PHPExcel 1.8 VLOOKUP "#N/A" - phpexcel

I have my excel sheet and I need to print one cell that contain VLOOKUP to the screen in HTML table. I have the following code:
$test = $objPHPExcel->getSheetByName('test')->toArray(null,true,false,true);
$cell = $test[1][B];
echo $cell;
Result is always: #N/A
Im using excel 2013, xlsx and xlsm extensions.
If i try any other formula will work fine. Only VLOOKUP is giving error for me.
What can I do ?

I dont know if this will help possible debugging, but in my own testing before I found this thread I discovered that I have the same problem but only when returning strings, I can return integers just fine.
Some of the code that I was testing with:
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A150', '=VLOOKUP(100,EVENT!A30:B130,2,FALSE)');
$test = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('A150')->getCalculatedValue();
echo $test;
In my excel sheet columns A and B are both formatted as 'General.'
Column A is a list of integers in ascending order, and column B has a mix of strings and integers. I found that when the column B cell has an integer in it, the VLOOKUP function works just fine and returns the value of the column B cell. But when the column B cell has a string in it, I also just end up with the #N/A


R: Why am I getting an extra column titled "X.1" in my dataframe after reading my .txt file?

I have got this .txt file outputed by a microscope to process.
#read the .txt file generated by microscope, skipping the first 9 lines of garbage information
df <- read.csv("Objects_Population - AllCells.txt", sep="\t", skip = 9,header=TRUE, fill = T)
Then I started looking at the structure of the dataframe, everything seems fine except I now found an extra column in the end of the data frame named "x.1" and all rows of it are NA values. I don't see this column when I open the .txt file in excel. I suspect the problem has something to do with the column names generated by microscope, they contain quite some special characters
Below is the dataframe read by Excel(only showing the last 2 columns since I have 132 columns, and their names are disgustingly long):
AllCells - Cell Contact Area with Neighbors [%] AllCells - Nucleus Nearest Neighbor Distance [µm]
0 4.82083
21.9512 0
15.7895 0
29.4118 0.584611
0 4.21569
0 1.99599
0 3.50767
This has happened to me before but I never took it too serious as I was always interested in a subset of my data frame. Now I'm looking at all columns then this starts to bothering me.
Is there any way I can read them correctly without R attaching that additional "X.1" column in the end? Preferably not manually delete or subset out the last column...
If all other column names are correct, you have probably a trailing \t in the text file. R tries to include it and gives it the generic column name X.1.
You could try and read the file first as 'plain text' and remove the trailing \t and only then use read.csv:
file_connection <- file("Objects_Population - AllCells.txt")
content <- readLines(file_connection )
Now we try to get rid of these trailing \t (this might need some testing to fit your needs)
sanitized <- gsub("\\t$", "", content)
And then we read this sanitized string as if it was a file (using the argument text)
df <- read.csv(text=paste0(sanitized, collapse="\n"), sep="\t", skip = 9,header=TRUE, fill = T)
Had that problem too. Fixed it by saving the file as "CSV (MS-DOS (*csv)" instead of what I originally had as "CSV (Comma delimited)(*csv)".
This is almost certainly because you've got an extra empty column in your spreadsheet.
In Excel, open your sheet and press Ctrl-End. If you end up in an empty cell outside the range of your data, there's the problem. Select the column (Ctrl-Space), right-click, and choose Delete.
I also encountered similar problem. I found that three extra columns were created (X, X.1, X.2), after I loaded dataset from excel sheet to R studio.
Steps Followed by me:
a) I went to the excel sheet and selected those three extra columns after last column with actual values in excel sheet. Selected extra 3 columns by keeping cursor on top of columns and then right click the mouse and select delete.
b) Again loaded that excel sheet in R. I did not find those 3 columns.

Character values stored in DATAFRAME with Double Quotes while reading into R

I have a csv file with almost 4 millions records and 30 + columns.
The Columns are of varied type that includes Numeric, Alphanumeric, Date Column, character etc.
Attempt 1:
When I first read the file in R using read.csv Function then only 2 millions of the records were read.
This may have happened because of some special characters in the DATA.
Attempt 2:
I provided the argument quote = "" in read.csv Function and all the records were read succesfully.
However this brings up 2 issues:
a. all teh Columns were appended with 'x.' modifier:
egs.: ,
b. all the Character Columns were loaded in dataframe, enclosed with double quotes ""
Can someone, please advise me that how to resolve these 2 issues and get the data loaded in R succesfully?
I work for a financial insititution and the data is highly sensitive, hence cannot paste the screenshot over here.
I also tried to create the scenario at my home but all my efforts were of little or of no avail.
The below screenshot is closest I have came to the exact scenario:

Robot framework Excel Library "Get Row Values"

In Robot Framework, I'm trying to get values from excel sheet using excel library. I've observed below issue for the "Get Row values" keyword
Open Excel E:/Robot/excel/Test.xls
#{Datas}= Get Row Values Sheet1 0 includeEmptyCells=False
Log to console ${Datas}
If the datas in the column are from A1 to Z1, the values are updated in the ${Datas} properly, I'm using these values ${Datas} again to convert it into List and get the exact value from the sheet.
But now when it exceeds Z1, i.e A1,B1,...,Z1,AA1,AB1,AC1.. ${Datas} is not generated as same in the sheet. Its stored as something as below
[('A1', u'Valli'), ('AA1', u'sdffgdg'), ('AB1', u'k'), ('AC1', u'h'),('AD1', u'jk'), ('AE1', u'j'), ('AF1', u";\\'"), ('AG1', u'jk'), ('AH1', u'j'), ('AI1', u'Kasthurikala')........]
I want the values as same as in the excel rather than alphabetical order [('A1','Value1'),('B1','value1'), ('Z1','ValueZ'),('AA1','ValueAA1')
Is there any solution?
You can sort by the length of the second element and breaking ties with the first elemnt:
a = [('B1','value1'), ('Z1','ValueZ'),('AA1','ValueAA1'),('A1','Value1')]
a.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x[1]),x[0]))
[('A1', 'Value1'), ('B1', 'value1'), ('Z1', 'ValueZ'), ('AA1', 'ValueAA1')]

