Good day.
I'm having 2 projects in Symfony 2. In first, i'm using {{ error.message|trans }} to translate
"Bad credentials" authorization error message. It calls Translator class trans method from Component\Translation\Translator.php to translate this string.
public function trans($id, array $parameters = array(), $domain = null, $locale = null)
if (null === $locale) {
$locale = $this->getLocale();
if (null === $domain) {
$domain = 'messages';
if (!isset($this->catalogues[$locale])) {
return strtr($this->catalogues[$locale]->get((string) $id, $domain), $parameters);
It works correctly, and returns translated string from messages.domain.yml file. In second project, i'm using same settings, and trying to translate error string in twig in the same way. But it doesn't working, and the original 'Bad credentials' string is returned. After inspection, i found, that Component\Translation\IdentityTranslator.php class is creating(instead of Translator.php), and it's method trans is being called:
* IdentityTranslator does not translate anything.
* #author Fabien Potencier <>
* #api
class IdentityTranslator implements TranslatorInterface
/// More code here
public function trans($id, array $parameters = array(), $domain = null, $locale = null)
return strtr((string) $id, $parameters);
So, it just returns the original message. What could be potential source of such problem? Is it Symfony bug? (Both projects uses Symfony 2.4.4)
I want to implement Twilio browser to browser call with Symfony5 and ApiPlatform
I'm following this tuto:
I have this function, that's the one I want my TwiML app to be configured on
* #Route("/twilio/handle/twiml/{clientId}", name="twilio_handl_twiml")
* #param $clientId
* #return VoiceResponse
public function handleTwiml($clientId): VoiceResponse
/** #var Client $client */
$client = $this->clientRepository->findOneBy(['id' => 11]);
$to = $client->getUser()->getLastName().$client->getUser()->getId();
$voiceResponse = new VoiceResponse();
$number = htmlspecialchars($to);
$dial = $voiceResponse->dial(null, array('callerId' => '+15017122661'));
if (isset($to)) {
if (preg_match("/^[\d\+\-\(\) ]+$/", $number)) {
} else {
} else {
$voiceResponse->say('There has been an issue. Thanks for calling!');
return $voiceResponse;
And I've declared it as a custom route on one of my entities in the "get" section:
* "twilio_handl_twiml"={
* "path"="/twilio/handle/twiml/{clientId}",
* "controller"="TwilioController:class"
* },
Now the function creates a proper VoiceResponse object
But when I call this route I get the following error message:
The controller must return a "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response" object but it returned an object of type Twilio\TwiML\VoiceResponse.
Now does anyone know why I couldn't return whatever kind of Response I want from a custom route ?
I don't really see why the framework would declare this as an error
If anyone can help me understand better this error I'd appreciate it
Twilio developer evangelist here.
As #Cerad has said in the comments, you need to respond with an object derived from the Symfony Response object.
I haven't used Symfony, so please excuse me if this is wrong, but I think you can update your handler to the following, it might work:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
* #Route("/twilio/handle/twiml/{clientId}", name="twilio_handl_twiml")
* #param $clientId
* #return Response
public function handleTwiml($clientId): VoiceResponse
/** #var Client $client */
$client = $this->clientRepository->findOneBy(['id' => 11]);
$to = $client->getUser()->getLastName().$client->getUser()->getId();
$voiceResponse = new VoiceResponse();
$number = htmlspecialchars($to);
$dial = $voiceResponse->dial(null, array('callerId' => '+15017122661'));
if (isset($to)) {
if (preg_match("/^[\d\+\-\(\) ]+$/", $number)) {
} else {
} else {
$voiceResponse->say('There has been an issue. Thanks for calling!');
$response = new Response(
['content-type' => 'application/xml']
return $response;
The key here is to build up the Symfony response with the content of the voice response ($voiceResponse->asXML()) and also set the content type to application/xml.
I'm actually testing my api code written with:
symfony 4
FOS User
I use codeption for my tests and everything is ok so far.
For several entities, I fire onFlush doctrine callback and it's working just fine when authenticated from my front application in react.
