this.findAll not working on sub-template - meteor

When I try to use this.findAll on a template where the selector is in a sub-template, findAll returns nothing.
Here's the HTML:
<template name="products">
{{#each productList}}
{{> product }}
<template name="product">
<div class="box">{{name}}</div>
Here's the JS:
productList: function() {
var all = Products.find({}).fetch();
return all;
Template.products.rendered = function(){
var boxes = this.findAll('.box');
Output of boxes.length is 0. Any ideas how I could get the "box" elements?

According to the docs for findAll:
Only elements inside the template and its sub-templates can match parts of the selector.
So it should work for sub-templates. I tried this with a fixed array of products and it worked, which implies that you are just seeing a delay between the call to rendered and the products being fetched. For example if you do:{
'click .box': function (e, t) {
var boxes = t.findAll('.box');
Then if you click on one of the boxes, you should see the correct number logged to the console. In short, I think the test may just be invalid. If you are using iron-router, you could try adding a waitOn for the products - that may ensure they arrive before the rendered call.

Here's what I did to run a script after all products have been loaded.
I've added last_product property in all the products.
productList: function() {
var all = Products.find({}).fetch();
var total = all.length;
var ctr = 0;
doc.last_product = false;
if(ctr == total)
doc.last_product = true;
return doc;
return all;
Then instead of "Template.products", I used "Template.product" to detect if the last product is rendered. When the last product is rendered, run the script.
Template.product.rendered = function(){
var boxes = $('.pbox');
boxes.length now has the correct length.
Thanks to David for the idea!

Here's the correct answer. I've added this to my iron-router route:
action : function () {
if (this.ready()) {
Found the answer from while I was trying to solve a different problem.


Can Ractive events work in markup rendered with the triple-stash syntax?

If I have the following in my Ractive template:
<span on-click='handleClick'>click me</span>
Then I can listen for the click with this:
handleClick:function() {
alert("clicked!") ;
But lets say I have that same markup stored in a string variable called clicklyspan:
app.set("clicklyspan", "<span on-click='handleClick'>click me</span>")
and I render it in the template using the triple-stash syntax:
The handleClick listener no longer gets fired. Is there anything I can do to force some kind of update to the rendered template so that the listener works? Say, after I do that app.set() call?
Here's a fiddle demonstrating the problem.
I have never used Ractive, but I did some research and it seems you have to use partials, like this:
var app = new Ractive({
el: 'container',
template: '#template',
data: {
myFunction: function() {
var template = '<a on-click="handleClick">I can now be clicked as well!</a>';
if (!this.partials.myFunction) {
this.partials.myFunction = template;
else {
this.resetPartial('myFunction', template);
return 'myFunction';
You will also need to use this instead of the triple mustache:
{{> myFunction() }}
Here's the corresponding jsfiddle.
Of course, replace myFunction with whatever name you like.
Related question I found useful:
RactiveJS events on tripple mustache

