Problems with margins and scroll bars - css

I'm mostly a C++ programmer who's getting involved in HTML5 and Javascript. I'm having some trouble with my layouts and am asking for advice and some criticism of how I'm doing it.
A reoccurring problem I'm having is unwanted scroll bars appearing when I add margin or padding. This is a mockup of a layout I'm working on for a Javascript application.
Each box uses class 'text-line' to produce a line that my controls go in. I wanted to add a margin so the costs box items would have some space around them. When I add a 5px margin to text-line, my geometry box has scroll bars in each left/right panel.
Here is where I'm adding the margins:
.text-line {
font-size: 1.6em;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
margin: 0px; /* no margins */
This is probably a newbie mistake, but what am I doing wrong and how can I fix this? I run into this problem a lot, I've read a lot of material, but I'm missing something. If I'm making any other major layout mistakes can you point them out? Thank you!

Since the .text-line elements have width:100%; they will naturally overflow the container if they have margin too, since margin does by default not get included in the width value.
What you could do if you want both space around the content and have the element fill its parent in width, is removing the margin:5px and adding this code to .text-line:
What the code above does is including the padding in the width value, thus you can add padding and the element will still only get the width value you declared.

try to add padding instead of margin and it will work fine. To understand exactly what's happening, please take a look at css box model


Do vertical margins collapse reliably and consistently across all browsers?

I'm trying to understand the effect that margin has on two elements. I have the following HTML, see the dabblet:
<p>some text</p>
<pre>some code</pre>
I have the following CSS:
body { color: white; }
p { background: red; margin-bottom: 50px; padding: 20px; }
pre { background: purple; margin-top: 40px; padding: 20px; }
So I've given the paragraph tag a bottom margin of 50px, and I've given the pre tag a top margin 40px. I was expecting therefore to find 90px vertical distance between them, but only have 50px.
I understand that the margins are collapsing, and that if I want to fix this then I need to add display: inline-block to the pre tag. But that causes the width of the pre tag to collapse.
Again, I know that I can fix the width problem by adding width: 100% to my pre tag, but I've got padding on the pre tag (20px), so this causes my elements to be too wide. I know that I can use box-sizing to deal with that, but what an almightly pain in the crotch it is to have to mess about with width, display and box-sizing just to have the desired amount of vertical space between two elements. So I simply refuse to do any of that.
Instead, I've decided that I'm just going to add margin-top: 90px to my pre tag, which will guarantee that I've got the 90px space that I want.
My question is: Are there any browsers out there that don't collapse margins in the way the others do? Will I inadvertently end up with 140px space (90px from the top-margin of the pre tag + 50px from the bottom margin of the paragraph tag)? In other words, are margins collapsed reliably and consistently across all browsers, or is there a browser out there that does it's own thing?
It's hard to give a definitive answer to this question because it's very broad. "All browsers" is a lot of browsers. There could always be some fringe browsers you never heard of that handle this differently. It all depends on how the browser's CSS rendering engine was written.
That said, any browser that wants to be taken seriously will try to adhere the W3C specs, which have the following to say about margin collapsing:
In CSS, the adjoining margins of two or more boxes (which might or might not be siblings) can combine to form a single margin. Margins that combine this way are said to collapse, and the resulting combined margin is called a collapsed margin.
Adjoining vertical margins collapse, except:
Margins of the root element's box do not collapse.
If the top and bottom margins of an element with clearance are adjoining, its margins collapse with the adjoining margins of following siblings but that resulting margin does not collapse with the bottom margin of the parent block.
Horizontal margins never collapse.
Source: Box Model (
I figured it'd be a nice addition to just put your code to the test in as many browsers as possible. I made a test page page of your html (slightly modified), with an absolutely positioned 50px high block that should fit right in between the collapsed margin, to make it easier to spot a difference:
Then I ran this through to get screenshots of how browsers would display this piece of HTML:
(I have no idea how long this will stay cached, but I guess you could always just run it again)
Interestingly, the positioning of the blue block is a few pixels off in a bunch of the screenshots. You can still tell the margins are collapsed correctly, but I do wonder what exactly the problem is with the positioning.
The only browsers that don't seem to collapse the margin correctly are Dillo 3.0.2 and Links 2.7 on Debian 6.0, neither of which seem to listen to padding or margin properties at all (nor to the absolute positioning for that matter). They would mess up your layout no matter what, and you shouldn't worry about it. People use browsers like these for a specific reason, and seeing your page exactly as you intended it to be seen is not one of them.
TL;DR: Yes, it's safe to say that all browsers collapse these elements reliably and consistently.

