Can WebAPI serve static image files for only certain routes? -

I have a ASP.Net MVC 4.5 WebAPI controller (IIS8) that can serve static images files from a repository. The URLs I want to use are like;
The trouble is '.jpg' here appears to be going through the static file handler, which for the most part is what I want to keep. I don't want all static files to go through ASP.Net just the ones on this URL path.
Is there any way I can configure ASP.Net to serve up these files without runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests and without modifying the url such as removing the file extension? Ideally, an IIS routing mechanism that looked at the folder path /blob/image/; -- route through ASP.Net WebAPI -- do not route through ASP.Net -- do not route through ASP.Net
I know I could write a separate 'IHttpHandler' but I'd like to route it through the MVC WebAPI controller if possible.

So it turns out this is quite easy to do with handler mappings. I tried a few wildcards but although *.jpeg works blob/image/*.jpeg does not. Eventually, with a little help from this post I came up with the following entry in my app's web.config which does what I need and routes all requests for this controller;
<add name="my-blob-jpeg-ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" path="blob/image" verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,DELETE,PUT,PATCH" type="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />
It's not specific to image files but I don't plan on putting any other static content along that path so I'm good.


Is there a way to tell ASP.NET app where to look for a static main html

I have an ASP.NET WebAPI project and I have an AngularJS front-end in the same project. Right now, I have Index.html in the root of the project, and it works fine: when I enter something like localhost:8080, I can see the contents of my Index.html. However, I'd like to move it to an other folder, out of the root folder. Is there a way to config the application to look for a static startup Html file in a specific location? I'd like to avoid using MVC controllers just to point to the right file (I'd like to keep them out of my app).
I don't have any configuration for MVC in my Global.asax (that is no MVC RouteConfig) because I don't want to use MVC in my application because that's to be taken care of by Angular. Angular gets loaded from my Index.html. I just want to move my Index.html to Angular folder to keep it all in one place.
I am pretty sure there was a way to configure that stuff in web.config in the WebForms days, but I don't remember anything about that.
I found the answer to my question. Web.config needs this:
<defaultDocument enabled="true">
<add value="SomeDir/SomeHtml.html"/>

Why are Content, Scripts served as static and other directories not?

So this is a bit of I feel like way too many people don't understand. That is to say, I don't understand it and I've asked a bunch of people/googled and no one else seems to know the specifics either.
By default ASP.Net applications will serve files in Content and Scripts directories as static content. In fact, if I create other directories, I think it will serve static content in these as well.
However, the contents of some directories won't be served - the typical Asp.Net Mvc Controllers directory for example. In addition, you can always configure routes in (or OWIN handlers) that will pick up certain routes but not either.
Nothing seems to be configured anywhere. I have my suspicions, but I'm really not clear on what exactly is the rule for what gets served as static content and what gets processed by
I've always found this graphic helpful:
Specifically, the HttpHandlers mentioned in that graphic correspond to this section of the Web.Config file in your .NET web project's root directory:
<remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" />
<remove name="OPTIONSVerbHandler" />
<remove name="TRACEVerbHandler" />
<add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" path="*." verb="*" type="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />
The path attribute of that tag can be used to configure only certain directories being handled by a certain class. At that point, IIS will hand off the HTTP request to the appropriate class, with the proper context and thread etc. My guess is that if you are running IIS with multiple frameworks, each has a distinct path associated with its add-handler tag.
Additionally, IIS has its own default settings for what file extensions are mapped to what handler classes. These can also be modified in the IIS management interface, so it's possible that your super-helpful ops team added that for you there even if it's missing from your web.config. At the end of the day, though, it's a relationship between url-HttpHandler class that determines static-file versus dynamic.
There's another set of tags, outlined at this ServerFault answer:
That describes a <add fileExtension=".cs" allowed="false" /> tag that operates on the file extension as opposed to a pattern on the entire path. This is what disallows files ending in .cs, and .csproj from being served. Additionally, since you're operating on an installation of IISExpress, you should know that it uses a different configuration file than the standard machine.config. The path for that file is described at this answer:
Where is the IIS Express configuration / metabase file found?
All this gets muddied a little by the notion of self-hosting, aka no IIS. Nancy does this, I believe, and ServiceStack can as well. I have no experience doing that, but the way they handle paths is probably a little different.

Authorization for Static Files in ASP.NET MVC w/ Owin

I have the need to secure an entire folder of static HTML files. The intention is that a user cannot access these files unless they are authenticated and have the necessary role.
We've got cookie-based authentication set up using OWIN, but no matter what I try I can't seem to figure out the correct combination of changes to make to require authentication on the folder.
The first problem is that IIS is skipping ASP.NET completely and just serving the files. I think there's probably a way around that by setting runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests to true. But where do I go from there?
I've tried stuffing elements in the Web.config to require the proper roles, but it just results in EVERY request getting denied (presumably because it's not inspecting the proper cookie or something).
I've spent my entire day on this and I'm about to lose my mind.
Has anyone solved this problem?
IIS is serving static files , if you want to stop this you can remove default static file handler and than every request is
serverd by MVC/OWIN.
Than make static file handling and authorization in your controller
: listen/map route where static files are located
to remove default static file handler add this to web.config file:
<remove name="StaticFile" />

Routing an ASP page to a Action in ASP.NET MVC

I am recreating a site from VB .NET to MVC 4 ASP.NET. In the old project there is a system that sends an email to a user and within that email there is a hyperlink that can direct the user to view the specific task. I want to make all of the old emails work with the new recreated site. Here is an example of the hyperlink in the old system:
And here is an example of what a hyperlink looks on the new system.
So I was thinking i could create a default.asp page in my MVC project and try and have it parse the taskID out. I am not exactly sure the best way to go about doing this?
I would advise against adding a classic .asp (not .aspx?) page in your project, since I'm not even sure there is a way to do that. You can, assuming you are running IIS7, map the url:
to be handled by MVC by adding the following line to your web.config file:
<add name="aspnet htm" path="account/api/default.asp" verb="*" type="System.Web.Mvc.MvcHttpHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" />
Then, add a route for that url and requests should resolve to the normal route parameters you specify. From that point, you should be able to access etaskid from the query string easily enough.
Alternatively, if the url matters a lot to you, you can specify a redirect rule from the old format url to the new one by using UrlRewrite module (also an IIS 7 feature). You can read about it here:

HttpHandler for static image is not getting called when file does not exist

I have httpHandler that handles the jpg file. When a request for a jpg image comes to server it is forwareded to handler. This works fine until i implemented finger printing for google page speed rule.
Now it gets called for
but not for
First file exist in directory but second does not exist as the second URL is finger printed and i want to get the request in Handler but handler never gets evoked.
I think its might be IIS 7 configuration that is returning 404 rather than passing it to handler.
Please any advise or configuration that can route request to httphandler no matter if exist or not.
I am using MVC 2 with IIS 7 integreated Mode with target framework 4.0 in local enviornment so both of above URL will not open for any body.
My handler is simple IHttpHandler with the following IIS configuration
<add name="CrossDomainResourceHandler" type="MvcApplication3.HttpHandlers.CrossDomainResourceHandler" path="*.jpg" verb="*" resourceType="Unspecified" allowPathInfo="false" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%path%\aspnet_isapi.dll"/>
Make sure you have this in your web.config file:
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests will tell IIS to route every request through the .net pipeline so that your module will pick this request up since by default static resources like .jpg are configured to not run through
