CSS image sprite with 1x1px transparent spacer not working in Chrome - css

Using image sprites, not a problem, being doing it for years. But I've just noticed that they have stopped working on chrome when using an "img" tag with a "src" referencing a 1x1px transparent gif (spacer).
I use this spacer/method so that I still have alt text available for screen readers, etc. Just using a div or span tag is not really an option, I need to use the image tag.
Example CSS for the sprite:
.rec_working_backpacker{background: url("../img/recommended/working-sprite.jpg") 0 0; width:100px; height:75px;}
Example implementation of the html:
<img class="rec_working_backpacker" alt="some alt text" src="<?php echo imagePath();?>d.gif"/>
I know this is all working fine (nothing wrong with paths, etc) as it's working on all other browser, but in Chrome nothing is being displayed, it's like it is seeing the 1x1px "d.gif" and using that as the image, but taking the width/height of the sprite from the CSS (using the chrome inspector). Also using the inspector in chrome I can see that it's got the sprite image, it's loaded, it's just being superseded by the 1x1px gif.
Sample live URL: goo.gl/1c9nIF
Top of the RHS column the "print" icon is missing
Just above the google map the "Other interesting pages - what will you look at next" box is full of empty images
Footer is meant to have 4 "follow us" round social icons
Driving me nuts, I've got empty css sprite slots all over my live site... not what I wanted to see on a Saturday morning :-(
Anyone know anything about this? I've checked on three different computers, cleared caches, etc, seems like chrome is broken...

The problem seems to be your image. I'm not sure why, but when I replace your image src with https://pingviin.org/images/flags/blank.gif it works as expected. Maybe whatever you used to create the gif put some strange meta tags on it?


Using an .mp4 link as the full-width background image on Firefox & Chrome browsers?

This is for a hobby/browser sim game site. I am wanting to put an animated gif in the background of the page in place of a static background photo. The image is very simple, it's just a static image with a fog overlay playing on loop. I uploaded it via Imgur, which gave me an .mp4 link. I put it in the code and it displays properly for me on Safari when I look at it. But on Chrome/Firefox/Edge and everything else it won't show.
Here it is:
html {
URL(https://i.imgur.com/REDACTED.mp4) fixed center top,
background-size: cover;
As I said it works on safari. But it doesn't work anywhere else. I know I'm not doing something right, but I'd really like for it to show the gif/mp4 file on other browsers too. Is there a fix for this?
This particular page that I am putting this into does not have an HTML box or a JS box. Only a stylesheet one. Again this is for a hobby site. So it comes with its constraints. Is this doable?
I figured out a solution. I just found a place to host the image as a .gif without making it smaller dimensions or lesser quality. Google Photos offers this option, so I hosted it through there.

Safari shows gray border around <img/>, even though image exists

There is a gray border showing around the dropdown image, as seen above. That shouldn't be there. I've seen several other questions which state that this is the case because the src of the image cannot be found or loaded. However, that's not the case here. The element contains a src tag which is set to a 16x16 blank GIF.
The file '/images/system/blank.gif' exists, and can be loaded by Safari. Also shows up fine in the Network panel, as 200 - OK.
However, and here is the reason of the bug I guess... In the elements panel the image shows up as:
I can load this image fine in Safari, opening it in a new tab shows as 16x16 GIF... No idea what's going on here.
Just FYI, this is Safari only. Chrome does not show the gray border around the image.
Note: Changing to a transparent PNG image solves the issue, but I'd like to know the underlying cause.
Tracked down the issue to... uBlock!
uBlock decided that an image in the form of /images/system/blank.gif?v=12345 was an ad and decided to cancel the request. The joy.

Choppy scrolling in chrome with big background images

I've created a web page, and it has 7 six sections with huge background images using background-size: cover;. It works fine in all browsers except Google Chrome (All versions/All platforms). When I try scrolling the page in google chrome or click on its links (which they also scroll the page using $.scrollTo) the page gets choppy and laggy and it scrolls slowly and uses 100% CPU.
I've uploaded the page so you can test it: http://baaemail.com/beta (I'll remove the page later). Even IE9/10 is fine, but chrome gets choppy.
The page has several "scroll" events bound to it and I have tried disabling the javascript altogether but it doesn't get better so its not from the scroll events.
I'm using background-size: cover because it shapes the photo exactly like I want it to and I want the image to be fixed that's why I can't use other methods like using img tag instead of backgrounds.
What should I do?
A solution I found for myself for a website with similar behaviour was to add background-repeat:no-repeat css property for those divs containing huge background images.
You can also check if you have a background image for body or html that is repeated, for me the big problem was a repeated pattern image that interfered considerably with google chrome's scrolling performance.
Also if you're using CSS transitions on those "slides" you should check that those are not assigned to "all". If you're having a transition only for the "left" property there is no point assigning it for "all".
I'm not sure if this alone will help you but it is always a good practice to compress your images and your scripts.
This stuff did the trick for me. Hope it helps.

