Why use image1d_buffer_t? Does it support normal samplers? - opencl

I am trying to understand the image1d_buffer_t type in OpenCL. From what I can tell, it is an 1D image made from a Buffer. The advantage over an image not made from a buffer it that the buffer image can usually be much larger (it does depend on the hardware, but the min size per this page is larger). Am I correct that you cannot use the linear interpolation of a sampler however? I am looking here.
So why even use the image rather than just a buffer?

Yes, you are correct that you can only use the sampler-less read functions with the image1d_buffer_t type, and therefore cannot make use of linear interpolation or the edge-handling features.
It's a minor convenience, but when using the image read/write functions you have the ability to change the data-type used to store the pixel values without having to change your kernel code. Similarly, you have the (sampler-less) read_imagef function, which will normalise the pixel value for you (and the corresponding write_imagef function).


In chainer, How to write BPTT updater using multiple GPUs?

I don't find example because existing example only extends training.StandardUpdater, thus only use One GPU.
I assume that you are talking about the BPTTUpdater of the ptb example of Chainer.
It's not straight forward to make the customized updater support learning on multiple GPUs. The MultiprocessParallelUpdater hard code the way to compute the gradient (only the target link implementation is customizable), so you have to copy the overall implementation of MultiprocessParallelUpdater and modify the gradient computation parts. What you have to copy and edit is chainer/training/updaters/multiprocess_parallel_updater.py.
There are two parts in this file that compute gradient; one in _Worker.run, which represents a worker process task, and the other in MultiprocessParallelUpdater.update_core, which represents the master process task. You have to make these code do BPTT by modifying the code starting from _calc_loss to backward in each of these two parts:
# Change self._master into self.model for _Worker.run code
loss = _calc_loss(self._master, batch)
It should be modified by inserting the code of BPTTUpdater.update_core.
You also have to take care on the data iterators. MultiprocessParallelUpdater accept the set of iterators that will be distributed to master/worker processes. Since the ptb example uses a customized iterator (ParallelSequentialIterator), you have to make sure that these iterators iterate over different portions of the dataset or using different initial offsets of word positions. It may require customization to ParalellSequentialIterator as well.

Convert RGBA{U8}(0.384,0.0,0.0,1.0) to Integer

I am using Images.jl in Julia. I am trying to convert an image into a graph-like data structure (v,w,c) where
v is a node
w is a neighbor and
c is a cost function
I want to give an expensive cost to those neighbors which have not the same color. However, when I load an image each pixel has the following Type RGBA{U8}(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), is there any way to convert this into a number like Int64 or Float?
If all you want to do is penalize adjacent pairs that have different color values (no matter how small the difference), I think img[i,j] != img[i+1,j] should be sufficient, and infinitely more performant than calling colordiff.
Images.jl also contains methods, raw and separate, that allow you to "convert" that image into a higher-dimensional array of UInt8. However, for your apparent application this will likely be more of a pain, because you'll have to choose between using a syntax like A[:, i, j] != A[:, i+1, j] (which will allocate memory and have much worse performance) or write out loops and check each color channel manually. Then there's always the slight annoyance of having to special case your code for grayscale and color, wondering what a 3d array really means (is it 3d grayscale or 2d with a color channel?), and wondering whether the color channel is stored as the first or last dimension.
None of these annoyances arise if you just work with the data directly in RGBA format. For a little more background, they are examples of Julia's "immutable" objects, which have at least two advantages. First, they allow you to clearly specify the "meaning" of a certain collection of numbers (in this case, that these 4 numbers represent a color, in a particular colorspace, rather than, say, pressure readings from a sensor)---that means you can write code that isn't forced to make assumptions that it can't enforce. Second, once you learn how to use them, they make your code much prettier all while providing fantastic performance.
The color types are documented here.
Might I recommend converting each pixel to greyscale if all you want is a magnitude difference.
See this answer for a how-to:
Converting RGB to grayscale/intensity
This will give you a single value for intensity that you can then use to compare.
Following #daycaster's suggestion, colordiff from Colors.jl can be used.
colordiff takes two colors as arguments. To use it, you should extract the color part of the pixel with color i.e. colordiff(color(v),color(w)) where v would be RGBA{U8(0.384,0.0,0.0,1.0) value.

OpenMDAO 1.x relevance reduction

I have a component in OpenMDAO without outputs that serves to provide inputs to the rest of the group. apply_linear in that component is being called despite the fact that the output of it is not connected. Shouldn't the relevance reduction algorithm in OpenMDAO 1.x figure out that apply_linear for this method never needs to be called?
As it turns out, relevance reduction on a per-variable basis isn't turned on by default. You can turn it on with:
prob.root.ln_solver = LinearGaussSeidel()
prob.root.ln_solver.options['single_voi_relevance_reduction'] = True
This options is set to False by default because it does use more memory by allocating separate vectors for each quantity of interest (though each vector is smaller because it only contains relevant variables, but the total size may be larger.) Also, relevance-reduction is only applicable when using Linear Gauss Seidel as the top linear solver.
My reputation isn't high enough yet to leave comments, so I'm just adding another answer instead. I just wanted to mention that if you're not running under MPI, activating single_voi_relevance_reduction is essentially free. The real increase in memory use isn't due to the vectors themselves, but instead it's due to the index arrays that we store in order to transfer the data from source arrays to target arrays. We're forced to use index arrays under MPI, because PETSc requires it, but when we're not using MPI we use python slice objects to do our data transfer. Slice objects require very little memory.

