Embed Helvetica font on website? - css

I want to have a consistent fonts display when user browse my web pages, I'm trying to use font squirrel to convert my fonts into multiple formats but it gives me error somehow...Stated that it is a licensed font.
But I've purchased the font previously, so how do I provide the license for my font in order to let me do the conversion?

depending on where you bought the font you might not have a license to use it on the web.
font web embedding usually requires a special license. (here's an example with different licensing options for Helvetica Neue).

If you want to use custom font on your page I would suggest having a font file with you page (in the same folder/directory). For example:
Then using css #font-face feature:
font-family: font;
src: url(font.ttf);
and afterward apply it to any html element
body {
font-family: font;

Just trying to extend on Liviu's answer. Helvatica is not a web font. It comes with Mac OS X. So, unless the user has it installed, it won't show. If you are asking if you can embed it or not, the answer is yes, you can embed it. But that is NOT allowed.
If you must use it, go ahead define it as a font family, but also define a fall-back family. Just in case a user doesn't own a mac, they will see the other family font.
Lastly, if you wish to use a web font, maybe you could have a look at Google Web Fonts: https://www.google.com/fonts/ it has many options and it's fairly easy to use. You might even find a font that looks similar to Helvatica or any other fonts you have in mind.
Good Luck!


How are fonts downloaded without any src reference in CSS file

I have seen a couple of projects where they just mention the name of the fonts they want to use in the CSS file without any mention of the source or the TTF or other font files.
code {
font-family: source-code-pro,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,"Courier New",monospace
When I remove those fonts via CSS in inspect element I can see the fonts are changed. So the code works. But I don't understand how the browser figures from where the fonts should be downloaded.
The code works even in incognito so not sure if the browser caching the font is a valid explanation.
Notice that the last setting in the font-family list is sans-serif.
If the local system has absolutely none of the other fonts loaded locally then the system will use whatever it has set as its default sans-serif font.
That is why it looks as though 'it works' when you say this:
#Fabrizio Calderan loves trees I checked the system fonts with this css-tricks.com/snippets/css/system-font-stack link. But the mentioned font family is not matching any of the fonts in the system fonts. So the default font should be picked right?
You are right, it picks the default font, but the version that is sans-serif.
As you can see in the above picture,I created a sample.html file and used the font-family for the body tag. So the source provided does not mention in font-family section. in the result, fonts will load from "Fonts" folder in my windows folder. (Of course if you use Windows OS and website locally, mentioned process will be happen!)
There are several ways the browser decides what fonts are downloaded/used:
As user 'Fabrizio Calderan loves trees' stated (paraphrased):
If no sources are provided, they are loaded from the computer running the webpage in a browser.
The programmer uses external APIs or links that embed a font. An example of this is Google Fonts, which lets programmers choose fonts they want (and select them), and embed them using either a <link> tag (put into HTML code) or #import tag (put into CSS file).
The website you are looking at may contain #font-face statements in their CSS, which links a common name (i.e., 'Source Code Pro') to a font file. You can read more about #font-face here and here.
If you can't find evidence of any of these, could you possibly share a link to the webpage's source code?
I took a look at the code in the website. It seems like the fonts styling in the display/textarea is:
font-family:"Lucida Sans","Lucida Sans Regular","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode",Geneva,Verdana,sans-serif;
And, there doesn't appear to be a source of these fonts, so it is part of the 1st category I listed above. Basically, the fonts in quotes are fonts that may be used if already preinstalled inside the client's computer, if not, the browser goes down the list and keeps checking whether the client has the font installed. The ending font is sans-serif, which is a default font that all computers have, so it serves as a backup in case all other fonts aren't available.

Can someone explain why using web safe fonts in CSS doesn't seem to work for me?

