Change the visibility of label within a datalist -

How can I change the visibility of a label with a datalist using and C#-4.0 ? I tried the following code but unfortunately it is not working:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
protected void viewall()
MySqlCommand objacess = new MySqlCommand();
objacess.CommandText = "select * from product_tbl ";
DataTable dobj = new DataTable();
dobj = objDataAccess.GetRecords(objacess);
for (int i = 0; i < dobj.Rows.Count; i++)
string d = dobj.Rows[i]["pdiscount"].ToString();
int di = Convert.ToInt32(d);
if (di > 0)
Label lbldisc = (Label)DataList1.FindControl("lbl_discount");
DataList1.DataSource = dobj;
When I try this I receive the following Error:
Error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

dear friend your code is not finding the lable control thats why its giving you this error and all our databound countrol are working on then indexes so change you this line
Label lbldisc = (Label)DataList1.FindControl("lbl_discount");
to the following
Label lbldisc = (Label)DataList1.item[i].FindControl("lbl_discount");

you need to write hide code after binding the values.
//bind value to datalist
DataList1.DataSource = dobj;
//after binding hide the label
for (int i = 0; i < dobj.Rows.Count; i++)
string d = dobj.Rows[i]["pdiscount"].ToString();
int di = Convert.ToInt32(d);
if (di > 0)
Label lbldisc = (Label)DataList1.FindControl("lbl_discount");


how to get value from dynamically created textbox in

hi i'm Cannot get value dynamically created textbox and save into database. plz help
his is code which I have created in this code text box are created but when I will input the value in the text and retrieve the value from dynamically created text box it give error
protected void btnAtt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int DPLID = int.Parse(DPLCategory.Text);
var query = (from p in database.tbl_Attributes
where p.ProductTypeId_FK == DPLID
select new
for (int i = 0; i < query.Count(); i++)
Label lblatt = new Label();
lblatt.ID = query[i].AttributeName;
lblatt.Text = query[i].AttributeName + " : ";
lblatt.CssClass = "control-label";
TextBox txtatt = new TextBox();
txtatt.ID = "txtatt"+i;
txtatt.Attributes.Add("runat", "server");
txtatt.Text = String.Empty;
txtatt.CssClass = "form-control input-sm";
protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int DPLID = int.Parse(DPLCategory.Text);
var query = (from p in database.tbl_Attributes
where p.ProductTypeId_FK == DPLID
select new
int LastId = database.tbl_Products.Max(p => p.ProductId);
for (int i = 0; i < query.Count(); i++)
database.tbl_ProductValue.Add(new Models.tbl_ProductValue()
ProductId_FK = LastId,
AttributeID_FK = query[i].Attribute_Id,
ProductValue = ??,
plz help me for how to get textbox?
I haven't worked with WebForms in a while but you can access the controls by their IDs like this:
ProductValue = ((TextBox)FindControl("txtatt" + i)).Text;

