Making a self destructive code in R - r

I was making a package in R and would like it to make it as a trial version for a period of 30 days .
Well my question is how to make a code self destructive depends on number of days ??
I had played with time and date package for a while where i came to know ,
Sys.Date() could give todays date , so i get forard with something below
print(paste("today is sunday"))
print(paste("today is monday"))
I know it is stupid work whatever i had done , my sole idea was to fix the 1st use of package as starting day ,and every day it will increment till 30 days ,when it will reach the limit it will automatically destroy using
file.remove () <- through which I can remove some file ........
May be I am clear with my ideas .
Sorry for the novice question .

Add this condition to the license. ("30 days for free, after that you'll have to pay".) and expect users to comply with this.
There is really nothing else you can do.
Well, actually you can. For example, on the first occasion your code is run, save the current date to a file in a certain location (say, "~/.datetocheck"). Then every time your code is run, check for the existence of this file, and if it exists, compare the dates. If more than 30 days have passed, give an error message:
stop("Time is over! You have to pay!")
The problem is that nothing prevents the user from simply deleting this file.


I need help for gamemaker 2.3

Pls help me
A few weeks ago it came out of gamemaker 2.3, practically in the gamemaker language they changed the scripts into functions, but now after converting the files to be able to reopen them, I double-checked all the scripts and etc but anyway when I start it it remains a black screen, however it doesn't give me any compilation errors or whatever, what could be the problem?
I might sound stupid, but if someone has the same program as me I can pass the project to them so they can see the scripts for themselves, so basically it's just the base and there is only the script to make the player walk and for collisions, I know that no one would want to waste time, but I ask the same
Its possible that your code is stuck in an infinite loop, here's an example of what that might look like:
var doloop = true
while(doloop == true){
x += 1
y += 1
the "doloop" variable is never changed within the while loop, so it is always equal to true and the loop never ends. Because the code never finishes looping, it can never get around to drawing anything, so you end up with a black screen. The easiest way to check for these is to put a breakpoint/debugging point at the beginning and just after every while/for/do/ect loop and debug it. e.g. (I am using asterisks "*" to represent breakpoints)
var doloop = true
* while(doloop == true){
x += 1
y += 1
When you get to one of the loops remove the first breakpoint and hit the "continue" button in the debugger. If it (it being the computer) takes an longer than it should to hit the second breakpoint (as in, you wait for a ten seconds to or two minutes (depends on how complex the code is) and it still hasn't hit the second breakpoint), then you should replace the breakpoint at the beginning of the loop to check and make sure it is still in there. If it is still in the loop, then that is likely where the code is getting stuck. Review the loop and everywhere any associated variables are set/changed, and you should be able to find the problem (even if it takes a while).
Majestic_Monkey_ and the commentors are correct: use the debugger. It's easy and it's your friend. Just place a red circle on the very first line of code that runs, and click the little bug icon and you can step through your code easily.
But to address your specific issue (or if anyone in the future has this issue): scripts have changed into files that can have many functions. Where you used to have
var num = argument0 + argument1;
return num;
You would now have
function script_name(a, b) {
var num = a + b;
return num;
All you have to do is create a decleration for your new function:
function my_function_name(argument_names, etc...)
Then wrap all your old code in { }, and replace all those ugly "argument0" things with actual names. It's that easy. Plus you can have more than one function per script!

BlueSky Statistics - String to date [time] issues

Trying to convert time as a string to a time variable.
Use Date/Dates/Convert String to Date...... for format I use %H:%M:%S....
Here is the syntax from the GUI
[Convert String Variables to Date]
BSkystrptime (varNames = c('Time'),dateFormat = "%H:%M:%S",prefixOrSuffix = "prefix",prefixOrSuffixValue = "Con_",data = "Dataset2")
A screen shot of result is attached....
Compare variables Time [string] to Con_Time [date/time]
The hours are 2 hours out [wrong!] - the Minutes and Seconds are correct.
What am I doing wrong here?
Screen Shot
I believe you are running into a known issue with a prior release of BlueSky Statistics. This issue is fixed with the current stable release available on the download page.
The reason for this was although the time is converted correctly into the local time zone, BlueSky Statistics was reading the time zone in the local time zone and converting it to UTC.
You are probably +2 hours ahead of UTC, so you are seeing the time move 2 hrs back. Give us a couple of days to post a patch.
You can also confirm this by writing and executing the following syntax in the syntax window

