plotting glm interactions: "newdata=" structure in predict() function - r

My problem is with the predict() function, its structure, and plotting the predictions.
Using the predictions coming from my model, I would like to visualize how my significant factors (and their interaction) affect the probability of my response variable.
My model:
m1 <-glm ( mating ~ behv * pop +
I(behv^2) * pop + condition,
data=data1, family=binomial(logit))
mating: individual has mated or not (factor, binomial: 0,1)
pop: population (factor, 4 levels)
behv: behaviour (numeric, scaled & centered)
condition: relative fat content (numeric, scaled & centered)
Significant effects after running the glm:
Although I have read the help pages, previous answers to similar questions, tutorials etc., I couldn't figure out how to structure the newdata= part in the predict() function. The effects I want to visualise (given above) might give a clue of what I want: For the "behv*pop2" interaction, for example, I would like to get a graph that shows how the behaviour of individuals from population-2 can influence whether they will mate or not (probability from 0 to 1).

Really the only thing that predict expects is that the names of the columns in newdata exactly match the column names used in the formula. And you must have values for each of your predictors. Here's some sample data.
#sample data
data <- data.frame(
mating=sample(0:1, 200, replace=T),
pop=sample(letters[1:4], 200, replace=T),
behv = scale(rpois(200,10)),
condition = scale(rnorm(200,5))
data1<-data[1:150,] #for model fitting
data2<-data[51:200,-1] #for predicting
Then this will fit the model using data1 and predict into data2
model<-glm ( mating ~ behv * pop +
I(behv^2) * pop + condition,
predict(model, newdata=data2, type="response")
Using type="response" will give you the predicted probabilities.
Now to make predictions, you don't have to use a subset from the exact same data.frame. You can create a new one to investigate a particular range of values (just make sure the column names match up. So in order to explore behv*pop2 (or behv*popb in my sample data), I might create a data.frame like this
behv=seq(from=min(data$behv), to=max(data$behv), length.out=100),
condition = mean(data$condition)
Here I fix pop="b" so i'm only looking at the pop, and since I have to supply condition as well, i fix that at the mean of the original data. (I could have just put in 0 since the data is centered and scaled.) Now I specify a range of behv values i'm interested in. Here i just took the range of the original data and split it into 100 regions. This will give me enough points to plot. So again i use predict to get
popbbehvpred<-predict(model, newdata=popbbehv, type="response")
and then I can plot that with
plot(popbbehvpred~behv, popbbehv, type="l")
Although nothing is significant in my fake data, we can see that higher behavior values seem to result in less mating for population B.


survfit for stratified cox-model

I have a stratified cox-model and want predicted survival-curves for certain profiles, based on that model.
Now, because I'm working with a large dataset with a lot of strata, I want predictions for very specific strata only, to save time and memory.
The help-page of survfit.coxph states: ... If newdata does contain strata variables, then the result will contain one curve per row of newdata, based on the indicated stratum of the original model.
When I run the code below, where newdata does contain the stratum-variable, I still get predictions for both strata, which contradicts the help-page
df <- data.frame(X1 = runif(200),
X2 = sample(c("A", "B"), 200, replace = TRUE),
Ev = sample(c(0,1), 200, replace = TRUE),
Time = rexp(200))
testfit <- coxph( Surv(Time, Ev) ~ X1 + strata(X2), df)
out <- survfit(testfit, newdata = data.frame(X1 = 0.6, X2 = "A"))
Is there anything I fail to see or understand here?
I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature in survival:::survfit.coxph. It looks like the intended behaviour in the code is that only requested strata are returned. In the function:
strata(X2) is evaluated in an environment containing newdata and the result, A is returned.
The full curve is then created.
There is then some logic to split the curve into strata, but only if result$surv is a matrix.
In your example it is not a matrix. I can't find any documentation on the expected usage of this if it's not a bug. Perhaps it would be worth dropping the author/maintainer a note.
# [1] "Terry M Therneau <>"
Some comments that may be helpfull:
My example was not big enough (and I seem not to have read the related github post very well, but that was after I posted my question here): if newdata has at least two lines (and of course the strata-variable), predictions are returned only for the requested strata
There is an inefficiency inside survfit.coxph, where the baseline-hazard is calculated for every stratum in the original dataset, not only for the requested strata (see my contribution to the same github post). However, that doesn't seem to be a big issue (a test on a dataset with roughly half a million observation, 50% events and 1000 strata), takes less than a minute
The problem is memory allocation somewhere during calculations (in the above example, things collapse once I want predictions for 100 observations - 1 stratum each - while the final output of predictions for 80 is only a few MB)
My work-around:
Select all observations you want predictions for
use lp <- predict(..., type='lp') to get the linear predictor for all these observations
use survfit only on the first observation: survfit(fit, newdata = expand_grid(newdf, strat = strata_list))
Store the resulting survival estimates in a data.frame (or not, that's up to you)
To calculate predicted survival for other observations, use the PH-assumption (see formula below). This invokes the overhead of survfit.coxph only once and if you focus on survival on only a few times (e.g. 5- and 10-year survival), you can reduce the computer time even more