At this point I get my authenticated user in the callback via an injected security component.
However when doing the same things via codeception, even if onFlush is fired, I'm not able to retrieve my user neither the token via the security injection.
I tried to inject the token instead, also the entire service container, none has worked.
This is my OnFlush class:
* #var Security
private $security;
public function __construct(Security $security)
$this->security = $security;
public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $args): void
$user = $this->security->getUser();
And here how I set my authorization header in codeception test:
$I->haveHttpHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $token);
'attribute' => $value
I would like to get the user having the specified token whe executing the test in the callback.
PS: Before executing the PUT test, I did the same thing with GET and just got the related entities, when I remove Authorization header I do get all users entities. It seems that it's not working only in callback.
After a lot research, it's obviously a codeception problem.
I ended up making this particular test with phpunit as codeception couldn't load the service container in doctrine events.
If you try to edit your services.yaml file and to execute your tests, it works on first time as the service container is re-built (re-cached).
But once cached, it will always return an empty container (without tokenstrorage, security, ...).
Creating a helper method to provide the user wouldn't work neither, I'll leave the code here in case of need:
* Create user or administrator and set auth cookie to client
* #param string $user
* #param string $password
* #param bool $admin
public function setAuth(string $user, string $password, bool $admin = false): void
/** #var Symfony $symfony */
try {
$symfony = $this->getModule('Symfony');
} catch (ModuleException $e) {
$this->fail('Unable to get module \'Symfony\'');
/** #var Doctrine2 $doctrine */
try {
$doctrine = $this->getModule('Doctrine2');
} catch (ModuleException $e) {
$this->fail('Unable to get module \'Doctrine2\'');
$user = $doctrine->grabEntityFromRepository(User::class, [
'username' => $user
$token = new UsernamePasswordToken($user, null, 'main', $user->getRoles());
/** #var Session $session */
$session = $symfony->grabService('session');
$session->set('_security_main', serialize($token));
$cookie = new Cookie($session->getName(), $session->getId());
Creating a phpunit test with below code would do the job just fine:
* #param string $method
* #param string $url
* #param array $content
* #param bool $authorization
protected static function performRequest (string $method, string $url, array $content = [], $authorization = false): void
$headers = [
'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json',
if ($authorization)
$headers = array_merge($headers, [
'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Bearer ' . self::$token
'/api/' . $url,
I got exactly the same problem. Here is my solution:
use Codeception\Stub;
use Codeception\Module\Doctrine2;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security;
class YourEventSubscriberCest
* #var Security
protected Security $security;
* #param FunctionalTester $I
public function _before(FunctionalTester $I, Doctrine2 $doctrine2)
$user = new User();
$security = Stub::makeEmpty(Security::class, [
'getUser' => $user,
$backup = $this->replaceSecurity($doctrine2, $security);
if ($backup instanceof Security) {
$this->security = $backup;
public function _after(FunctionalTester $I, Doctrine2 $doctrine2)
$this->replaceSecurity($doctrine2, $this->security);
protected function replaceSecurity(Doctrine2 $doctrine2, object $newSecurity): ?object
$listeners = $doctrine2->_getEntityManager()->getEventManager()->getListeners('onFlush');
foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
if ($listener instanceof YourEventSubscriber) {
$reflection = new \ReflectionObject($listener);
$property = $reflection->getProperty('security');
$oldSecurity = $property->getValue($listener);
$property->setValue($listener, $newSecurity);
return $oldSecurity;
I have translation file named as messages.en.yml file on the location <My-Bundle>/Resources/translations as follow:
success: Schedule saved successfully
failed: Something went wrong on saving schedule
Now I need to call this message by key on here:
I try many ways but not able to fix this.
try this
also, need to enable in configuration:
default_locale: 'en'
fallbacks: ['en']
Check official documentation: Symfony Basic Translation
Unfortunately it is impossible to translate a key translation in the flash bag ...
