Convert a natural number to binary using recursion - recursion

I have to convert a natural number to binary but using recursion. I did but without recursion:
int main (){
int n,pot,bin;
printf("Digite o Numero:\n");
while (n>0){
n= n/2;
printf ("%d",bin);
return 0;

something like (ASSUMING n is positive!):
void getBin(uint n, int pot, int* bin) {
*bin += (n%2)*pot;
n /= 2;
if (n <= 0) {
getBin(n, pot * 10, bin);

Just to be on the safe side this does not convert a positive number to binary. It creates a number that, when displayed in base 10, looks like the argument in base 2.
A better solution would be to convert the number to char* in a given base.
int getBin(int n) {
return getBinHelper(n, 1, 0);
int getBinHelper(int n, int e, int acc) {
return n == 0 ?
acc :
getBinHelper( n/2, e*10, n&1 ? acc+e : acc);


Counting the number

I have got a code that generates all possible correct strings of balanced brackets. So if the input is n = 4 there should be 4 brackets in the string and thus the answers the code will give are: {}{} and
Now, what I would like to do is print the number of possible strings. For example, for n = 4 the outcome would be 2.
Given my code, is this possible and how would I make that happen?
Just introduce a counter.
// Change prototype to return the counter
int findBalanced(int p,int n,int o,int c)
static char str[100];
// The counter
static int count = 0;
if (c == n) {
// Increment it on every printout
count ++;
printf("%s\n", str);
// Just return zero. This is not used anyway and will give
// Correct result for n=0
return 0;
} else {
if (o > c) {
str[p] = ')';
findBalanced(p + 1, n, o, c + 1);
if (o < n) {
str[p] = '(';
findBalanced(p + 1, n, o + 1, c);
// Return it
return count;
What you're looking for is the n-th Catalan number. You'll need to implement binomial coefficient to calculate it, but that's pretty much it.

sequence of numbers using recursion

I want to compute sequence of numbers like this:
For example n=5 and sum equals 320.
I have a function, which compute one element:
int fac(int n, int s)
if (n > s)
return n*fac(n - 1, s);
return 1;
Recomputing the factorial for each summand is quite wasteful. Instead, I'd suggest to use memoization. If you reorder
n*(n-1) + n*(n-1)*(n-2) + n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3) + n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)*...*1
you get
n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)*...*1 + n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3) + n*(n-1)*(n-2) + n*(n-1)
Notice how you start with the product of 1..n, then you add the product of 1..n divided by 1, then you add the product divided by 1*2 etc.
I think a much more efficient definition of your function is (in Python):
def f(n):
p = product(range(1, n+1))
sum_ = p
for i in range(1, n-1):
p /= i
sum_ += p
return sum_
A recursive version of this definition is:
def f(n):
def go(sum_, i):
if i >= n-1:
return sum_
return sum_ + go(sum_ / i, i+1)
return go(product(range(1, n+1)), 1)
Last but not least, you can also define the function without any explicit recursion by using reduce to generate the list of summands (this is a more 'functional' -- as in functional programming -- style):
def f(n):
summands, _ = reduce(lambda (lst, p), i: (lst + [p], p / i),
range(1, n),
([], product(range(1, n+1))))
return sum(summands)
This style is very concise in functional programming languages such as Haskell; Haskell has a function call scanl which simplifies generating the summands so that the definition is just:
f n = sum $ scanl (/) (product [1..n]) [1..(n-2)]
Something like this?
function fac(int n, int s)
if (n >= s)
return n * fac(n - 1, s);
return 1;
int sum = 0;
int s = 4;
n = 5;
while(s > 0)
sum += fac(n, s);
print sum; //320
Loop-free version:
int fac(int n, int s)
if (n >= s)
return n * fac(n - 1, s);
return 1;
int compute(int n, int s, int sum = 0)
if(s > 0)
return compute(n, s - 1, sum + fac(n, s));
return sum;
print compute(5, 4); //320
Ok ther is not mutch to write. I would suggest 2 methodes if you want to solve this recursiv. (Becaus of the recrusiv faculty the complexity is a mess and runtime will increase drasticaly with big numbers!)
int func(int n){
return func(n, 2);
int func(int n, int i){
if (i < n){
return n*(fac(n-1,n-i)+func(n, i + 1));
}else return 0;
int fac(int i,int a){
return i*fac(i-1, a);
}else return 1;

Recursion in C unable to return result from the prototype!?

