Doctrine saves changed but not persisted entities - symfony

I have a REST Api that accepts a bulk collection of entities and then validates them one by one in order to save only valid ones and ignore invalid ones. I tried to achieve this by
foreach($bets['bets'] as $bet){
$bet['betRound'] = $betRound->getId();
$bet['user'] = $this->getUser()->getId();
$betObj = $this->getBetForGame($bet['game']);
$singleForm = $this->formFactory->create('bet', $betObj);
This checks every single entity and only persists it if it was valid. Somehow when I submit 12 valid entities an 4 invalid ones, the flush is still committing all 16 and changing the database values even for the invalid ones.
Does anybody know why?

Use $em->refresh to restore any invalid bets to their original condition.
Update: if the bet objects are already being managed then there is no need to call persist on them.
foreach($bets['bets'] as $bet){
$bet['betRound'] = $betRound->getId();
// Basically reloads invalid objects
if(!$singleForm->isValid()) $em->refresh($betObj);

flush() method synchronize every change in the unit of work with the database. Try to flush only the valid valid ones separately:
foreach($bets['bets'] as $bet){
$bet['betRound'] = $betRound->getId();
$bet['user'] = $this->getUser()->getId();
$betObj = $this->getBetForGame($bet['game']);
$singleForm = $this->formFactory->create('bet', $betObj);
I do not know if it is typo, but you forgot a ; here:


Simpler way to get advanced meta data in ilUIHookPluginGUI?

I am currently coding a plugin for ILIAS. The plugin itself is not at all complex but it contains several issues whereas I think we could make it simpler as it is.
The situation is following: We have a global advanced meta data field added in the user defined meta data section with a bijective identifier. The field is activated at a repository objected named course. We have manipulated the GUI with the plugin based on ilUIHookPluginGUI.
The code for this is ... well ... see it for yourself.
First of all we save the ID of the new meta data field in the settings at the ConfigGUI for the plugin:
$field_settings = new ilSetting("foo");
$field_id_value = $field_settings->set("field_id",$_POST["field_id"]);
In our class which extends ilUIHookPluginGUI we are loading the setting as following and we have the ID of the field:
$field_settings = new ilSetting("foo");
$field_id_value = $field_settings->get("field_id");
Now the fun part. With this ID and the ref_id of the object (well, we also load the object to get the ObjId) we can load the value of the meta data field setted at the course:
$object = \ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($_GET[ 'ref_id' ]);
$obj_id = $object->getId();
$result = $DIC->database()->query("SELECT value FROM adv_md_values_text WHERE obj_id = '".$obj_id."' AND field_id = '".$field_id_value."'");
$value = $DIC->database()->fetchAssoc($result);
$is_active = $value['value'];
The question is ... is there an easier way to achieve my result?
Nice question. First of all, note that I consider the advanced metadata service in ILIAS to be lacking a good readme making clear, which hooks the interface is offering for tasks such as yours. Some time ago, I had to deal with this service as well and run into similar issues. Hopefully, your question helps to document this a little better an I myself am looking forward to other suggestions, knowing that mine is not really good as well. If you have any resources, helping pushing the introduction of good readme for services and also pushing services towards using the repository pattern with a clear interface would be highly appreciated.
Concering your question of what can be improved: I see three main issues in the lines of code:
Storing an ID in the config of your plugin. Your plugin will unconfigurable for non-technical people. However, also for you this will be error prone, think about exporting-importing stuff from a test-installation to production.
Access the value by query instead of the service.
Using new and static functions inside your code making it untestable.
Step 1
Lets start with the first one. Note, that I did not manage to solve this one without introducing a new one (a new query). Bad I know. I hope that there is a better solution, I did not find one after quick research. You store the id, since the field title is not securely unique, right? This is correct, however, you could think about storing the tripplet of field_title, record_title and (maybe) scope. Note that you maybe do not need the scope since you want to use this globally. A function return you and array containing field_id and record_id could look like so:
function getFieldAndRecordIdByFieldTitles($field_title, $record_title, $scope_title){
$query = "select field.field_id,field.record_id from adv_mdf_definition as field
INNER JOIN adv_md_record as record ON record.record_id = field.record_id
INNER JOIN adv_md_record_scope as scope ON scope.record_id = field.record_id
INNER JOIN object_reference as ref ON scope.ref_id = ref.ref_id
INNER JOIN object_data as scope_data ON ref.obj_id = scope_data.obj_id
WHERE field.title='$field_title' AND record.title='$record_title' AND scope_data.title = '$scope_title'";
$set = $this->dic()->database()->query($query);
if($row = $this->dic()->database()->fetchAssoc($set))
return array_values($row);
Then get your values like so:
list($field_id,$record_id) = getFieldAndRecordIdByFieldTitles("my_field", "my_record", "my_scope");
Note that I am aware that I am introducing a new query here. Sorry, was the best I could come up with. I am sure there you find a better solution, if your research a bit, let us know if successful. However, we will remove one in the next step.
Step 2
Use the undocumented service, the get your value out of the advance meta data. Since you now have the record id and the field id, you can to that like so:
$record_values = new ilAdvancedMDValues($record_id, $obj_id);
$ADTGroup = $ilAdvancedMDValues->getADTGroup();
$ADT = $ilADTGroup->getElement($field_id);
$value = $ADT->getText();
/**if you have text, others are possible, such as:
switch (true) {
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTText):
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTDate):
$value = $ADT->getDate();
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTExternalLink):
$... = $ADT->getUrl();
$... = $ADT->getTitle();
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTInternalLink):
$... = $ADT->setTargetRefId($value);
Note that ADT's are also undocumented. There might be a better way, to get a value out of this.
Step 3
Wrap your statics and new into some injectable dependency. I usually use the bloated constructor pattern to do this. Looks like so:
public function __construct(InjectedSettings $mySettings = null)
if (!$mySettings) //Case in the default scenario
$this->mySettings = new InjectedSettings();
} else //used e.g. for unit tests, where you can stuff the constructor with a mock
$this->mySettings = $mySettings;
Note that this is not real dep. injection, still you still use new, but I think a very workable fix to use dep. injection at least for the test context in ilias.
Does this help? I hope there will be other (better answers as well).

