Combine RPI and Arduino - arduino

I have a few questions about rpi and arduino.
1. Is it possible to provide arduino and rpi two-way communication? (Sending data from the sensors to the Arduino and from arduino to RPI and processing information on RPI).
2. Can i use sensors from Arduino on RPI?
3. Can I programming RPI using C++ (such an as Arduino)?

Yes, checkout the ArduPi project. Serial communication (a USB cable) between the two is a fairly simple way to get started. It provides bi-directional communication between Raspberry and Arduino. And yes, you can compile C/C++ on the Raspberry Pi (but in most cases, you cannot directly reuse C/C++ for Arduino directly on the Pi, as it might use some special .h files not available on the Pi).

Yes it can. Just use I2C Bus (or Two-Wire). By TWI You can easily communicate Rpi and Arduino.

You can directly read the Arduino through the USB serial port. There is a Linux board I came across that you plug directly on top of your Arduino like a shield (It's called the Rubix) .

Of course it is, Uart , I2C or SPI.
I highly recommand Uart.
1.The library GPIO has demo of Uart Communication.
2.You can use USB to connect the serial port.
you can follow this tutorial to make it run

Yes you can communicate using I2C. There should be a wired connection between RPi and Arduino to communicate using I2C. If you wanna try wireless communication you can use ESP8266 13 arduino wifi shield.
Otherwise you can use a ESP8266 module replacing arduino and you can communicate bidirectionally using wifi.

Most sensors that work with the Raspberry Pi, also work with Arduino and other boards like it.


Control Arduino Pins via ESP8266 Webserver

I want to program a simple Webserver with an ESP8266 but I want to connect the ESP8266 to an Arduino Mega. I want to connect a LED and a Sensor to the Arduino and control the LED and read the sensor data via the ESP8266 Webserver.
I am a beginner and dont want too complex solutions. It's just a simple school project.
For the Webpage I am sending just some HTML Code, I do not use Blynk or anything like that.
My question is how can I connect the ESP8266 to the Arduino and control it's pins?
There is a million ways to connect an ESP to an Arduino.
Without any shields or perihperals you can basically use any wired bus that does not require transceivers.
For example I2C or SPI.
With shields or peripherals you can use CAN, LIN, RS232, Ethernet, WIFI, Bluetooth, radio, optical and audio transmission... The list is endless.
You can of course read a sensor with the ESP so an Arduino Mega is not really necessary.

Two way Serial Communication not possible with Qt and Arduino

I am trying to do a sample application using Qt to communicate to Arduino board DUE.
But When one communication is started other is not able to connect,meaning when i start my Arduino first I am not able to start Qt application to read or write data and viceversa.
Can anybody tell me whether this is possible if Yes please help me in this and i ll try to post my sample code.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to connect to your Arduino device (via its USB to RS232 converter) while the Arduino IDE, and thus, the serial monitor is running.
If that's the case, that is simply not possible. Not because of Qt, nor because of Arduino. That's the way serial ports work. You can't connect to the same port twice from different processes.
Since the microcontroller on the Arduino DUE has 4 UARTS, you may consider using one of them (with another USB to serial adapter, and thus, having another COM port showing up on your PC) to interface the board with your Qt application while the Arduino IDE is still connected to the "main" serial port.
Also, keep in mind that the Arduino Due works with 3.3 V, so ensure that the USB to serial adapter is compatbile with that voltage range.

Sending AT commands through gpio pins

I am working on Toradex VF-50 SoM using the evaluation board. I have a quectel M10 Modem. The modem is connected to the board using gpio pins and not on the serial port. There are many solutions available for configuring the modem over the serial port. But i need to configure and use the modem over the gpio pins. I have connected the Rx(36),Tx(38),Gnd,Vcc and 5v with the gpio. Now i need a sample code on how to configure and send AT commands over this modem. The os in the SoM is WinCE6. I need to develop the code is Visual Studio 2008. please help...
I do not recommend connecting a modem to GPIOs which do not have UART functionality! This makes your SW unnecessary complex and you load the CPU with work which could be done more efficient by the UART HW.
The Toradex Colibri VF50 has many pins with UART functionality, you can use the Pinout designer to find a good solution for you.
In case there are some good reasons you have to use other pins you can use the GPIOLibary for an easy way to program the GPIOs. It comes with code samples:
I don't have a link but I guess there is sample code how to emulate/bit bang a serial port.

Is it possible to use Arduino 2560's serial/USB communication without Arduino bootloader?

I have an Arduino 2560 and would like to send serial data to my PC. However, I am currently not using the Arduino Bootloader because I wanted to use a program that I wrote for an Atmega644 before (as far as I understood, one has to use the Arduino language when using the Bootloader?).
Does anyone know if what I am trying to do is possible with reasonable effort?
Connection to PC via 2560's serial0 does not depend on bootloader (if you plan connection when main program is running). You need 16u2 running to bridge 5V serial UART to USB or you can of course use any other option (e.g. MAX232 or so) to convert 5V UART to USB or RS232. But in case of RS232 double check baud rate error because of 16MHz crystal for particular baudrate.
2560 bootloader just implements firmware flash.

What happen when use rs232 instead of usb in arduino?

I just start a project which is very basic actually. But I need an information. It is about arduino serial communication. Here is the question.
If I connect arduino to computer using TTL to RS232 converter without USB cable then can I still use serial monitor to get some data or what happens ? Assume arduino is programmed before using usb cable, and it is powered externally when usb is not used.
for instance the code just
Serial.println("It is working");
Thansk a lot.
you will fry it. Standard RS232 use a +-12V level, while arduino use TTL level (0-5V), so you still need a RS232 -> RS232TTL converter. If you use it, then using virtual serial over USB or real hardware serial is exactly the same, except that hardware serial port never appear/disappear when you plug in the arduino (there is not something like plug'n'play in rs232, it is always plugged)
