Update button not functioning - asp.net

My update button is not functioning. Whenever I want to update any record, it will not works.
Radio button must be checked in order to update any records in a gridview. After the button is checked, the user will click an update button (located above the gridview). then a page will be displayed. the page will display all the information (in a form view) of the user. he/ she will just change any information they want. after that the user should click update button located below. It is like submitting the form again. But the form is not updated. What should i change?
Below is the code for update button:
protected void update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsValid)
string datestart_s = (string)(Session["datestart"]);
datestart_s = Convert.ToDateTime(datestart_s).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
string leavetype_c = (string)(Session["leavetype"]);
string X = TextBox3.Text;
string substring1 = X;
string substring2 = "";
foreach (string value in X.Split('-'))
if (X.Length > 40)
substring1 = X.Substring(0, 40);
if (X.Length == 80)
substring2 = X.Substring(39, 40);
int Xlength = X.Length - 40;
substring2 = X.Substring(40, Xlength);
OdbcConnection connection = null;
OdbcCommand com = null;
string queryString = "UPDATE QMBSTEST.SCEMLV SET LVTYPE='" + leave.SelectedItem.Value + "', LVDTST='" + start.Text + "', LVDTED='" + end.Text + "', LVDAYS='" + TextBox2.Text + "', LVAMPM='" + time.SelectedItem.Value + "', LVTEXT1='" + substring1 + "', LVTEXT2='" + substring2 + "', LVFLAG='" + apply.SelectedItem.Value + "' WHERE LVEMID='" + TB_EMPID.Text.Trim().ToUpper() + "' AND LVDTST='" + datestart_s.Trim() + "' AND LVTYPE='" + leavetype_c.Trim() + "'";
connection = new OdbcConnection(#"Dsn=as400;Uid=FATIN;Pwd=FATIN;");
com = new OdbcCommand(queryString, connection);
lblMessage.Text = "Form updated!";
lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow;

Are you validating that event with any customvalidator?
If yes then replace :
if (Page.IsValid)
and then ur code.....
Because you not doing anything when any of your validation through validation control got failed.


I have an error when I delete an image from folder

`protected void LinkButtondelete_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
int macv = 0;
if (Page.Request.Params["id"] != null)
macv = int.Parse(Page.Request.Params["id"]);
if (macv != 0)
string sqldelete = "delete from T_CongViec_Attach where MaAttachFile=" + e.CommandArgument.ToString() + " and MaCV=" + macv;
string sqldelete = "delete from T_Attachfile_CV where id=" + e.CommandArgument.ToString();
foreach(DataListItem item in DataListAttachfile.Items)
string vitualpath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadPath"].ToString() + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "/" + att.Duongdanfile;
string savepath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/" + vitualpath);
lblMessage.Text = "Delete successffully!";
and this is the error:Access to the path 'D:\cms_vietnamnews_final\ToasoanTTXVN\Upload\Images\2018\9\19\' is denied.
It might be the App pool, and to fix it you need to login to Plesk and navigate to file [file manager] then select the folder you need and change the permissions by giving the [Application pool group ] the required permission.

Inserting All of CheckBoxList Data into DB

I have a form that users will fill out and when they submit, all data is pushed to a database.
My Problem is that I have a CheckBoxList and if a user selects multiple checkboxes it only inputs the first item into the database. How do I make it so that all the items are inputted into the same row and separated by commas.
Here is my current code:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Start Code
SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = conString + txtFirst.Text + "','" + txtLast.Text +
"','" + txtEmail.Text + "','" + lstBranch.Text + "','" + lstAccess.Text + "')";
You can loop the items like this
string result = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < checkboxlist1.Items.Count; i++)
if (checkboxlist1.Items[i].Selected)
result += checkboxlist1.Items[i].Text + ", ";
// remove the final comma.
// add 'result' to your sql stmt.