qt multiple QSqlTableModels edited together in one transaction

I have a window in a Qt application using PostgreSQL 9.3 database. The window is a form used do display, edit and insert new data. t looks like that:
I have data from 3 sql tables in that view. the tables are related with foreign keys:
contractors (main table) - mapped to "personal data" section
contacts (has foreign key to contractors.ID)
addresses (has foreign key to contractors.ID)
So - in my window's class I have 3 main models (+ 2 proxy models to transpose tables in "personal data" an "address data" sections). I use QSqlTableModel for theese sesctions, and a QSqlRelationalTableModel for contactData section. when opening that window "normally" (to view some contractor), i simply pass contractor's ID to the constructor and store it in proper variable. Also, I call the QSqlTableModel::​setFilter(const QString & filter) method for each of the models, and set the proper filtering. When opening that window in "add new" mode i simply pass a "-1" or "0" value to the ID variable, so no data gets loaded to the model.
All 3 models have QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit editStrategy. When saving the data (triggered by clicking a proper button), I start a transaction. And then I submit models one-by-one. personalData model gets submitted first, as I need to obtain it's PK after insert (to set in the FK fields in other models).
When submitting of the model fails, I show a messageBox with the QSqlError content, rollback the transaction and return from the method.
When I have an error on the first model being processed - no problem, as nothing was inserted. But when the first model is saved, but the second or third fails - there is a little problem. So I rollback the transacion as before, and return from the function. But after correcting the data and submitting it again - the first model is not trying to submit - as it doesn't know that there was a rollback, and the data needs to be inserted again. What would be a good way to notice such a model, that it needs to be submited once again?
At the moment I ended up with something like that:
void kontrahenciSubWin::on_btnContractorAdd_clicked() {
//QStringList errorList; // when error occurs in one model - whole transacion gets broken, so no need for a list
QString error;
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database();
//backup the data - in case something fails and we have to rollback the transaction
QSqlRecord personalDataModelrec = personalDataModel->record(0); // always one row. will get erased by SubmitAll, as no filter is set, because I don't have its ID.
QList<QSqlRecord> contactDataModelRecList;
for (int i = 0 ; i< contactDataModel->rowCount(); i++) {
contactDataModelRecList.append( contactDataModel->record(i) );
QList<QSqlRecord> addressDataModelRecList;
for (int i = 0 ; i< addressDataModel->rowCount(); i++) {
addressDataModelRecList.append( addressDataModel->record(i) );
if ( personalDataModel->isDirty() && error.isEmpty() ) {
if (!personalDataModel->submitAll()) //submitAll calls select() on the model, which destroys the data as the filter is invalid ("where ID = -1")
//errorList.append( personalDataModel->lastError().databaseText() );
error = personalDataModel->lastError().databaseText();
else {
kontrahentid = personalDataModel->query().lastInsertId().toInt(); //only here can I fetch ID
setFilter(ALL); //and pass it to the models
if ( contactDataModel->isDirty() && error.isEmpty() )
if (!contactDataModel->submitAll()) //slot on_contactDataModel_beforeInsert() sets FK field
//errorList.append( contactDataModel->lastError().databaseText() );
error = contactDataModel->lastError().databaseText();
if ( addressDataModel->isDirty() && error.isEmpty() )
if (!addressDataModel->submitAll()) //slot on_addressDataModel_beforeInsert() sets FK field
//errorList.append( addressDataModel->lastError().databaseText() );
error = addressDataModel->lastError().databaseText();
//if (!errorList.isEmpty()) {
// QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Data was not saved!"), tr("The following errors occured:") + " \n" + errorList.join("\n"));
if (!error.isEmpty()) {
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Data was not saved!"), tr("The following errors occured:") + " \n" + error);
initModel(ALL); //re-init models: set table and so on.
//re-add data to the models - backup comes handy
personalDataModel->insertRecord(-1, personalDataModelrec);
for (QList<QSqlRecord>::iterator it = contactDataModelRecList.begin(); it != contactDataModelRecList.end(); it++) {
contactDataModel->insertRecord(-1, *it);
for (QList<QSqlRecord>::iterator it = addressDataModelRecList.begin(); it != addressDataModelRecList.end(); it++) {
addressDataModel->insertRecord(-1, *it);
isInEditMode = false;
Does anyone have a better idea? I doubt if it's possible to ommit backing-up the records before trying to insert them. But maybe there is a better way to "re-add" them to the model? I tried to use "setRecord", and "remoweRows" & "insertRecord" combo, but no luck. Resetting the whole model seems easiest (I only need to re-init it, as it loses table, filter, sorting and everything else when cleared)
I suggest you to use a function written in the language PLPGSQL. It has one transaction between BEGIN and END. If it goes wrong at a certain point of the code then will it rollback all data flawlessly.
What you are doing now is not a good design, because you handle the control over a certain functionality (rollback) to an external system with regard to the rollback (it is happening in the database). The external system is not designed to do that, while the database on the contrairy is created and designed for dealing with rollbacks and transactions. It is very good at it. Rebuilding and reinventing this functionality, which is quite complex, outside the database is asking for a lot of trouble. You will never get the same flawless rollback handling as you will have using functions within the database.
Let each system do what it can do best.
I have met your problem before and had the same line of thought to work this problem out using Hibernate in my case. Until I stepped back from my efforts and re-evaluated the situation.
There are three teams working on the rollback mechanism of a database:
1. the men and women who are writing the source code of the database itself,
2. the men and women who are writing the Hibernate code, and
3. me.
The first team is dedicated to the creation of a good rollback mechanism. If they fail, they have a bad product. They succeeded. The second team is dedicated to the creation of a good rollback mechanism. Their product is not failing when it is not working in very complex situations.
The last team, me, is not dedicated to this problem. Who am I to write a better solution then the people of team 2 or team 1 based on the work of team 2 who were not able to get it to the level of team 1?
That is when I decided to use database functions instead.