Meteor: Access Template Helper (or variable) from another helper

How can I reference a template helper from another one? For example...
reusableHelper: function() {
return this.field1 * 25 / 100; //or some other result
anotherHelper: function() {
if (this.reusableHelper() > 300) //this does not work
return this.reusableHelper() + ' is greater than 300';
return this.reusableHelper() + ' is smaller than 300';
I have also tried Template.instance().__helpers.reusableHelper - all with no luck.
Alternatively is there a way to define reactive Template instance variables?
XXX is a sub-template that renders multiple times on the same page.
You can but only with global template helpers.
Here is an example calling Iron:Router's pathFor global helper.
url: function () {
var hash = {};
hash.route = path;
hash.query = this.query;
hash.hash = this.hash; =;
var options = new;
if (this.url){
return Blaze._globalHelpers.urlFor(options)
} else if( this.path || this.route ) {
return Blaze._globalHelpers.pathFor(options)
EDIT: To your second question. You can call the same template as many times as you like on a page and pass different data attributes directly into it and/or use #each block template wrapper to iterate over data. #each will call a template many times giving it a different data context each time.
#each Example
<template name="listOfPosts">
{{#each posts}}
{{>postListItem}} <!--this template will get a different data context each time-->
Attributes Example
<template name="postDetails">
{{>postHeader title="Hello World" headerType="main" data=someHelper}}
{{>postHeader title="I am a sub" headerType="sub" data=newHelper}}
{{>postBody doc=bodyHelper}}
This like using of common code, you can make another javascript function which contains the your reusable code and call it from wherever you required.
Like in your code-
function calcField(field){
return field * 25 / 100
and in you template helper-
reusableHelper: function() {
return calcField(this.field1);
anotherHelper: function() {
if (calcField(this.field1) > 300)
return calcField(this.field1) + ' is greater than 300';
return calcField(this.field1) + ' is smaller than 300';
Alternatively is there a way to define reactive Template instance
you can use Session variables or Reactive variable
Disclaimer: This may not answer your question directly, but it might be helpful for people stuck with a similar use case:
Sometimes it's easy to get locked into the "Meteor way", that standard Javascript rules are forgotten.
Two use cases that sound similar to what you're trying to do:
1. For helpers/events that you can access anywhere on the client-side, simply set a global helper.
Put this in, say, client/helpers.js:
Helpers = {
someFunction: function(params) {
/* Do something here */
Now Helpers.someFunction() is available to all templates.
If you want to bind the local template instance to it for some reason, again, it's standard JS:
var boundFunction = Helpers.someFunction.bind(this);
2. To create reusable Blaze helpers inside of templates, use Template.registerHelper
For example, this function uses the "numeral" library to format numbers:
Template.registerHelper('numeral', function(context, opt) {
var format = (opt.hash && opt.hash.format) || '0,0.00';
return numeral(context || 0).format(format);
You can use this in any template like so:
{{numeral someNumberVariable format='0,0'}}
I found a better solution with collection hooks:
Item = new Mongo.Collection('Items');
isAuthor: function(){
return this.authorId == Meteor.userId();
color: function(){
return 'green';
return 'red';
I then becomes functions of this, usable in both helpers and templates.
i had something similar -- i had 2 helpers in the same template that needed access to the same function. however, that function 1) needed access to a reactive var in the template, and 2) is a filter function, so i couldn't just pass in the data of that reactive var.
i ended up defining the filter function in the templates onCreated() and stored it in a reactive var, so the helpers could access it.
Template.Foo.onCreated(function () {
this.fooData = new ReactiveVar();
function filterFoo(key) {
var foo = Template.instance().fooData.get();
// filter result is based on the key and the foo data
return [true|false];
this.filterFoo = new ReactiveVar(filterFoo);
helper1: function() {
var filterFn = Template.instance().filterFoo.get();
return CollectionA.getKeys().filter(filterFn);
helper2: function() {
var filterFn = Template.instance().filterFoo.get();
return CollectionB.getKeys().filter(filterFn);
Since this answer is currently missing - I wanted to add an update
In the current meteor version, you should be able to call:
var TEMPLATE_NAME = //the name of your template...
var HELPER_NAME = //the name of your helper...
Template[TEMPLATE_NAME].__helpers[' '+HELPER_NAME]
You should call it like this, if you want to make sure the helper has access to this:
var context = this;
Template[TEMPLATE_NAME].__helpers[' '+HELPER_NAME].call(context,/* args */);
But be careful - this could break in future Meteor versions.
Adding on to Nils' answer, I have been able to access Template level helpers in events using the following code:
'click a#back': (event, instance) ->
if instance.view.template.__helpers[' complete']() && instance.view.template.__helpers[' changed']()
this just came up again at work, and this time we used modules. in this case, we had a number of large, related functions that had to maintain data across calls. i wanted them outside the template file but not totally polluting the Meteor scope. so we made a module (polluting the Meteor scope 1x) and called the functions therein from the template.
FooHelpers = (function () {
var _foo;
function setupFoo(value) {
_foo = value;
function getFoo() {
return _foo;
function incFoo() {
return {
setupFoo: setupFoo,
getFoo: getFoo,
incFoo: incFoo
testFoo: function() {
console output is 7, 8.

