I have a large set of data that consists of coordinates (x,y) and a numeric z value that is similar to density. I'm interested in binning the data, performing summary statistics (median, length, etc.) and plotting the binned values as points with the statistics mapped to ggplot aesthetics.
I've tried using stat_summary2d and extracting the results manually (based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22013347/2832911). However, the problem I'm running into is that the bin placements are based on the range of the data, which in my case varies by data set. Thus between two plots the bins are not covering the same area.
My question is how to either manually set bins using stat_summary2d, or at least set them to be consistent regardless of the data.
Here is a basic example which demonstrates the approach and how the bins don't line up:
df1 <- data.frame(x=runif(100, -1,1), y=runif(100, -1,1), z=rnorm(100))
df2 <- data.frame(x=runif(100, -1,1), y=runif(100, -1,1), z=rnorm(100))
g1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x,y))+stat_summary2d(fun=mean, bins=10, aes(z=z))+geom_point()
df1.binned <-
cbind(x=(xmax+xmin)/2, y=(ymax+ymin)/2, z=value, df=1)))
g2 <- ggplot(df2, aes(x,y))+stat_summary2d(fun=mean, bins=10, aes(z=z))+geom_point()
df2.binned <-
cbind(x=(xmax+xmin)/2, y=(ymax+ymin)/2, z=value, df=2)))
df.binned <- rbind(df1.binned, df2.binned)
ggplot(df.binned, aes(x,y, size=z, color=factor(df)))+geom_point(alpha=.5)
Which generates
In reality I will use stat_summary2d several times to get, for instance, the number of points in the bin, and the median and then use aes(size=bin.length, colour=bin.median).
Any tips on how to accomplish this using my proposed approach, or an alternative approach would be welcome.
You can manually set breaks with stat_summary2d. If you want 10 levels from -1 to 1 you can do
breaks<-list(x=bb, y=bb)
And then use the breaks variable when you call your plots
g1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x,y))+
stat_summary2d(fun=mean, breaks=breaks, aes(z=z))+
It's a shame you can't change the geom of the stat_summary2d to "point" so you could make this in one go, but it doesn't look as though stat_summary2d calculate the proper x and y values for that.
I have a set of times that I would like to plot on a histogram.
Toy example:
df <- data.frame(time = c(1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5,6,7,7,7,9,9, ">10"))
The problem is that one value is ">10" and refers to the number of times that more than 10 seconds were observed. The other time points are all numbers referring to the actual time. Now, I would like to create a histogram that treats all numbers as numeric and combines them in bins when appropriate, while plotting the counts of the ">10" at the side of the distribution, but not in a separate plot. I have tried to call geom_histogram twice, once with the continuous data and once with the discrete data in a separate column but that gives me the following error:
Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale
Happy to hear suggestions!
Here's a kind of involved solution, but I believe it best answers your question, which is that you are desiring to place next to typical histogram plot a bar representing the ">10" values (or the values which are non-numeric). Critically, you want to ensure that you maintain the "binning" associated with a histogram plot, which means you are not looking to simply make your scale a discrete scale and represent a histogram with a typical barplot.
The Data
Since you want to retain histogram features, I'm going to use an example dataset that is a bit more involved than that you gave us. I'm just going to specify a uniform distribution (n=100) with 20 ">10" values thrown in there.
df<- data.frame(time=c(runif(100,0,10), rep(">10",20)))
As prepared, df$time is a character vector, but for a histogram, we need that to be numeric. We're simply going to force it to be numeric and accept that the ">10" values are going to be coerced to be NAs. This is fine, since in the end we're just going to count up those NA values and represent them with a bar. While I'm at it, I'm creating a subset of df that will be used for creating the bar representing our NAs (">10") using the count() function, which returns a dataframe consisting of one row and column: df$n = 20 in this case.
df$time <- as.numeric(df$time) #force numeric and get NA for everything else
df_na <- count(subset(df, is.na(time)))
The Plot(s)
For the actual plot, you are asking to create a combination of (1) a histogram, and (2) a barplot. These are not the same plot, but more importantly, they cannot share the same axis, since by definition, the histogram needs a continuous axis and "NA" values or ">10" is not a numeric/continuous value. The solution here is to make two separate plots, then combine them with a bit of magic thanks to cowplot.
The histogram is created quite easily. I'm saving the number of bins for demonstration purposes later. Here's the basic plot:
bin_num <- 12 # using this later
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=time)) + theme_classic() +
geom_histogram(color='gray25', fill='blue', alpha=0.3, bins=bin_num)
Thanks to the subsetting previously, the barplot for the NA values is easy too:
p2 <- ggplot(df_na, aes(x=">10", y=n)) + theme_classic() +
geom_col(color='gray25', fill='red', alpha=0.3)
Yikes! That looks horrible, but have patience.
