Moqing MVVM Light's IMessenger - moq

While trying to write some unit tests with Moq and MVVM Light's messenger class I've encountered an issue. The issue is how can you Mock<IMessenger>(); and verify that a message was received and the action processed?
What is the correct way write the test if using IMessenger? I've seen plenty of examples using Messenger.Default,
and having Messenger.Reset() in the TestInitialize method. I used IMessenger believing it would help with test-ability.
Using Moq to verify that a message is sent works as I would expect.
public void LoadData_SendsUpdateStatusEvents()
_mockMessenger.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<string>(),
_mockMessenger.Verify(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<string>(),
It.IsAny<UpdateStatusEvent>()), Times.Exactly(2));
However, if I have this registration in my constructor..
_messenger.Register<IUnitsManager>(this, OnUpdatedUnitsEvent);
And I write a unit test to check that OnUpdatedUnitsEvent runs...
public void OnUpdatedUnitsEvent_UpdateUserUnitValueOfAllMaterials()
var currentItem = _materialMasterVm.MaterialModels.CurrentItem as MaterialDetailViewModel;
Assert.AreEqual(DensitySolidSymbols.KgCm3, currentItem.Density.UserUnitType);
Assert.AreEqual(PressureSymbols.KPa, currentItem.YieldStress);
Assert.AreEqual(PressureSymbols.KPa, currentItem.YoungsModulus);
What is the recommended approach to get this to work using when using IMessenger and Moq?

Here's what I would do:
// This is a field in your test fixture
Action<IUnitsManager> _callback;
// In your test setup, save the delegate that is registered with the message type
mockMessenger.Setup(x => x.Register(It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<Action<IUnitsManager>>()))
.Callback<object, Action<IUnitsManager>>((o, a) => _callback = a);
// When you want to send the message, invoke the callback
However, I want to add that when sending messages in tests using the IMessenger, I do not mock it. The above is a little too much hassle to setup, and besides, this is exactly what the Messenger concrete does anyways. To put it another way, I'm either putting my faith in Moq's Setup/Callback mechanism or in the MVVM Light Messenger's Register/Send mechanism. I choose the latter because I don't need to do any extra setup in my tests to make it work.
So, when I need to test that my SUT registers for and handles messages properly, I assume the IMessenger works as expected and just use a concrete instance, i.e.:
// Create a new messenger every test
IMessenger mockMessenger = new Messenger();
// Send the message


masstransit access Activity from service bus message

I am using Masstransit to send Request/Response via servicebus between two services(dont ask why).
I would like to set-up custom application insights telemetry. I know that ServiceBus Messages add Diagnostic metadata so consumer can extract it and use it to add correlation between services. However I can't access it in MassTransit, or at least I dont know how.
Any tips?
Couple of months passed and solution i implemented proves to be a good one.
I created class that implements IReceiveObserver. On PreReceive I am able to access (ServiceBusReceiveContext)context and start Telemetry operation that has correct parent id. so it looks like this:
public Task PreReceive(ReceiveContext context)
var serviceBusContext = (ServiceBusReceiveContext)context;
var requestActivity = new Activity("Process");
IOperationHolder<RequestTelemetry> operation = _telemetryClient.StartOperation<RequestTelemetry>(requestActivity);
operation.Telemetry.Success = true;
serviceBusContext.Properties.Add(TelemetryOperationKey, operation);
return Task.CompletedTask;
On PostReceive I am able to stop operation:
public Task PostReceive(ReceiveContext context)
var serviceBusContext = (ServiceBusReceiveContext)context;
var operation = (IOperationHolder<RequestTelemetry>)serviceBusContext.Properties[TelemetryOperationKey];
return Task.CompletedTask;
I also do some magic when exception happens:
public Task ReceiveFault(ReceiveContext context, Exception exception)
var serviceBusContext = (ServiceBusReceiveContext)context;
var operation = (IOperationHolder<RequestTelemetry>)serviceBusContext.Properties[TelemetryOperationKey];
operation.Telemetry.ResponseCode = "Fail";
operation.Telemetry.Success = false;
return Task.CompletedTask;
It was difficult to find this solution by reading MassTransit documentation. I would say that MassTransit is a fantastic tool for some situations there is no alternatives. However documentation is pretty poor.
You can use Application Insights with MassTransit, there is a package available that writes metrics directly.
The documentation is available here:
Also, you can access Activity.Current from anyway, I think, based on my experience with DiagnosticSource. It might be different with AppInsights though.

