What is ASP.NET vNext? - asp.net

Can anybody tell me what is ASP.NET vNext?
Every new version on .Net is something like .NET 1.0, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0 then why this version is not something like ASP.NET 6.0?

vNext is just the name given to product in the pre-release mode, like c# vNext which will apparently be released as C# 6.0, maybe ASP.NET vNext will have a numbering when it releases.
What is ASP.NET vNext?
Microsoft ASP.NET vNext is a smaller and efficient framework as a result of rebuilding the libraries from ground up.
What's new in vNext
Cloud-optimized versions of MVC, Web API, Web Pages, SignalR, and Entity Framework.
MVC, Web API, and Web Pages will be merged into one framework, called MVC 6.
MVC 6 has no dependency on System.Web. The result is a leaner framework, with faster startup time and lower memory consumption.
vNext is host agnostic. You can host your app in IIS, or self-host in a custom process.
Dependency injection is built into the framework. Use your preferred IoC container to register dependencies.
vNext uses the Roslyn compiler to compile code dynamically. You will be able to edit a code file, refresh the browser, and see the changes without rebuilding the project.
vNext is open source and cross platform.
More information:
Overview on asp.net
Getting started with ASP.NET vNext
Blogpost by Scott Hanselman
Blogpost by David Fowler
Contributing to ASP.NET vNext
Sample ASP.NET vNext applications

ASP.NET vNext is the next version of ASP.NET, but it hasn't shipped yet, so it is not an official version. "vNext" is just a working title.

ASP.NET vNext was the code-name for the next generation of ASP.NET, whose official name is ASP.NET 5. As of now ASP.NET 5 is not yet finished and documentation about can be found at http://asp.net/vnext.
ASP.NET 5 is not just an evolution of the previous version(s), it is rebuilt from the ground. Existing ASP.NET applications will run on ASP.NET 5 without modifications, but to take advantage of the new features, such applications will have to be ported to the new version.
Here's a little excerpt of what http://asp.net has to say about ASP.NET 5:
ASP.NET 5 is a lean .NET stack for building modern web apps. We built it from the ground up to provide an optimized development framework for apps that are either deployed to the cloud or run on-premises. It consists of modular components with minimal overhead, so you retain flexibility while constructing your solutions.
ASP.NET 5 includes the following features:
New flexible and cross-platform runtime
New modular HTTP request pipeline
Cloud-ready environment configuration
Unified programming model that combines MVC, Web API, and Web Pages
Ability to see changes without re-building the project
Side-by-side versioning of the .NET Framework
Ability to self-host or host on IIS
New tools in Visual Studio 2015
Open source in GitHub
The changes we made for ASP.NET 5 were based on customer requests and feedback. These changes simplify development, hosting, and maintenance, and are targeted to modern web apps.
Your legacy apps will run on the new version of the ASP.NET without any modifications. However, to take advantage of the new features in ASP.NET 5, you will need to port your existing code to the new framework. You will find many similarities between ASP.NET 5 and earlier versions of ASP.NET, so porting code involves fixing particular issues rather than re-writing the app.


which version of mvc is using in asp.net core 2.0? is is MVC 6 or use different name?

which version of mvc is using in asp.net core 2.0? is is MVC 6 or use different name ?
What is .net 5?
what is .net standard ?
these questions are from an interview.plz help
The .NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET implementations.https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard .ASP.NET5.0 Is Called ASP.NET Core 1.0 and In the ASP.NET Core 1.0 release, Web API is merged with ASP.NET MVC, termed as MVC 6
They're totally unrelated. "MVC 6" was sort of like a codename for Core when it was still in early stages. ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Api are totally separate from ASP.NET Core. Now, it's just "Core". There is no "MVC" or "Web Api", because Core controllers do both functions. ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Api live on and although they will probably eventually be deprecated, they could presumably (though not likely at all) get new releases. At the very least, they'll be patched for the foreseeable future.
ASP.NET Core is a complete rewrite from the ground up. It was originally created simply to be a cross-platform alternative to ASP.NET, and I think the original plan was to keep both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core as potential development options. However, as ASP.NET Core became more competent, it has pretty fully eclipsed ASP.NET; we now have a cross-platform framework that can run on Windows, Mac and Linux and can do virtually anything the Windows-only framework can. Therefore, why keep the Windows-only framework?
Asp.net Core 2.0 is MVC 6 and The framework is 4.6.1
To start with development you need to have VS-2017 and for 1.X you can start with VS-2015.
Please refer the below link for clear presentation of .NetCore 2.0 so that you can get good knowledge to kick start your development.
Official Asp.Net Core Documentation Url

What is the purpose/usage of ASP.NET Web Application Core(.NET framework)?