I'm not sure why this recursion is not working! I'm trying to get the total of an input from i=0 to n. I'm also testing recursion instead of 'for loop' to see how it performs. Program runs properly but stops after the input. I would appreciate any comments, thx!
int sigma (int n)
if (n <= 0) // Base Call
return 1;
else {
printf ("%d", n);
int sum = sigma( n+sigma(n-1) );
return sum;
// recursive call to calculate any sum>0;
// for example: input=3; sum=(3+sigma(3-1)); sum=(3+sigma(2))
// do sigma(2)=2+sigma(2-1)=2+sigma(1);
// so sigma(1)=1+sigma(1-1)=1+sigma(0)=1;
// finally, sigma(3)=3+2+1+0=6
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int n;
printf("Enter a positive integer for sum : ");
scanf( " %d ", &n);
int sum = sigma(n);
printf("The sum of all numbers for your entry: %d\n", sum);
return 0;
int sum = sigma( n+sigma(n-1) );
int sum = n + sigma( n-1 );
As you've written it, calling sigma(3) then calls sigma(5), etc...
Also, return 0 from the guard case, not 1.
I think it should be
int sum = n + sigma(n-1)

What is the most efficient way to calculate the least common multiple of two integers?

What is the most efficient way to calculate the least common multiple of two integers?
I just came up with this, but it definitely leaves something to be desired.
int n=7, m=4, n1=n, m1=m;
while( m1 != n1 ){
if( m1 > n1 )
n1 += n;
m1 += m;
System.out.println( "lcm is " + m1 );
The least common multiple (lcm) of a and b is their product divided by their greatest common divisor (gcd) ( i.e. lcm(a, b) = ab/gcd(a,b)).
So, the question becomes, how to find the gcd? The Euclidean algorithm is generally how the gcd is computed. The direct implementation of the classic algorithm is efficient, but there are variations that take advantage of binary arithmetic to do a little better. See Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" Volume 2, "Seminumerical Algorithms" § 4.5.2.
The least common multiple is the least whole number that is a multiple of each of two or more numbers.
If you are trying to figure out the LCM of three integers, follow these steps:
**Find the LCM of 19, 21, and 42.**
Write the prime factorization for each number. 19 is a prime number. You do not need to factor 19.
21 = 3 × 7
42 = 2 × 3 × 7
Repeat each prime factor the greatest number of times it appears in any of the prime factorizations above.
2 × 3 × 7 × 19 = 798
The least common multiple of 21, 42, and 19 is 798.
I think that the approach of "reduction by the greatest common divider" should be faster. Start by calculating the GCD (e.g. using Euclid's algorithm), then divide the product of the two numbers by the GCD.
Best solution in C++ below without overflowing
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long long gcd(long long int a, long long int b){
return a;
return gcd(b,a%b);
long long lcm(long long a,long long b){
return (a/gcd(a,b))*b;
return (b/gcd(a,b))*a;
int main()
long long int a ,b ;
return 0;
First of all, you have to find the greatest common divisor
for(int i=1; i<=a && i<=b; i++) {
if (i % a == 0 && i % b == 0)
gcd = i;
After that, using the GCD you can easily find the least common multiple like this
lcm = a / gcd * b;
I don't know whether it is optimized or not, but probably the easiest one:
public void lcm(int a, int b)
if (a > b)
min = b;
max = a;
min = a;
max = b;
for (i = 1; i < max; i++)
if ((min*i)%max == 0)
res = min*i;
Console.Write("{0}", res);
Here is a highly efficient approach to find the LCM of two numbers in python.
def gcd(a, b):
if min(a, b) == 0:
return max(a, b)
a_1 = max(a, b) % min(a, b)
return gcd(a_1, min(a, b))
def lcm(a, b):
return (a * b) // gcd(a, b)
Using Euclidean algorithm to find gcd and then calculating the lcm dividing a by the product of gcd and b worked for me.
int euclidgcd(int a, int b){
return a;
int a_rem = a % b;
return euclidgcd(b, a_rem);
long long lcm(int a, int b) {
int gcd=euclidgcd(a, b);
return (a/gcd*b);
int main() {
int a, b;
std::cin >> a >> b;
std::cout << lcm(a, b) << std::endl;
return 0;
Take successive multiples of the larger of the two numbers until the result is a multiple of the smaller.
this might work..
public int LCM(int x, int y)