Custom GridView Server Control DataBind causes duplicate control ID's error

OK. I've long used this site as a reference, but I've now hit a wall of my own.
I am creating a custom server control which inherits from the System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView class. It's purpose is simply to display a grid with a very defined format. It binds and loads the data fine, but trying to activate any of the paging throws an exception saying "Multiple controls with the same ID 'lblHdrText_2' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.".
I could just throw the event out to the user and let them do the paging, but one of the goals was to have this control be able to handle its own paging, just like the GridView control already does.
I'm having the same problem for sorting and altering the page size as well. Basically anytime I call "DataBind" within the control after it has already been rendered.
Here's the code to handle those events:
protected void OnFirstPageClicked(EventArgs e)
if (this.FirstPageClicked != null)
this.FirstPageClicked.Invoke(this, e);
GridViewPageEventArgs pgea = new GridViewPageEventArgs(0);
if (pgea.Cancel)
this.PageIndex = 0;
protected void OnLastPageClicked(EventArgs e)
if (this.LastPageClicked != null)
this.LastPageClicked.Invoke(this, e);
GridViewPageEventArgs pgea = new GridViewPageEventArgs(this.PageCount - 1);
if (pgea.Cancel)
this.PageIndex = this.PageCount - 1;
protected void OnPreviousPageClicked(EventArgs e)
if (this.PageIndex > 0)
if (this.PreviousPageClicked != null)
this.PreviousPageClicked.Invoke(this, e);
GridViewPageEventArgs pgea = new GridViewPageEventArgs(this.PageIndex++);
if (pgea.Cancel)
protected void OnNextPageClicked(EventArgs e)
if (this.PageIndex < this.PageCount - 1)
if (this.NextPageClicked != null)
this.NextPageClicked.Invoke(this, e);
GridViewPageEventArgs pgea = new GridViewPageEventArgs(this.PageIndex++);
if (pgea.Cancel)
protected void OnPageSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
if (this.PageSizeChanged != null)
this.PageSizeChanged.Invoke(this, e);
protected override void OnDataBound(EventArgs e)
private void RefreshData()
private void imgPg_OnCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
switch (e.CommandName)
case "FirstPage":
case "LastPage":
case "PrevPage":
case "NextPage":
private void drpPageSz_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList drpPgSz = (sender as DropDownList);
if (drpPgSz != null)
this.PageSize = int.Parse(drpPgSz.SelectedValue);
throw new Exception("Unable to determine page size: cannot cast sender as DropDownList.");
The actual event handlers are at the bottom. The "RefreshData" method is just there because I was experimenting with different ways of clearing the controls from the grid before I called "DataBind". So far, everything I've tried results in the entire grid not rendering after postback.
I am doing quite a bit with the Render and CreateChildControls, but the header generation itself is completely internal to the System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView control. Here's my rendering code, if it helps at all:
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
Control link = this.Page.Header.FindControl("CustomGridViewCss");
if (link == null)
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlLink newLink = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlLink();
newLink.ID = "CustomGridViewCss";
newLink.Attributes.Add("href", this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.GridView), ""));
newLink.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
newLink.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
if (this._imgFPg != null)
if (this._imgPrevPg != null)
if (this._imgNextPg != null)
if (this._imgLastPg != null)
if (this._drpPageSz != null)
if (this.HeaderRow != null)
for (int i = 1; i < this.HeaderRow.Cells.Count - 2; i++)
if (i < this.Columns.Count && this.Columns[i] is SortableField && ((this.Columns[i] as SortableField).ShowSort))
ImageButton img = (this.HeaderRow.Cells[i].FindControl("imgSort_" + i.ToString()) as ImageButton);
if (img != null)
protected override Table CreateChildTable()
this.PagerSettings.Visible = false;
this.GridLines = GridLines.None;
Table tbl = base.CreateChildTable();
tbl.Attributes.Add("name", this.UniqueID);
return tbl;
protected override int CreateChildControls(System.Collections.IEnumerable dataSource, bool dataBinding)
this.GridLines = GridLines.None;
int iCount = base.CreateChildControls(dataSource, dataBinding);
// Modify footer row
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow ftr = this.FooterRow;
// NOTE: We're modifying the footer first, because we're looking at the
// total number of rows in the header for the ColSpan property we
// use in the footer and we want the row count *before* we modify
// the header.
// Modify Header Row
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow hdr = this.HeaderRow;
hdr.CssClass = "GridViewHeader";
for (int c = 0; c < hdr.Cells.Count; c++)
hdr.Cells[c].CssClass = "GridViewHeaderTC";
if (c > 0)
hdr.Cells[c].Style.Add("border-left", "solid 1px #ccccd3");
if (c < this.Columns.Count && this.Columns[c] is SortableField && ((this.Columns[c] as SortableField).ShowSort))
Label lblHdrText = new Label();
lblHdrText.ID = "lblHdrText_" + c.ToString();
lblHdrText.Text = hdr.Cells[c].Text;
ImageButton imgSort = new ImageButton();
imgSort.ID = "imgSort_" + c.ToString();
imgSort.CssClass = "GridViewHeaderSort";
imgSort.ImageUrl = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.GridView), "ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.images.gridView.Sort.png");
