ASP.NET .NET Framework 1.0 and Authentication -

I have an older ASP.NET (.NET 1.0) web application that is using Windows authentication. We want to remove the Windows authentication since the AD server for this particular web application needs to be decommission. We want to keep some type of authentication for this older web-application. I am thinking this leaves us with Forms and Passport authentication modes (but not sure of support in a .NET 1.0). I am trying to avoid a major rewrite since the web-application is not being used much anymore (only being used by one user). Any idea of a quick and simple solution to remove Windows authentication to something else for authentication?

If the domain controller is to be decommissioned I take it the entire office will reverted back to a domain-less workgroup environment. I also take it all workstations will be configured to leave the domain prior to destroying the domain controller once and for all.
Since it's only down to one user for a web application that has little value in enhancement, you may be able to get away by creating the very same user account with the same password on the web server. That way when s/he accesses the web app on that server, the Windows authentication mechanism will attempt to negotiate as SERVER\username in the local SAM store instead of relying on the previous DOMAIN\username account.


What is the relation between .net web forms, windows forms project and the IIS Forms authentication?

I am working on a .NET 6 ASP.NET website and looking at implementing authentication using the identity framework. I understand this is technically working as a middleware and is independent of the subsequent IIS deployment authentication setting (only anonymous needs enabling).
On the IIS authentication setting I can various authentication options, one of which is called Forms Authentication.
I want to ask whether there is any relation between .NET Web Forms (or Windows Forms) project and the IIS Forms authentication? Or is it just a co-incidence that they both have the Forms keyword? I am confused because - like Web Forms project, even older ASP.NET MVC project required the Form Authentication enabled upon deployment to IIS. Where as newer .NET MVC project don't require this IIS deployment setting if they are using the Identity framework.
The latest authentication mechanism is called Identity framework. What was the older authentication mechanism technically called? Forms auth framework?
want to ask whether there is any relation between .NET Web Forms (or Windows Forms) project and the IIS Forms authentication?
Don't bring windows forms into this!!
But, yes, so called FBA (forms based aunthetiicaion) is not really realited to web forms in any speical way. They just happen to both have the name "forms" in their name - nothing more, and nothing less. So, using FBA in web forms applciations was a long time common choice.
Is there a relationship bettween FBA and IIS? yes, because if you adopt FBA, then your web site security is managed using that security provider. This useally means you have the "role" provider and FBA provider.
so, then each folder of the web site can then be secuired using web.config. You can either secuire those pages to require a valid logon (based on FBA), and you can also pick and choose what roles (so, some parts of the site say can only be used with say a role of "Sales" group.
However, while the web forms site can adopt FBA, the valuable informtion is that IIS will respect that that authneticaion provider - and thus IIS "knows" and "respects" that secuirty provider choice. That means say if you hit a web page that requires logon, then IIS will automatic intercept that page - send you to the logon page, and after you logon, you can continue on to that secured web page.
However, you don't have to use FBA with IIS, there are of course other secuirty and logon providers you can use. However, you do want to use a supported and started one, since then you can use the built-in logon controls etc, and they will just work.
What was the older authentication mechanism technically called?
FBA -- Forms based authentication. As I stated, the fact of "forms" in that name FBA has no specials meaning in regards to web forms, or using web form applications.
You are thus as noted are free to adopt newer security providers - web forms are of course not limited to using FBA as the security provider.
even older ASP.NET MVC project required the Form Authentication enabled upon deployment to IIS.
Hum, did they? I don't think that is the case. If you don't want or need web site logons or security then I do not believe that FBA was any kind of requirement to be enabled at all to deploy a web site that does not have nor use security.

In what scenarios should we enable IIS Authentication if we already have web authentication implemented in our website?

I am aware of ASP.NET Authentication using Identity. So, if my application already has Authentication enabled, why would I want to enable IIS authentication on top of that?
Also, if I have both enabled, will that require a user to type in his or her credentials twice (once for the application login and then for the IIS login)?
Both are different things altogether.
ASP.NET Authentication using Identity in your web application is used for authentication & authorization of End-User in your application.
IIS authentication is for security and access management for hosted application.
If we explore a little further why this is needed. End-user just need to rights for viewing data & doing operations using User Interface Screen.
IIS user(used for IIS autehntication) might need right for creating schema, modifying schema as in Continuous Integration (CI) when you deploy code, new schema is created or existing schema can be modified.
Also in multi-tiered application, we can choose to run service(web services, web API, WCF
etc) under end-user authentication if needed OR user with more rights is required.
All decisions depends on your architecture, needs & security requirements. No choice is good for all architecture needs. We need to choose what suits our requirement best in given scenario and we design in such way application is further extensible/scalable for higher loads and easier for maintaining code too in long support.

Is it possible to get the user identity in a Citrix Client from .net application?

I've got a .Net application running inside a Citrix environment and I need a way to identify the user logged on to the citrix client using forms authentication. Is this possible? I've seen some post regarding a Citrix SDK but not sure if solves my issue...
I'll preface my statements by saying I know next to nothing about ASP.NET and Forms Authentication (which from brief Googling appears to be a way to implement custom auth in ASP.NET).
Any app running a Citrix session will have access to the identity of the user. It will be running as the users' identity already and so you can query the current security principal to see who the current user is. You don't need to use any special Citrix SDKs. It's a common assumption by devs that they need to do special stuff as soon as their app is running under Citrix. However in most cases you can develop your app as-if it were running on the users' local desktop, and just deploy it on a Citrix server instead.
So for a regular .NET desktop app you can use properties like: Environment.UserDomainName and Environment.UserName to get details about the current user. Other stuff of interest is System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity, you can use the GetCurrent() static method to get the current users' identity.
Now as I said initially this maybe different for your case as it sounds like forms authentication is some kind of custom auth mechanism, so what I've said may not apply. But hopefully I've given you some useful pointers.

Is it possible to get Windows Authentication in ASP.NET without enabling it in IIS?

Our webapp has grown and now has 6 different methods of authentication, with more on the horizon. I want to standardize these methods and extract each into an independent plugin which can be disabled/enabled at will (and possibly even configured from within the app). That's also necessary because at least one of the methods is client-specific and uses a DLL supplied by said client, which should not be distributed to other clients.
As I'm trying to create a plugin mechanism for authentication methods, I'm faced with a particular method which is Windows Authentication. Normally it works by enabling Windows Authentication in IIS, but since it should be an independent plugin I'd like to avoid it modifying web.config and/or IIS config. So, assuming that Windows Authentication is turned off by default in IIS (only anonymous for everything), is there any way I can get my plugin to work? Can I somehow tell IIS from within my ASP.NET application that I'd like to get Windows authentication on a particular URL/request?
Using advapi32 you should be able to get the details without having to use Windows Authentication.
Have a look at it here:
Other than that, there is no alternative to user Windows Integrated Auth to get further user details

Offering all authentication mechanisms in an ASP.Net web application

Mine is a web product (delivered to a browser), being built on ASP.Net (Framework 4.0).
Most customers seek Single Sign On, such that their users should directly logon to the application on its invocation with the Windows or Active Directory login, they're using. Some other customers want the application to accept form based login credentials. So basically my web application should be able to adjust (configured) based on the customer's requirement. Their may be claims based authentication is some stray cases as well. I'd like to know the best way to achieve this in ASP.Net.
.NET open auth is your friend.
Then, there's active directory/LDAP:
And your own provider + WinForms should be clear.