CollectionPager Problem With UpdatePanel [duplicate]

I have a problem with the collectionpager and repeater. When I load the page, collectionpager is working fine.. But when I click the search button and bind new data, clicking the page 2 link, it is firing the page_load event handler and bring all the data back again... Notice: All controls are in an UpdatePanel.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
if (!IsPostBack)
kayit_getir("SELECT Tbl_Icerikler.ID,Tbl_Icerikler.url,Tbl_Icerikler.durum,Tbl_Icerikler.baslik,Tbl_Icerikler.gunc_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.sira,Tbl_Kategoriler.kategori_adi FROM Tbl_Icerikler,Tbl_Kategoriler where Tbl_Kategoriler.ID=Tbl_Icerikler.kategori_id ORDER BY Tbl_Icerikler.ID DESC,Tbl_Icerikler.sira ASC");
public void kayit_getir(string SQL){
SqlConnection baglanti = new SqlConnection(f.baglan());
SqlCommand komut = new SqlCommand(SQL, baglanti);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(komut);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
CollectionPager1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;
CollectionPager1.BindToControl = Liste;
Liste.DataSource = CollectionPager1.DataSourcePaged;
kayit_yok.Text = "<br /><span class='message information'>Kayıt bulunamadı.</span>";
protected void search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
string adi = f.temizle(baslik.Text);
string durum = Durum.SelectedValue;
string kayit_bas_t = kayit_bas_tarih.Text;
string kayit_bit_t = kayit_bit_tarih.Text;
string kategori = kategori_adi.SelectedValue;
string SQL = "SELECT Tbl_Icerikler.ID,Tbl_Icerikler.url,Tbl_Icerikler.durum,Tbl_Icerikler.baslik,Tbl_Icerikler.gunc_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.sira,Tbl_Kategoriler.kategori_adi FROM Tbl_Icerikler,Tbl_Kategoriler where Tbl_Kategoriler.ID=Tbl_Icerikler.kategori_id and";
if (adi != "")
SQL = SQL + " Tbl_Icerikler.baslik LIKE '%" + adi + "%' and";
if (kategori != "")
SQL = SQL + " Tbl_Icerikler.kategori_id=" + kategori + " and";
if (durum != "")
SQL = SQL + " Tbl_Icerikler.durum='" + durum + "' and";
if (kayit_bas_t != "")
SQL = SQL + " (Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi>'" + kayit_bas_t + "') and";
if (kayit_bit_t != "")
SQL = SQL + " (Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi<'" + kayit_bit_t + "') and";
SQL = SQL.Remove(SQL.Length - 3, 3);
catch { }
Recursive(0, 0);}
the code is very bad and you should completely review all of it.
the issue is every time the page load is executed it initializes again you query to the default one (the one with not filter) you should find a way to store somewhere the last query has been execute when you order/filtering your data.
Anyway the are lot of example on the web showing what you are trying to achieve
the below is just one of them
try this EnableViewState="false"
You have to bind the CollectionPager again on your search.

