How to mask my local ip with an user friendly name? - ip

I am developing a web application, I've made the project in my localhost, but the net users need to access to my project and I dont want to give them a non-friendly ip address, so I wanna user acces with a name for example

If this is on a local network you can edit the hosts file on your computer to "mask" the ip on the network. Of course you'll have to change the project to use the network ip instead of localhost.

go to MyComputer>Drive C>Windows>System32>Drivers>etc>
Open hosts file
After opening the “hosts” file that will look as below. Here you can add your favourite domain name with the same IP address as I have added the with the IP of
now run you localhost and in browser type you localhost will run :)


Assign URL for IP Adress (IP adresses mapping to host names)

How can I change domain name for ip address ( to
Current I made a website and published it by using iis7. It is in the intranet. Now I want to access the website by a domain name and not by ip address.
can anyone help me for with this problem.
Note: The web-server were use is normal PC not a server.
It is up to the administrator of the DNS authorative nameserver for the "" domain.
Since this is an intranet application, this would likely be your companies IT department.
You can find out more information about that via a whois search, although for an intranet application it may not be much help. One example: domaintools link
Add the ip adress to the hosts file from the computers who needs to reach the website. E.g. u can do the edit with a batch file.
add line:

how to access website hosted on Xampp server through my ip address instead of local host

I've installed xxamp. what i am looking for is i want to access xamp/htdocs/index.php through my IP address not from local host. can any One tell me step by step procedure ? thank you ?
Assuming that xxamp uses Apache (since I've only used wamp) there is configuration file that you can modify: httpd.conf
There should be a line that says "ServerName local host" add a '#' sign in front of it start a new line and type "ServerName (your IP address)" without the quotes and without the parathensis and insert your IP address. I THINK you have to put :80 at the end of your IP.
I did this with wamp, and accessed my files through my tablet and other devices with a router.

Accessing local IP address via a hostname

How can I access a local network IP address (e.g. via a hostname from another machine in the same network (e.g. localhost)?
The reason I want to do this is because my local server running my development application can be accessed from other machines via the IP, however the web app is Dependant on the host name remaining consistent.
You can see where the problem arises when the server is told to fetch images and scripts that rely on the host being localhost and not
I'd suggest that you use localhost only to refer the loopback address (
In your case best option would be to register the server in DNS (e.g.
If you don't have access to DNS you should be able to use hosts files instead. Just add the following line to your hosts file on all computers that need to access the server:
hosts file can be found in /etc/hosts in Linux and in %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in Windows.

How to view a web page served from one computer from another computer

I am running a website from IIS on one computer and I want to view the web page on another computer. the only way I can do this is by using the ipaddress of the computer with IIS on it but would rather have a url. How can I generate a url or use a domain name from I signed up for an account on that website but dont know how to use it. I dont know how to configure it.
If the computers are in the same LAN you can substitute the computer's name for the IP. If you want the website to be visible outside the LAN, and accessible according to your name, you'll probably have to set up port forwarding on your router so that requests for port 80 are sent to the IP address of your IIS server.
edit your hosts file under Windows/system32/drivers/etc
add the ip and any hostname you want to use, e.g.

MAMP- Use local IP instead of 'localhost' in address?

Is it possible to get MAMP to show my local IP address in the url instead of the text 'localhost'?
The reason I want this is im using the Drupal CMS which caches some absolute links to images. Im on mac so I need to test my site with a PC so I can use IE. If I type in my mac's local IP address I can access the site over my network.
However, the absolute links which use 'localhost' not the IP don't display.
I'm about 99% sure that if you set up MAMP to work on port 80 you'll get your local drupal site from a remote machine on the same network (if you don't set it up on port 80 you'll just need to append the port number to the request ie: h ttp://
Ive found a solution. If I access the site on my local computer and type in my local IP, and then refresh the cache then the absolute links are created with the local IP. This makes them work on both my main computer and networked ones aswell.
