Variable is not of the type class - axapta

I have a custom class for holding a collection of data.
I use this class throughout my code, and it works without a hitch, except for in one place, when I need to pass the class object to a method. Here is some very basic code to demonstrate what I am seeing.
public class doSomething
static void myMethod(customClass_myItem) {}
public class customClass
public str classMethod() {}
form method
customClass myItem = new customClass();
myItem.classMethod(); //this works, so I know the class is good
doSomething::myMethod(myItem); //Gives error: variable is not of the type CLASS.
I am completely lost here. If I couldn't use the class at all, I would understand, but with it not working when passed to another method.. doesn't make any sense. If I put in a breakpoint, the debugger indicates myItem is a class of the correct type.
Any suggestions?

Your myMethod expects an object of class customClass_myItem (or a descendant) not customClass.
If you change your parameter type to object it should work.
static void myMethod(Object o) {}


why does the compiler complain about missing ctor of WebSocketHandler?

I'm trying to use websocket in my project.
to do so, I installed the package Microsoft Asp.Net SignalR, which consists of WebSocketHandler abstract class.
i defined a class inheriting WebSocketHandler, but then the compiler complains:
'Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.WebSockets.WebSocketHandler' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments'.
It seems wierd to me, because the definitioin of WebSocketHandler ctor gets a nullable value, which means the ctor could get no parameter,
the definition looks like this:
protected WebSocketHandler(int? maxIncomingMessageSize);
can anybody tell me what the problem is?
It seems wierd to me, because the definitioin of WebSocketHandler ctor gets a nullable value, which means the ctor could get no parameter
No, it doesn't. There's a big difference between receiving a null value for a nullable type, and not receiving a value at all.
If the parameter were optional, that would be a different matter - but it's not. You have to supply an argument convertible to int? in the call. If you want to provide the null value for int?, do so:
var handler = new WebSocketHandler(null);
Or if you want to avoid accidentally using any other single-parameter constructor definitions which may be applicable with a null literal as the argument, you could use:
var handler = new WebSocketHandler((int?) null);
var handler = new WebSocketHandler(default(int?));
protected member is accessible by derived class instances and there's nothing special about it. Nothing special in the class itself, either # WebSocketHandler.cs.
It just mens you need to pass in a nullable type, it does not mean it can't get any arguments.
int? maxIncomingMessageSize = 0;
var socket = new WebSocketHandler(maxIncomingMessageSize);
In your derived class you could/should define a "constructor that takes 0 arguments".
public class MyHandler : WebSocketHandler
// not mandatory
public MyHandler()
// mandatory
public MyHandler(int? maxIncomingMessageSize)

Jackson custom deserializer module to abstract class

I have a big set of classes (like more that 100) and they are all extend from some abstract class, let's call it ParentClass. Let's call child classes ChildA,ChildB, etc. How can I register custom deserializer for all children and get class type inside my Deserializer?
I tried:
module.addDeserializer(ParentClass.class, new MyObjectDeserializer());
but it does not work.
I want to skip doing (what is working):
module.addDeserializer(ChildA.class, new MyObjectDeserializer(ChildA.class));
module.addDeserializer(ChildB.class, new MyObjectDeserializer(ChildB.class));
module.addDeserializer(ChildC.class, new MyObjectDeserializer(ChildC.class));
Class type should be known, as I am use Jackson for spring #RequestBody method, what have defined class name there.
Any ideas how this can be done?
As far as I know, I don't think there is a mechanism in jackson that will address your exact needs.
However, there are a couple alternatives you can try.
Deserializing polymorphic types with Jackson describes one such alternative, however, you would still need to explicitly define all of the supported subtypes.
Another alternative that would not require you to explicitly define deserialization relationships would be to change your class hierarchy from one of inheritance to that of a container.
For example, converting your abstract parent class to a container like so:
public class DataContainer<T> {
String commonString;
Integer commonInteger;
T subData;
Would allow you to simply define in your controller input function as
public String controllerFunction(DataContainer<ClassA> classA);
without a need to define all these subclass deserializations.
Late to the party but I had a similar problem which I solved by registering a custom Deserializers to my SimpleModule. The code is in Kotlin but it should be easy to port it to Java.
The class itself:
class UseBaseClassSimpleDeserializers(
private val baseClass: Class<*>,
private val baseClassDeserializer: JsonDeserializer<*>
) : SimpleDeserializers() {
override fun findBeanDeserializer(
type: JavaType?,
config: DeserializationConfig?,
beanDesc: BeanDescription?
): JsonDeserializer<*>? {
val beanDeserializer = super.findBeanDeserializer(type, config, beanDesc)
return if (beanDeserializer == null && baseClass.isAssignableFrom(type!!.rawClass)) {
} else {
How to register the custom Deserializers class to a SimpleModule:
val simpleModule = SimpleModule()
simpleModule.setDeserializers(UseBaseClassSimpleDeserializers(, ParentClassDeserializer()))