I can find similar questions, but those answer is not clear or no answer (all answered now) that make me confuse .
Similar questions 1
Similar questions 2
Now Visual Studio has 3 Web Project template :
ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) <-- old
ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Core) <-- new
ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Framework) <-- new
I know the different between .NET Core and .NET Framework.
.Net Core - can cross platform(Windows, OS X, Linux)
.NET Framework - Windows Only
Then, the problem:
If we can use .Net Core in cross platform include Windows,
Why there still need ASP.NET Core Web Application(.NET Framework)(new) ?
If only work on Windows ,
Why don't just use ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)(old)? which much mature and more support.
What is the purpose/usage of ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Framework)(new)??
.NET Core does not have all the APIs available in .NET Framework. As a result when running on Windows you may want to target full .NET Framework instead of .NET Core in your Asp.NET Core application.
Asp.NET 4.x is still supported and it's perfectly fine to create new applications using Asp.NET 4.x.
However, the vast majority of innovation goes to Asp.NET Core. Asp.NET Core is also open source so you can actually see the code you are running, debug the code you are running and even contribute back your fixes or new features. Finally, Asp.NET Core is also much more lightweight (everything is a NuGet package and you only include what you need, not coupled to IIS - runs out-of-proces when using IIS) and much faster than ASP.NET.

What's the difference between ASP.NET 5, .NET Core, and ASP.NET Core 5? [closed]

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I'm confused on the distinction between these terms:
ASP.NET 5 (now renamed ASP.NET Core and released as 1.0, not 5.0)
ASP.NET Core 5
.NET Core
Can anyone briefly explain it?
ASP.NET 5 (now ASP.NET Core 1.0)
Is the next generation of ASP.NET that provides a familiar and modern framework for web and cloud scenarios. It includes the next versions of ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Web Pages and SignalR. It is a high-performance and modular design, and supports full side by side to make it seamless to migrate from on premise to the cloud. These products are actively developed by the ASP.NET team in collaboration with a community of open source developers. Together we are dedicated to creating the best possible platform for web development.
Update: It has been renamed from ASP.NET 5 to ASP.Net Core 1.0.
.NET Core:
.NET Core is the small optimized runtime that is the basis of ASP.NET Core. It currently runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It is a high-performance and modular design, and supports having several applications on a web server each one with its own copy of the .NET Core runtime, enabling a full side by side experience, and that will make it easy to adopt new .NET Core versions without affecting other apps, and this makes .NET Core architecture a leap forward from the current classic .NET 4.6. These products are actively developed by the .NET team and in collaboration with a community of open source developers. Together we are dedicated to improving and extending the .NET platform with new features and for new scenarios.
.NET Core has two major components. It includes a small runtime that is built from the same codebase as the .NET Framework CLR. The .NET Core runtime includes the same GC and JIT (RyuJIT), but doesn’t include features like Application Domains or Code Access Security. The runtime is delivered on NuGet, via the Microsoft.CoreCLR package.
.NET Core also includes the base class libraries. These libraries are largely the same code as the .NET Framework class libraries, but have been factored (removal of dependencies) to enable us to ship a smaller set of libraries. These libraries are shipped as System.* NuGet packages on NuGet.org.
For more information, see Introducing .NET Core
ASP.NET 5 is a new platform based on DNX (.NET Execution Environment). DNX is on duty for loading CLR. There're two kind of DNX now: for Full .NET CLR (from .NET Framework) and for CoreCLR. CoreCLR is a new cross-platform light CLR (runs on Win/Linux/Mac).
ASP.NET 5 works seamlessly on CLR/CoreCLR as DNX abstracts it from runtime being used.
IL assemblies build for old .NET still be used with new CoreCLR and DNX. So ASP.NET 5 functionality is a bunch of nuget packages.
Strictly speaking there're no such things as "asp.net core 5" and ".net core" now (as CLR != .NET). There's "ASP.NET 5 running on CoreCLR".
IMO it's better to consider "ASP.NET 5" as ".NET 5".
There is no ASP.net Core 5 yet. In fact, Microsoft decided to change the .net 5 (The version after 4.6) to a brand new name : .net Core
So the version released on June 2016 is actually .net Core 1.0
The reason why they gave it a new name is the very fundamental change they've made in it.
These fundamental changes include :
Cross platform: It works on Windows/Linux/Mac as opposed to the previous versions working only on Windows/IIS
It's fully open source now and you can see every bit of its code in GitHub.
Its performance (especially in ASP.net) is way better than the previous versions, as you can easily customize your request pipeline according to what you need (through middlewares).If you are familiar with nodejs and ExpressJs framework it's so similar to ExpressJs. In some cases it performs better than NodeJs. Have a look into this benchmark.
It's designed with a modern mindset of app development, for highly distributed cloud applications, microservices and containers (docker)
ASP.NET Core is the next version of ASP.NET MVC 5, Yes, the version number is confusing! It has gone through a few name changes. It started as ASP.NET vNext, then changed to ASP.NET 5, next was renamed to ASP.NET MVC 6 and eventually became ASP.NET Core 1.0.
The main difference between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core are
Platform Independent Features, ASP.NET Core provides hosting in multiple platform (Win / Linux / Mac OS) hosting (Cross platform).
Introduced new lighter version of CLR and assemblies with non-dependent frameworks.
Frameworks are a complete rewrite (removal of dependencies with DI) and Its Open source Project.
Project default project template is updated with Type scripts insted of JQuery.
Improved new security features and completely decoupling for all its dependent framework.
Updated project template with angular and json based configuration & enhanced packages support with node modules.
Supports for Visual Studio IDE ( 2015 v3 + 2017 and above) & VS Code IDE.
If you are new to this, Please refer Here
By the way there is also a Mono runtime as an alternative to CoreCLR in the linux apt and Docker package. Mono is still the default when it's up to installing DNX. The whole thing about the "Core" is that it's a cross platform .net framework and at some point hosting an ASP.NET 5 app will not make use of IIS, Apache, Mono etc., but the DNX and Libuv.
.NET Core 1.0 is not the next version of .NET 4.6.2 (Full .NET Framework). If it is the next version it should have more features than the previous version. But according to Microsoft .NET Core 1.0 doesn't have some of the features .NET 4.6 got. That's why they named it as .NET Core 1.0 instead of .NET 5.
In ASP.NET Core 1.0 they are using .NET Core 1.0 as reference. That means we don't need to install .NET framework to run our ASP.NET Core 1.0 application.
You can find more updated information here.
ASP.NET Core i.e 1.0/2.0...
ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework for building modern, cloud-based web apps on Windows, macOS, or Linux.
ASP.NET i.e ...4.5/4.6
ASP.NET is a mature framework that provides all the services needed to build enterprise-grade, server-based web apps on Windows.
There is no such thing as ASP.NET Core 5 and .NET Core.
ASP.NET 5 is same as ASP.NET Core 1.0
Please refer to the link:

