How to pass options to handlebars.precompile? - handlebars.js

So I've got this code that is running fine (I'm using gulp not grunt for what it matters) :
var handlebars = require('handlebars'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
map = require('vinyl-map');
gulp.task('test', function(){
return gulp.src(config.path.template+"/*.handlebars")
.pipe(map(function(contents) {
return handlebars.precompile(contents.toString());
.pipe(rename({ extname: '.js' }))
Everything runs perfectly, the .js files generate in the good folder, but I need them to generate without the -s parameter. For an example, when I run handlebars path/to/my/hbs.handlebars -f path/to/my/out/folder.js -s (or --simple), the file generated is the same. But I need this command to run without the -s parameter, and I can't find a way to pass this argument in my gulpfile. I tried alot of things, in a String, in a Json, in an array, tried to go with -s false, with simple false, with isSimple false (something I found in handlebars code).
None of this is working and I really need to pass the -s parameter to false. I assume that I need to do something like :
return handlebars.precompile(contents.toString(), options);
But I can't find the proper syntax or way to use these options. And that is my problem.
PS : I use this instead of gulp-handlebars so that I can use the version of handlebars I want to use and not another.
Searching in handlebars.js code, I just found that options is an object, but I can't find what he's filled with as I'm not a good javascript user.

It seems to me there's no such switch in the source.
Taken from the precompiler source used from the command line tool:
if (opts.simple) {
output.push(Handlebars.precompile(data, options) + '\n');
} else if (opts.partial) {
if (opts.amd && (opts.templates.length == 1 && !fs.statSync(opts.templates[0]).isDirectory())) {
output.push('return ');
output.push('Handlebars.partials[\'' + template + '\'] = template(' + Handlebars.precompile(data, options) + ');\n');
} else {
if (opts.amd && (opts.templates.length == 1 && !fs.statSync(opts.templates[0]).isDirectory())) {
output.push('return ');
output.push('templates[\'' + template + '\'] = template(' + Handlebars.precompile(data, options) + ');\n');
opts is what you passed in, another variable options is passed to precompile. The decoration is added by the command line tool.
There's a second block with closing brackets a few lines below in the script.
You best copy that source to your code or maybe access the .cli object in your gulp script.