Creating an efficient function to fit a dataset

Basically I have a large (could get as large as 100,000-150,000 values) data set of 4-byte inputs and their corresponding 4-byte outputs. The inputs aren't guaranteed to be unique (which isn't really a problem because I figure I can generate pseudo-random numbers to add or xor the inputs with so that they do become unique), but the outputs aren't guaranteed to be unique either (so two different sets of inputs might have the same output).
I'm trying to create a function that effectively models the values in my data-set. I don't need it to interpolate efficiently, or even at all (by this I mean that I'm never going to feed it an input that isn't contained in this static data-set). However it does need to be as efficient as possible. I've looked into interpolation and found that it doesn't really fit what I'm looking for. For example, the large number of values means that spline interpolation won't do since it creates a polynomial per interval.
Also, from my understanding polynomial interpolation would be way too computationally expensive (n values means that the polynomial could include terms as high as pow(x,n-1). For x= a 4-byte number and n=100,000 it's just not feasible). I've tried looking online for a while now, but I'm not very strong with math and must not know the right terms to search with because I haven't come across anything similar so far.
I can see that this is not completely (to put it mildly) a programming question and I apologize in advance. I'm not looking for the exact solution or even a complete answer. I just need pointers on the topics that I would need to read up on so I can solve this problem on my own. Thanks!
TL;DR - I need a variant of interpolation that only needs to fit the initially given data-points, but which is computationally efficient.
Some clarification - I do need the output to be exact and not an approximation. This is sort of an optimization of some research work I'm currently doing and I need to have this look-up implemented without the actual bytes of the outputs being present in my program. I can't really say a whole lot about it at the moment, but I will say that for the purposes of my work, encryption (or compression or any other other form of obfuscation) is not an option to hide the table. I need a mathematical function that can recreate the output so long as it has access to the input. I hope that clears things up a bit.
Here is one idea. Make your function be the sum (mod 232) of a linear function over all 4-byte integers, a piecewise linear function whose pieces depend on the value of the first bit, another piecewise linear function whose pieces depend on the value of the first two bits, and so on.
The actual output values appear nowhere, you have to add together linear terms to get them. There is also no direct record of which input values you have. (Someone could conclude something about those input values, but not their actual values.)
The various coefficients you need can be stored in a hash. Any lookups you do which are not found in the hash are assumed to be 0.
If you add a certain amount of random "noise" to your dataset before starting to encode it fairly efficiently, it would be hard to tell what your input values are, and very hard to tell what the outputs are even approximately without knowing the inputs.
Since you didn't impose any restriction on the function (continuous, smooth, etc), you could simply do a piece-wise constant interpolation:
or a linear interpolation:
I assume you can figure out how to construct such a function without too much trouble.
EDIT: In light of your additional requirement that such a function should "hide" the data points...
For a piece-wise constant interpolation, the constant intervals should be randomized so as to not reveal where the data point is. So for example in the picture, the intervals are centered about the data point it's interpolating. Instead, you might want to do something like:
[0 , 0.3) -> 0
[0.3 , 1.9) -> 0.8
[1.9 , 2.1) -> 0.9
[2.1 , 3.5) -> 0.2
Of course, this only hides the x-coordinate. To hide the y-coordinate as well, you can use a linear interpolation.
Simply make it so that the "pointy" part isn't where the data point is. Pick random x-values such that every adjacent data point has one of these x-values in between. Then interpolate such that the "pointy" part is at these x-values.
I suggest a huge Lookup Table full of unused entries. It's the brute-force approach, having an ordered table of outputs, ordered by every possible value of the input (not just the data set, but also all other possible 4-byte value).
Though all of your data would be there, you could fill the non-used inputs with random, arbitrary, or stochastic (random whithin potentially complex constraints) data. If you make it convincing, no one could pick your real data out of it. If a "real" function interpolated all your data, it would also "contain" all the information of your real data, and anyone with access to it could use it to generate an LUT as described above.
LUTs are lightning-fast, but very memory hungry. Your case is on the edge of feasibility, requiring (2^32)*32= 16 Gigabytes of RAM, which requires a 64-bit machine to run. That is just for the data, not the program, the Operating System, or other data. It's better to have 24, just to be sure. If you can afford it, they are the way to go.

fourier transform to transpose key of a wav file

I want to write an app to transpose the key a wav file plays in (for fun, I know there are apps that already do this)... my main understanding of how this might be accomplished is to
1) chop the audio file into very small blocks (say 1/10 a second)
2) run an FFT on each block
3) phase shift the frequency space up or down depending on what key I want
4) use an inverse FFT to return each block to the time domain
5) glue all the blocks together
But now I'm wondering if the transformed blocks would no longer be continuous when I try to glue them back together. Are there ideas how I should do this to guarantee continuity, or am I just worrying about nothing?
Overlap the time samples for each block by half so that each block after the first consists of the last N/2 samples from the previous block and N/2 new samples. Be sure to apply some window to the samples before the transform.
After shifting the frequency, perform an inverse FFT and use the middle N/2 samples from each block. You'll need to adjust the final gain after the IFFT.
Of course, mixing the time samples with a sine wave and then low pass filtering will provide the same shift in the time domain as well. The frequency of the mixer would be the desired frequency difference.
For speech you might want to look at PSOLA - this is a popular algorithm for pitch-shifting and/or time stretching/compression which is a little more sophisticated than the basic overlap-add method, but not much more complex.
If you need to process non-speech samples, e.g. music, then there are several possibilities, however the overlap-add FFT/modify/IFFT approach mentioned in other answers is probably the best bet.
Found this great article on the subject, for anyone trying it in the future!
You may have to find a zero-crossing between the blocks to glue the individual wavs back together. Otherwise you may find that you are getting clicks or pops between the blocks.