R Cross Validation lm predict function [duplicate]

I am trying to convert Absorbance (Abs) values to Concentration (ng/mL), based on an established linear model & standard curve. I planned to do this by using the predict() function. I am having trouble getting predict() to return the desired results. Here is a sample of my code:
newdata=data.frame(Concentration=Abs[1]))#using Abs[1] as an example, but I eventually want predictions for all values in Abs
Running that last lines gives this output:
> predict(object=LM.2,
+ newdata=data.frame(Concentration=Abs[1]))
1 2 3 4
0.5338437 0.4731341 0.3820697 -0.0732525
Warning message:
'newdata' had 1 row but variables found have 4 rows
This does not seem to be the output I want. I am trying to get a single predicted Concentration value for each Absorbance (Abs) entry. It would be nice to be able to predict all of the entries at once and add them to an existing data frame, but I can't even get it to give me a single value correctly. I've read many threads on here, webpages found on Google, and all of the help files, and for the life of me I cannot understand what is going on with this function. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You must have a variable in newdata that has the same name as that used in the model formula used to fit the model initially.
You have two errors:
You don't use a variable in newdata with the same name as the covariate used to fit the model, and
You make the problem much more difficult to resolve because you abuse the formula interface.
Don't fit your model like this:
mod <- lm(log(Standards[['Abs550nm']])~Standards[['ng_mL']])
fit your model like this
mod <- lm(log(Abs550nm) ~ ng_mL, data = standards)
Isn't that some much more readable?
To predict you would need a data frame with a variable ng_mL:
predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(ng_mL = c(0.5, 1.2)))
Now you may have a third error. You appear to be trying to predict with new values of Absorbance, but the way you fitted the model, Absorbance is the response variable. You would need to supply new values for ng_mL.
The behaviour you are seeing is what happens when R can't find a correctly-named variable in newdata; it returns the fitted values from the model or the predictions at the observed data.
This makes me think you have the formula back to front. Did you mean:
mod2 <- lm(ng_mL ~ log(Abs550nm), data = standards)
?? In which case, you'd need
predict(mod2, newdata = data.frame(Abs550nm = c(1.7812,1.7309)))
say. Note you don't need to include the log() bit in the name. R recognises that as a function and applies to the variable Abs550nm for you.
If the model really is log(Abs550nm) ~ ng_mL and you want to find values of ng_mL for new values of Abs550nm you'll need to invert the fitted model in some way.

Regressing out or Removing age as confounding factor from experimental result

I have obtained cycle threshold values (CT values) for some genes for diseased and healthy samples. The healthy samples were younger than the diseased. I want to check if the age (exact age values) are impacting the CT values. And if so, I want to obtain an adjusted CT value matrix in which the gene values are not affected by age.
I have checked various sources for confounding variable adjustment, but they all deal with categorical confounding factors (like batch effect). I can't get how to do it for age.
I have done the following:
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=data.frame(data_val))
modcancer = model.matrix(~Age, data=data.frame(data_val))
combat_edata = ComBat(dat=t(data_val), batch=Age, mod=modcombat, par.prior=TRUE, prior.plots=FALSE)
pValuesComBat = f.pvalue(combat_edata,mod,mod0)
qValuesComBat = p.adjust(pValuesComBat,method="BH")
data_val is the gene expression/CT values matrix.
Age is the age vector for all the samples.
For some genes the p-value is significant. So how to correctly modify those gene values so as to remove the age effect?
I tried linear regression as well (upon checking some blogs):
lm1 = lm(data_val[1,] ~ Age) #1 indicates first gene. Did this for all genes
cor.test(lm1$residuals, Age)
The blog suggested checking p-val of correlation of residuals and confounding factors. I don't get why to test correlation of residuals with age.
And how to apply a correction to CT values using regression?
Please guide if what I have done is correct.
In case it's incorrect, kindly tell me how to obtain data_val with no age effect.
There are many methods to solve this:-
Basic statistical approach
A very basic method to incorporate the effect of Age parameter in the data and make the final dataset age agnostic is:
Do centring and scaling of your data based on Age. By this I mean group your data by age and then take out the mean of each group and then standardise your data based on these groups using this mean.
For standardising you can use two methods:
1) z-score normalisation : In this you can change each data point to as (x-mean(x))/standard-dev(x)); by using group-mean and group-standard deviation.
2) mean normalization: In this you simply subtract groupmean from every observation.
3) min-max normalisation: This is a modification to z-score normalisation, in this in place of standard deviation you can use min or max of the group, ie (x-mean(x))/min(x)) or (x-mean(x))/max(x)).
On to more complex statistics:
You can get the importance of all the features/columns in your dataset using some algorithms like PCA(principle component analysis) (, though it is generally used as a dimensionality reduction algorithm, still it can be used to get the variance in the whole data set and also get the importance of features.
Below is a simple example explaining it:
I have plotted the importance using the biplot and graph, using the decathlon dataset from factoextra package:
data<-decathlon2[,1:10] # taking only 10 variables/columns for easyness
res.pca <- prcomp(data, scale = TRUE)
col.var = "contrib", # Color by contributions to the PC
gradient.cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
repel = TRUE # Avoid text overlapping
hep.PC.cor = prcomp(data, scale=TRUE)
[1] "X100m" "Long.jump" "Shot.put" "High.jump" "X400m" "X110m.hurdle"
[7] "Discus" "Pole.vault" "Javeline" "X1500m"
On these similar lines you can use PCA on your data to get the importance of the age parameter in your data.
I hope this helps, if I find more such methods I will share.