imgSort.AlternateText = "";
imgSort.CommandArgument = (this.Columns[c] as BoundField).DataField;
imgSort.CommandName = "Sort";
imgSort.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.imgSort_OnCommand);
imgSort.Attributes.Add("name", imgSort.UniqueID);
TableCell tdTL = new TableCell();
tdTL.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "6px");
tdTL.CssClass = "GridViewHeaderTL";
hdr.Cells.AddAt(0, tdTL);
TableCell tdTR = new TableCell();
tdTR.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "6px");
tdTR.Style.Add("border-left", "1px solid #ccccd3;");
tdTR.CssClass = "GridViewHeaderTR";
// Modify individual rows
for (int i = 0; i < this.Rows.Count; i++)
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow tr = this.Rows[i];
tr.CssClass = (i % 2 == 0) ? "GridViewLineAlt" : "GridViewLine";
for (int c = 0; c < tr.Cells.Count - 1; c++)
tr.Cells[c].Style.Add("border-right", "solid 1px #ccccd3");
TableCell tdL = new TableCell();
tdL.CssClass = "GridViewLineLeft";
tr.Cells.AddAt(0, tdL);
TableCell tdR = new TableCell();
tdR.CssClass = "GridViewLineRight";
return iCount;
protected void BuildFooter(GridViewRow tr)
TableCell tdBL = new TableCell();
tdBL.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "6px");
tdBL.CssClass = "GridViewFooterBL";
int colCount = this.HeaderRow.Cells.Count;
TableCell td = new TableCell();
td.ID = "tdFooterControls";
td.CssClass = "GridViewFooterBC";
td.ColumnSpan = colCount;
this._spanPgBtns = new Label();
this._spanPgBtns.ID = "spanPgButtons";
this._spanPgBtns.Style.Add("float", "right");
this._spanPgBtns.Style.Add("margin-right", "20px");
this._imgFPg = new ImageButton();
this._imgFPg.ID = "imgFPg";
this._imgFPg.CssClass = "FirstPg";
this._imgFPg.ImageUrl = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.GridView), "ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.images.gridView.FstPg.png");
this._imgFPg.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.Middle;
this._imgFPg.CommandName = "FirstPage";
this._imgFPg.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.imgPg_OnCommand);
this._imgPrevPg = new ImageButton();
this._imgPrevPg.ID = "imgPrevPg";
this._imgPrevPg.CssClass = "PrevPg";
this._imgPrevPg.ImageUrl = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.GridView), "ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.images.gridView.PrevPg.png");
this._imgPrevPg.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.Middle;
this._imgPrevPg.CommandName = "PrevPage";
this._imgPrevPg.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.imgPg_OnCommand);
Label lblPageNum = new Label();
lblPageNum.ID = "lblPageNum";
lblPageNum.Width = new Unit("50px");
lblPageNum.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", this.PageIndex + 1, this.PageCount);
lblPageNum.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextAlign, "center");
this._imgNextPg = new ImageButton();
this._imgNextPg.ID = "imgNextPg";
this._imgNextPg.CssClass = "NextPg";
this._imgNextPg.ImageUrl = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.GridView), "ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.images.gridView.NextPg.png");
this._imgNextPg.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.Middle;
this._imgNextPg.CommandName = "NextPage";
this._imgNextPg.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.imgPg_OnCommand);
this._imgLastPg = new ImageButton();
this._imgLastPg.ID = "imgLastPg";
this._imgLastPg.CssClass = "LastPg";
this._imgLastPg.ImageUrl = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.GridView), "ITCWebToolkit.Web.UI.Controls.images.gridView.LstPg.png");
this._imgLastPg.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.Middle;
this._imgLastPg.CommandName = "LastPage";
this._imgLastPg.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.imgPg_OnCommand);
Label spanPageSz = new Label();
spanPageSz.ID = "spanPageSz";
spanPageSz.Style.Add("margin-left", "20px");
this._drpPageSz = new DropDownList();
this._drpPageSz.ID = "drpPageSzSelect";
this._drpPageSz.AutoPostBack = true;
this._drpPageSz.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(drpPageSz_SelectedIndexChanged);
this._drpPageSz.Items.Add(new ListItem("10", "10"));
this._drpPageSz.Items.Add(new ListItem("25", "25"));
this._drpPageSz.Items.Add(new ListItem("50", "50"));
this._drpPageSz.Items.Add(new ListItem("100", "100"));
Label lblRecVis = new Label();
lblRecVis.ID = "lblRecordsCount";
lblRecVis.Style.Add("margin-left", "20px");
lblRecVis.Text = string.Format("Displaying {0} of {1} records.", Math.Min(this.PageSize, this.Rows.Count - (this.PageIndex * this.PageSize)), this.Rows.Count);
lblRecVis.Text = "Total Record Display";
TableCell tdBR = new TableCell();
tdBR.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "6px");
tdBR.CssClass = "GridViewFooterBR";
this._imgFPg.Attributes.Add("name", this._imgFPg.UniqueID);
this._imgPrevPg.Attributes.Add("name", this._imgPrevPg.UniqueID);
this._imgNextPg.Attributes.Add("name", this._imgNextPg.UniqueID);
this._imgLastPg.Attributes.Add("name", this._imgLastPg.UniqueID);
this._drpPageSz.Attributes.Add("name", this._drpPageSz.UniqueID);
I'm only about 6/10 on custom server controls, so I'm sure there's at least one thing I'm doing wrong here :)
Thanks in advance for any help!
OK. I finally found a reference and answered my own question. The trick is in overriding the "PerformSelect" method and handling DataSource vs DataSourceID there.
Details on how to do this can be found on this MSDN page:
Look for the section titled "Initiate Data Retrieval" a little over half-way down.