Using Linq, I get this: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first

Here's what I'm trying to do:
IEnumerable<OfficeView> allOffices = GetAllOffices(); //this method also uses some linq query
foreach (var office in allOffices)
new Tuple<int, decimal>(office.Id, GetSaleAmount(office.Id, someParams)));
public decimal GetAgentSaleAmount(int officeRef, someTypes someParams)
var q = ObjectQuery.Where
(i => i.officeId == officeRef && i.someOtherStuff == someParams)
return q.Sum(i => i.NetPrice);
I can't set MultipleActiveResultSets = true. Instead, as suggested here, I tried to do .ToList() before doing the summation, but got the same error. (and even if I wouldn't get the error, I think it would cause heavy load to fetch everything just to get the summation of one field)
I will be super thankful for any suggestion to solve this problem!
Update: The problem was all about GetAllOffices(), which returned IEnumerable (which leaves the DataReader open). I changed the first line as below and it worked. Thanks a lot guys :)
IEnumerable<OfficeView> allOffices = GetAllOffices().ToList();
Error said that reader is already opened, that means that you have run some query before which needs to close.
Write .ToList() to that linq query and do same for other queries too.
I think you are trying to do both adding and querying at the same time.You need to finish adding "Sale" object to "Sales" collection before trying to calculate the sales value.
In other words, you cannot query until the transaction is committed. Hope that helps.

How does Entity Framework decide whether to reference an existing object or create a new one?