Moq.MockVerificationException not public xUnit Assert.Throws

I am testing a method which will call another method if certain parameters are certain values and not if they are other.
I was using Moq's Verify to test this. However when I use the xUnit to see if the method is not called when sending parameters with data which should not make the method call the 2nd method.
Problem is that I cannot do
I changed from MSTest to xUnit because the support for throws was built in and I had to have the ExpectedException attribute decorating my test method before.
I tried to cast the Moq non-public exception to the public parent Moq.MoqException but that will throw an error.
so I think I may have to do:
try {moqObj.Verify();}
catch(Moq.Exception mve)
As I understand, you're just trying to verify whether certain methods are called or not? If so, try this:
var theThing = new Mock<IThing> ();
theThing.Verify (x => x.DoSomething ("a"), Times.Never);
theThing.Verify (x => x.DoSomething ("b"), Times.Once);
If you need to invoke another method after the first method is called, you could use a callback:
theThing.Setup (x => x.DoSomething ("a")).Callback (() => {});

How can I let Rebus determine an endpoint for an interface and not for an implementation of that interface

When I Send an instance created by AutoMapper.Mapper.DynamicMap() I run into an error where Rebus seems to want to determine an endpoint for proxy type returned by DynamicMap. This instance will contain an implementation of T assuming T is an interface type.
Is there a way in which I can let Rebus determine an endpoint for the interface type T and not for the implementing type returned by DynamicMap()?
I tried playing around with IDetermineMessageOwnership but had no luck so far.
public static void Send<T>(this IBus bus, object source)
var message = Mapper.DynamicMap<T>(source);
Thanks in advance!
Sure! In your case, you could create your own implementation of IDetermineMessageOwnership which is the service that Rebus uses to map a message type to an endpoint.
If you want to leverage Rebus' existing logic, you could decorate any chosen strategy and extend it with a keep-looking-at-all-implemented-interfaces-until-one-can-be-mapped strategy like so:
.MessageOwnership(o => o.FromRebusConfigurationSection())
.Decorators(d => d.AddDecoration(DecorateOwnershipMapping)))
where DecorateOwnershipMapping would install a decorator on top of whatever is configured like so:
void DecorateOwnershipMapping(ConfigurationBackbone b)
b.DetermineMessageOwnership = new CustomizedEndpointMapper(b.DetermineMessageOwnership);
and a possible implementation could look like this:
class CustomizedEndpointMapper : IDetermineMessageOwnership
readonly IDetermineMessageOwnership wrappedEndpointMapper;
public CustomizedEndpointMapper(IDetermineMessageOwnership wrappedEndpointMapper)
this.wrappedEndpointMapper = wrappedEndpointMapper;
public string GetEndpointFor(Type messageType)
var mappingCandidates = new[] {messageType}
foreach (var typeToTry in mappingCandidates)
return wrappedEndpointMapper.GetEndpointFor(typeToTry);
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not determine the owner of message of type {0} - attempted to map the following types: {1}",
messageType, string.Join(", ", mappingCandidates)));
thus iterating through the concrete type as well as all inherited interface types when trying to determine the owning endpoint.
In your case, I believe this would work flawlessly when determining the message owner. Only problem is that the serializer will most likely complain, because the dynamically generated type cannot be recognized again when the message is received.
Hence, this trick requires customization of the serializer as well. If you're using the (default) JSON serializer, you might get away with some custom resolvers like so:
.Serialization(s => s.UseJsonSerializer()
where CustomNameResolver and CustomTypeResolver are methods that must then take care of mapping the type to a type name and mapping the type name to a type that can then be deserialized into. In order to make this work with AutoMapper, you'll probably need to either
a) somehow use AutoMapper to look up the type of the received message and return that type from CustomTypeResolver, or
b) customize the serializer to have AutoMapper somehow participate in generating the object to be returned
but I must admit that I'm unsure whether the last part will play out smoothly.
A final note: if you succeed in making this work, I suggest you pack up your configuration spells into a reusable extension method on RebusConfigurer so that your endpoints can just go
in all your Rebus endpoints...
I'll appreciate it if you'll let me know how this works out for you! :)