How to get the parent template instance (of the current template)

Is there a clean way to get the parent template of the current template? Nothing is officially documented in Meteor's API.
I'm talking about the Blaze.TemplateInstance, not the context (i.e. not Template.parentData).
In the end, I've extended the template instances similarly with Meteor's parentData, like this:
* Get the parent template instance
* #param {Number} [levels] How many levels to go up. Default is 1
* #returns {Blaze.TemplateInstance}
Blaze.TemplateInstance.prototype.parentTemplate = function (levels) {
var view = this.view;
if (typeof levels === "undefined") {
levels = 1;
while (view) {
if (, 9) === "Template." && !(levels--)) {
return view.templateInstance();
view = view.parentView;
Example usage: someTemplate.parentTemplate() to get the immediate parent
Is there a clean way to get the parent template of the current
Currently, none that I know of, but this is supposed to happen sometime in the future as part of a planned "better API for designing reusable components" (this is discussed in the Meteor post 1.0 roadmap).
For the moment, here is a workaround I'm using in my projects :
// extend Blaze.View prototype to mimick jQuery's closest for views
var view=this;
return view;
return null;
// extend Blaze.TemplateInstance to expose added Blaze.View functionalities
var view=this.view.closest(viewName);
return view?view.templateInstance():null;
Note that this is only supporting named parent templates and supposed to work in the same fashion as jQuery closest to traverse parent views nodes from a child to the top-most template (body), searching for the appropriately named template.
Once this extensions to Blaze have been registered somewhere in your client code, you can do stuff like this :
<template name="parent">
<div style="background-color:{{backgroundColor}};">
{{> child}}
<template name="child">
<button type="button">Click me to change parent color !</button>
this.backgroundColor=new ReactiveVar("green");
return Template.instance().backgroundColor.get();
"click button":function(event,template){
var parent=template.closestInstance("parent");
var backgroundColor=parent.backgroundColor.get();
case "green":
case "red":
What I've been doing so far is that if I need to access the parent instance in a child template's function, I try to instead refactor this function to declare it on the parent template, and then pass it as argument to the child, who can then execute it.
As an example, let's say I want to increment a template variable on the parent template from within the child template. I could write something like this:
Template.parentTemplate.onCreated(function () {
var parentInstance = this;
parentInstance.count = new ReactiveVar(1);
incrementHandler: function () {
var parentInstance = Template.instance();
var count = parentInstance.count.get();
return function () {
var newCount = count + 1;
Then include my child template:
{{> childTemplate handler=loadMoreHandler}}
And set up my event:{
'click .increment-button': function (event, childInstance) {
If you don't want to extend Blaze.TemplateInstance you can access the parent instance like this:
Template.exampleTemplate.onRendered(function () {
const instance = this;
const parentInstance = instance.view.parentView.templateInstance();
Only tested in Meteor 1.4.x
You can use a package like Aldeed's template-extension
The following method is available there:
templateInstance.parent(numLevels, includeBlockHelpers)