Stitching them together
You can simply run plot_grid(p1, p2) and you get something workable... but it leaves quite a lot to be desired:
There are problems here. I'll enumerate them, then show you the final code for how I address them:
Need to remove some elements from the NA barplot. Namely, the y axis entirely and the title for x axis (but it can't be NULL or the x axes won't line up properly). These are theme() elements that are easily removed via ggplot.
The NA barplot is taking up WAY too much room. Need to cut the width down. We address this by accessing the rel_widths= argument of plot_grid(). Easy peasy.
How do we know how to set the y scale upper limit? This is a bit more involved, since it will depend on the ..count.. stat for p1 as well as the numer of NA values. You can access the maximum count for a histogram using ggplot_build(), which is a part of ggplot2.
So, the final code requires the creation of the basic p1 and p2 plots, then adds to them in order to fix the limits. I'm also adding an annotation for number of bins to p1 so that we can track how well the upper limit setting works. Here's the code and some example plots where bin_num is set at 12 and 5, respectively:
# basic plots
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=time)) + theme_classic() +
geom_histogram(color='gray25', fill='blue', alpha=0.3, bins=bin_num)
p2 <- ggplot(df_na, aes(x=">10", y=n)) + theme_classic() +
geom_col(color='gray25', fill='red', alpha=0.3) +
labs(x="") + theme(axis.line.y=element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_blank(),
axis.title.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank()
) +
#set upper y scale limit
max_count <- max(c(max(ggplot_build(p1)$data[[1]]$count), df_na$n))
# fix limits for plots
p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,max_count), expand=expansion(mult=c(0,0.15))) +
annotate('text', x=0, y=max_count, label=paste('Bins:', bin_num)) # for demo purposes
p2 <- p2 + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,max_count), expand=expansion(mult=c(0,0.15)))
plot_grid(p1, p2, rel_widths=c(1,0.2))
So, our upper limit fixing works. You can get really crazy playing around with positioning, etc and the plot_grid() function, but I think it works pretty well this way.
Perhaps, this is what you are looking for:
df1 <- data.frame(x=sample(1:12,50,rep=T))
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(x) %>%
dplyr::summarise(y=n()) %>% subset(x<11)
df3 <- subset(df1, x>10) %>% dplyr::summarise(y=n()) %>% mutate(x=11)
df <- rbind(df2,df3 )
label <- ifelse((df$x<11),as.character(df$x),">10")
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x,y=y,color=x,fill=x)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") +
and you get the following output:
Please note that sometimes you could have some of the bars missing depending on the sample.
I've done the rounds here and via google without a solution, so please help if you can.
I'm looking to create something like this : painSensitivityHeatMap using ggplot2
I can create something kinda similar using geom_tile, but without the smoothing between data points ... the only solution I have found requires a lot of code and data interpolation. Not very elegant, me thinks.uglySolutionUsingTile
So I'm thinking, I could coerce the density2d plots to my purposes instead by having the plot use fixed values rather than a calculated data-point density -- much in the same way that stat='identity' can be used in histograms to make them represent data values, rather than data counts.
So a minimal working example:
df <- expand.grid(letters[1:5], LETTERS[1:5])
df$value <- sample(1:4, 25, replace=TRUE)
# A not so pretty, non-smooth tile plot
ggplot(df, aes(x=Var1, y=Var2, fill=value)) + geom_tile()
# A potentially beautiful density2d plot, except it fails :-(
ggplot(df, aes(x=Var1, y=Var2)) + geom_density2d(aes(color=..value..))
This took me a little while, but here is a solution for future reference
A solution using idw from the gstat package and spsample from the sp package.
I've written a function which takes a dataframe, number of blocks (tiles) and a low and upper anchor for the colour scale.
The function creates a polygon (a simple quadrant of 5x5) and from that creates a grid of that shape.
In my data, the location variables are ordered factors -- therefor I unclass them into numbers (1-to-5 corresponding to the polygon-grid) and convert them to coordinates -- thus converting the tmpDF from a datafra to a spatial dataframe. Note: there are no overlapping/duplicate locations -- i.e 25 observations corresponding to the 5x5 grid.
The idw function fills in the polygon-grid (newdata) with inverse-distance weighted values ... in other words, it interpolates my data to the full polygon grid of a given number of tiles ('blocks').