Unable to serialize the session state

i am tired wondering the issue for this problem. have read so many blogs and forums for this but i am not able to find out the problem.
I am using "SQLServer" mode to store session.
Everything is working fine. But whenever i use search function in my website, it throws the below error:
"Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are not permitted. The same restriction applies if similar serialization is done by the custom session state store in 'Custom' mode."
I am assuming that this is because of the paging code i have used on that page. That code is as below:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
string query = "select xxxxqueryxxxx";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (con)
ds = null;
if (ds != null)
CustomPaging page = new CustomPaging();
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
page.PageSize = 10;
page.DataSource = dt;
page.CurrentPageIndex = 0;
no = 1;
Session["DT"] = dt;
Session["page"] = page;
bindData(page, dt);
//set these properties for multi columns in datalist
DataList2.RepeatColumns = 1;
DataList2.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal;
void bindData(CustomPaging page, DataTable dt)
DataList2.DataSource = page.DoPaging;
//DataList2.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
lbtnPre.Enabled = !page.IsFirstPage; //Enable / Disable Navigation Button
// lbtnPre.CssClass = "disabledbtn";
lbtnNext.Enabled = !page.IsLastPage;
//lbtnNext.CssClass = "disabledbtn";
lblStatus.Text = NavigationIndicator(); //Build Navigation Indicator
//for creating page index
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
for (int i = 0; i < page.PageCount; i++)
DataRow dr = dt1.NewRow();
dr[0] = i;
dr[1] = i + 1;
dlPaging.DataSource = dt1;
dlPaging.RepeatColumns = 10;
dlPaging.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal;
catch (Exception)
page = null;
string NavigationIndicator()
string str = string.Empty; //Page x Of Y
str = Convert.ToString(((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex + 1) + " of " + ((CustomPaging)Session["PAGE"]).PageCount.ToString() + " Page(s) found";
return str;
protected void lbtnPre_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int pageIndex = ((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex;
if (!((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).IsFirstPage)
//Decrements the pageIndex by 1 (Move to Previous page)
((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex -= 1;
((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;
//Binds the DataList with new pageIndex
bindData(((CustomPaging)Session["page"]), ((DataTable)Session["DT"]));
protected void lbtnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int pageIndex = ((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex;
if (!((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).IsLastPage)
//Increments the pageIndex by 1 (Move to Next page)
((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex += 1;
((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;
//Binds the DataList with new pageIndex
bindData(((CustomPaging)Session["page"]), ((DataTable)Session["DT"]));
protected void DataList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("Default2.aspx?partnumber=" + DataList2.DataKeyField[DataList2.SelectedIndex].ToString());
protected void dlPaging_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "Select")
no = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()) + 1;
((CustomPaging)Session["page"]).CurrentPageIndex = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
//Binds the DataList with new pageIndex
bindData(((CustomPaging)Session["page"]), ((DataTable)Session["DT"]));
protected void dlPaging_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lnkbtnPaging");
if (btn.Text == no.ToString())
btn.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
btn.Font.Underline = false;
btn.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkCyan;
btn.Font.Underline = false;
I just want to know what the problem is in the coding and "how to serialize the session"?
What shold i do to improve the coding?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank You
I guess your custom paging control is not serializable. This must be the cause of the issue.
Anyway, storing a control in session is not a good idea. Just store the few serializable properties which enable to rebuild the control (PageSize and CurrentPageIndex), or pass them in query string for example.
You could also use ViewState if you can
About storing the DataTable in Session, this might be a really bad idea if you have a lot of data and many connected users.

Bind a multi-dimensional ArrayList to a Gridview

I have a DataGrid of seats available, each with a checkbox to be able to reserve the seat. In the button click event, if the CheckBox is clicked, I am adding the contents of the row to an ArrayList, then adding the ArrayList to a session before redirecting to the confirmation page:
protected void Reserve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ArrayList seatingArreaList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
Guid SeatId = (Guid)GridView1.DataKeys[i][0];
CheckBox cbReserve = (CheckBox)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("cbReserve");
Label lblSection = (Label)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("lblSection");
Label lblRow = (Label)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("lblRow");
Label lblPrice = (Label)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("lblPrice");
if (cbReserve.Checked)
string tempRowInfo = lblSection.Text + "|" + lblRow.Text + "|" + lblPrice.Text;
// Add the selected seats to a session
Session["Seating"] = seatingArreaList;
Response.Redirect("Confirm.aspx?concertId=" + Request.QueryString["concertId"]);
On the confirmation page, Id like to split this array up and bind it to another gridview in their individual columns.
On the confirmation page, a session exists that has three columns separated with a pipe, I am struggling to split this up and bind it to a confirmation grid.
Please help!
This would probably be easier to just create a DataTable, then add it to the session variable. Once redirected to the confirmation page just bind GridView to the DataTable pulled from the session variable.
protected void Reserve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
ArrayList seatingArreaList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
Guid SeatId = (Guid)GridView1.DataKeys[i][0];
CheckBox cbReserve = (CheckBox)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("cbReserve");
Label lblSection = (Label)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("lblSection");
Label lblRow = (Label)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("lblRow");
Label lblPrice = (Label)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("lblPrice");
if (cbReserve.Checked)
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["Section"] = lblSection.Text;
dr["Row"] = lblRow.Text;
dr["Price"] = lblPrice.Text;
// Add the selected seats to a session
Session["Seating"] = dt;
Response.Redirect("Confirm.aspx?concertId=" + Request.QueryString["concertId"]);
var q = from dto in seatingArreaList
let z = dto.Split("|".ToCharArray())
select z;
and then just bing q to the grid.

