When I want to load a file into R, what would be a way to do so programmatically (or semi programmatically) instead of just manually copy paste the path and switch \ to / so R could read it (because \ is an escape character in R)
One method mentioned by #Roland is using scan
list.files(scan(file=file(description = "clipboard"), what = "character", allowEscapes = FALSE))
Which will need modifications if the path contains a space like
"C:\Users\David Arenburg\"
normalizepath maybe what you are looking for:
> normalizePath(c(R.home(), tempdir()))
[1] "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.1.0"
[2] "C:\\Users\\john\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\RtmpysKuFi"
> normalizePath(c(R.home(), tempdir()), winslash = '/')
[1] "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.0"
[2] "C:/Users/john/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpysKuFi"
Use readClipboard if you are on windows and have problems copying and pasting filepaths. For example I copy a file path from a windows folder so it is on the clip board then I can use:
> readClipboard()
[1] "C:\\Users\\john\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"
You can then use `normalizePath to correct the windows flavour of paths.
Perhaps use choose.files() to pick the file followed by normalizePath() if you want to convert its path name to R's forward slashes.
A combination of frustrating problems here.
Essentially I want R to open an external program with command line parameters. I am currently trying to achieve it on a Windows machine, ideally it would work cross-platform.
The program (chimera.exe) is in a directory containing spaces: C:\Program Files\Chimera1.15\bin\
The command line options could be for instance a --nogui flag and a script name, so from the shell I would write (space-specifics aside):
C:\Program Files\Chimera1.15\bin\chimera.exe --nogui scriptfile
This works if I go in windows cmd.exe to the directory itself and just type chimera.exe --nogui scriptfile
Now in R:
I've been playing with shell(), shell.exec(), and system(), but essentially I fail because of the spaces and/or the path separators.
most of the times system() just prints "127" for whatever reason:
> system("C:/Program Files/Chimera1.15/bin/chimera.exe")
[1] 127`
back/forward slashes complicate the matter further but don't make it work:
> system("C:\Program Files\Chimera1.15\bin\chimera.exe")
Error: '\P' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "C\P"
> system("C:\\Program Files\\Chimera1.15\\bin\\chimera.exe")
[1] 127
> system("C:\\Program\ Files\\Chimera1.15\\bin\\chimera.exe")
[1] 127
> system("C:\\Program\\ Files\\Chimera1.15\\bin\\chimera.exe")
[1] 127
When I install the program in a directory without spaces, it works. How can I escape or pass on the space in system() or related commands or how do I invoke the program otherwise?
Try system2 as it does not use the cmd line processor and use r"{...}" to avoid having to double backslashes. This assumes R 4.0 or later. See ?Quotes for the full definition of the quotes syntax.
chimera <- r"{C:\Program Files\Chimera1.15\bin\chimera.exe}"
system2(chimera, c("--nogui", "myscript"))
For example, this works for me (you might need to change the path):
R <- r"{C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1\bin\x64\Rgui.exe}" # modify as needed
system2(R, c("abc", "def"))
and when Rgui is launched we can verify that the arguments were passed by running this in the new instance of R:
## [1] "C:\\PROGRA~1\\R\\R-4.1\\bin\\x64\\Rgui.exe"
## [2] "abc"
## [3] "def"
Alternately use system but put quotes around the path so that cmd interprets it correctly -- if it were typed into the Windows cmd line the quotes would be needed too.
system(r"{"C:\Program Files\Chimera1.15\bin\chimera.exe" --nogui myscript}")
I wish to call an executable file from Julia via Base.run (documented here) and pass command line options to that executable, but I can't figure out how to do that. In my specific example the executable is Notepad++ and the command line options are
-alwaysOnTop -nosession
This example code works, but doesn't pass the command line options:
function open_file_in_notepadpp()
exepath = "C:/Program Files (x86)/notepad++/notepad++.exe" #Default location on 64 bit Windows
command_line_options = "-alwaysOnTop -nosession "
filetoopen = "c:/temp/foo.txt"
Base.run(`$exepath $filetoopen`, wait = false)
I've tried incorporating command_line_options a fair number of ways using backticks, double quotes etc. to no avail, so for example neither of the lines below work:
Base.run(`$exepath $filetoopen`, `$command_line_options`,wait = false)
Base.run(`$exepath $command_line_options $filetoopen`,wait = false)
In the Windows Command Prompt the following works correctly:
"C:/Program Files (x86)/notepad++/notepad++.exe" -alwaysOnTop -nosession "c:/temp/foo.txt"
Could someone explain what I'm missing?