PHPExcel - Reading Date values

I am using PHPExcel library to read spread sheet data. This library is giving me trouble reading the 'DATE' values.
How to instruct the PHPExcel to read the 'DATE' values properly even if 'setReadDataOnly' is set as 'false'?
PHPExcel version: 2.1, Environment: Ubuntu 12
Here is the code block:
$objReader = \PhpExcel\PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($spreadSheetFullFilePathString);
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($spreadSheetFullFilePathString);
$objWorksheetObject = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
Am getting 'integer' values for the 'DATE' column values by default.
I found that, the line '$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true)' is causing the trouble.
So, Changed it as '$objReader->setReadDataOnly(false)'.
I am getting the Date column value properly after this change. But now the reader is reading ALL the ROWS + COLUMNS found in the excel.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true);, then the only reader that can identify dates is the Gunumeric Reader. A date value can only be identified by the number format mask, and setReadDataOnly(true) tells the Reader not to read the formatting, so dates cannot subsequently be identified (Gnumeric is the exception, because it was written after the problem was identified, but none of the other Readers have yet been modified to read this information regardless of the setReadDataOnly value. If you need to identify dates, then the only option at this point is $objReader->setReadDataOnly(false);
However, for date cells, you shouldn't get an integer value; you should get a float: it's the decimal that identifies the time part of the Excel datetime serialized value.
If you know which cells contain dates, then you can convert them to unix timestamps or PHPExcel DateTime objects using the helper functions defined in the PHPExcel_Shared_DateTime class (and can then use all the standard PHP date handling functions).
You say that the reader is now reading ALL the ROWS + COLUMNS found in the excel: it should, irrespective of the setReadDataOnly value. If you don't want to read all the rows and columns, then you need to set a Read Filter.

Copy to without quotes

I have a large dataset in dbf file and would like to export it to the csv type file.
Thanks to SO already managed to do it smoothly.
However, when I try to import it into R (the environment I work) it combines some characters together, making some rows much longer than they should be, consequently breaking the whole database. In the end, whenever I import the exported csv file I get only half of the db.
Think the main problem is with quotes in string characters, but specifying quote="" in R didn't help (and it helps usually).
I've search for any question on how to deal with quotes when exporting in visual foxpro, but couldn't find the answer. Wanted to test this but my computer catches error stating that I don't have enough memory to complete my operation (probably due to the large db).
Any helps will be highly appreciated. I'm stuck with this problem on exporting from the dbf into R for long enough, searched everything I could and desperately looking for a simple solution on how to import large dbf to my R environment without any bugs.
(In R: Checked whether have problems with imported file and indeed most of columns have much longer nchars than there should be, while the number of rows halved. Read the db with read.csv("file.csv", quote="") -> didn't help. Reading with data.table::fread() returns error
Expected sep (',') but '0' ends field 88 on line 77980:
But according to verbose=T this function reads right number of rows (read.csv imports only about 1,5 mln rows)
Count of eol after first data row: 2811729 Subtracted 1 for last eol
and any trailing empty lines, leaving 2811728 data rows
When exporting to TYPE DELIMITED You have some control on the VFP side as to how the export formats the output file.
To change the field separator from quotes to say a pipe character you can do:
copy to myfile.csv type delimited with "|"
so that will produce something like:
|A001|,|Company 1 Ltd.|,|"Moorfields"|
You can also change the separator from a comma to another character:
copy to myfile.csv type delimited with "|" with character "#"
|A001|#|Company 1 Ltd.|#|"Moorfields"|
That may help in parsing on the R side.
There are three ways to delimit a string in VFP - using the normal single and double quote characters. So to strip quotes out of character fields myfield1 and myfield2 in your DBF file you could do this in the Command Window:
close all
use myfile
copy to mybackupfile
select myfile
replace all myfield1 with chrtran(myfield1,["'],"")
replace all myfield2 with chrtran(myfield2,["'],"")
and repeat for other fields and tables.
You might have to write code to do the export, rather than simply using the COPY TO ... DELIMITED command.
SELECT thedbf
mfld_cnt = AFIELDS(mflds)
fh = FOPEN(m.filename, 1)
FOR aa = 1 TO mfld_cnt
mcurfld = 'thedbf.' + mflds[aa, 1]
mvalue = &mcurfld
** Or you can use:
mvalue = EVAL(mcurfld)
** manipulate the contents of mvalue, possibly based on the field type
CASE mflds[aa, 2] = 'D'
mvalue = DTOC(mvalue)
CASE mflds[aa, 2] $ 'CM'
** Replace characters that are giving you problems in R
mvalue = STRTRAN(mvalue, ["], '')
** Etc.
= FWRITE(fh, mvalue)
IF aa # mfld_cnt
= FWRITE(fh, [,])
= FWRITE(fh, CHR(13) + CHR(10))
= FCLOSE(fh)
Note that I'm using [ ] characters to delimit strings that include commas and quotation marks. That helps readability.
*create a comma delimited file with no quotes around the character fields
copy to TYPE DELIMITED WITH "" (2 double quotes)