Finding time between two patterns

I am new to unix and can someone help me with following query?
I have a deployment log file and there I wanted to search for two pattern (eg: started , completed ) and after getting the out put I just want to calculate and print the time taken between the started step and completed step
I tried a lot I’m able to print the the out put but unable to print the time taken between those steps
Thanks in advance,
Below is the sample deployment log and at the starting line i am searching for "DeploymentStart" and, at the end of the line "DeploymentCompleted".
After printing this out put i want to calculate the time taken between deploymentStart time and DeployemntCompleted time.
Apr13 12:41:49,492 INFO com.epsilon.deploymentStatusNotifier.util.DeploymentStatusNotificationConverter taskScheduler-2 - JobMessage
Apr13 12:41:49,488 INFO com.epsilon.deploymentStatusNotifier.util.DeploymentStatusNotificationConverter taskScheduler-2 - JobMessage createdcom.epsilon.comm

Python %s not working when printing another veriable

Me and my friend are working on a program that keeps track of swimmers times and all the times totaled is there aggregate. We also ask that the swimmers name which is equal to Name.
We are able to print out...
print('Swimmer had a total time of',aggregates[Name])
but the %Name stop the program from running properly, any suggestions to what we could use instead or maybe what we're doing wrong would be very helpful. Thanks!
print('''%s had a total aggregate time of
''',aggregates[Name] %Name)
Formatting print should be done like print("%s had a t..." % Name, aggregates[Name])

Upgraded quantstrat 0.7.8 from 0.7.7 then old code does not work

I have upgraded quantstrat package from 0.7.7(installed on Jan 7th 2013) to 0.7.8, however old code does not work properly. looks like we can not put any entry orders niether buy or sell, and only exit orders are executed. Here is the detail. Someone knows major changes in add.rule or applyStrategy function or same issue has been reported?
We set up trading rule by add.rule()
add.rule(f,'ruleSignal',arguments=list(sigcol="DoBuy", sigval=TRUE,orderqty=tradeSize,osFUN='osBuy',ordertype='market',TxnFees="calcTxnFee",prefer='Price'),type='enter',label=gEnterLabel)
add.rule(f,'ruleSignal',arguments=list(sigcol="DoStop", sigval=TRUE,orderqty=-1*tradeSize,osFUN='osStop',ordertype='stoplimit',threshold='StopLevel',TxnFees="calcTxnFee"),type='risk',label='Stop')
The problem we had is we don't get entry signal when we run applyStrategy ...... It seems that getOrderbook has "Buy" and "Sell" .....
applyStrategy(rs, rs) only applied sell signal ........(not buy)
[1] "2010-11-18 09:00:00 ABC -65660 # 4.6"
[1] "2010-12-07 09:00:00 ABC -37509 # 5.17"
However getOrderBook() recorded "Buy", and "Sell" in order .....
at the same time order.prices were set "0", order.status "replaced" and Prefer "Price" by the system
It is hard to understand what is your problem exactly: "no entry signal", "orderbook has Buy and Sell" (whatever that means), "order.prices were set to 0" ...
I see that you are using your own order sizing functions, could it have something to do with that? You may try dropping your order sizing functions for a test, just to check if your entry orders are being executed.
Otherwise I suggest that you provide a complete example so I can run it and check.
Please be aware that quantstrat is under heavy development and that the code is patched almost on a daily basis, although the version number may not always be bumped up. So make sure that you always download the latest code.
Jan Humme.
