Using Google Analytics to track tweets and website traffic - google-analytics

my task is to: use Google Analytics data to track the number of tweets R bloggers make per day as well as the incoming traffic from twitter, such that I can generate a csv file and I can perform analysis on these data.
I was given a hint to look at the Google API documentation for info on what data can be scraped using Google Analytics:
This is what i am asked to do ultimately. I was so confused. I do not have a clue what approach and how to do this. Do I have to build an application to do this ?
Now, I have never used google analytics / google developers before. I am not looking a solution here. Rather, I am looking for someone who can point me to the right direction, i.e. links or materials to look at in order to tackle this problem.

If you're looking to track people who come to your site and tweet a blog post, you should be able to get data by installing social interaction tracking:
Google Analytics : Twitter Tweets
Universal Analytics : Social Interactions
Once you have installed social tracking, you can view the social plugins report in Google Analytics by going to Acquisitions > Social > Plugins.


Google Analytics API - extract information on Urls visited by users

I started to use the Google Analytics API in order to import the necessary information into R. It is working nicely, but I miss one important piece of information: in the Google Analytics website, I can have a look at hits by the domain on my website (e.g. /about, /data), but I cannot find this information in the dimensions and metrics explorer on the Google developer website...
Does anyone know how to extract this information?
Thanks in advance!

Get Play store views and installs like "Google Play Referral Flow" with google analytics reporting api

I spent a few hours trying to get the "Play Store Views" and "Installs" metrics but I didn't found it how.
I checked the documentation where you could find all the dimensions/metrics but those are not there.
I hope someone from the google analytics api could helps me with this issue.
I have searched high and low for this. It would be very valuable information to have. I was unable to find the information in the Google Analytics API or the Google play APIs.
I had to go as far as double checking with the Google Analytics dev team.
This information is not available through an API at this time.
The data is available on the Developer Console.
On the ALL APPLICATIONS page, select your app and then User Acquisition (second item from top in left hand menu).

How To Retrieve Individual Google Analytics Statistics For Website

When registering your website with Google Analytics, is it possible to then create your own dashboard on your website and retrieve individual Google Analytics data segments instead of logging into Google and watch the statistics from there?
In short building your own dashboard, using Google Analytics data? Perhaps Google Analytics have some sort of API one can use to specify what to return to the website to display?
Thanks in advance
You could also checkout the Embed API. it makes creating dashboards simple by making the auth step simple.
Just google for the question.
and probably this is the best tool you can get from anywhere to fetch all your data :

How to get visitor data from Google Analytics, and show them in a public map?

I have a project for getting the data from google analytics, from where the visitors are coming. This is an example:
On mouse over in a country, then show how much visitors does it have.
Which is better to use Javascript with PHP or something else.
Thanks for helping.
You can do this though the Google Analytics API. If its your own data then I recommend you use php and go with a service account. There is a tutorial here on how to get started with the Google analytics api. Tutorial Hello analytics
I haven't tried it yet, but they recently added some info on merging Google charts with Google analytics data. There is a map in Google charts so this should be possible. You can read about it here Visualizing Google Analytics Data with Google Chart Tools

Filter Data from a specific Referer in Google Analytics

I am using google analytics on my web site. I would like to see the traffic/counts of people coming from a specific domain. How I can set this up in google analytics? For example, my site is I would like to know how many people are landing on my site from (or get referred from Would be very helpful if someone was able to share steps to set this up in google analytics.
Thanks so much -
In the "Standard Reports" section of your reports homepage, you can go to
Traffic Sources > Sources > Referrals
Then on the right, just above the metrics is a search field. Just type in "" and click the spyglass icon.