If you substitute a string that contains spaces to a command it will get quoted. Hence, your command line arguments will be quoted and you get
julia> `$exepath $filetoopen $command_line_options`
`'C:/Program Files (x86)/notepad++/notepad++.exe' c:/temp/foo.txt '-alwaysOnTop -nosession '`
I guess what you really need is
julia> command_line_options = ["-alwaysOnTop", "-nosession"]
2-element Array{String,1}:
julia> `$exepath $filetoopen $command_line_options`
`'C:/Program Files (x86)/notepad++/notepad++.exe' c:/temp/foo.txt -alwaysOnTop -nosession`
Running the latter with run should work. Unfortunately I can't test it on my machine.
crstnbr's answer was correct, but he was unable to test on his machine. Here is the corrected code:
function open_file_in_notepadpp()
exepath = "C:/Program Files (x86)/notepad++/notepad++.exe" #Location if one follows the defaults in the notepad++ installer on 64 bit Wndows
command_line_options = ["-alwaysOnTop", "-nosession"] #Use an array to prevent the options being quoted
filetoopen = "c:/temp/foo.txt"
Base.run(`$exepath $filetoopen $command_line_options`,wait = false)
I want to read in a file with fread in R. I have 7z installed.
I tried
fread(shell(cmd = '7z l test.txt.gz'), shell = 'cmd.exe'))
However I get the error
Error in fread(shell(cmd = paste0("7z x ", "\"", dest, "\""), shell = "cmd.exe")) :
'input' must be a single character string containing a file name, a command, full path to a file, a URL starting 'http[s]://', 'ftp[s]://' or 'file://', or the input data itself
I'm looking for something similar to:
fread(shell(cmd = 'unzip -cq test.zip', shell = 'cmd.exe'))
One work-around is to copy 7z.exe to the project folder. And try:
DT = fread(cmd = '7z e -so "test.zip"')
Some people suggested adding 7-zip to Windows PATH Environment Variable. But it did not work for me.
I have an R script that takes a file as input, and I want a general way to know whether the input is a file that exists, and is not a directory.
In Python you would do it this way: How do I check whether a file exists using Python?, but I was struggling to find anything similar in R.
What I'd like is something like below, assuming that the file.txt actually exists:
input.good = "~/directory/file.txt"
input.bad = "~/directory/"
is.file(input.good) # should return TRUE
is.file(input.bad) #should return FALSE
R has something called file.exists(), but this doesn't distinguish files from directories.
There is a dir.exists function in all recent versions of R.
file.exists(f) && !dir.exists(f)
The solution is to use file_test()
This gives shell-style file tests, and can distinguish files from folders.
input.good = "~/directory/file.txt"
input.bad = "~/directory/"
file_test("-f", input.good) # returns TRUE
file_test("-f", input.bad) #returns FALSE
From the manual:
file_test(op, x, y) Arguments
op a character string specifying the test to be performed. Unary
tests (only x is used) are "-f" (existence and not being a directory),
"-d" (existence and directory) and "-x" (executable as a file or
searchable as a directory). Binary tests are "-nt" (strictly newer
than, using the modification dates) and "-ot" (strictly older than):
in both cases the test is false unless both files exist.
x, y character vectors giving file paths.
You can also use is_file(path) from the fs package.
I wish to get the fully qualified name of a file in R, given any of the standard notations. For example:
~/file.ext (this case can be handled by path.expand)
By fully qualified file name I mean, for example, (on a Unix-like system):
(Edited - use file.path and attempt Windows support) A crude implementation might be:
path.qualify <- function(path) {
path <- path.expand(path)
if(!grepl("^/|([A-Z|a-z]:)", path)) path <- file.path(getwd(),path)
However, I'd ideally like something cross-platform that can handle relative paths with ../, symlinks etc. An R-only solution would be preferred (rather than shell scripting or similar), but I can't find any straightforward way of doing this, short of coding it "from scratch".
Any ideas?
I think you want normalizePath():
> setwd("~/tmp/bar")
> normalizePath("../tmp.R")
[1] "/home/gavin/tmp/tmp.R"
> normalizePath("~/tmp/tmp.R")
[1] "/home/gavin/tmp/tmp.R"
> normalizePath("./foo.R")
[1] "/home/gavin/tmp/bar/foo.R"
For Windows, there is argument winslash which you might want to set all the time as it is ignored on anything other than Windows so won't affect other OSes:
> normalizePath("./foo.R", winslash="\\")
[1] "/home/gavin/tmp/bar/foo.R"
(You need to escape the \ hence the \\) or
> normalizePath("./foo.R", winslash="/")
[1] "/home/gavin/tmp/bar/foo.R"
depending on how you want the path presented/used. The former is the default ("\\") so you could stick with that if it suffices, without needing to set anything explicitly.
On R 2.13.0 then the "~/file.ext" bit also works (see comments):
> normalizePath("~/foo.R")
[1] "/home/gavin/foo.R"
I think I kind of miss the point of your question, but hopefully my answer can point you into the direction you want (it integrates your idea of using paste and getwdwith list.files):
paste(getwd(),substr(list.files(full.names = TRUE), 2,1000), sep ="")
Edit: Works on windows in some tested folders.