Search for a folder using applescript - networking

I am trying to make a folder to go on a server, that people can add photos to and then the script sends them to the correct place, however I'm having trouble with the search part.
As you can see below in my code, the part where it finds where to send the folder to is commented out, because I have no idea what the syntax is for it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
global theWatchedFolder
set theWatchedFolder to choose folder
on idle
tell application "Finder"
set theDetectedItems to every item of theWatchedFolder
repeat with aDetectedItem in theDetectedItems
set jobNumber to display dialog "Please enter the job number for this photo." buttons {"Submit", "Cancel"}
display dialog "File detected: " & jobNumber
--tell finder
-- search for jobNumber in (path to desktop)
--set jobFolder to top search result
--end tell
--set colourFolder to jobfolder & /colour
move aDetectedItem to the desktop --move to colourFolder
end repeat
end tell
if theDetectedItems is not {} then
display dialog "test move complete"
end if
return 1
end idle
Also, I am concerned that if this script is on the server, watching a folder on the server, then it won't create a pop-up for anyone who adds a file to the folder on the server. Hopefully I am wrong but if someone could confirm this one way or the other then that would be awesome. Thanks :)

I can confirm your biggest fear. The display dialog is shown in the Finder who is targeted. You'll always address the Finder on the same machine that is running your script, unless your using remote events. If the script is running on the server, the dialog will appear in the Finder running on the server.
I have also a side note that you continuously keep running AppleScript using an idle handler to check for any updates in a particular folder. Did you know that AppleScript has memory leaks as an stay open application? It's software you don't want to run constantly on a server. It's better to start a new AppleScirpt in a new process once in a while (I prefer something like every hour) and quit the current running one. You can still use the idle handler but if the idle handler runs every 10 seconds I would quit this script and start a new one after 600 loops.
Then back to your search. Finder doesn't have a search command. Since Mac OS X Tiger Apple introduced spotlight, a meta database for finding different kind of data (files, bundles, mails, etc). However spotlight has never been scriptable but for AppleScript only accessible on the command line using mdls, mdfind and mdutil. To execute commands on the command line we use the do shell script command in AppleScript or do script command for scripting the Here an example of how to use with a do shell script command
set theFolder to choose folder
set searchKey to "the*" --use * as wild card
findMetaDataInFolderByName(theFolder, searchKey)
on findMetaDataInFolderByName(HFSPath, searchKey)
set options to " -onlyin " & quoted form of POSIX path of HFSPath
set options to options & " \"kMDItemFSName == " & quoted form of searchKey & "\""
return paragraphs of (do shell script "mdfind " & options)
end findMetaDataInFolderByName
note: because we're working in the shell the paths returned are posix path which can be used anywhere by prefixing the path with posix file
But, you have mentioned that the search has to be invoked on a server. Normally when your have a server properly installed the shares are outside the application and user home folder. These folders are by default only indexed by spotlight so spotlight needs to index on the fly. In other words it's very slow compared to normal spotlight searches with are done in less than a second. So I would suggest another version of the same script as above but using find. Find will simply walk recursively to the given directory and print every match.
set theFolder to choose folder
set searchKey to "the*" --use * as wild card
findFilesInFolderByName(theFolder, searchKey)
on findFilesInFolderByName(HFSPath, searchKey)
--the HFSPath can't have a trailing "/"
set UFSPath to POSIX path of HFSPath
if UFSPath ends with "/" and UFSPath is not "/" then set UFSPath to text 1 thru -2 of UFSPath
set options to space & quoted form of UFSPath
set options to options & " -iname " & quoted form of (searchKey) --iname is case insensitive file name match
paragraphs of (do shell script "find " & options & " -print 2>/dev/null ; exit 0") --pipe error to /dev/null to exclude permission denied messages
end findFilesInFolderByName
note: A side effect is because find will try every file while meta data search works different you'll probably find more files now because folders are included in the search as well. Just like findMetaDataInFolderByName(), findFilesInFolderByName() will return posix paths.


How to stop retyping "ssh" over and over

My workflow always consists of opening a new terminal window, typing ssh (or scp) followed by cd remote/directory/of/project
The domain is long and hard to type, as well as it being a big file path so this takes me ~20 seconds every time. What's the canonical, efficient way to do this that you would see a senior dev doing?
For not retyping ssh that often, you can put it in you .ssh/config:
Host my_alias
User user
Afterwards, you can just type ssh my_alias.
For not retyping the path, you can
put the path in an alias in your .bashrc (alias cd_my_proj='cd remote/directory/of/project')
look it up in your bash history (usually with Ctrl+R)
use a soft link (ln -s remote/directory/of/project ~)
keep the path open in a tmux (or screen) session
You may also google these pointers for more details (like how to save tmux session and further details in your .ssh/config)
You can create a script file with the commands you want to execute so you can just execute it instead of manually typing your ssh/scp/cd commands every time you have to do so.