Finally I create a ggplot based on a color gradient from the colorRamps package
painMapLumbar <- function(tmpDF, blocks=2500, lowLimit=min(tmpDF$value), highLimit=max(tmpDF$value)) {
# Create polygon to represent the lower back (lumbar)
poly <- Polygon(matrix(c(0.5, 0.5,0.5, 5.5,5.5, 5.5,5.5, 0.5,0.5, 0.5), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
# Create a grid of datapoints from the polygon
polyGrid <- spsample(poly, n=blocks, type="regular")
# Filter out the data for the figure we want
tmpDF <- tmpDF %>% mutate(x=unclass(x)) %>% mutate(y=unclass(y))
tmpDF <- tmpDF %>% filter(y<6) # Lumbar region only
coordinates(tmpDF) <- ~x+y
# Interpolate the data as Inverse Distance Weighted
invDistanceWeigthed <- as.data.frame(idw(formula = value ~ 1, locations = tmpDF, newdata = polyGrid))
p <- ggplot(invDistanceWeigthed, aes(x=x1, y=x2, fill=var1.pred)) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=matlab.like2(100), limits=c(lowLimit,highLimit))
I hope this is useful to someone ... thanks for the replies above ... they helped me move on.
I am using ggplot2 to draw a histogram of a sample of size 1000 taken from a normal distribution. I need to place the letter 'A' on the center of the histogram, and doing that with the function annotate.
Since this vector is random, the "center" of the drawing will change a little bit every time I run the code so I need to find a way in which the function knows how to place the 'A' according to that specific sample.For the x axis I took the median of the sample for the Y axis i was thinking of taking the frequency of the most frequent bin and dividing by 2.
Does anybody know if there is a function who gives you the frequency of each bin?
Here is a reproducible example:
x <- rnorm(1000)
qplot(x, geom="histogram")
Here is a way to get the coordinates of the output plot (on a reproducible example):
x <- runif(10)
h <- qplot(x, geom="histogram")
This will give you all sorts of information on the histogram.
So to get the height of the most frequent class and divide by two, you just need to do
height <- max(ggplot_build(h)$data[[1]]$count) / 2
Using the same kind of information, you can also put the text always right in the middle of the plot:
ranges <- ggplot_build(h)$panel$ranges
xtext <- mean(ranges[[1]]$x.range)
ytext <- mean(ranges[[1]]$y.range)
h + annotate("text", xtext, ytext,
label="A", size=30, color="blue", alpha=0.5)
I am trying to find the best way to create barplots in R with standard errors displayed. I have seen other articles but I cannot figure out the code to use with my own data (having not used ggplot before and this seeming to be the most used way and barplot not cooperating with dataframes). I need to use this in two cases for which I have created two example dataframes:
Plot df1 so that the x-axis has sites a-c, with the y-axis displaying the mean value for V1 and the standard errors highlighted, similar to this example with a grey colour. Here, plant biomass should the mean V1 value and treatments should be each of my sites.
Plot df2 in the same way, but so that before and after are located next to each other in a similar way to this, so pre-test and post-test equate to before and after in my example.
x <- factor(LETTERS[1:3])
site <- rep(x, each = 8)
values <- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(0:10, 3*8, replace=TRUE), ncol=1))
df1 <- cbind(site,values)
z <- factor(c("Before","After"))
when <- rep(z, each = 4)
df2 <- data.frame(when,df1)
Apologies for the simplicity for more experienced R users and particuarly those that use ggplot but I cannot apply snippets of code that I have found elsewhere to my data. I cannot even get enough code together to produce a start to a graph so I hope my descriptions are sufficient. Thank you in advance.
Something like this?
get.se <- function(y) {
se <- sd(y)/sqrt(length(y))
mu <- mean(y)
c(ymin=mu-se, ymax=mu+se)
ggplot(df1, aes(x=site, y=V1)) +
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="bar", fill="lightgreen", color="grey70")+
stat_summary(fun.data=get.se, geom="errorbar", width=0.1)
ggplot(df2, aes(x=site, y=V1, fill=when)) +
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="bar", position="dodge", color="grey70")+
stat_summary(fun.data=get.se, geom="errorbar", width=0.1, position=position_dodge(width=0.9))
So this takes advantage of the stat_summary(...) function in ggplot to, first, summarize y for given x using mean(...) (for the bars), and then to summarize y for given x using the get.se(...) function for the error-bars. Another option would be to summarize your data prior to using ggplot, and then use geom_bar(...) and geom_errorbar(...).