CollectionPager Problem With UpdatePanel

I have a problem with the collectionpager and repeater. When I load the page, collectionpager is working fine.. But when I click the search button and bind new data, clicking the page 2 link, it is firing the page_load event handler and bring all the data back again... Notice: All controls are in an UpdatePanel.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
if (!IsPostBack)
kayit_getir("SELECT Tbl_Icerikler.ID,Tbl_Icerikler.url,Tbl_Icerikler.durum,Tbl_Icerikler.baslik,Tbl_Icerikler.gunc_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.sira,Tbl_Kategoriler.kategori_adi FROM Tbl_Icerikler,Tbl_Kategoriler where Tbl_Kategoriler.ID=Tbl_Icerikler.kategori_id ORDER BY Tbl_Icerikler.ID DESC,Tbl_Icerikler.sira ASC");
public void kayit_getir(string SQL){
SqlConnection baglanti = new SqlConnection(f.baglan());
SqlCommand komut = new SqlCommand(SQL, baglanti);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(komut);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
CollectionPager1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;
CollectionPager1.BindToControl = Liste;
Liste.DataSource = CollectionPager1.DataSourcePaged;
kayit_yok.Text = "<br /><span class='message information'>Kayıt bulunamadı.</span>";
protected void search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
string adi = f.temizle(baslik.Text);
string durum = Durum.SelectedValue;
string kayit_bas_t = kayit_bas_tarih.Text;
string kayit_bit_t = kayit_bit_tarih.Text;
string kategori = kategori_adi.SelectedValue;
string SQL = "SELECT Tbl_Icerikler.ID,Tbl_Icerikler.url,Tbl_Icerikler.durum,Tbl_Icerikler.baslik,Tbl_Icerikler.gunc_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi,Tbl_Icerikler.sira,Tbl_Kategoriler.kategori_adi FROM Tbl_Icerikler,Tbl_Kategoriler where Tbl_Kategoriler.ID=Tbl_Icerikler.kategori_id and";
if (adi != "")
SQL = SQL + " Tbl_Icerikler.baslik LIKE '%" + adi + "%' and";
if (kategori != "")
SQL = SQL + " Tbl_Icerikler.kategori_id=" + kategori + " and";
if (durum != "")
SQL = SQL + " Tbl_Icerikler.durum='" + durum + "' and";
if (kayit_bas_t != "")
SQL = SQL + " (Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi>'" + kayit_bas_t + "') and";
if (kayit_bit_t != "")
SQL = SQL + " (Tbl_Icerikler.kayit_tarihi<'" + kayit_bit_t + "') and";
SQL = SQL.Remove(SQL.Length - 3, 3);
catch { }
Recursive(0, 0);}
the code is very bad and you should completely review all of it.
the issue is every time the page load is executed it initializes again you query to the default one (the one with not filter) you should find a way to store somewhere the last query has been execute when you order/filtering your data.
Anyway the are lot of example on the web showing what you are trying to achieve
the below is just one of them
try this EnableViewState="false"
You have to bind the CollectionPager again on your search.

