Query to search a particular string in single table in oracle 11g - oracle11g

I need a query in oracle 11g that will search all the columns of a table for a particular string and give the result.
I have tried a query given below and it worked for me...
SELECT * FROM account
WHERE ACCOUNT_ID like'%gaurav%'
OR ACCOUNT_NAME like'%gaurav%'
OR PARENT_ACCOUNT like'%gaurav%'
OR WEBSITE LIKE '%gaurav%'
OR TYPE LIKE'%gaurav%'
OR PHONE LIKE'%gaurav%'
OR STD_CODE LIKE'%gaurav%'
but I need a more simplified solution...as I am having only 10 columns in my table so this solution is okay but what if I have 30-40 columns in my table.

If you have a table with 30-40 columns you should normalize the database: http://www.studytonight.com/dbms/database-normalization.php and you might not need to check all columns (phone for example). Your solution is fine :)

If you need a solution that is generic, repeatable, and simple enough to use, then implement a table function with
input parameters of: "table name", "searched string"
result of: collection of tuple {"rowid", "column name with the match"}
Inside the table function you can implement the functionality you need via means of dynamic SQL.
As for the terms used above ...
collection: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e25519/composites.htm#LNPLS005
"tuple" = record ... http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e25519/composites.htm#LNPLS005
dynamic SQL: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e25519/dynamic.htm#LNPLS011
(pipelined) table functions: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e25519/tuning.htm#LNPLS915


How to search the database for a field which is a substring of the query by using sqlite

Problem description
I want to search for the query = Angela in a database from a table called Variations. The problem is that the database does not Angela. It contains Angel. As you can see the a is missing.
Searching procedure
The table that I want to query is the following:
To search for the query I am using fts4 because it is faster than LIKE% especially if I have a big database with more than 10 millions rows. I cannot also use the equality since i am looking for substrings.
I create a virtual table create virtual table variation_virtual using fts4(ID, ID_ENTITE, NAME, TYPE, LANGUAGE);
Filled the virtual table with VARIATIONS insert into variation_virtual select * from VARIATIONS;
The selection query is represented as follow:
What am I missing in the query. What I am doing is the opposite of when we want to check if a query is a subtring of a string in a table.
You can't use fts4 for this. From the documentation:
SELECT count(*) FROM enrondata1 WHERE content MATCH 'linux'; /* 0.03 seconds */
SELECT count(*) FROM enrondata2 WHERE content LIKE '%linux%'; /* 22.5 seconds */
Of course, the two queries above are not
entirely equivalent. For example the LIKE query matches rows that
contain terms such as "linuxophobe" or "EnterpriseLinux" (as it
happens, the Enron E-Mail Dataset does not actually contain any such
terms), whereas the MATCH query on the FTS3 table selects only those
rows that contain "linux" as a discrete token. Both searches are
So your query will only match strings that have 'Angela' as a word (at least that is how I interpret 'discrete token').

ASP.NET Pivot Table: How to use it with just two tables in the database

I have an Excel sheet that list all the employees in the company with some required training courses. The list is very big and long and I need to incorporate it within the company website. therefore, I am thinking to use the pivot table with the stored procedures in order to make the table flexible for expanding with adding new employees or courses in the future.
The main problem now is how to use it with just two tables in the database which are Employee table and Courses Table.
Employee table consists of: employee name, id, organization, course id
Courses table consists of: course name, course id
I want a pivot table that lists employee name on the first column and lists courses on the first row. then it will show me (yes or no) values under each course for each employee which indicates that employee takes this course or not. Finally I want to see a total of yes on the last row of the table
I know the syntax of the pivot table and I tried to understand it and make it work for this case but I failed.
I am using this valuable resource:
How to use it with this case? Any hint please? I just wanna know the structure of the query
My initial query is:
employee.Name, employee.id, employee.Organization, courses.id, courses.name
from employee, courses
) DataTable
FOR Name
IN (
[safety awareness],[general safety orientation],[sms orientation],[emergency responses]
) PivotTable
I would definitely use a PivotGrid control like DevXpress has for winforms and ASP.NET.
With such control you can create pivots at design time and even allow end user to drag and drop fields around at runtime and decide for the pivoting logic than save their preferences. Used this for some advanced reporting tools and users loved it.