Replace Google Fonts with self hosted fonts

I'm currently porting parts of a legacy codebase which has more than 100 themes that each come with their own css files. Those files are full with hardcoded links to Google Fonts which need to be replaced due to GDPR.
Is there some kind of automated tool available which scans through these files, replaces the link to Google Fonts and downloads all the assets? I've found a couple of semi-automated tools online but they all require copy & paste and manual download of the files. That's okay for 2-3 fonts but not for hundreds of them. Any tips for that?
I have put some efforts to create this NodeJS script.
This script searches for all css files and extracts the woff font url. Then, it replaces it with absolute path of the downloaded file against the url it found, also downloads the file in the relevant directory which can be clearly identified in the snippet as specified with fontDownloadDirectoryPath variable.
This script can be modified and improved further but as of now, provides the required functionality at its base level.
I hope this can serve as a starting point atleast to solve the stated problem or can be used completely as a solution changes few variables, given that my assumptions of few required things to get to this solution are correct.
Please feel free to modify, accordingly like the regex pattern to match something else, adding few other font types in the pattern, adding few more code to make it more robust and generalised, etc for other possibilities.
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require("https");
// update assets/css with your css path
const directoryPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets/css');
let fontDownloadDirectoryPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets/fonts')
let fontDownloadDirectoryFileFullPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets/fonts/fontsDownloadUrlList.json')
fs.readdir(directoryPath, function (err, files) {
//handling error
if (err) {
return console.log('Unable to scan directory: ' + err);
//listing all files using forEach
files.forEach(function (file) {
// Do whatever you want to do with the file
let file_full_path = directoryPath + "/" + file
fs.readFile(file_full_path, 'utf8', (err, content) => {
if (err) {
// console.log(content);// show the content of readed file
let found = content.match(/url\(['"]([^"']+(woff2|eot|woff|ttf)["'])+\)/gi)
console.log(file_full_path, found);
let updated_content = content
if (found) {
if (fs.existsSync(fontDownloadDirectoryFileFullPath)) {
// enter the code to execute after the folder is there.
console.log('file exists')
fs.readFile(fontDownloadDirectoryFileFullPath, 'utf8', (err, read_content) => {
let read_content_json = JSON.parse(read_content)
fs.writeFile(fontDownloadDirectoryFileFullPath, JSON.stringify(read_content_json), function () { })
} else {
fs.writeFile(fontDownloadDirectoryFileFullPath, JSON.stringify(found), function () { })
found.forEach((item) => {
let fontFileUrl = item.split("'")[1]
let fontFileName = fontFileUrl.split("/")[fontFileUrl.split("/").length - 1]
console.log(fontFileUrl, fontFileName)
https.get(fontFileUrl, response => {
var body = '';
var i = 0;
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk;
console.log('BODY Part: ' + i);
response.on('end', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(fontDownloadDirectoryPath + "/" + fontFileName, body, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' }, (err) => { console.log(err) })
updated_content = updated_content.replace(item, "url('" + fontDownloadDirectoryPath + "/" + fontFileName + "')")
} else {
updated_content = content;
fs.writeFileSync(file_full_path, updated_content, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' })
I used below css file in root/assets/css directory with styles.css name for testing the above script:
#font-face {
font-family: 'BR Firma';
src: url('') format('woff');
font-weight: bold;
font-style: normal;
font-display: swap;
without having more background on the project, directory structure, and so on, I will outline how the task could be done as of now:
Scan all the directories or URLs of the project (if you run it locally or remotely) if the fonts are not being imported from one main CSS file (could happen).
Get all the Google Fonts URLs
Download all the assets (i.e. fonts from the links, maybe some pics also, etc.)
So, although you can totally do this locally with directories, here I will explain a way to do it with the browser for brevity - and possibly convenience - with Python. I am assuming you have access to the project's URLs, ofc.
You can follow this approach to scrape the URLs you want. Pass it a list from the sitemap to go through all the URLs in sequence. Then you can filter the list you get to account only for Google Fonts, simply add the in operator (as in here) to get true or false, respectively.
substring = ''
if substring in element:
#do nothing, don't add it to list
Now you should have all the URLs you are interested in. If the project has several HTML pages with different fonts, those are the ones you need to scan - or maybe just all of them to be sure. Note: it is usually useful to store the list in a file to further add this code to the previous script. More info.
with open('urls.txt', 'w') as f:
To download the assets, you can use this approach. Since you have all the URLs, you should be able to.
And that's pretty much it! If you add more insight into the project structure we could complete the scripts more precisely. Also, you can quickly use Jupyter Notebook to run the scripts as you tune them. In the meantime, the open details to clarify would be:
Scan websites or files?
Only HTML files or all the projects?
What to download? The font assets only?
Python script works fine for this task?
Any IDE can do, just "search and replace in files", with the appropriate patterns.
For example: PHPStorm: Find and replace text using regular expressions. Finding all the occurrences alone is already worth something and an IDE might help with "porting parts of a legacy codebase".

Getting TestCafe to recognize dotenv variables

I might be mixing up concepts, but I'd read that it's possible to get TestCafe to recognize variables of the form process.env.MY_COOL_VARIABLE. Also for my Vue.js frontend (built using Vue-CLI, which uses dotenv under the hood), I found I could make a file in .env.test for test values like so:
which I would then access in my test code like so:
test('my fixture', async (t) => {
await t
However, I get the following error:
"text" argument is expected to be a string or a regular expression, but it was undefined.
Seems like my environment variables aren't getting picked up. I build my code like so: vue-cli-service build --mode test.
TestCafe doesn't provide support for .env files out of the box. You can create a test file that will require the dotenv module and load your configuration file:
// enable-dotenv.test.js
require('dotenv').config({ path: '.my.env' });
testcafe chrome enable-dotenv.test.js tests/
Here's how I solved my issue. When debugging, I did a console.log of process.env and noticed that the variable that vue recognizes wasn't visible during testcafe's run. From our package.json:
"test:ui:run": "VUE_APP_MY_COOL_VARIABLE=ui-test yarn build:test && testcafe -a ../ chrome",
Also this bit of javascript is run by both the test and mainline code, so I had to use a conditional.
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
if (process.env.npm_package_scripts_test_ui_run) { // are we running a testcafe script
dotenv.config({ path: '.env.test' });
Have you tried process.env[VUE_APP_MY_COOL_VARIABLE]? It's worth noting that everything in dotenv comes back as a string so you may need to do the casting yourself. For example:
function getEnvVariableValue(envVariable: string) {
// Cast to boolean
if (envVariableValue.toUpperCase() === "TRUE") {
return true;
} else if (envVariableValue.toUpperCase() === "FALSE") {
return false;
// Cast to number
} else if (!isNaN(Number(envVariableValue))) {
return Number(envVariableValue);
} else {
return envVariableValue;
You can also try creating a .env file in the root folder to see if it picks it that way. I use dotenv in my project directly by including it in the package.json as a dependency and it works this way.

