Meteor js not responding - meteor

I have been working with meteor.js and have been practicing using examples from getting started with meteor.js Javascript framework. The book is 2 years old and I have been running across some snags. For instance the book tells you to use var to define a variable, but after searching on stack I read that you didn't have to use it and now it works. I'm new so I write programs, run them, debug them and start from scratch to help me learn. For some reason this program that I have done 4 times before today is not running and I cant figure out why.
I keep getting this message :
While building the application:
LendLib.html:37: Expected "template" end tag
...  </div>
after inputting the following code:
{{> hello}}
<div id="categories-container">
{{> categories}}
<template name="hello">
<h1>Lending Library</h1>{{greeting}}
<input type="button" value="Click" />
<template name="categories">
<div class="title">my stuff</div>
<div id="categories">{{#each lists}}
<div class="category">{{Category}}</div>{{/each}} </div>
any advice will be appreciated

dont define templates inside another template.
try like this.
<template name="hello">
<h1>Lending Library</h1>
<input type="button" value="Click" />
<template name="categories">
<div class="title">my stuff</div>
<div id="categories">
{{#each lists}}
<div class="category">

Like pahan said, you cannot define a template within another template. They each have to be separate and un-nested. You CAN, however, call a template from within another template.
<template name="myOtherTemplate">
<h1> Lalalala </h1>
<template name="myTemplate">
{{> myOtherTemplate}} //injects the contents of myOtherTemplate
On another note, you also cannot nest Template instances within other Template instances.
Say that you want to register a helper function only after a certain template has been rendered.
Template.myTemplate.rendered = function({
key: "value",
anotherKey: "anotherValue"
^^ This also won't work.


Calling external template from a loop in meteor

From the Meteor templates tutorial here: (
We see that we can call a template {{> task}} inside the loop over tasks. However, when I try to get the task template in its own file - it no longer has access to the data. What is the correct way to do this?
<div class="container">
<h1>Todo List</h1>
{{#each tasks}}
{{> task}}
<template name="task">
Figured it out. Basically, I was importing the task.html in the main.js, but not the accompanying task.js. So all the conditional helpers I had were not loaded and hence not working.
We need to pass value to the template which we are calling. And I assume tasks helper is implemented. Here I'm passing current value using 'this'.
<div class="container">
<h1>Todo List</h1>
{{#each tasks}}
{{> task this}}
<template name="task">

SASS / HandlebarsJS conflicts?

Background: For a project, I am trying to use SASS and Handlebars to create a vote counter that displays a stored value from my database and updates when a user presses the up or down vote buttons.
Are there any known interactions/conflicts that would causes SASS styling to not be applied when used with Handlebars or vice-versa?
For reference, here is the code I have in my HTML that I am working with.
<div id='voteWrapper'>
<script id='voteTile' type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#each proTipVote}}
<div class="vote circle">
<div class="increment up" data-id={{_id}}></div>
<div class="increment down" data-id={{_id}}></div>
<div class="count" data-id={{_id}}>{{tipScore}}</div>

Access template parameter when already in an {{#each}}

I'd like to access a parameter template while I'm on a {{#each}} already. Something like:
<template name="overview">
{{> userList users=users level=0}}
<template name="userList">
{{#each users}}
<div class="level{{../something}}">
<!-- not working, how can i access {{something}} here ? -->
{{>userList users=users level=subLevel}}
subLevel: function() {
return this + 1;
but it's not working, do you have any idea ?
Technically, I'm calling recursively a template, and I'd like to know at what level my template is.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do but this doesn't look right. A template calling itself leads to an infinite loop. For example, create a new meteor project and try to call {{> hello}} inside "hello" template. It doesn't work.
<h1>Welcome to Meteor!</h1>
{{> hello}}
<template name="hello">
<button>Click Me</button>
<p>You've pressed the button {{counter}} times.</p>
{{> hello}}
There must be another way to do what you're trying to do...
<template name="overview">
{{> userList users=users level=0}}
<template name="userList">
{{#each users}}
<div class=level>
{{>userList users=users level=subLevel}}
Because you have enclosed level variable in double quotes that will not be evaluated.
Ok, I finally found that the best way to achieve that was to add a level key in my array of users instead of passing it with a parameter. Spacebars seems to no be able to achieve what I wanted initially.