Updating multiple related tables in SQLite

Just some background, sorry so long winded.
I'm using the System.Data.SQLite ADO.net adapter to create a local sqlite database and this will be the only process hitting the database, so I don't need to worry about concurrency.
I'm building the database from various sources and don't want to build this all in memory using datasets or dataadapters or anything like that. I want to do this using SQL (DdCommands). I'm not very good with SQL and complete noob in sqlite. I'm basically using sqlite as a local database / save file structure.
The database has a lot of related tables and the data has nothing to do with People or Regions or Districts, but to use a simple analogy, imagine:
Region table with auto increment RegionID, RegionName column and various optional columns.
District table with auto increment DistrictID, DistrictName, RegionId, and various optional columns
Person table with auto increment PersonID, PersonName, DistrictID, and various optional columns
So I get some data representing RegionName, DistrictName,PersonName, and other Person related data. The Region, District and/or Person may or may not be created at this point.
Once again, not being the greatest with this, my thoughts would be something like:
Check to see if Region exists and if so get the RegionID
else create it and get RegionID
Check to see if District exists and if so get the DistrictID
else create it adding in RegionID from above and get DistrictID
Check to see if Person exists and if so get the PersonID
else create it adding in DistrictID from above and get PersonID
Update Person with rest of data.
In MS SQL Server I would create a stored procedure to handle all this.
Only way I can see to do this with sqlite is a lot of commands. So I'm sure I'm not getting this. I've spent hours looking around on various sites but just don't feel like I'm going down the right road. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Use last_insert_rowid() in conjunction with INSERT OR REPLACE. Something like:
VALUES (:Region );
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO District(DistrictName, RegionID )
VALUES (:District , last_insert_rowid());
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Person(PersonName, DistrictID )
VALUES (:Person , last_insert_rowid());

BizTalk Database Lookup functoid fixed condition

Is there a way to further restrict the lookup performed by a database lookup functoid to include another column?
I have a table containing four columns.
Id (identity not important for this)
MapId int
Ident1 varchar
Ident2 varchar
I'm trying to get Ident2 for a match on Ident1 but wish it to only lookup where MapId = 1.
The functoid only allows the four inputs any ideas?
It appears there is a technique if you are interested in searching across columns that are string data types. For those interested I found this out here...
Google Books: BizTalk 2006 Recipes
Seeing as I wish to restrict on a numberic column this doesn't work for me. If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it. Otherwwise I may need to think about my MapId column becoming a string.
I changed the MapId to MapCode of type char(3) and used the technique described in the book I linked to in the update to the original question.
The only issue I faced was that my column collations where not in line so I was getting an error from the SQL when they where concatenated in the statement generated by the map.
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM IdentMap WHERE MapCode+Ident1= #P1',N'#P1 nvarchar(17)',N'<MapCode><Ident2>'
Sniffed this using the SQL Profiler

Asp.net fulltext multiple search terms methodology

I've got a search box that users can type terms into. I have a table setup with fulltext searching on a string column. Lets say a user types this: "word, office, microsoft" and clicks "search".
Is this the best way to deal with multiple search terms?
foreach (string searchWord in searchTerms){
select col1 from myTable where contains(fts_column, ‘searchWord’)
Is there a way of including the search terms in the sql and not iterating? I'm trying to reduce the amount of calls to the sql server.
FREETEXT might work for you. It will separate the string into individual words based on word boundaries (word-breaking). Then you'd only have a single SQL call.
Well you could just build your SQL Query Dynamically...
string [] searchWords = searchTerm.Split(",");
string SQL = "SELECT col1 FROM myTable WHERE 1=2";
foreach (string word in searchWords)
SQL = string.Format("{0} OR contains(fts_column, '{1}')", SQL, word);
Obviously this comes with the usual warnings/disclaimers about SQL Injection etc... but the principal is that you would dynamically build up all your clauses and apply them in one query.
Depending on how your interacting with your DB, it might be feasible for you to pass the entire un-split search term into a SPROC and then split & build dynamic SQL inside the stored procedure.
You could do it similar to what you have there: just parse the search terms based on delimiter, and then make a call on each, joining the results together. Alternatively, you can do multiple CONTAINS:
SELECT Name FROM Products WHERE CONTAINS(Name, #Param1) OR CONTAINS(Name, #Param2) etc.
Maybe try both and see which is faster in your environment.
I use this class for Normalizing SQL Server Full-text Search Conditions