margin-top doesn't move unless value is high

Probably a very simple fix to this one, been looking at it for a little bit now and cant figure it out.. Here is my code:
border:1px solid #CCC;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
When the margin-top is set at 10px the div doesn't move at all. If i set the margin-top to be 200px then the div doesn't move. However if i set it to say 500px then it moves down 500 as expected.
I have already tried removing the min & max heights for just a single set height however this doesn't sort the problem. Not that it should cause issues in the first place.
Can anyone see my mistake? I am sure my coding is relatively sound and don' really know how to research solving this issue.
Check the margin and float of other elements. I don't see any problems with the code you provided.
In CSS, adjacent vertical margins collapse, pending certain conditions.
So say you have 2 divs stack 1 on top of another. The top div has a margin bottom of 30px, and the bottom div has a margin top of 20px. In this situation, the margins 'collapse' into the highest value, the 30px margin bottom on the top div.
More info on this can be found here
In your situation, i'd look at the CSS of the surrounding elements to see if changing those values would do what you want.
I have managed to resolved this issue by placing the divs above this one within another container Div and applying a margin-bottom:10px to it.
Its not totally ideal because it takes a little longer to code and adds another div which i don't really want but suppose it will have to do for now until i have a little more time to read up on this issue fully.
Thanks to everyone for your help and potential solutions.

overflow not flowing over enough

I've got a piece of code consisting of styled images that need to fit within a fixed sized div. If it does not, it should flow over. However, the floated element that does not fit, flows over as it should but touches the other elements and places itself over one of their shadows.
It's best to explain using an example:
The 7th image (barely visible) should vanish entirely or move further down where it moves out of the visible area. Can anyone help me accomplish this?
Thank you.
Being out of ideas and on the verge of raging, I've started pasting random attributes and eventually was successful.
All I had to was add "margin-bottom: 20px;" to the image class. Since it's the same value as the shadow, it leaves the shadow intact while completely removing the clipped element. Whoohoo!
padding-top: 15px;
width: 870px;
height: 140px; /* Reduced height */
Live demo: Fiddle
Being out of ideas and on the verge of raging, I've started pasting random attributes and eventually was successful.
All I had to was add "margin-bottom: 20px;" to the image class. Since it's the same value as the shadow, it leaves the shadow intact while completely removing the clipped element. Whoohoo!

DIV's overlapping when they're displayed as blocks

On this site:
I have code that's generated by a CMS, I have stripped things back as much as possible, removing the .net code and things generated by the CMS, but still cannot see why the text (that starts Hoss Intropia...) is overlapping.
There are basically two DIVS LeftCol and RightCol, that I have moved from being side-by-side to LeftCol being above RightCol.
This is a project I'm taking over, so I'm limited as to what can be changed.
Thanks for your help!
I think you just need to increase the height of the div inside #LeftCol that is containing stuff.
Try changing the height on .menu to height: 480px. Or perhaps even remove the height.
div.Menu has a height property, and since the content is spilling out beyond that height, it overlaps the div#RightCol content.
if you remove the height from div.Menu, it works
settting the margin of the right cols should solve the problem:
#RightCol {
margin:120px 0 0 0 !important;

How to fix this common problem of position:fixed elements not expanding to its parent width?

Have a look at this fiddle:
How do I make the yellow element align (horz) with the grey background no matter how the window is resized? I refuse to believe it can't be done with css. Yes, js hacks and Scroll Follow plugin works but lags.
Please, anyone?
Found a solution. If the container margins are expressed as percentages the content part can be expressed as the remainder percentage. See here:
Though not sure why it doesn't align perfectly. It should I think. Could be jsfiddle margin/padding related.
It's not particularly difficult if you don't mind adding an extra element to wrap .top:
And also, a properly aligning (well, almost) version of your solution:
The problem was that jsFiddle loads
body {background: white; padding: 10px; }
Anything is more specific than * (including body), so the padding was being applied, regardless of * {padding:0; margin:0}