New process type not starting executable

I am attempting to add a Bash shell process type to one of my environments. This bash script updates the process tables and then executes whatever is passed into it.
The Operating system and DB type match my system. Type set to "Other." The command line and parameter fields are set.
I have added the type to "Process Types run on this Server" for my server entry with the same priority as all the other, and max occurance = 1 (no other processes are running in this dev env)
I have added a process, API aware, added a component and appended additional parameters "echo test"
"Process Output Type Settings" has web set for "other"
I start the process, it appears in the process monitor as "queued" but never progresses. But if I copy the command line in "Process Request Parameters" and run it manually on the app server, it works and shows success in the process monitor. However it doesn't post the Log/Trace. Additionally there is no change if I try to make the process not Api aware. As I understand it should at least change to successful after it starts the command line process.
Why would the actual command line process not start? What causes the process to post a Log/Trace? How can I debug this? What else can I troubleshoot?

Unix script to check file exist in the directory for more then 30 min then user get the notification email

I am searching for a UNIX script to check files in directory and if file exists then I have to compare the time with current timestamp. whether file stays in directory for more then 30 min then user will get an notification email.
Newer versions of find command will allow something like this:
find . -cmin +30 | while read file ; do executeTooOldFile "$file" ; done
However, you need to think this through. If you run this every minute, then until the file is removed, the user will get an email every minute. Maybe your test should be "-amin +30" and then you 'touch' the file (that would change it's timestamp though) so you won't send an email for another 30 minutes.
Note: 'find' and 'touch' are system commands but 'executeTooOldFile' would be your own script that includes what to do when you found too old a file. If you have access to 'cron' then you can schedule the find command directly in it, but I would create a "master" script that would contain the 'find' and execute that in cron.

How to check for existence of Unix System Services files

I'm running batch Java on an IBM mainframe under JZOS. The job creates 0 - 6 ".txt" outputs depending upon what it finds in the database. Then, I need to convert those files from Unix to MVS (ebcdic) and I'm using OCOPY command running under IKJEFT01. However, when a particular output was not created, I get a JCL error and the job ends. I'd like to check for the presence or absence of each file name and set a condition code to control whether the IKJEFT01 steps are executed, but don't know what to use that will access the Unix file pathnames.
I have resolved this issue by writing a COBOL program to check the converted MVS files and set return codes to control the execution of subsequent JCL steps. The completed job is now undergoing user acceptance testing. Perhaps it sounds like a kludge, but it does work and I'm happy to share this solution.
The simplest way to do this in JCL is to use BPXBATCH as follows:
// PARM='pgm /bin/cat /full/path/to/USS/file.txt'
// IF EXIST.RC = 0
//* do whatever you need to
If the file exists, the step ends with CC 0 and the IF succeeds. If the file does not exist, you get a non-zero CC (256, I believe), and the IF fails.
Since there is no //STDOUT DD statement, there's no output written to JES.
The only drawback is that it is another job step, and if you have a lot of procs (like a compile/assemble job), you can run into the 255 step limit.

Java program stdout and detaching from foreground

I have a java program, let's say Test.class.
When I execute java Test the program ask for a Password and then continute.
The problem is that the stdout is redirected to a log and the program is launched with the & ( we are on UNIX).
How can i interact with this program launched java Test & with the stdin and stdout?
One possible solution is to start the program in foreground and then after a condition run it in background from java.
If the program can read the password from stdin, you can have a Unix script prompt for the password, then start the Java application and pass the password to it, e.g.:
echo $PASSWORD | java Test >log.out &
Or you can consider to split your Java application in two parts; there could be one interactive "front-end" part that validates the password, and then once the password is validated this could launch a "back-end" part as a background process and exit.
One option is to pipe the input to your program using echos as:
(echo input1
echo input2
) | java Test >& logfile &
Alternatively if the number of inputs are large you can also put your inputs in a file and redirect the file contents as:
< input_file java Test >& logfile &
I don't see anything Java specific in this question, if you want to drive the stdin based on the application output, you can use the Expect utility:
Beware though, Expect is notoriously fragile, you'd do wise to refrain from using it in production scenarios.
Actually if you only want to be able to enter the password, perhaps you can try launching your app in foreground (without the trailing &).
Then, after you have entered the password, press Ctrl+Z or in another shell do kill -SIGSTP <pid> in order to suspend your program. Finally, type bg to put it in background.
Read the docs about your shell's job-control functionality for details.
