Oracle Exception Detail - flyway

I'm using Flyway 3.0 within ANT and I would like to know if the stack when an Oracle error occur could be more detailed.
Example: if my migration script contain this statement:
And this table doesn't exist, I expect:
ORA-00942 : table or view does not exist
But I got:
Flyway Error: org.flywaydb.core.internal.dbsupport.FlywaySqlScriptException: Error executing statement at line 4: DROP TABLE FOO$
Not optimal for root cause analysis...
Any idea for better verbosity ?

You can use Ant's standard -d switch to reveal more info. If you feel the standard info should be improved, please file a bug report in the issue tracker.

Adding the -X option to the flyway command line will print debug output.


Flyway 7.7.3 seems to ignore my "callback"

I am upgrading from Flyway 5.4 to 7.7.3 and ran into some issue.
flyway -teams -url=jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521/XE "-user=xxx as SYSDBA" -password=xxx -table=flyway_schema_history_app -encoding=utf-8 -baselineOnMigrate=true migrate
(I have the teams edition license)
Flyway gives me the following error message:
ERROR: Unable to parse statement in /flyway/sql/incremental/Build_302_Baseline/V302_106__fosprd_INSERT_Master_eg_pocqueue.sql at line 117 col 1. See for more information: No value provided for variable substitution: &R. Check your configuration. If this is not a SQLPLus variable intended to be substituted (eg. in a string literal), then you will need to add SET DEFINE OFF in the script beforehand.
Caused by: No value provided for variable substitution: &R. Check your configuration. If this is not a SQLPLus variable intended to be substituted (eg. in a string literal), then you will need to add SET DEFINE OFF in the script beforehand.
This is caused by a special character "&" in the SQL statement, however, I have made sure the SQL file is using UTF-8 encoding as well as Unix return (LF).
Also, I keep my callbacks under:
bash-5.0$ pwd
bash-5.0$ ls
afterBaseline.sql afterEachUndo.sql afterMigrateError.sql afterUndo.sql beforeEachUndo.sql
afterBaselineError.sql afterEachUndoError.sql afterRepair.sql afterUndoError.sql beforeMigrate.sql
afterEachMigrate.sql afterMigrate.sql afterRepairError.sql beforeEachMigrate.sql beforeUndo.sql
This used to be able to run on 5.4 with no issue. But it's giving me this error on 7.7.3, anyone can point me to the right direction?
This is due to the changes between versions of flyway's SQLPlus support and the fat you have a teams license.
As indicated in the message, this is related to SQLPlus's variable substitution:
If you are not using SQLPlus features, you could try disabling them:
but the recommended solution is to place SET DEFINE OFF in the SQL script before the offending ampersand (with the option of reverting that afterwards)

Why am I getting: database is locked, in an SQLite3 script?

I'm getting an error when running an SQLite script.
--drop use table before replacing it
--Create the use table in the saved database
CREATE TABLE db.use AS SELECT * FROM use2; -- this is the line that generates the error: Error: near line 145: database is locked
Are these two statements run asynchronously or something? I don't understand what's causing the error, but I'm wondering if it has to do with that.
Might there be a way to run the script in a lock-step manner, i.e. non-asynchronously?
This is how I was running the command: sqlite3 --init script_name.sql dbname.db, and elsewhere in the script I had an ATTACH statement reading the same database dbname.db. Essentially reading the same file twice.
The way I solved this was by executing the script in the sqlite3 shell:
sqlite3> .read script_name.sql
Have you tried to add a commit statement after the drop statement?
I think that would make sure the create table statement run after the drop statement is totally done.

Can't able to create table using ORE.create

I had executed the R program and when I try to push the result to a table using
ore.create(score, table="xyz")
I'm getting the following error:
Error in .oci.GetQuery(conn, statement, data = data, prefetch = prefetch, :
ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P007, instance (2)
ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library
ORA-06522: /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ORA-06512: at "RQSYS.RQROWEVALIMPL", line 20
ORA-06512: at "RQSYS.RQROWEVALIMPL", line 16
ORA-06512: at line 4
Please help to solve this issue since I tried to solve this for the past 1 week and I cant able to as I am new to this.
Any help much appreciated
This looks like a problem with your installation of Oracle R package.
The message indicates your are running on 11gR2. ORE requires or higher, or with a specific patch applied. Check this OTN Forum thread for details.
You need an Oracle Support contract to get hold of these patches. If you don't have a contract you will need to migrate to database 12c in order to use R.

Liquibase/SQLite syntax error

So I have a sqlite database. My game (C#) is able to open it and run it quite nicely. However, for maintainability and potential conflict reasons, I would like a more manageable format. Our project manager suggested Liquibase. I'm not sure if it's just out of date or what, but it will NOT convert for me, and I'm not sure why. Here's what we got:
running on windows 8.1
liquibase version 3.3.0 (
sqlite database made using sqlite manager demo version 4.3.5 (
java version 8 update 25
sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7 (
The command I enter is...
liquibase --classpath=sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar --driver=org.sqlite.JDBC\
--url="jdbc:sqlite:GameData.sqlite" --changeLogFile=gamedb-canges.xml\
--username=username --password=password generateChangeLog
and the error I get is...
Unexpected error running Liquibase: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException:
liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR]
SQL error or missing database (near ")": syntax error)
I'd try removing the quotes around the URL. You can also include --logLevel=debug on the command line to get better diagnostics.
"SQL error or missing database" is an error message that comes from the SQLite db.
Try to add a full path to the sqlite db like:

Grunt Warning 6

Our automated build process incorporates a grunt task that periodically (more times than I'd like) generates a 6 return code.
According to the grunt web page 6 is a "Warning". Well okay, a warning for what? It's breaking our build since we would only pass on a 0 exit case. I'm looking at wrapping this in a script so I can catch this warning condition and generate a success exit code, though without any idea what the Warning might be I'm hesitant. It appears to work when I get this exit condition but would like a better understanding on what it may be.
Any ideas?
So this turned out to be an issue with grunt-contrib-less. I didn't recognize the associated less compiler error in our build log:
[39mnon_object_property_loadError: Cannot read property 'rules' of undefined in ../../XXXX/styles/modules/SomeLessFile.less on line null, column 0: [31m
Once I found this line a google search quickly found this in GitHub:
And have updated the grunt-contrib-less package. So far so good.
If --stack is specified on the command-line and an error object was
specified, a stack trace will be logged.
Or try to run "grunt --verbose --force"
