
var rules = map[int]string{
3: "fizz",
5: "buzz",
15: "fizzbuzz",
func fizzbuzz(i int) {
max := -1
for k := range rules {
if i%k == 0 && k > max {
max = k
if max < 0 {
} else {
func main() {
for i := 1; i < 100; i++ {
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
With an ordered slice
You can get better performance if the rules are sorted by the keys descending, in which case you can check the keys in that order (greatest first), and then the first that qualifies will be the greatest. So you can emit the result immediately, and return.
If execution continues after the loop, we know no keys were good, we can emit the i number:
var rules = []struct {
n int
word string
{15, "fizzbuzz"},
{5, "buzz"},
{3, "fizz"},
func fizzbuzz(i int) {
for _, rule := range rules {
if i%rule.n == 0 {
Try this on the Go Playground.
General (excluding multiples from rules)
Although you started with a rule set where 15 = 3 * 5 was included in the rules, this should not be the case; you should only list 3 and 5, 15 should be implicit.
In this case, you have to check all the rules of course, because each good key should emit a word. And you have to remember if a good key was found, and only emit the i number otherwise.
This is how you can do it:
var rules = []struct {
n int
word string
{3, "fizz"},
{5, "buzz"},
func fizzbuzz(i int) {
found := false
for _, rule := range rules {
if i%rule.n == 0 {
found = true
if !found {
Try it on the Go Playground.
Note: in this solution you could also use a map instead of the slice; the reason why I used a slice is so that in case of multiple good keys the emitted words will always be in the same order (defined by increasing keys), as iteration order of keys in a map is not defined. For details, see Why can't Go iterate maps in insertion order?
As mentioned, the order of items in a map, is not deterministic in Go. Though here are some simple solutions:
func fizzbuzz(n int) {
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
switch {
case i%15 == 0:
case i%5 == 0:
case i%3 == 0:
func fizzbuzzList(n int) []string {
var res []string
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
switch {
case i%15 == 0:
res = append(res, `fizzbuzz`)
case i%5 == 0:
res = append(res, `buzz`)
case i%3 == 0:
res = append(res, `fizz`)
res = append(res, strconv.Itoa(i))
return res
func fizzbuzzLazy(n int) chan string {
var res = make(chan string)
go func() {
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
switch {
case i%15 == 0:
res <- `fizzbuzz`
case i%5 == 0:
res <- `buzz`
case i%3 == 0:
res <- `fizz`
res <- strconv.Itoa(i)
return res
And usage:
for _, v := range fizzbuzzList(20) {
for v := range fizzbuzzLazy(20) {
I was under the impression that the assignment to entry in nil map error would only happen if we would want to assign to a double map, that is, when a map on a deeper level is trying to be assigned while the higher one doesn't exist, e.g.:
var mm map[int]map[int]int
mm[1][2] = 3
But it also happens for a simple map (though with struct as a key):
package main
import "fmt"
type COO struct {
x int
y int
var neighbours map[COO][]COO
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 30; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 20; j++ {
var buds []COO
if i < 29 {
buds = append(buds, COO{x: i + 1, y: j})
if i > 0 {
buds = append(buds, COO{x: i - 1, y: j})
if j < 19 {
buds = append(buds, COO{x: i, y: j + 1})
if j > 0 {
buds = append(buds, COO{x: i, y: j - 1})
neighbours[COO{x: i, y: j}] = buds // <--- yields error
What could be wrong?
You need to initialize neighbours: var neighbours = make(map[COO][]COO)
See the second section in:
You'll get a panic whenever you try to insert a value into a map that hasn't been initialized.
In Golang, everything is initialized to a zero value, it's the default value for uninitialized variables.