Also, plotting +/- 1 se is not a great practice (although it's used often enough). You'd be better served plotting legitimate confidence limits, which you could do, for instance, using the built-in mean_cl_normal function instead of the contrived get.se(...). mean_cl_normal returns the 95% confidence limits based on the assumption that the data is normally distributed (or you can set the CL to something else; read the documentation).
I used group_by and summarise_each function for this and std.error function from package plotrix
library(plotrix) # for std error function
library(dplyr) # for group_by and summarise_each function
library(ggplot2) # for creating ggplot
For df1 plot
# Group data by when and site
#summarise grouped data and calculate mean and standard error using function mean and std.error(from plotrix)
# Define the top and bottom of the errorbars
limits <- aes(ymax = mean + std_error, ymin=mean-std_error)
#Begin your ggplot
#Here we are plotting site vs mean and filling by another factor variable when
#Creating bar to show the factor variable position_dodge
#ensures side by side creation of factor bars
g<-g+geom_bar(stat = "identity",position = position_dodge())
#creation of error bar
g<-g+geom_errorbar(limits,width=0.25,position = position_dodge(width = 0.9))
#print graph
For df2 plot
# Group data by when and site
#summarise grouped data and calculate mean and standard error using function mean and std.error
# Define the top and bottom of the errorbars
limits <- aes(ymax = mean + std_error, ymin=mean-std_error)
#Begin your ggplot
#Here we are plotting site vs mean and filling by another factor variable when
#Creating bar to show the factor variable position_dodge
#ensures side by side creation of factor bars
g<-g+geom_bar(stat = "identity",position = position_dodge())
#creation of error bar
g<-g+geom_errorbar(limits,width=0.25,position = position_dodge(width = 0.9))
#print graph
I'm using R to read and plot data from NetCDF files (ncdf4). I've started using R only recently thus I'm very confused, I beg your pardon.
Let's say from the files I obtain N 2-D matrixes of numerical values, each with different dimensions and many NA values.
I have to histogram these values in the same plot, with bins of given width and within given limits, the same for every matrix.
For just one matrix, I can do this:
file0 <- nc_open("test.nc")
#Read a variable
prec0 <- ncvar_get(file0,"pr")
#Some settings
#Get maximum of array, exclude NAs
maximum_prec0=max(prec0, na.rm=TRUE)
#Store the histogram
histo_prec0 <- hist(prec0, xlim=c(min_plot,max_plot), right=FALSE, breaks=seq(0,ceiling(maximum_prec0),by=bin_width))
#Plot the histogram densities using points instead of bars, which is what we want
qplot(histo_prec0$mids, histo_prec0$density, xlim=c(min_plot,max_plot), color=I("yellow"), xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel, main=title, log="y")
#If necessary, can transform matrix to vector using
#vector_prec0 <- c(prec0)
However it occurs to me that it would be best to use a DataFrame for plotting multiple matrixes. I'm not certain of that nor on how to do it. This would also allow for automatic legends and all the advantages that come from using dataframes with ggplot2.
What I want to achieve is something akin to this:
Where on Y we have the Density and on X the bins.
Thanks in advance.
To be honest, it is unclear what you are after (scatter plot or histogram of data with values as points?).
Here are a couple of examples using ggplot which might fit your goals (based on your last sentence: "Where on Y we have the Density and on X the bins"):
# some data
nsample<- 200
d1<- rnorm(nsample,1,0.5)
d2<- rnorm(nsample,2,0.6)
#transformed into histogram bins and collected in a data frame
hist.d1<- hist(d1)
hist.d2<- hist(d2)
data.d1<- data.frame(hist.d1$mids, hist.d1$density, rep(1,length(hist.d1$density)))
data.d2<- data.frame(hist.d2$mids, hist.d2$density, rep(2,length(hist.d2$density)))
colnames(data.d1)<- c("bin","den","group")
colnames(data.d2)<- c("bin","den","group")
ddata<- rbind(data.d1,data.d2)
ddata$group<- factor(ddata$group)
# plot
plots<- ggplot(data=ddata, aes(x=bin, y=den, group=group)) +
geom_point(aes(color=group)) +
geom_line(aes(color=group)) #optional
However, you could also produce smooth density plots (or histograms) directly in ggplot:
ddata2<- cbind(c(rep(1,nsample),rep(2,nsample)),c(d1,d2))
ddata2<- as.data.frame(ddata2)
colnames(ddata2)<- c("group","value")
ddata2$group<- factor(ddata2$group)
plots2<- ggplot(data=ddata2, aes(x=value, group=group)) +
# geom_histogram(aes(color=group, fill=group)) # for histogram instead