Gathering Data: Dynamic Text Boxes

Edit: if someone could also suggest a more sensible way to make what I'm trying below to happen, that would also be very appreciated
I'm building an multiPage form that takes a quantity (of product) from a POST method, and displays a form sequence relying on that number. when the user goes to the next page, the form is supposed to collect this information and display it (for confirmation), which will then send this info to a service that will supply URL's to display.
Needless to say, I'm having problems making this work. Here is the relevant parts of my (anonymised) code:
public partial class foo : System.Web.UI.Page
Int quantityParam = 3;
ArrayList Users = new ArrayList();
//the information for each user is held in a hashtable the array list will be an array list of the user hashtables
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(null != Request["quantity1"])
this.quantityParam = Request["quantity1"];
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int quantity = this.quantityParam;
if(quantity < 1){ mviewThankYou.SetActiveView(View4Error);}
{ //create a form for each user
for(int user = 0;user < quantity; user++)
protected void BtnNext1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
String ctrlName = "txtUser" + i.ToString();
String ctrlEmail = "txtEmail" + i.ToString();
TextBox name = (TextBox)FindControl(ctrlName);
TextBox email = (TextBox)FindControl(ctrlEmail);
/*BONUS QUESTION: How can I add the Hashtables to the Users Array without them being destroyed when I leave the function scope?
this is where the failure occurs:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on: "tempUser.Add("name",name.Text);
Hashtable tempUser = new Hashtable();
for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
v2Content.Text +="<table><tr><td>Name: </td><td>"+
private void createUserForm(int userNum){
DataTable objDT = new DataTable();
int rows = 2;
int cols = 2;
//create the title row..
TableRow title = new TableRow();
TableCell titleCell = new TableCell();
Label lblUser = new Label();
lblUser.Text = "<b>User "+ (userNum+1) + "</b>";
lblUser.ID = "lblTitle"+ userNum;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
TableRow tRow = new TableRow();
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
TableCell tCell = new TableCell();
if(j == 0){
Label lblTitle = new Label();
if(i == 0){
lblTitle.Text = "User Name:";
lblTitle.ID = "lblUser" + userNum;
lblTitle.Text = "User Email:";
lblTitle.ID = "lblEmail" + userNum;
} else {
TextBox txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtUser" + userNum;
txt.ID = "txtEmail" + userNum;
RequiredFieldValidator val = new RequiredFieldValidator();
val.ID = txt.ID + "Validator";
val.ControlToValidate = txt.UniqueID;
val.ErrorMessage = "(required)";
//create a blank row...
TableRow blank = new TableRow();
TableCell blankCell = new TableCell();
Label blankLabel = new Label();
blankLabel.Text = " ";
blankLabel.ID = "blank" + userNum;
Sorry for the gnarly amount of (amateur code). What I suspect if failing is that FindControl() is not working, but I can't figure out why...
if any help can be given, I'd be very greatful.
Edit: showing the error might help:
Error (Line 112)
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 111: Hashtable tempUser = new Hashtable();
Line 112: tempUser.Add("name",name.Text);
Line 113: tempUser.Add("email",email.Text);
Line 114: this.Users.Add(tempUser);
You problem comes in the fact you are reloading the form every time in Page_Load. Make sure you only load the dynamic text boxes once and you will be able to find them when you need them for confirmation. As long as Page_Load rebuilds, you will not find the answer, and risk not finding anything.
I figured it out:
FindControl() works as a direct search of the children of the control it's called on.
when I was calling it, it was (automatically) Page.FindControl() I had nested the table creation inside a field and a Table control
when I called tableID.FindControl() it found the controls just as it should.
Thanks for the help, Gregory, and for all the comments everyone.