I know this is an extremely basic and stupid question, but I seem to be having a genuinely curious problem.
When using what are supposed to be web-safe fonts like Didot, and using
header h1{
font-family: Didot, serif;
font-size: 36px;
my browser just displays the standard serif font.
In fact I can't seem to get it to display any web safe font, it will only display either the standard serif or sans-serif font. I know my selector is correct because I CAN change between serif and sans-serif, but I know its not displaying other web-safe fonts because I tried both Arial and Helvetica (which are both definitely web safe) and when I refreshed from one to another there was absolutely no difference in the font displayed.
I'm a complete beginner and I'm using the simplest possible beginner environment, just an html page linking to a css file which I'm opening with my browser (the url shows up as file:///C:/Users/Agent%201/Desktop/Web%20Projects/ResumeSite/index.html if that is at all relevant). I've tried opening it with both chrome and edge, same results on both
Is there something wrong with my css? Or are there limitations when just opening a local html file with my browser?
Sorry if I'm this is a really dumb question, but I really can't find an answer as to why my fonts aren't working, I've tried !important and some other weird solution I found which involves changing the selector to "header h1, header h1 *" and that did nothing.
Thank-you for any help you can provide me!
When using what are supposed to be web-safe fonts like Didot, and using...
Didot is not a "web-safe" font.
Didot is included with macOS, which may lead some web-designers to assume that it's also available on other platforms (like Windows, Linux and Android) or that those platforms have automatically-mapped equivalents (like how many browsers will map Helvetica to Arial), however that is not guaranteed.
Also, just because a typeface is included with an OS does not mean it is licensed to you to use commercially or in a website - you can be sued for publishing an OS-licensed font onto the public web without having your own font-license.
A "web-safe" font is a typeface that is broadly installed and supported by most contemporary browsers without the need for additional downloads or font installations.
Many typefaces are broadly installed, such as Microsoft's Core fonts for the web which are preinstalled on all Windows computers - and many other operating systems such as macOS either come with the same fonts or have very similar equivalents (e.g. Helvetica instead of Arial) which are automatically mapped by the browser.
The only way to determine if a font is "web-safe" is by doing your own leg-work and manually checking to see if all-or-most of your target users' devices have that typeface available. You can check font availability on Wikipedia and other sites:
macOS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_typefaces_included_with_macOS
Windows: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_typefaces_included_with_Microsoft_Windows
iOS: http://iosfonts.com/
Android: Consult Android's fonts.xml for the minimum set of stock fonts and default fallback mappings (e.g. "Helvetica" goes to "sans-serif").
You might notice that Android's font list is very... short. That's because the base Android OS isn't what ships on most peoples' phones: Google's layer on top of Android, and OEMs (like Samsung, etc) will add their own fonts on top, but I don't know where to get that list from at-present, sorry.
A "web-safe font stack" means that at least one of the fonts listed in a font-family property value can be safely assumed to be available for use, not that all of them are - nor that the first-preferred-font will be available.
And any font-family list can be made "safe" by adding a CSS fallback generic-family name to the end (i.e. specifying the least-preferred font). Those names are specified in the CSS Fonts Module and are:
In your case, the property font: Didot, serif is "web-safe" because it has the serif generic-family name at the end. Your visitors will only see the Didot font being used if they already have it installed on their computer, phone, tablet, etc.
If you do want to use Didot, then you need to publish it as a WOFF file and add it to your stylesheet with a #font-face rule: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/using-font-face/

Can I use custom #font-face font with same name as built-in font?

If I have a custom font and I call it 'verdana', will that conflict with the browser's built-in verdana font? When I do:
font-family: 'verdana';
will the browser use my custom font or the built-in one?
Yes, you can use a custom font name that may coincide with the name of an installed font. It might be confusing, though, and might look suspicious (using a font illegally) to use a name like Verdana, if someone peeks at your code.
The CSS3 Fonts draft says: “If the font family name [in #font-face] is the same as a font family available in a given user's environment, it effectively hides the underlying font for documents that use the stylesheet. This permits a web author to freely choose font-family names without worrying about conflicts with font family names present in a given user's environment.”
You may find parts of this article interesting: http://www.practicalecommerce.com/articles/3080-How-Browsers-Manage-Fonts.
The short answer is that the browser should use whatever version of Verdana you have installed. The exception here is if you are using "src: url()", then it should load the font file from that URL. A good resource if that is the case: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webfonts/quick/.
If you're wanting to use your font and you worry that some browsers may just up and decide to use the local Verdana, you can rename the ttf or eot on your server and just use Verdana-Mine as the font-family and src as url('verdana-mine.ttf').

how can i overcome css font cont-family tag,

i am converting psd to html and font used in psd is moolboran, my tag font-family: MoolBoran;, which is not supported by browsers, how can i overcome this problem? is there any possible solution to as alternative?
Your options are to either save an image with your non-standard font, or use the CSS property font-face, and allow the site visitors to download the font file. For more details of this approach, see CSS 3: Custom Fonts Using #font-face.
Web safe fonts have been a bane to designers for a while, but you can check out Google Web Fonts to see if there's a font that's close (it doesn't look like they support MoolBoran unfortunately)
The only solutions are to
A) use an image rather than live text (which is generally a poor method)
B) See if a web font version of "MoolBoran" is available somewhere. And use the #font-family selector. I looked but can't find anything for it.
C) Change your design.
There is nothing wrong with that tag, it's certainly supported by all browsers.
The font does of course have to be installed on the visitors computer, which is probably where you have your problem.
If you want that exact font, you can make an image out of the text. That is the only sure way to get exactly the look that you want across all browsers.
You should supply fallback fonts in your tag, for example:
font-family: MoolBoran, Geneva, Arial, sans-serif;

CSS font linking

I was wandering how can I link font-family in css to a font in your folder. Like PHP you can use your font in your folder.
Example Code:
font-family: verdana;
This is what I mean:
font-family: foldername/font
Is there a code for that? or I have to use PHP to browse my own font?
#font-face {
font-family: "Kimberley";
src: url(http://www.princexml.com/fonts/larabie/kimberle.ttf) format("truetype");
Just found this one on "A List Apart", haven't checked myself but this webbie is one of the most respectful resources for designers online so i guess your best shot is to give it a try.
It is not possible do like:
font-family: foldername/font
Fonts are read by the browser from the client machine from a specific location, you can not change it that way.
This should help you:
Using #font-face
You are misunderstanding this. PHP can use server-side fonts to generate an image. The font itself is never shown to the client, just the rendered results.
To be able to use a non-standard font in the user's browser, you will have to package the font along with the site.
There are various techniques to do this, all with various degrees of browser support. Here's a good article on the various available techniques, their upsides and downsides. Also check out the duplicate link.
Note that only because you paid for a font, this does not mean necessarily that you are allowed to re-distribute it embedded in a web site! Always check your font license.