You could create a custom service with as dependencies
The session
And then perform the translation yourself before adding the message to the flashBag
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Flash\FlashBag;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator;
class FlashBagTranslator
/** #var Translator $translator */
private $translator;
/** #var FlashBag $flashBag */
private $flashBag;
public function __construct(Translator $translator, Session $session)
$this->translator = $translator;
$this->flashBag = $session->getFlashBag();
public function addMessage($type, $translationKey, array $parameters = [], $domain = null, $locale = null)
$message = $this->translator->trans($translationKey, $parameters, $domain, $locale);
if ($message === $translationKey) {
// Your translation isn't findable, do something :)
return false;
$this->flashBag->add($type, $message);
return true;
A little disappointing, isn't it ?
I'd like to create a simple bundle to handle some multilingual pages in a website with translated slugs.
Based on translatable, sluggable and i18nrouting
implemented an entity (Page) with title, content, slug fields + locale property as the doc says
created a new Page set its title and content then translated it by $page->setTranslatableLocale('de'); and set those fields again with the german values, so that the data in the tables looks fine, they are all there
implemented the controller with type hinting signature: public function showAction(Page $page)
generated some urls in the template by: {{ path("page_show", {"slug": "test", "_locale": "en"}) }} and {{ path("page_show", {"slug": "test-de", "_locale": "de"}) }}, routes are generated fine, they look correct (/en/test and /de/test-de)
clicking on them:
Only the "en" translation works, the "de" one fails:
MyBundle\Entity\Page object not found.
How to tell Symfony or the Doctrine or whatever bundle to use the current locale when retrieving the Page? Do I have to create a ParamConverter then put a custom DQL into it the do the job manually?
Just found another solution which I think is much nicer and i'm going to use that one!
Implemented a repository method and use that in the controller's annotation:
#ParamConverter("page", class="MyBundle:Page", options={"repository_method" = "findTranslatedOneBy"})
public function findTranslatedOneBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null)
$page = $this->findOneBy($criteria, $orderBy);
if (!is_null($page)) {
return $page;
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()
$i = 0;
foreach ($criteria as $name => $value) {
$qb->orWhere('t.field = :n'. $i .' AND t.content = :v'. $i);
$qb->setParameter('n'. $i, $name);
$qb->setParameter('v'. $i, $value);
/** #var \Gedmo\Translatable\Entity\Translation[] $trs */
$trs = $qb->groupBy('t.locale', 't.foreignKey')->getQuery()->getResult();
return count($trs) == count($criteria) ? $this->find($trs[0]->getForeignKey()) : null;
It has one disadvantage there is no protection against same translated values ...
I found out a solution which i'm not sure the best, but works.
Implemented a PageParamConverter:
class PageParamConverter extends DoctrineParamConverter
const PAGE_CLASS = 'MyBundle:Page';
public function apply(Request $request, ParamConverter $configuration)
try {
return parent::apply($request, $configuration);
} catch (NotFoundHttpException $e) {
$slug = $request->get('slug');
$name = $configuration->getName();
$class = $configuration->getClass();
$em = $this->registry->getManagerForClass($class);
/** #var \Gedmo\Translatable\Entity\Translation $tr */
$tr = $em->getRepository('Gedmo\Translatable\Entity\Translation')
->findOneBy(['content' => $slug, 'field' => 'slug']);
if (is_null($tr)) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('%s object not found.', $class));
$page = $em->find($class, $tr->getForeignKey());
$request->attributes->set($name, $page);
return true;
public function supports(ParamConverter $configuration)
$name = $configuration->getName();
$class = $configuration->getClass();
return parent::supports($configuration) && $class == self::PAGE_CLASS;
TranslationWalker nicely gets the entity in active locale:
class PagesRepository extends \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository
public function findTranslatedBySlug(string $slug)
$queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder("p");
->where("p.slug = :slug")
->setParameter('slug', $slug)
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
return $query->getSingleResult();
And in controller
* #Entity("page", expr="repository.findTranslatedBySlug(slug)")
* #param $page
* #return Response
public function slug(Pages $page)
// thanks to #Entity annotation (Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Entity)
// Pages entity is automatically retrieved by slug
return $this->render('content/index.html.twig', [
'page' => $page
Accessing my route /message/new i'm going to show a form for sending a new message to one or more customers. Form model has (among others) a collection of Customer entities:
class MyFormModel
* #var ArrayCollection
public $customers;
I'd like to implement automatic customers selection using customers GET parameters, like this:
This is working now by simply splitting on , and do a query for getting customers:
public function newAction(Request $request)
$formModel = new MyFormModel();
// GET "customers" parameter
$customersIds = explode($request->get('customers'), ',');
// If something was found in "customers" parameter then get entities
if(!empty($customersIds)) :
$repo = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AcmeHelloBundle:Customer');
$found = $repo->findAllByIdsArray($customersIds);
// Assign found Customer entities
$formModel->customers = $found;
// Go on showing the form
How can i do the same using Symfony 2 converters? Like:
public function newAction(Request $request, $selectedCustomers)
Answer to my self: there is not such thing to make you life easy. I've coded a quick and dirty (and possibly buggy) solution i'd like to share, waiting for a best one.