int larger = x>y? x: y,
smaller = x>y? y: x,
candidate = larger ;
while (candidate % smaller != 0) candidate += larger ;
return candidate;
C++ template. Compile time
#include <iostream>
const int lhs = 8, rhs = 12;
template<int n, int mod_lhs=n % lhs, int mod_rhs=n % rhs> struct calc {
calc() { }
template<int n> struct calc<n, 0, 0> {
calc() { std::cout << n << std::endl; }
template<int n, int mod_rhs> struct calc<n, 0, mod_rhs> {
calc() { }
template<int n, int mod_lhs> struct calc <n, mod_lhs, 0> {
calc() { }
template<int n> struct lcm {
lcm() {
template<> struct lcm<0> {
lcm() {}
int main() {
lcm<lhs * rhs>();
Euclidean GCD code snippet
int findGCD(int a, int b) {
if(a < 0 || b < 0)
return -1;
if (a == 0)
return b;
else if (b == 0)
return a;
return findGCD(b, a % b);
Product of 2 numbers is equal to LCM * GCD or HCF. So best way to find LCM is to find GCD and divide the product with GCD. That is, LCM(a,b) = (a*b)/GCD(a,b).
There is no way more efficient than using a built-in function!
As of Python 3.8 lcm() function has been added in math library. And can be called with folowing signature:
Returns the least common multiple of the specified integer arguments. If all arguments are nonzero, then the returned value is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of all arguments. If any of the arguments is zero, then the returned value is 0. lcm() without arguments returns 1.
Extending #John D. Cook answer that is also marked answer for this question. (, I am sharing algorithm to find LCM of n numbers, it maybe LCM of 2 numbers or any numbers. Source for this code is this
int gcd(int a, int b)
if (b == 0)
return a;
return gcd(b, a % b);
// Returns LCM of array elements
ll findlcm(int arr[], int n)
// Initialize result
ll ans = arr[0];
// ans contains LCM of arr[0], ..arr[i]
// after i'th iteration,
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
ans = arr[i] * ans/gcd(arr[i], ans);
return ans;
Since we know the mathematic property which states that "product of LCM and HCF of any two numbers is equal to the product of the two numbers".
lets say X and Y are two integers,
X * Y = HCF(X, Y) * LCM(X, Y)
Now we can find LCM by knowing the HCF, which we can find through Euclidean Algorithm.
LCM(X, Y) = (X * Y) / HCF(X, Y)
Hope this will be efficient.
import java.util.*;
public class Hello {
public static int HCF(int X, int Y){
if(X == 0)return Y;
return HCF(Y%X, X);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
int X = scanner.nextInt(), Y = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.print((X * Y) / HCF(X, Y));
Yes, there are numerous way to calculate LCM such as using GCD (HCF).
You can apply prime decomposition such as (optimized/naive) Sieve Eratosthenes or find factor of prime number to compute GCD, which is way more faster than calculate LCM directly. Then as all said above, LCM(X, Y) = (X * Y) / GCD(X, Y)
I googled the same question, and found this Stackoverflow page,
however I come up with another simple solution using python
def find_lcm(numbers):
h = max(numbers)
lcm = h
def check(l, numbers):
remainders = [ l%n==0 for n in numbers]
return all(remainders)
while (check(lcm, numbers) == False):
lcm = lcm + h
return lcm
numbers = [120,150,135,225]
it will return 5400
numbers = [120,150,135,225]
print(find_lcm(numbers)) # will print 5400

Binary math

If I know the number number y and know that 2^x=y, how do I compute x?
Base 2 logarithm function:
which is equivalent to:
log(y) / log(2)
for arbitrary base.
And in case you don't have a log function handy, you can always see how many times you must divide y by 2 before it becomes 1. (This assumes x is positive and an integer.)
If you are sure that it is a power of 2, then you can write a loop and right shift the number until you get a 1. The number of times the loop ran will be the value of x.
Example code:
int power(int num)
if(0 == num)
return 0;
int count = 0;
num = num >> 1;
}while(! (num & 1) && num > 0);
return count;
If x is a positive integer, then, following code will be more efficient..
unsigned int y; // You know the number y for which you require x..
unsigned int x = 0;
while (y >>= 1)
x is the answer!