ASP.NET TextBox TextChanged event not firing in custom EditorPart

This is a classic sort of question, I suppose, but it seems that most people are interested in having the textbox cause a postback. I'm not. I just want the event to fire when a postback occurs.
I have created a webpart with a custom editorpart. The editorpart renders with a textbox and a button. Clicking the button causes a dialog to open. When the dialog is closed, it sets the value of the textbox via javascript and then does __doPostBack using the ClientID of the editorpart.
The postback happens, but the TextChanged event never fires, and I'm not sure if it's a problem with the way __doPostBack is invoked, or if it's because of the way I'm setting up the event handler, or something else. Here's what I think is the relevant portion of the code from the editorpart:
protected override void CreateChildControls()
_txtListUrl = new TextBox();
_txtListUrl.ID = "targetSPList";
_txtListUrl.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "60%");
_txtListUrl.ToolTip = "Select List";
_txtListUrl.CssClass = "ms-input";
_txtListUrl.Attributes.Add("readOnly", "true");
_txtListUrl.Attributes.Add("onChange", "__doPostBack('" + this.ClientID + "', '');");
_txtListUrl.Text = this.ListString;
_btnListPicker = new HtmlInputButton();
_btnListPicker.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "60%");
_btnListPicker.Attributes.Add("Title", "Select List");
_btnListPicker.ID = "browseListsSmtButton";
_btnListPicker.Attributes.Add("onClick", "mso_launchListSmtPicker()");
_btnListPicker.Value = "Select List";
this.AddConfigurationOption("News List", "Choose the list that serves as the data source.",
new Control[] { _txtListUrl, _btnListPicker });
if (this.ShowViewSelection)
_txtListUrl.TextChanged += new EventHandler(_txtListUrl_TextChanged);
_ddlViews = new DropDownList();
_ddlViews.ID = "_ddlViews";
this.AddConfigurationOption("View", _ddlViews);
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
ScriptLink.Register(this.Page, "PickerTreeDialog.js", true);
string lastSelectedListId = string.Empty;
if (!this.WebId.Equals(Guid.Empty) && !this.ListId.Equals(Guid.Empty))
lastSelectedListId = SPHttpUtility.EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(
string.Format("SPList:{0}?SPWeb:{1}:", this.ListId.ToString(), this.WebId.ToString()));
string script = "\r\n var lastSelectedListSmtPickerId = '" + lastSelectedListId + "';"
+ "\r\n function mso_launchListSmtPicker(){"
+ "\r\n if (!document.getElementById) return;"
+ "\r\n"
+ "\r\n var listTextBox = document.getElementById('" + SPHttpUtility.EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(_txtListUrl.ClientID) + "');"
+ "\r\n if (listTextBox == null) return;"
+ "\r\n"
+ "\r\n var serverUrl = '" + SPHttpUtility.EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(SPContext.Current.Web.ServerRelativeUrl) + "';"
+ "\r\n"
+ "\r\n var callback = function(results) {"
+ "\r\n if (results == null || results[1] == null || results[2] == null) return;"
+ "\r\n"
+ "\r\n lastSelectedListSmtPickerId = results[0];"
+ "\r\n var listUrl = '';"
+ "\r\n if (listUrl.substring(listUrl.length-1) != '/') listUrl = listUrl + '/';"
+ "\r\n if (results[1].charAt(0) == '/') results[1] = results[1].substring(1);"
+ "\r\n listUrl = listUrl + results[1];"
+ "\r\n if (listUrl.substring(listUrl.length-1) != '/') listUrl = listUrl + '/';"
+ "\r\n if (results[2].charAt(0) == '/') results[2] = results[2].substring(1);"
+ "\r\n listUrl = listUrl + results[2];"
+ "\r\n listTextBox.value = listUrl;"
+ "\r\n __doPostBack('" + this.ClientID + "','');"
+ "\r\n }"
+ "\r\n LaunchPickerTreeDialog('CbqPickerSelectListTitle','CbqPickerSelectListText','websLists','', serverUrl, lastSelectedListSmtPickerId,'','','/_layouts/images/smt_icon.gif','', callback);"
+ "\r\n }";
this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(ListPickerEditorPart), "mso_launchListSmtPicker", script, true);
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_txtListUrl.Text) && _ddlViews.Items.Count == 0) || _listSelectionChanged)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_txtListUrl.Text))
using (SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Site.OpenWeb(this.WebId))
foreach (SPView view in web.Lists[this.ListId].Views)
_ddlViews.Items.Add(new ListItem(view.Title, view.ID.ToString()));
_ddlViews.Enabled = _ddlViews.Items.Count > 0;
_ddlViews.Enabled = false;
void _txtListUrl_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_listSelectionChanged = true;
Any ideas?
Update: I forgot to mention these methods, which are called above:
protected virtual void AddConfigurationOption(string title, Control inputControl)
this.AddConfigurationOption(title, null, inputControl);
protected virtual void AddConfigurationOption(string title, string description, Control inputControl)
this.AddConfigurationOption(title, description, new List<Control>(new Control[] { inputControl }));
protected virtual void AddConfigurationOption(string title, string description, IEnumerable<Control> inputControls)
HtmlGenericControl divSectionHead = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
divSectionHead.Attributes.Add("class", "UserSectionHead");
HtmlGenericControl labTitle = new HtmlGenericControl("label");
labTitle.InnerHtml = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(title);
HtmlGenericControl divUserSectionBody = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
divUserSectionBody.Attributes.Add("class", "UserSectionBody");
HtmlGenericControl divUserControlGroup = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
divUserControlGroup.Attributes.Add("class", "UserControlGroup");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
HtmlGenericControl spnDescription = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
spnDescription.InnerHtml = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(description);
foreach (Control inputControl in inputControls)
HtmlGenericControl divUserDottedLine = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
divUserDottedLine.Attributes.Add("class", "UserDottedLine");
divUserDottedLine.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "100%");
It can help, if the class declaring the event handler (in your case the editorpart, I guess) implements System.Web.UI.INamingContainer. And do you add _txtListUrl to the Controls collection?
Make sure that the AutoPostBack property of _txtListUrl is set to true (_txtListUrl.AutoPostBack = true).
_txtListUrl.Attributes.Add("onChange" might interfere with the event handler.
TextChanged is invoked only, when the text box looses the focus.
