Expand Records to create Edges for igraph - r

I have a dataset that has multiple data points I want to map. iGraph uses 1-1 relationships though so I'm looking for a way to take one long record into many 1-1 records. For Example:
test <- data.frame(
Which gives this output
drug1 drug2 drug3 age
1 A P B 15
2 B O O 20
3 C R R 35
4 D T I 1
5 E L S 35
6 F A B 58
7 G N E 51
8 H D C 21
9 I R K 54
10 J A E 80
11 K D R 75
I'd like to make a new table with drug1-drug2 and then stack drug2-drug3 into the previous column. So it would look like this.
drug1 drug2 age
1 A P 15
2 P B 15
3 C R 20
4 R R 20
5 E L 35
drug2 is held in the drug1 spot and drug3 is moved to drug1. I realize I can do this by creating multiple smaller steps, but was was wondering if anyone new of a way to loop this process. I have up to 11 fields.
Here are the smaller steps.
a <- test[,c("drug1","drug2","age")]
b <- test[,c("drug2","drug3","age")]
names(b) <- c("drug1","drug2","age")
test2 <- rbind(a,b)
drug1 drug2 age
1 A P 15
2 B O 20
3 C R 35
4 D T 1
5 E L 35
6 F A 58
7 G N 51
8 H D 21
9 I R 54
10 J A 80
11 K D 75
12 P B 15
13 O O 20
14 R R 35
15 T I 1
16 L S 35
17 A B 58
18 N E 51
19 D C 21
20 R K 54
21 A E 80
22 D R 75

So if you have many fields, here's a helper function which can pull down the data into pairs.
pulldown <- function(data, cols=1:(min(attr)-1),
attr=ncol(data), newnames=names(data)[c(cols[1:2], attr)]) {
if(is.character(attr)) attr<-match(attr, names(data))
if(is.character(cols)) cols<-match(cols, names(data))
do.call(rbind, lapply(unname(data.frame(t(embed(cols,2)))), function(x) {
`colnames<-`(data[, c(sort(x), attr)], newnames)
You can run it with your data with
It has a parameter called attr where you can specify the columns (index or names) you would like repeated every row (here I have it default to the last column). Then the cols parameter is a vector of all the columns that you would like to turn into pairs. (The default is the beginning to one before the first attr). You can also specify a vector of newnames for the columns as they come out.
With three columns your method is pretty simple, this might be a better choice for 11 columns.

Slightly more compact and a one-liner would be:
test2 <- rbind( test[c("drug1","drug2","age")],
setNames(test[c("drug3", "drug2", "age")], c("drug1", "drug2", "age"))
The setNames function can be useful when column names are missing or need to be coerced to something else.


How to extract diagonal elements from dataframe and store in a variable?

I have a simple 9 element dataframe.
1 8 21 1
2 40 25 32
3 10 15 49
I want to extract the diagonal elements and store it in a variable. Is there an easier way to do this other than taking one number out at a time to store to a variable?
In this case as they are all numeric you can use:
df <- data.frame(a=c(4,8,10), b = c(25,24,15), c = c(1,32,49))
a b c
1 4 25 1
2 8 24 32
3 10 15 49
Where this takes the diagonal.
[1] 4 24 49
You can use the diag function which extracts the diagonal of a matrix:
Data <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3), b= c(11,12,13), c = c(111,112,113))
Data2 <- as.matrix(Data)
Result <- diag(Data2)
Result #Returns 1 12 113

For Loops using colnames in R , increment i by 10

I had a bit specific problem in running for loops in colnames , increment i by 10 and creating new dataframe using i.
For example
x <- data.frame(A = c(1, 2), B = c(3, 4),C =c(5,6),D=c(7,8),E=c(9,10),F=c(11,12),G=c(13,14),
# below create 12 dataframe starting from A to L which i do not want
for (i in colnames(x))
assign(i, subset(x, select=i))
I want to increment i by 3, so I want my output as col A to C in one dataframe, col D to F in one dataframe, col G to I in one dataframe and col J to L in one dataframe, which means only 4 dataframes not 12.
Assigning to the global environment is generally not the way to go, especially from functions. You could do the following, generating a list containg the splitted dataframes.
Make a vector of indices where a 'new' dataframe should start, starting at 1 and incrementing by i.
i<- 3
start_indices <- seq(1,ncol(x),by=i)
> start_indices
[1] 1 4 7 10
Use lapply to generate a list of splitted dataframes.
res <- lapply(start_indices, function(j){
1 1 3 5
2 2 4 6
1 7 9 11
2 8 10 12
1 13 16 18
2 14 17 19
1 22 12 19
2 25 13 20
If you want to use your approach
> for (i in 1:(ncol(x)/3))
+ assign(names(x)[3*i-2], subset(x, select=(3*i-2):(3*i)))
> A
1 1 3 5
2 2 4 6
> D
1 7 9 11
2 8 10 12
> G
1 13 16 18
2 14 17 19
> J
1 22 12 19
2 25 13 20
Just thought to add last line on unlisting list ,previous answer by Heroka
create multiple data frame from list of
for(i in 1:length(res)) {
assign(paste0("gf", i), res[[i]])