Rendering a template when value in Mongo equals certain value

So I want to render a template that will hold an image when the value of the score in my Players collection equals 500, it right now doesn't render at all even when a player score equals 500, do I need an if statement in my handlebars or something else?
Relevant code I made so far
<div class="container">
{{> header}}
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span8">
{{> leaderboard}}
<div class="span4">
{{> champion}}
<template name="champion">
{{#each winners}}
{{> winner}}
<template name="winner">
<img src="gold.jpg" alt="winner">
foo.js = function () {
return Players.find({score: 500});
You marked the Template code as being on the server in your question, but the code with should be on the client, not the server. This is most likely the problem. Also, you have two templates named winner, although Meteor should throw an error on the command line if you have duplicate template names.
Finally, this isn't what you asked, but it may come handy for debugging too. You can detect whether the cursor is empty in your templates using Handlebars {{else}}:
{{#each winners}}
{{> winner}}
no winners!

in Meteor.template.rendered how to make a call after everything is rendered (after the {{#each}} loop finishes)

Hi I have this template
<template name="users">
{{#each user}}
<li id="{{_id}}">
<input type="checkbox" checked />
<span><select name="colorpicker">
{{#each color}}
<option value="{{mColorCode}}" {{selected ../mColor mColorCode}}>{{mColorName}}</option>
<img width="40" src="data:image/png;base64,{{mImage}}" />
<span class="name">{{mUsername}}</span>
<p><span class="description">{{mDescription}}</span></p>
What i want to do is after the template is rendered, i want to convert the dropdown to a colorpicker. I'm using a jquery plugin
Template.users.rendered = function(){
$('select[name="colorpicker"]').simplecolorpicker({picker: true});
The problem is sometimes its not working, (Sometimes the call is being made before the dom being ready.)
I want to call this plugin after everything is rendered. and not for each user added, how can i do this ?
I've found Meteor to be a little funny with how often it renders templates, and jQuery functions can end up building up.
I've taken to adding console.log("users rendered"); to understand how many times and when the render callback is triggered.
One thing I've had some success with is wrapping that template inside another, and then tying the callback to the outside template. Something like this:
<template name="container">
{{> users}}
<template name="users">
{{#each user}}
<li id="{{_id}}">
<input type="checkbox" checked />
<span><select name="colorpicker">
{{#each color}}
<option value="{{mColorCode}}" {{selected ../mColor mColorCode}}>{{mColorName}}</option>
<img width="40" src="data:image/png;base64,{{mImage}}" />
<span class="name">{{mUsername}}</span>
<p><span class="description">{{mDescription}}</span></p>
And this just add the callback to the container
Template.container.rendered = function(){
$('select[name="colorpicker"]').simplecolorpicker({picker: true});
Not totally sure why it works, but it has for me, hopefully someone can illuminate us both.
This is the solution that I used, it's also a hack if someone has a better solution please post it.
What i did was i put the rendered template in the callback of the subscribe of my collection.
So my code was something like this :
Template.users.rendered = function(){
I see this is a pretty old post, but since I had a problem and I think I've found a better way, here it is. The containing template will technically be rendered even while the contents are rendering. In my case I was trying to initialize a materialize modal. To make it work It had to do the following.
<div class="row" id="eventResults">
{{#each eventResults}}
{{> eventResult}}
<template name="eventResult">
<div class="modal event" id="{{id}}">
<div class="modal-content">
and template.js
By calling the code on the onRendered of the child element and using this.$('...'), the code doesn't get called multiple times for each element, just once each.