Proper way to test a Symfony2 Service with Doctrine

I'm struggling to find the correct way to unit test my symfony 2 services which use doctrine or other common services.
What i have done so far:
In my understanding the controller actions should:
be as short as possible
take the request
execute required methods from injected services
build a response out of this
is a service itself
To accomplish a lightweight action, i try to encapsule the logic into a separate service which gets injected into the controller.
This works nicely expect for testing everything.
Here my current code:
class SearchController
// search_helper, request and templating are controller-injected
protected $search_helper;
protected $request;
protected $templating;
// ...
public function searchAction()
$searchterm = strtolower($this->request->query->get('q'));
$result = $this->search_helper->findSamples($searchterm);
// Found a single result. Redirect to this page
if (is_string($result))
return new RedirectResponse($result, 301);
return new Response($this->templating->render('AlbiSampleBundle:Search:index.html.twig', array('results' => $result)));
class SearchHelper
// doctrine, session and min_query_len are controller-injected
protected $doctrine;
protected $session;
protected $min_query_len;
// ...
public function findSamples($searchterm)
if (strlen($searchterm) < $this->min_query_len)
$msg = 'Your search must contain at least 3 characters!';
$this->session->getFlashBag()->add('error', $msg);
return false;
$em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
$results = $em->getRepository('AlbiSampleBundle:Sample')->findPossibleSamples($searchterm);
// Execute a more advanced search, if std. search don't delivers a result
// ...
return $results;
How can i test this code correctly?
The repository is tested with phpunit_db and a inmemory sqlite database ✓
The action can be tested through a simple functional test ✓
What's left is the logic in the search-service. e.g. the findSamples method
My first thought was to mock the dependencies (in fact that was one of the main aspects in separating the dependencies), but you not only have to mock the doctrine object, but also the entitymanager and the repository.
$em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
$results = $em->getRepository('AlbiSampleBundle:Sample')->findPossibleSamples($searchterm);
I think there must be a better solution. Not only would this mocking need many LOCs, it also doesn't feel right. The test would be unnecessarily coupled really tight to the SUT.
Here is a sample test i came up with. Using mock objects.
The test won't work. I realized it would take much more mock-objects and i got the feeling this isn't the right way.
The test fails because SessionMock->getFlashbag doesn't return a flashbag with add method.
doctrine->getManager returns no EntityManager. The EntityManager has no getRepository method. And the repository is missing findPossibleSamples.
class SearchHelperTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
private $router;
private $session;
private $doctrine;
public function setUp()
// ...
public function testSearchReturnValue()
$search_service = $this->createSearchHelper();
protected function createSearchHelper()
return new SearchHelper($this->doctrine, $this->router, $this->session, 3);
protected function getDoctrineMock()
return $this->getMock('Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry', array('getManager'), array(), '', false);
protected function getSessionMock()
return $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session', array('getFlashBag'), array(), '', false);
protected function getRouterMock()
return $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\Routing\Router', array('generate'), array(), '', false);
Hope the community can help me, writing well tested code :)
For your specific example I would argue that the validation of the $searchterm doesn't really belong in your service - at the very least a service should never depend on the session. There are ways you could move the session out of the service and leave the validation in but personally I would use symfony validation for this i.e. have a SampleSearchType for the form that uses itself as the data class and hang the validation off that in validation.yml (or using annotations as appropriate).
Once that validation is taken out, what's left from your question is another findX() method to be added to the repository (there's no reason why repository methods can't call and build on each other) which you already know how to test.
Having said that, I still agree that with Symfony there is a general issue of how to test services in isolation from injected services. With respect to testing in isolation from the persistence layer I've avoiding trying to do this so far. My business layer services are so tightly coupled with the persistence layer that the cost of trying to test them independently is not worthwhile (what logic there is consists mainly of making related db updates or sending emails for which symfony provides it's own decoupling mechanism). I'm not sure if this is because I'm doing it wrong or because the apps I'm working on are light on business logic!
To isolate service tests from dependencies other than persistence I've tried:
Overriding service classes with mocked versions in the configuration. Issue - you don't want to do this for functional tests which means you have to have tests scripts which update the configuration and/or change the config to run individual tests. Advantage - you can run the same test as an isolated unit test and as an integration test by flipping the config
(Warning: nasty hack!) providing a setter method to replace an injected service with a mocked version from the test program.
(Not yet tried) Directly instantiate the service being tested, passing mock dependencies in on construction.
With respect to isolating from the persistence layer the only approach that makes sense to me is to abstract it out of the service to be tested into a wrapper service which contains no additional logic. The wrapper service could then be mocked using one of the above approaches (or hopefully a better solution that someone else is going to suggest?!)
EDIT: to address the issue of complexity of mocking dependencies - very occasionally this may be unavoidable but in general this is an indication that the design needs revisiting. This is one of the strengths of TDD - it strongly encourages simplified design and decoupling of components:
No service should need to be dependent upon the session object. This is not good practice and can always be avoided. Worst case the example method could return mixed values and if the result is not an array it's assumed to be an error message, although there are better alternatives.
Sometimes dependencies are unnecessary (code more naturally belongs elsewhere) or too general (I would question the necessity of injecting high level objects like doctrine or e.g. the container into anything other than test helpers).
If there is a complex dependency to mock (such as on multiple classes from the persistence layer) abstract it out into a wrapper which is far simpler to mock than the complex dependency.

