ASP.Net Identity using DevExpress ORM instead of Entity Framework - devexpress

I'm implementing ASP.Net Identity for my MVC web application.
Could someone profide hints on how to use DevEx ORM and not Entity Framework?
Thanks in advance.

I got this answer from DevEx team:
Hi Muris,
ASP.NET Identity Framework is highly dependable on the Entity Framework, therefore it is required to write a lot of custom code to utilize it with other ORM. What we plan to do in the context of the Add support for VS2013 authentication modes ticket is to support selecting the ASP.NET Identity as an authentication provider when creating a new project using the Project Wizard. Since our Project Wizard uses Entity Framework as a data provider, we will also use it to support the ASP.NET Identity authentication.


.Net Identity 3 on existing solution

I believe that .NET Identity 3 cannot run on an existing (v4.5) ASP.NET solution, but requires .NET Core. I cannot update to .NET Core. Is there a workaround for this? If not then how are people supposed to migrate from ASP.NET Membership to ASP.Net Identity?
First of all, I need to note that ASP.NET Core (which works with Identity 3) does not require .NET Core. It can be used either over .NET Core or .NET Framework 4.6.1 (or higher).
I guess you use the default approach in both cases (Membership and Identity) when all information about users, roles, passwords, etc, is stored in some database.
So, the best way to migrate from Membership to Identity is the following:
create a new ASP.NET Core project using the default template and with "Authentication" turned on
then write a small console program which will move all user-related information from your old membership tables to the new ones (created automatically by ASP.NET Identity)
then move all other your controllers and views one by one.
The only problem here - is that Identity will not recognize the passwords' hashes created with Membership. To resolve it you will need to define your own implementation of IPasswordHasher interface and register it in DI container as it's described in this article.

ASP.NET MVC5 add authentication into an empty project

I've created an empty mvc5 project, used EF with code first approach. How can I add OWIN authentication and store Users and Roles in my created database? How can I customize OWIN authentication for my purpose?
Look into Microsoft's Identity framework. You can the Nuget package Identity EntityFramework to your project.
A good guide to setup a token based authentication: Identity class connectivity with oracle 11g via Entity framework 6

I've to use Oracle 11g with ASP.NET MVC 5 and Entity Framework 6. I'm trying to use ASP.NET Identity for user authentication and role management and i want identity class to use my user table stored in my Oracle 11g DB. I am using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and ODP.NET in my project. What is the best way to configure Identity with Oracle using EF6 in MVC 5 project? Is it even possible?
Thanks in advance.
I think ultimately you are going to need a provider for Oracle. A quick google search revealed this one:
Another suggestion per my comment to look into
Or as previously stated you implement the identity interfaces yourself for your own implementation.

Entity framework code generation tool

I have used Subsonic ORM in ASP.NET. It has Scaffold user control that generates web forms for list/insert/edit/delete etc.
I want to know is there anything like this in ASP.NET Entity Framework?
You can try ASP.Net Dynamic Data. Its quite nice and provides good scaffolding support.

ASP.NET MVC and User Authentication with NHibernate

I am about to start a new application and am excited about using mvc and nhibernate. However, the big "problem" is how I handle the user authentication stuff. What are some ways those used to using nhibernate and MVC solve this problem?
My thought is let do its own thing and I do my own thing database wise. Am curios if I should role my own using the provider model and nhibernate, if I can figure out how. Or is there a way to integrate current code that is in the mvc example into nhibernate?
You can still use the ASP .NET 2.0 Membership APIs from ASP .NET MVC.
Same question here and Manuel Abadia has written a custom NHMembershipProvider here.
4 guys from rolla have an excellent post if you want to buil your own provider on top of the membership API :