So, as it has been conceived, a map's zero value is nil. When trying to use an non-initialized map, it panics. (Kind of a null pointer exception)
Sometimes it can be useful, because if you know the zero value of something you don't have to initialize it explicitly:
var str string
str += "42"
// 42 ; A string zero value is ""
var i int
// 1 ; An int zero value is 0
var b bool
b = !b
// true ; A bool zero value is false
If you have a Java background, that's the same thing: primitive types have a default value and objects are initialized to null;
Now, for more complex types like chan and map, the zero value is nil, that's why you have to use make to instantiate them. Pointers also have a nil zero value. The case of arrays and slice is a bit more tricky:
var a [2]int
// [0 0]
var b []int
// [] ; initialized to an empty slice
The compiler knows the length of the array (it cannot be changed) and its type, so it can already instantiate the right amount of memory. All of the values are initialized to their zero value (unlike C where you can have anything inside your array). For the slice, it is initialized to the empty slice [], so you can use append normally.
Now, for structs, it is the same as for arrays. Go creates a struct with all its fields initialized to zero values. It makes a deep initialization, example here:
type Point struct {
x int
y int
type Line struct {
a Point
b Point
func main() {
var line Line
// the %#v format prints Golang's deep representation of a value
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", line)
// main.Line{a:main.Point{x:0, y:0}, b:main.Point{x:0, y:0}}
Finally, the interface and func types are also initialized to nil.
That's really all there is to it. When working with complex types, you just have to remember to initialize them. The only exception is for arrays because you can't do make([2]int).
In your case, you have map of slice, so you need at least two steps to put something inside: Initialize the nested slice, and initialize the first map:
var buds []COO
neighbours := make(map[COO][]COO)
neighbours[COO{}] = buds
// alternative (shorter)
neighbours := make(map[COO][]COO)
// You have to use equal here because the type of neighbours[0] is known
neighbours[COO{}] = make([]COO, 0)
I can create a "static" map via
type m map[int]map[int]map[int]bool
but the length of "keys" will be dynamic:
|---unknown len--|
m[1][2][3][4][2][0] = true
|---unk len--|
m[1][2][3][4] = true
How I can create this map in Go? Or any way exists?
Added: Hierarchical is IMPORTANT
Thanks in advance!
The map type:
A map is an unordered group of elements of one type, called the element type, indexed by a set of unique keys of another type, called the key type.
A map type must have a specific value type and a specific key type. What you want does not qualify for this: you want a map where the value is sometimes another map (of the same type), and sometimes it's a bool.
Your options:
1. With a wrapper value type
The idea here is to not use just a simple (bool) value type, but a wrapper which holds both of your potential values: both a map and the simple value (bool):
type Value struct {
Children MapType
V bool
type MapType map[int]*Value
var m MapType
This is basically what user3591723 suggested, so I won't detail it further.
2. With a tree
This is a variant of #1, but this way we clearly communicate it's a tree.
The cleanest way to implement your hierarchical structure would be to use a tree, where a node could look like this:
type KeyType int
type ValueType string
type Node struct {
Children map[KeyType]*Node
Value ValueType
This has the advantage that you may choose the value type (which is bool in your case, but you can change it to whatever type - I used string for presentation).
For easily build / manage your tree, we can add some methods to our Node type:
func (n *Node) Add(key KeyType, v ValueType) {
if n.Children == nil {
n.Children = map[KeyType]*Node{}
n.Children[key] = &Node{Value: v}
func (n *Node) Get(keys ...KeyType) *Node {
for _, key := range keys {
n = n.Children[key]
return n
func (n *Node) Set(v ValueType, keys ...KeyType) {
n = n.Get(keys...)
n.Value = v
And using it: 1. build a tree, 2. query some values, 3. change a value:
root := &Node{Value: "root"}
root.Add(0, "first")
root.Get(0).Add(9, "second")
root.Get(0, 9).Add(3, "third")
root.Get(0).Add(4, "fourth")
fmt.Println(root.Get(0, 9, 3))
fmt.Println(root.Get(0, 4))
root.Set("fourthMod", 0, 4)
fmt.Println(root.Get(0, 4))
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
&{map[0:0x104382f0] root}
&{map[] third}
&{map[] fourth}
&{map[] fourthMod}
3. With a recursive type definition
It may be surprising but it is possible to define a map type in Go which has unlimited or dynamic "depth", using a recursive definition:
type X map[int]X
It is what it says: it's a map with int keys, and values of the same type as the map itself.