how to pass file as argument to gulp task

I need some help regarding my gulp task.
I have gulp karma task and I want to pass karma config file as a argument to that task.
I am able to achieve this grunt. Like in grunt , we can use
and we can called grunt task as
grunt taskName --file=myFileName
So How Can I achieve same with gulp?
There's nothing in gulp to parse command line arguments for you.
You can use node's global process.argv directly if you feel like it.
I like to use the yargs module to handle arguments in my gulpfiles.
var args = require('yargs').argv;
var karmaFile = argv.file; // for the argument --file="myFileName"
Adding to #kombucha's answer, here's an example of how to use process.argv. If in your case you passed:
gulp taskName --file myFileName
(without the '=' ) then the below would retrieve the file value:
var filename, i = process.argv.indexOf("--file");
if(i>-1) {
filename = process.argv[i+1];
It should be simple enough to turn the above into a generic function for retrieving command-line values. I have used this before to good effect:
function getCLValue(name) {
var i = process.argv.indexOf(name);
return (i>-1) ? process.argv[i+1] : null;

How to list files in folder

How can I list all files inside a folder with Meteor.I have FS collection and cfs:filesystem installed on my app. I didn't find it in the doc.
Another way of doing this is by adding the shelljs npm module.
To add npm modules see:
Then you just need to do something like:
var shell = Meteor.npmRequire('shelljs');
var list ='/yourfolder');
Shelljs docs:
The short answer is that FS.Collection creates a Mongo collection that you can treat like any other, i.e., you can list entries using find().
The long answer...
Using cfs:filesystem, you can create a mongo database that mirrors a given folder on the server, like so:
// in lib/files.js
files = new FS.Collection("my_files", {
stores: [new FS.Store.FileSystem("my_files", {"~/test"})] // creates a ~/test folder at the home directory of your server and will put files there on insert
You can then access this collection on the client to upload files to the server to the ~test/ directory:
files.insert(new File(['Test file contents'], 'my_test_file'));
And then you can list the files on the server like so:
files.find(); // returns [ { createdByTransform: true,
_id: 't6NoXZZdx6hmJDEQh',
{ name: 'my_test_file',
updatedAt: (Date)
size: (N),
type: '' },
uploadedAt: (Date),
copies: { my_files: [Object] },
collectionName: 'my_files'
The copies object appears to contain the actual names of the files created, e.g.,
"my_files" : {
"name" : "testy1",
"type" : "",
"size" : 6,
"key" : "my_files-t6NoXZZdx6hmJDEQh-my_test_file", // This is the name of the file on the server at ~/test/
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2015-03-29T16:53:33Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2015-03-29T16:53:33Z")
The problem with this approach is that it only tracks the changes made through the Collection; if you add something manually to the ~/test directory, it won't get mirrored into the Collection. For instance, if on the server I run something like...
mkfile 1k ~/test/my_files-aaaaaaaaaa-manually-created
Then I look for it in the collection, it won't be there:
files.findOne({"": {$regex: ".*manually.*"}}) // returns undefined
If you just want a straightforward list of files on the server, you might consider just running an ls. From you can execute any arbitrary UNIX command using Node's child_process.exec(). You can access the app root directory with process.env.PWD (from this question). So in the end if you wanted to list all the files in your public directory, for instance, you might do something like this:
exec = Npm.require('child_process').exec;
console.log("This is the root dir:");
console.log(process.env.PWD); // running from localhost returns: /Users/me/meteor_apps/test
child = exec('ls -la ' + process.env.PWD + '/public', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
// Fill in this callback with whatever you actually want to do with the information
console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);
if(error !== null) {
console.log('exec error: ' + error);
This will have to run on the server, so if you want the information on the client, you'll have to put it in a method. This is also pretty insecure, depending on how you structure it, so you'd want to think about how to stop people from listing all the files and folders on your server, or worse -- running arbitrary execs.
Which method you choose probably depends on what you're really trying to accomplish.

gruntjs - command line arguments

Where can I get a handle for command line arguments?
eg grunt dist --env=UAT. How do I get the value for env?
While I'm at it, how would I assign a default value to this if it's not set on the command line?
You can use grunt.option() or more specifically:
var env = grunt.option('env') || 'default';
to grab the env argument or default to the string 'default' if the argument is not present.
I find the handling of defaults in grunt to be sorely lacking. The method outlined above works, but it quickly gets tiresome when you have lots of options.
A little helper function can ease this:
function defaultOptions(options) {
for(var key in options) {
if(options.hasOwnProperty(key) && !grunt.option(key)) {
grunt.option(key, options[key]);
You can then use like:
env : "staging"
And at the CLI:
grunt // { env : "staging" }
grunt --env=UAT // { env : "UAT" }