Filtering a Dataset by another Dataset in R

The task I am trying to accomplish is essentially filtering one dataset by the entries in another dataset by entries in an "id" column. The data sets I am working with are quite large having 10 of thousands of entries and 30 or so variables. I have made toy datasets to help explain what I want to do.
The first dataset contains a list of entries and each entry has their own unique accession number(this is the id).
Data1 = data.frame(accession_number = c('a','b','c','d','e','f'), values =c('1','3','4','2','3','12'))
accession_number values
1 a 1
2 b 3
3 c 4
4 d 2
5 e 3
6 f 12
I am only interested in the entries that have the accession number 'c', 'd', and 'e'. (In reality though my list is around 100 unique accession numbers). Next, I created a dataframe with the only the unique accession numbers and no other values.
1 c
2 d
3 e
The second data set, which i am looking to filter, contains multiple entries some which have the same accession number.
accession_number values Intensity col4 col6
1 a 1 -0.0251304 a -0.4816370
2 a 2 -0.4308735 b -1.0335971
3 c 3 -1.9001321 c 0.6416735
4 c 4 0.1163934 d -0.4489048
5 c 5 0.7586820 e 0.5408650
6 b 6 0.4294415 f 0.6828412
7 b 7 -0.8045201 g 0.6677730
8 b 8 -0.9898947 h 0.3948412
9 c 9 -0.6004642 i -0.3323932
10 c 10 1.1367578 j 0.9151915
11 c 11 0.7084980 k -0.3424039
12 c 12 -0.9618102 l 0.2386307
13 c 13 0.2693441 m -1.3861064
14 d 14 1.6059971 n 1.3801924
15 e 15 2.4166472 o -1.1806929
16 e 16 -0.7834619 p 0.1880451
17 e 17 1.3856535 q -0.7826357
18 f 18 -0.6660976 r 0.6159731
19 f 19 0.2089186 s -0.8222399
20 f 20 -1.5809582 t 1.5567113
21 f 21 0.3610700 u 0.3264431
22 f 22 1.2923324 v 0.9636267
What im looking to do is compare the subsetted list of the first data set(SubsetData1), with the second dataset (Data2) to create a filtered dataset that only contains the entries that have the same accession numbers defined in the subsetted list. The filtered dataset should look something like this.
accession_number values Intensity col4 col6
9 c 9 -0.6004642 i -0.3323932
10 c 10 1.1367578 j 0.9151915
11 c 11 0.7084980 k -0.3424039
12 c 12 -0.9618102 l 0.2386307
13 c 13 0.2693441 m -1.3861064
14 d 14 1.6059971 n 1.3801924
15 e 15 2.4166472 o -1.1806929
16 e 16 -0.7834619 p 0.1880451
17 e 17 1.3856535 q -0.7826357
I don't know if I need to start making loops in order to tackle this problem, or if there is a simple R command that would help me accomplish this task. Any help is much appreciated.
Thank You
Try this
WantedData=Data2[Data2$ccession_number %in% SubsetData1$accession_number, ]
You can also use inner_join of dplyr package.
dat = inter_join(Data2, SubsetData1)
The subset function is designed for basic subsetting:
subset(Data2,accession_number %in% SubsetData1$accession_number)
Alternately, here you could merge:
The other solutions seem fine, but I like the readability of dplyr, so here's a dplyr solution.
new_dataset <- Data2 %>%
filter(accession_number %in% SubsetData1$accession_number)

Data frame manoeuvre [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
R programming - data frame manoevur
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Suppose I have the following dataframe:
Categories Variable
1 a 11
2 b 21
3 c 34
4 d 45
5 e 52
6 f 65
7 g 76
8 a 13
9 b 24
I'd like to turn it into a new dataframe like the following:
Categories Variable
1 a 11
2 b 21
3 c 34
4 d+e 97
5 f 65
6 g 76
7 a 13
8 b 24
How can I do it? (Surely, the dataframe is much larger, but I want the sum of all categories of d and e and group it into a new category, say 'H').
Many thanks!
This is a good question but unfortunately OT here. So I'll answer until it get migrated.
I'm assuming Variable is of class factor, so you'll need to properly re-level it (assuming your data is called df)
levels(df$Categories)[levels(df$Categories) %in% c("d", "e")] <- "h"
Next, I'll use the data.table package as you have a large data set and it's devel version (v >= 1.9.5) has a convinient function called rleid (download from GitHub)
library(data.table) ## v >= 1.9.5
setDT(df)[, .(Variable = sum(Variable)), by = .(indx = rleid(Categories), Categories)]
# indx Categories Variable
# 1: 1 a 11
# 2: 2 b 21
# 3: 3 c 34
# 4: 4 h 97
# 5: 5 f 65
# 6: 6 g 76
# 7: 7 a 13
# 8: 8 b 24
You can try this:
# plyr package provides rbind.fill() function for row binding
# Assuming you have a rows.cvs containing the data, read it into a data frame
# Find the lowest index of d or e (whichever comes first)
index<-min(match("d",data$Var1.nominal.), match("e",data$Var1.nominal.))
# Returns all rows containing d and e in Var1(nominal) column
tempData<-data[data$Var1.nominal. %in% c("d","e"),]
# Remove all the rows containing d and e from original data frame
data<-data[!data$Var1.nominal. %in% c("d","e"),]
# Reorder row index numbers in data
# Combine rows containing d and e in Var1(nominal)column, and sum up the column Var2(numeric)
# Combine original data and tempData frame with use of index
# Renaming "d+e" to"h"
# Getting rid of the tempData data frame
> data
Var1.nominal. Var2.numeric.
1 a 11
2 b 21
3 c 34
4 h 97
5 f 65
6 g 76
7 a 13
8 b 24

subset data based on matrix of row numbers

Say i have the following data
B <- (5:20)
C <- (6:21)
D <- (7:22)
E <- (8:23)
data <- data.frame(B,C,D,E)
and I also have a matrix of
id <- c(4,7,9,12,15)
where this matrix represents the row identities I want to output into a new data.frame
How can one use the subset function to subset the original data
new <- subset(data, .....)
so that new only consists of the 5 observations
# B C D E
#4 8 9 10 11
#7 11 12 13 14
#9 13 14 15 16
#12 16 17 18 19
#15 19 20 21 22
The syntax data[i,j] creates a subset of data with row(s) i and column(s) j