OpenRasta unit testing

I’m about to start work on an OpenRasta project (an xml over http web service). OpenRasta looks great but unfortunately worked examples seem few and far between on the internet. Looking at the test side of the project, if my handlers are returning strongly typed objects (not OperationResult), i.e.:
public class PersonHandler
public Person Get(int id)
How can I test for http status codes? (For example if the handler throws an uncaught exception). I’m not sure what level the tests pitch in at, and what needs mocking (using moq btw)
Any help appreciated, particularly coded examples!
I faced the same problem, and ended up writing my tests as integration tests at a much higher level, actually making real REST/HTTP calls through a simple HttpWebRequest client. This allowed me to check the HTTP response headers / status codes and double-check the JSON/XML serialization from the client's perspective, which was just as important as whether or not the operations succeeded.
I started by returning OperationResult from all my handlers, and used these to wrap the strongly-typed objects. My handlers all inherit from a base class with a few helper methods that make it easier to return a custom error with a user-friendly error message. The more I coded this up, the more my handlers resembled a ASP.NET MVC controller. e.g.:
public OperationResult GetById(int id)
// do stuff here
return OKResult( // some strongly-typed resource );
catch(SomeException ex)
return BadRequestResult(SomeErrorCode, ex.Message);
Then in the test client, it's pretty easy to just check the HTTP status code. Obviously this doesn't help much with mocking. I'm not sure what the best solution is, in fact I've favorited this question in the hope that someone answers it better than I can - but this has worked pretty well for me so far.
The handler is just a class--ideally with minimal dependencies--so your unit tests can just test the isolated logic in the class.
If you want to test for status codes, I recommend (based on very little experience!) using OpenRasta self-hosting.
Here's a test (somewhat changed) that I wrote recently:
public void POST_with_inaccurate_contentLength_returns_405()
var resource = GetResource();
IRequest request = new InMemoryRequest
HttpMethod = "POST",
Uri = new Uri("http://localhost/Resource"),
request.Headers.ContentLength = 16; //wrong!
request.Entity.Stream.Write(resource.Content, 0, resource.Content.Length);
var response = _host.ProcessRequest(request);
Assert.AreEqual(405, response.StatusCode);
I should add that the host is set up in the TestInitialize method as such:
_host = new InMemoryHost(new Configuration());
_host.Resolver.AddDependencyInstance(typeof(IFileResourceRepository), _repository, DependencyLifetime.Singleton);
...and is cleaned up in the TestCleanup method.
