Copy Infopath Repeating table row - infopath

I am beginner in Infopath, I want to copy a repeating table row to the below of copied row using a Button.

try this (it defaults each new inserted row field with the value of the same field in the preceeding row)
on the field properties of the field you want to copy to, click the 'function' button next to the default value.
in the insert formula dialog window check 'Edit Xpath'
then type: ../preceding-sibling::my:{row-name}[1]/my:{field-name}
then OK until you get back to the form


Is it possible to change the Column Heading of the 'Note Text' field in a grid

My client wants to see the Notes in a Grid column.
I can add the Note Text field of a record to a data grid - but our customer wants the column heading to read 'Internal Comment' instead of 'Note Text'
I have tried a DAC Extension on the PX.Data.Note but this does not work.
I am not sure how to use cache attached for this- because the Note_Text field seems to be added by the PXNoteAttribute ??
I have also tried this in the RowSelected event of the grid view - but it does not work:
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetDisplayName<Note.noteText>(this.Caches[typeof(Note)], Messages.InternalComment);
Any help appreciated

Foxpro combobox binding from database

I have Form1. I have table "Category", now I want to display all CategoryName in to combobox cbbCategory in Form1, the category names data are retrieved from Category table, how can I do this?
There are several ways you can do this, from querying the table into an array, writing as a SQL query, etc and setting up the properties.
What I would suggest for a start is this. Open your form.
Right-click anywhere in the form and pick "Data Environment".
If the category table is NOT already shown in the window, right-click and select Add. It will prompt you to pick a table and select your category table. Then close the data environment.
Now, put a combobox on your form if you have not done so already.
Right-click on the combobox and click "Builder". It will walk you through the selection process to get what you want. Start with picking the table... your category table. Then it has picker next to it to identify which column(s) you want to be displayed in the combobox. If your category table has both an ID and a description, I would pick your description FIRST, then the internal ID column second (so we can hide the second column if you dont want to actually show it).
Click on the second tab for "Style", and to clarify the difference between a "Drop-down Combo" vs "Drop-down List" is that a combo will default show you available choices, but if one is not available, allows a user to manually enter a new one which you might want to allow adding to your master category lookup table. "Drop-down List" is fixed to only allow the user to pick an entry from those available and nothing else.
Next, click on the Layout tab. This allows you to adjust the columns widths to see/hide what it will look like during drop-down mode (just stretch/shrink the columns)
Finally, the "Value" tab. It is asking for which column from those you selected to be available do you want to store behind-the-scenes. If an ID column, so be it... if the description, that's fine too. You can leave the last "Field Name" blank for now and it will just store whatever is selected into the comboboxes "Value" property... from which you can do whatever you need to in next phase of you app.

Making default value in Pentaho Report Designer

I have created a report out of Pentaho Report Designer.
I uploaded the report on Pentaho User Console.
I have several dropdowns e.g. Order ID, Line Item ID, Date.
Once I select Order ID, Line Item ID is filtered and is displayed.
I created a 'All Line Item' value that displays all line item.
I want to make it as a default value.
How to have a default value in Report Designer?
The drop downs are added using 'add parameter'. What settings do I need to have in Parameter of 'Line Item ID' to make 'All Line Item' as default value?
Thank you.
Edit your parameter, set default value or default Value formula

Move the new record entry row in Access table to the beginning row

Is it possible to move the "New Record Row" in an Access table to the beginning of the table?
For example, say you have 200 items entered into your table, you would have to scroll the whole way down to the bottom of the table to enter a new record.
Instead, your entry row would be in the first row of your table.
Can this be done?
Use a form or datasheet and open it in add mode, rather than edit mode.
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", , , , acFormAdd

Expand/Collapse GridView rows of the same type

I have a gridview with some boundfields and templatefields. My data are sales Unit-Price-Store, right now the user selects a store (from a DropDownList) and the Grid is all Unit-Price for that store.
Is there a way to make put a button next to each unit so that when the user clicks it, that row expands to include a new row for each store? IE, when I'm looking at Store 1 and I click the button I also get to see Unit-Price info for Stores 2,3,4 (but just for this item)?
I used jQuery. Basically, I tagged that column and then did an each statement. If value.innerHTML != Store $(this).closest('tr').hide(); Else assign it a function on click that looks at all 'tr' where Unit matches but Store doesn't and slideToggle()