EDIT WARNING: this is not going to work with two parameter converters with the same class.
Url example
* #Route("/new")
* #Method("GET|POST")
* #ParamConverter("customers",
* class="Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection", options={
* "finder" = "getFindAllWithMobileByUserQueryBuilder",
* "entity" = "Acme\HelloBundle\Entity\Customer",
* "field" = "id",
* "delimiter" = ",",
* }
* )
public function newAction(Request $request, ArrayCollection $customers = null)
Option delimiter is used to split GET parameter while id is used for adding a WHERE id IN... clause. There are both optional.
Option class is only used as a "signature" to tell that converter should support it. entity has to be a FQCN of a Doctrine entity while finder is a repository method to be invoked and should return a query builder (default one provided).
class ArrayCollectionConverter implements ParamConverterInterface
* #var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface
protected $container;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
function apply(Request $request, ConfigurationInterface $configuration)
$name = $configuration->getName();
$options = $this->getOptions($configuration);
// Se request attribute to an empty collection (as default)
$request->attributes->set($name, new ArrayCollection());
// If request parameter is missing or empty then return
if(is_null($val = $request->get($name)) || strlen(trim($val)) === 0)
// If splitted values is an empty array then return
if(!($items = preg_split('/\s*'.$options['delimiter'].'\s*/', $val,
0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) return;
// Get the repository and logged user
$repo = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository($options['entity']);
$user = $this->getSecurityContext->getToken()->getUser();
if(!$finder = $options['finder']) :
// Create a new default query builder with WHERE user_id clause
$builder = $repo->createQueryBuilder('e');
$builder->andWhere($builder->expr()->eq("e.user", $user->getId()));
else :
// Call finder method on repository
$builder = $repo->$finder($user);
// Edit the builder and add WHERE IN $items clause
$alias = $builder->getRootAlias() . "." . $options['field'];
$wherein = $builder->expr()->in($alias, $items);
$result = $builder->andwhere($wherein)->getQuery()->getResult();
// Set request attribute and we're done
$request->attributes->set($name, new ArrayCollection($result));
public function supports(ConfigurationInterface $configuration)
$class = $configuration->getClass();
// Check if class is ArrayCollection from Doctrine
if('Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection' !== $class)
return false;
$options = $this->getOptions($configuration);
$manager = $this->getEntityManager();
// Check if $options['entity'] is actually a Dcontrine one
return true;
catch(\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException $e)
return false;
protected function getOptions(ConfigurationInterface $configuration)
return array_replace(
'entity' => null,
'finder' => null,
'field' => 'id',
'delimiter' => ','
* #return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
protected function getEntityManager()
return $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager');
* #return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext
protected function getSecurityContext()
return $this->container->get('security.context');
Service definition
class: Acme\HelloBundle\Request\ArrayCollectionConverter
arguments: ['#service_container']
- { name: request.param_converter}
It's late, but according to latest documentation about #ParamConverter, you can achieve it follow way:
* #ParamConverter("users", class="AcmeBlogBundle:User", options={
* "repository_method" = "findUsersByIds"
* })
you just need make sure that repository method can handle comma (,) separated values