How do I add an apt repository in prudentia - prudentia

I'm trying to use prudentia to install postgresql. On the latest version of the develop branch, there is a task for posgresql, but that installs the wrong version for me.
I have found here that I need a special apt repository to get the latest (9.3) version. But I need some help installing it from prudentia.
I did see some example in code, but I couldn't find anything about adding repositories in the docs. How should I solve this?

To add an apt repository there are two ways.
1) The simplest one is to use the Ansible apt_repository module that requires the python-apt package installed on the target machine. This module accepts both deb and ppa repositories style.
A Prudentia task for installing PostgreSQL has been provided using this method and can be found here.
2) The second is to provide an apt source file. This approach doesn't have any dependency. The Prudentia Chrome bundled task uses this approach.


Installing specific node version on R container on travis

Because I use the Netlify CLI tools on travis, I need to have a node version above 8 but the R container I use only has 6.12 according to the error message. I saw that it is possible to specify the node version for java script projects and there is an answer for PHP projects here on StackOverflow, but I tried both and they did not work for my case. What is the proper way of installing a specific node version in an arbitrary travis container such that other applications can access it ? Or maybe even better, (how) can I make npm satisfy the minimal version dependency on node when installing the Netlify CLI tools? I have no prior experience with npm. You can find the version history of my .travis file here.
To install Netlify CLI, make sure you have Node.js version 8 or higher
Based on the docs for Netlify here
Quickest solution for Travis
Optionally, your repository can contain a .nvmrc file in the repository root to specify which single version of Node.js to run your tests against.
The quote from the docs say to add a .nvmrc file to your project at the root with the version
Note: replace the version with the one compatible with your project that meets all requirements. Also, the .nvmrc file is only read when node_js key in your .travis.yml files does not specify a nodejs version.
Based on the solution provided by #talves, I figured out I can modify the before_script step to install a specific version of node, e.g. 8.14:
- nvm install 8.14
- npm install -g netlify-cli
- Rscript -e 'blogdown::install_hugo()'
As nvm and npm were already installed. To install the latest stable release replace 8.14 with node above. That way, I don't need the .nvmrc file.

Artifactory-pro recommendations for upgrade version from 4.14.2 to 5.7

I am planning to upgrade artifactory-pro from 4.14.2 to 5.7. Has anyone done this so far? We use npm, bower, debian, yum repositories. Any recommendation or insight is appreciated.
As I see it, the upgrade depends on two main factors:
Your installation type(ZIP/RPM/RPM OSS/Debian/Docker). Here you can find detailed instructions for each type:
ZIP installation
RPM installation
RPM OSS installation
Debian installation
Docker installation
In case you use an HA cluster, here are the instructions.
While no special operations are required except those are mentioned in the instructions - please pay attention to updates and other special instructions since there are specific instructions to upgrading from Artifactory 4.x to 5.4.x and above. As can be seen here (for example).
Like in any other upgrade process, make sure you have a full system backup (Artifactory configuration, metadata, and artifacts)

Is Conda support in artifactory?

I just wonder if conda packages like
Can be able to mirror from Artifactory?
I tried mirroring it but it was unable to get cache..
Thanks in advance
Artifactory don't support it natively but you can use this plugin:
Artifactory Conda User Plugin.
You can install it in your Artifactory server (is a groovy file).
Also there are a request to include this funtionality in the future:
RTFACT-7872 Add support for Conda
A year later and things have changed (as they often do). So adding a new answer.
Artifactory has added support for Conda packages as announced in this blog. Here are the docs. Appears this requires Artifactory 6.3+.

How to check whether there are newer versions of library dependencies in an sbt/play/activator project

Is there any command in Activator that can list all the dependencies and libraries that I use with the current version and newer versions that is possible to use to update my project?
This is similar that the apache maven command versions:display-dependency-updates.
Is there any similar command available?
You're looking for sbt-updates, which is a plugin for sbt and activator.
Install the plugin and execute activator dependencyUpdates to see the list of outdated dependencies.

Meteor 0.9.x Update

How do I find out what is holding my app up from updating? I keep getting the 'This project is at the latest release which is compatible with your current package constraints.' message.
Here is the output from the update command:
Refreshing package metadata. This may take a moment.
Figuring out the best package versions to use. This may take a moment.
Figuring out the best package versions to use. This may take a moment.
Figuring out the best package versions to use. This may take a moment.
This project is at the latest release which is compatible with your
current package constraints.
My packages.js looks like so:
# Meteor packages used by this project, one per line.
# 'meteor add' and 'meteor remove' will edit this file for you,
# but you can also edit it by hand.
I have migrated all the ch-* and dash-* packages to the new format. Those are local, in app, packages. Those cannot be in public repositories.
Try replacing
in your packages file.
I'm think it may be because not all your packages are compatible with Meteor 0.9.0
If you want to check what packages are currently compatible enter this code:
meteor search (Package Name)
By default meteor will only return compatible packages, so you can find which packages aren't working by searching each one. If you can't find the package, then its probably not compatible and you aren't going to be able to run the latest version of Meteor unless you remove it.
Don't worry though! While Meteor 0.9.0 is quite buggy, they are working hard to update all the packages and patch the bugs. Just give it a few weeks to sort itself out if that doesn't work :)
Best Of Luck! Hope This Helped!
Meteor search is included in the latest release. Docs:
Try running this command and you should be able to access meteor search
meteor update
Also, the update should tell you if there's a package update available, although I had to run update (packagename) on each starred package for it to update
meteor update aldeed:collection2
I found that I had to remove my ~/.npm directory and run meteor again to resolve some npm dependencies I had. Perhaps you have some npm dependencies as well?