HelpPage for ASP.NET vNext MVC 6 Web Api

I am currently checking out asp.net vnext MVC6 in Visual Studio 2015 Preview. I'm pretty new to asp.net in general, but within my company we are going to move towards creating a web api using asp.net for accessing data on our server (currently we only support wcf communication with our own silverlight application). This is the reason I am checking out the new functionalities of MVC 6 to judge whether we should wait before starting our development and use MVC 6 when it is finally released or start development now and create a Web API 2 project.
Anyway, I am looking into auto documenting the web api, which is already integrated into the Visual Studio template for a WebApi 2 project by use of Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage.
Now for my question, is something like this available for MVC 6 aswell? I can import the same package in my project.json in my ASP.NET vNext / MVC6 (whatever you want to call it) project but i can't do app.UseHelpPage(); in my Startup.cs file.
I suspect this is not (yet) integrated in the current release yet. If not, is there anything known about integration of this feature once ASP.NET vNext eventually hits the shelves?
Probably this feature is not available in MVC 6 yet, but you could try Swagger.
Swagger basically is a framework for describing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful APIs.
The nice thing about Swashbuckle that it has no dependency on ASP.NET MVC, so there is no need to include any MVC Nuget packages in order to enable API documentation, as well Swashbuckle contains an embedded version of swagger-ui which will automatically serve up once Swashbuckle is installed.
Source: http://bitoftech.net/2014/08/25/asp-net-web-api-documentation-using-swagger/

Run webapi without installing .net4.5

I have a website running aspx pages, under asp.net4.0.
I also have some DevExpress controls, that I purchased 4 years ago.
I now want to add an API to the web application, however I understand that needs .net4.5 to be running.
The DevExpress controls don't work under 4.5 - so I would need to renew them at considerable cost.
it possible, after installing .net4.5, for my site to continue to
use .net4 - and not the new 4.5? so that I can have the site
operate under 4.0, and the API under 4.5?
Or is it possible to have the API (using the Entity Framework)
run under .net 4.0
Thank you,
You can use both web-api and entity framework without installing .net4.5.
You can add web-api to an existing project by installing the nuget package "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi" (release candidate)
Yes, if you put your Web API in a separate project, you can make it 4.5 and the other projects you have that make up the site can be 4.0. You choose which framework you target when you build your projects:
Right click on project > Application > Target framework dropdown
You can add Web API to any .NET application that uses at least .NET 4.0. Web API doesn't require .NET 4.5. It can be a Web Forms project, MVC project, empty project, console app, WPF app, Metro app etc etc - as long as .NET version is at least 4.0.
But the simplest solution in your case seems to be to just keep everything under 4.0.
You better recreate the web API project using final version of the WepAPI assembly