Meteor template function not rendering

I am trying to make a template render something on the client; I think I tried everything possible (apart from the correct thing apparently).
<template name="TplGroups">
groups found: {{ GroupCount }}
{{#each GetAllGroups}}
<div> hello, {{name}} group! </div>
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
Meteor.publish("GroupCount"), function()
return Groups.find({});
and the Groups.js collection which exposes the two methods GroupCount and GetAllGroups, which I want to access on client side:
var Groups = new Meteor.Collection("groups");
Groups.insert({name: "John"});
Template.TplGroup.GetAllGroups = function()
return Groups.find({});
Template.TplGroup.GroupCount = function()
return Groups.find().count();
I have removed "insecure" and "autopublish" packages.
Where is my mistake? The two functions won't show on client.
Also what is the difference between declaring the functions as "publish" or declaring them as Template functions?
In browser console I get this:
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. (jquery.js)
The publish method should look more or less like this
Meteor.publish("GetAllGroups", function () {
return Groups.find({});
#apendua pointed to the right solution. I took your code and refactored it to make the solution a little clearer:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// Publish groups
Meteor.publish('groups', function() {
return Groups.find();
Groups = new Meteor.Collection('groups');
Groups.insert({name: 'John'});
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// Subscribe to groups
Template.TplGroup.GetAllGroups = function() {
return Groups.find();
Template.TplGroup.GroupCount = function() {
return Groups.find().count();
It is enough to publish just groups. In your groups.js you try to subscribe to a publication that does not exist (GetAllGroups). Better to just publish and subscribe to simply 'groups' and return the groups count as described above. Also with a newer version of meteor you should use Meteor.isClient and not Meteor.is_client.
The jQuery error you described is not related to your code and appears (at least what I think) because of some issue with Meteor and/or jQuery itself. Don't worry about that.
oups you just forgot "s" in your template name in your js file :
<template name="TplGroups"> <!-- what you wrote -->
and in your js you wrote :
instead of :

dynamically inserting templates in meteor

Ok so I've got my template in its own file named myApp.html. My template code is as follows
<template name="initialInsertion">
<div class="greeting">Hello there, {{first}} {{last}}!</div>
Now I want to insert this template into the DOM upon clicking a button. I've got my button rendered in the DOM and I have a click event tied to it as follows = {
'click .zaButton':function(){
Meteor.ui.render(function () {
$("body").append(Template.initialInsertion({first: "Alyssa", last: "Hacker"}));
Now obviously the $("body").append part is wrong but returning Template.initialInsertion... doesn't insert that template into the DOM. I've tried putting a partia {{> initialInsertion}}but that just errors out because I dont have first and last set yet... any clues?
Thanks guys
In meteor 1.x
'click .zaButton':function(){
Blaze.renderWithData(Template.someTemplate, {my: "data"}, $("#parrent-node")[0])
In meteor 0.8.3
'click .zaButton':function(){
var t = UI.renderWithData(Template.someTemplate, {my: "data"})
UI.insert(t, $(".some-parrent-to-append"))
Is first and last going into a Meteor.Collection eventually?
If not, the simplest way I know is to put the data into the session: = {
'click .zaButton' : function () {
Session.set('first', 'Alyssa');
Session.set('last', 'Hacker');
Then you would define:
Template.initialInsertion.first = function () {
return Session.get('first');
Template.initialInsertion.last = function () {
return Session.get('last');
Template.initialInsertion.has_name = function () {
return Template.initialInsertion.first() && Template.initialInsertion.last();
Finally, adjust your .html template like this:
<template name="initialInsertion">
{{#if has_name}}
<div class="greeting">Hello there, {{first}} {{last}}!</div>
This is the exact opposite solution to your question, but it seems like the "Meteor way". (Basically, don't worry about manipulating the DOM yourself, just embrace the sessions, collections and template system.) BTW, I'm still new with Meteor, so if this is not the "Meteor way", someone please let me know :-)
I think you may want to use Meteor.render within your append statement. Also, note that if you are passing data into your Template, then you must wrap Template.initialInsertion in an anonymous function, since that's what Meteor.render expects. I'm doing something similar that seems to be working: = {
'click .zaButton':function(){
$("body").append(Meteor.render(function() {
return Template.initialInsertion({first: "Alyssa", last: "Hacker"})
Hope this helps!
Many answer here are going to have problems with the new Blaze engine. Here is a pattern that works in Meteor 0.8.0 with Blaze.
//JS Client Initially
var current = Template.initialTemplate;
var currentDep = new Deps.Dependency;
Template.mainTemplate = function()
return current;
function setTemplate( newTemplate )
current = newTemplate;
setTemplate( Template.someOtherTemplate );
More info in this seccion of Meteor docs