Chrome renders button links completely screwed up when placed inside a paragraph

I am fairly proficient in CSS but now I am running into a very strange rendering issue in Google Chrome 9. I am trying to create some fancy looking link buttons (basically heavily styled anchors). Here is some example markup:
<a href="" class="button">
<figure class="sprite icon icon_back"></figure>
Link button with icon</a>
This markup may look a litte strange to you, there's a few things you should know:
I am using HTML5's figure class to include an icon as part of the button. I have the proper reset CSS applied and Chrome can render this tag for sure.
Instead of actually pointing to an image I am applying CSS classes to the figure element. Within the CSS I am using the spriting technique to show the correct portion of a single large sprite image.
All of this is working fine in Firefox, and actually also in Chrome. The correct rendering can be seen in the following image:
It renders like that in both Firefox and Chrome. Here comes the problem, if I place such a button within paragraph tags > <p></p> this is what happens in Chrome only:
Notice how the button is ripped apart? Only in Chrome and only when placed inside a paragraph. It gets even stranger: this only happens for the first button inside the paragraph, if I would place three buttons inside a paragraph, only the 1st one is screwed up.
Your first question would probably be about the CSS. It is rather verbose so hereby a temporary link to the page in question:
Edit: link to live page removed, was only temporary for problem inspection.
I believe that Chrome is automatically closing your <p> tag, because of the way chrome interprets the <figure> tag. If you look at the definition of the figure tag, you'll see it's supposed to be outside the flow of the content, and thus should not be contained within a paragraph. Try using a different item than figure, and I bet it will work.
You can read more about flow content here
As of Chrome 10, your site may be even more messed up.
In Chrome 9 (and Firefox 3.6 and Opera 11), <figure> has no margin.
In Chrome 10, it has margin:1em 40px;
In Firefox 4 RC1, the margin looks similar, but I'm not sure if it's the same - Firebug Lite doesn't list the margin.

IE6 Red Cross and Border around image

I have a PNG fix working on the site. When I remove the PNG fix the red cross and border disapear. What's odd is that the problem only seems to do it with this particular image. There are other Alpha Blended PNG's on the same page that render fine.
The image is not broken (you can see it) nor is it a link. But IE6 and 7 both put a box around it and a red cross on it. It also strips the styling.
UPDATE: The image is NOT a background image, and the image is definitely not broken. You can actually see the image, works fine in Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
It's a plain old regular image tag
<div class='container'>
<img src='../images/leader_concierge.png' class='page_leader' width="917" height="257" />
here's the css
.page_leader { margin: 10px 0; }
and here's the exact same thing in safari
You are missing the replacement gif.
All PNG fix methods require that a transparent gif be available to replace the png image, it's part of how the substitution works. If that gif is missing, then you get this broken image appearance even tho the PNG draws fine.
In the case of iepngfix.htc, it expects the file to be at /images/spacer.gif
In firefox with the Web Developer Toolbar you can view broken images. In firefox the image would still be broken but you wont see anything like IE6 and IE7 show.
Note, that in xhtml (well, you closed the img tag) you should use " instead of '.
If you are using iepngfix.htc you need to open it up and set the blank image path. The image needs to be a 1x1 .gif.
Looks like I was just barely beaten to the punch.
Yes, I had the same problem, and it was also with iepngfix.htc which allows transparency in IE6.
Yes, the required accompanying gif image was on the images folder, as instructed.
So I went into the htc file and entered the exact link and now everything works perfectly!
Firefox and 'the other browsers' handle broken images more elegantly, but the image almost certainly is broken - they just aren't rendering it. Perhaps try to get in the habit of regularly checking your site logs for 404s, as it's not always obvious that you have a broken image in a contemporary browser.
Edit: Given your recent discovery, perhaps open the pngs in question in something like TweakPng - you may find that there are chunks causing this behaviour that you can safely remove. Compare the effected pngs with pngs that work properly and remove the offending chunks.