How can I get the name of the defined class in a parent static method in Groovy

Note: I found another answer that suggests that Java would redirect the static method call to it's own class even if it's called on a child class so I guess I need to find a Groovy work-around trick or it's just not going to be doable.
Here's the problem: I created an abstract generic "Launcher" class with a "public static void main". The idea is that you extend it and in your child class you annotate methods like this:
#Command("Show an explorere shell")
public dir() {
The parent of this class has a main that goes through, reflects for the #Command annotation and if the method name matches your parameter, executes it.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to tell what the actual, instantiated class is within the parent's static main method.
I'm pretty sure there is a trick somewhere--"this" won't work in statics, stack traces don't contain the actual class, just the parent class, and I can't find any meta-info in the class or MetaClass objects that helps.
Currently I've gotten it to work by hard-coding the name of the child class into the parent's main like this:
public class QuickCli {
public static void main(String[] args} {
(new HardCodedChildClassName())."${args[0]}"()
I cut quite a bit out of that, but it's the general idea. I'd like to replace
"new HardCodedChildClassName()"
with something that will work for any class that extends this class.
Given the two code snips above, the command would be executed from the command line as:
groovy HardCodedChildClassName dir
Although I'd prefer not to make all the #Command methods static I could do so if I had to, but currently I'm not even convinced I could make that work.
I'm not sure that's possible. In any case, it's likely to be an ugly hack if it is. I'd suggest this alternative: Rather than using the static main() entry point, make QuickCli a Runnable. Groovy will automatically create an instance and call run() on it when it is launched.
One minor problem here is capturing the command-line arguments. Groovy handles this by passing them to a constructor with a String[] parameter. The instantiated class needs this constructor to capture the args, but in Java, constructors are not inherited. Fortunately, Groovy has an InheritConstructors annotation that works around this.
Here's an example of how this would look:
class QuickCli implements Runnable {
def args
QuickCli(String[] args) {
this.args = args
void run() {
class HardCodedChildClassName extends QuickCli {
#Command("Show an explorere shell")
public dir() {

Simplest way to use composed object as RequestParam in Spring

To following is something like... pseudo code... To illustrate what I am looking for:
// Setters and Getters ommitted to keep the example short here:
class Address
private String street;
private String city;
class AddressBookEntry
private String name;
private Address address;
class MyController
public void render(#RenderParam AddressBookEntry entry)
As you can see there are two POJOs (Address and AddressBookEntry). Now I would like to pass an AddressBookEntry to my Controller as http request parameter. I imagine that the URL looks like this: /target?
As far as I understand #RenderParam doesn't work this way. I would have to create a PropertyEditor that takes a single string and construct my target Object from it, which means that I can't have an individual URL-param for each (sub-)property.
#ModelAttribute comes closer, but I could not find any hint if and how nesting of objects might work with this annotation. Additionally this annotation works without the "entry." prefix in my URL above which means that I need to make sure that I don't have multiple ModelAttributes that share a property name, correct? That sounds stressful.
How can I solve this?
It's the situation when you should use #ModelAttribute. It supports nested objects as you want.
If you need multiple #ModelAttributes, you can compose them into special class (for example, it you case that class can contain a field named entry of type AddressBookEntry, so that parameter names will be the same).

Overridable Constant?

Maybe I should just make this a public member, but I keep thinking it should be a constant.
I have forms I'm rendering into PDFs (using iTextSharp). In code, the forms themselves all inherit a base class (OrderForm). Within OrderForm, there are a list of constants that I use for measurements when aligning things for the PDF rendering, such as LEFT_MARGIN, etc. These constants are used in several functions to determine where things go.
All the forms are virtually identical as they are comprised of the same components (header, address boxes, items, etc). However, the layout of the forms differ slightly... on one form, the address box is an inch further to the right (to fit in the envelope window my employer uses).
Rather than create a slew of constants for each margin, padding, blah blah for each form in the base class, eg: PURCHASE_ORDER_LEFT_MARGIN, INVOICE_LEFT_MARGIN, etc, wouldn't it be better to create an overridable LEFT_MARGIN that can be set in the "inheritee" [sic] object? My reasoning is that it is a constant that will not change within that object, only form to form, yet the renderings in the base class will remain relative to whatever that constant is.
I know I could simply create a public member and set its value, but I'd like to know the right way to go about this.
Constants are implicitly static (Shared).
Use a Readonly Property instead, and then you can choose to override it whenever or wherever need be.
A quick example ....
Class BaseClass
' Assume this field is set with a value from somewhere else'
Private _leftmargin As Integer
Overridable Readonly Property LEFT_MARGIN As Integer
Return _leftmargin
End Get
End Property
End Class
Class DerivedClass1
Inherits BaseClass
Overrides Readonly Property LEFT_MARGIN As Integer
Return 5 'specialized case for this class'
End Get
End Property
End Class
Class DerivedClass2
Inherits BaseClass
'uses base class LEFT_MARGIN'
End Class
Constants are compiled as literal values. If you have this (C#) source code:
public static class MyStringTestClass
// Fields
public const string ConstString = "Const String";
public void TestMethod()
string sc = MyStringTestClass.ConstString;
then the compiler will produce this:
public static class MyStringTestClass
// I'm not 100% sure if this declaration is removed as well...
public const string ConstString = "Const String";
public void TestMethod()
// ...but I know for sure that it will be removed
// everywhere it's used - including other assemblies!
string sc = "Const String";
As you see, "ConstString" is completely GONE and it's literal value is inserted everywhere.
So use the equivalent of a ReadOnly Virtual Property (I think "virtual" is called "Overridable" in and override it.
What you want is a regular property ... Any value that changes is not a constant ... :)
What you can do is to use methods instead of constants. At the base class the method will return the value of the constant as it is now.
Inheriting class can provide a new value for the "constant" by overriding the corresponding method.