The big downside of this recursive type is that it can't store any "useful" data in the value type. It can only store the "fact" whether a value is present which is identical to a bool-like information (bool type: true or false), which may be enough in rare cases, but not in most.
Let's see an example building a "tree":
var x X
x = map[int]X{}
x[0] = map[int]X{}
x[0][9] = map[int]X{}
x[0][9][3] = map[int]X{}
x[0][4] = map[int]X{}
map[0:map[9:map[3:map[]] 4:map[]]]
If we want to test if there is a "value" based on a series of keys, we have 2 options: either use the special v, ok := m[i] indexing (which reports if a value for the specified key exists), or test if the value is not nil, e.g. m[i] != nil.
Let's see some examples testing the above built map:
var ok bool
_, ok = x[0][9][3]
fmt.Println("x[0][9][3] exists:", ok, "; alternative way:", x[0][9][3] != nil)
_, ok = x[0][9][4]
fmt.Println("x[0][9][4] exists:", ok, "; alternative way:", x[0][9][4] != nil)
_, ok = x[0][4]
fmt.Println("x[0][4] exists:", ok, "; alternative way:", x[0][4] != nil)
_, ok = x[0][4][9][9][9]
fmt.Println("x[0][4][9][9][9] exists:", ok, "; alternative way:", x[0][4][9][9][9] != nil)
x[0][9][3] exists: true ; alternative way: true
x[0][9][4] exists: false ; alternative way: false
x[0][4] exists: true ; alternative way: true
x[0][4][9][9][9] exists: false ; alternative way: false
Try these on the Go Playground.
Note: Even though x[0][4] is the last "leaf", indexing further like x[0][4][9][9][9] will not cause a panic as a nil map can be indexed and yields the zero value of the value type (which is nil in case the value type is a map type).
Ok I had some fun playing with this a bit. Here is a much better implementation than what I did before:
type mymap map[int]*myentry
type myentry struct {
m mymap
b bool
func (mm mymap) get(idx *myentry {
if len(idx) == 0 {
return nil
entry, ok := mm[idx[0]]
if !ok {
return nil
} else if len(idx) == 1 {
return entry
for i := 1; i < len(idx); i++ {
if entry == nil || entry.m == nil {
return nil
entry = entry.m[idx[i]]
return entry
func (mm mymap) setbool(v bool, idx {
if len(idx) == 0 {
if mm[idx[0]] == nil {
mm[idx[0]] = &myentry{m: make(mymap), b: false}
} else if mm[idx[0]].m == nil {
mm[idx[0]].m = make(mymap)
if len(idx) == 1 {
mm[idx[0]].b = v
entry := mm[idx[0]]
for i := 1; i < len(idx); i++ {
if entry.m == nil {
entry.m = make(mymap)
entry.m[idx[i]] = &myentry{m: make(mymap), b: false}
} else if entry.m[idx[i]] == nil {
entry.m[idx[i]] = &myentry{m: make(mymap), b: false}
entry = entry.m[idx[i]]
entry.b = v
func (m mymap) getbool(idx bool {
if val := m.get(idx...); val != nil {
return val.b
return false
func (m mymap) getmap(idx mymap {
if val := m.get(idx...); val != nil {
return val.m
return nil
Playground link
Something like that ought to get you started
If you don't need the hierarchical map structure and just want to use keys with variable length one approach could be to simply use strings as keys and one single map.
m := make(map[string]bool)
k := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v_%v", 1, 2, 3)
m[k] = true
You cannot do this as this sort of type is not representable in Go's type system.
You will have to redesign.
E.g. a type arbitrarilyKeyedMapwith a method lookup(vals bool.
Probably you'll need methods for setting and deletion too.