Just for my curiosity (and future knowledge), how does Entity Framework 5 decide when to create a new object vs. referencing an existing one? I might have just been doing something wrong, but it seems that every now and then if I do something along the lines of:
using (TestDB db = new TestDB())
var currParent = db.Parents.Where(p => p.Prop == passedProp).FirstOrDefault();
if(currParent == null) {
Parent newParent = new Parent();
newParent.Prop = passedProp;
currParent = newParent;
//maybe do something to currParent here
var currThing = db.Things.Where(t => t.Prop == passedPropTwo).FirstOrDefault();
currThing.Parent = currParent;
EF will create a new Parent in the database, basically a copy of the currParent, and then set the Parent_ID value of currThing to that copy. Then, if I do it again (as in, if there's already two of those parents), it won't make a new Parent and instead link to the first one. I don't really understand this behavior, but after playing around with it for a while something like:
using (TestDB db = new TestDB())
var currParent = db.Parents.Where(p => p.Prop == passedProp).FirstOrDefault();
if(currParent == null) {
Parent newParent = new Parent();
newParent.Prop = passedProp;
currParent = newParent;
//maybe do something to currParent here
var currThing = db.Things.Where(t => t.Prop == passedPropTwo).FirstOrDefault();
currThing.Parent = db.Parents.Where(p => p.ID == currParent.ID).First();
seemed to fix the problem. Is there any reason this might happen that I should be aware of, or was there just something weird about the way I was doing it at the time? Sorry I can't be more specific about what the exact code was, I encountered this a while ago and fixed it with the above code so I didn't see any reason to ask about it. More generally, how does EF decide whether to reference an existing item instead of creating a new one? Just based on whether the ID is set or not? Thanks!
If your specific instance of your DBContext provided that specific instance of that entity to you, then it will know what record(s) in the database it represents and any changes you make to it will be proper to that(those) record(s) in the database. If you instantiate a new entity yourself, then you need to tell the DBContext what exactly that record is if it's anything but a new record that should be inserted into your database.
In the special scenario where you have multiple DBContext instances and one instance provides you this entity but you want to use another instance to work with and save the entity, then you have to use ((IObjectContextAdapter)firstDbContext).ObjectContext.Detach() to orphan this entity and then use ((IObjectContextAdapter)secondDbContext).ObjectContext.Parents.Attach() to attach it (or ApplyChanges() if you're also editing it - this will call Attach for you).
In some other special scenarios (your object has been serialized and/or you have self-tracking entities), some additional steps may be required, depending on what exactly you are trying to do.
To summarize, if your specific instance of your DBContext is "aware" of your specific instance of an entity, then it will work with it as if it is directly tied to that specific row in the database.

XML validation error when updating Keyword metadata

Following on from my earlier question about creating Address Books (many thanks Peter!), I have a small throw-away console application doing just that and working great - but in addition I'm trying to update the metadata of a Keyword with the Item Id of the created Address Book.
Slightly shortened snippet ...
StaticAddressBook ab = new StaticAddressBook();
ab.Title = title;
ab.Key = key;
// id is a correct Keyword TCM ID
Keyword k = tdse.GetObject(id, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeEdit);
if (k != null)
k.MetadataFields["addressbookid"].value[0] = ab.Id.ItemId;
I keep getting the following error on Save():
XML validation error. Reason: The element 'Metadata' in namespace
'uuid:2065d525-a365-4b45-b68e-bf45f0fba188' has invalid child element
'addressbookid' in namespace
'uuid:2065d525-a365-4b45-b68e-bf45f0fba188'. List of possible elements
expected: 'contact_us_email' in namespace
But I know the Keyword has the correct Metadata assigned, (thats why I don't bother checking!). Shortened Tridion XML from a current keyword in question:
<tcm:MetadataSchemaxlink:type="simple"xlink:title="IP.Location.Metadata" xlink:href="tcm:49-2142-8" />
<Metadata xmlns="uuid:2065d525-a365-4b45-b68e-bf45f0fba188">
Have I missed something can Keyword metadata not be updated in this way?
I guess I could look at the Core Service to update Keywords, but it seemed to to make sense to do everything within this application.
Order was key here, strangely!
The following code works:
ItemFields fields = k.MetadataFields;
string email = fields[1].value[1];
string contact = fields[3].value[1];
string request = fields[4].value[1];
string webinar = fields[5].value[1];
fields[1].value[1] = email;
fields[2].value[1] = ab.Id.ItemId;
fields[3].value[1] = contact;
fields[4].value[1] = request;
fields[5].value[1] = webinar;
Got caught out by the non-0-based index when getting/setting values and had to reassign existing fields back, in order.
It seems that the order of the fields has changed in the Schema since that Component was created. At least the Schema expects contact_us_email in the position where you current have addressbookid.
There may be other changes, so I'd verify the order of fields in the Schema and make sure the Component(s) match, before you run your tool.