How to change the y-axis for a multivariate GAM model from smoothed to actual values?

I am using multivariate GAM models to learn more about fog trends in multiple regions. Fog is determined by visibility going below a certain threshold (< 400 meters). Our GAM model is used to determine the response of visibility to a range of meteorological variables.
However, my challenge right now is that I'd really like the y-axis to be the actual visibility observations rather than the centered smoothed. It is interesting to see how visibility is impacted by the covariates relative to the mean visibility in that location, but it's difficult to compare this for multiple locations where the mean visibility is different (and thus the 0 point in which visibility is enhanced or diminished has little comparable meaning).
In order to compare the results of multiple locations, I'm trying to make the y-axis actual visibility observations, and then I'll put a line at the visibility threshold we're interested in looking at (400 m)
to evaluate what the predictor variables values are like below that threshold (eg what temperatures are associated with visibility below 400 m).
I'm still a beginner when it comes to GAMs and R in general, but I've figured out a few helpful pieces so far.
Helpful things so far:
Attempt 1. how to extract gam fit for each variable in model
Extracting data used to make a smooth plot in mgcv
Attempt 2. how to use predict function to reconstruct a univariable model
Attempt 3. how to get some semblance of a y-axis that looks like visibility observations using "fitted" -- though I don't think this is
the correct approach since I'm not taking the intercept into account
simulated data
install.packages("mgcv") #for gam package
#simulated GAM data for example
dataSet <- gamSim(eg=1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2)
visibility <- dataSet[[1]]
temperature <- dataSet[[2]]
dewpoint <- dataSet[[3]]
windspeed <- dataSet[[4]]
#Univariable GAM model
gamobj <- gam(visibility ~ s(dewpoint))
plot(gamobj, scale=0, page=1, shade = TRUE, all.terms=TRUE, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, main="Univariable Model: Dew Point")
Univariable Model of Dew Point
ATTEMPT 2 -- predict function with univariable model, but didn't change y-axis
#dummy var that spans length of original covariate
maxDP <-max(dewpoint)
minDP <-min(dewpoint)
DPtrial.seq <-seq(minDP,maxDP,length=3071)
DPtrial.seq <-data.frame(dewpoint=DPtrial.seq)
#predict only the DP term
preds <- predict(gamobj, type="terms", newdata=DPtrial.seq,
#determine confidence intervals
DPplot <-DPtrial.seq$dewpoint
fit <-preds$fit
fit.up95 <-fit-1.96*preds$
fit.low95 <-fit+1.96*preds$
plot(DPplot, fit, lwd=3,
main="Reconstructed Dew Point Covariate Plot")
#plot confident intervals
polygon(c(DPplot, rev(DPplot)),
c(fit.low95,rev(fit.up95)), col="grey",
lines(DPplot, fit, lwd=2)
Reconstructed Dew Point Covariate Plot
ATTEMPT 3 -- changed y-axis using "fitted" but without taking intercept into account
plot(dewpoint,fitted(gamobj), main="Fitted Response of Y (Visibility) Plotted Against Dew Point")
Fitted Response of Y Plotted Against Dew Point
Ultimately, I want a horizontal line where I can investigate the predictor variable relative to 400 meters, rather than just the mean of the response variable. This way, it will be comparable across multiple sites where the mean visibility is different. Most importantly, it needs to be for multiple covariates!
Gavin Simpson has explained the method in a couple of posts but unfortunately, I really don't understand how I would hold the mean of the other covariates constant as I use the predict function:
Changing the Y axis of default plot.gam graphs
Any deeper explanation into the method for doing this would be super helpful!!!
I'm not sure how helpful this will be as your Q is a little more open ended than we'd typically like on SO, but, here goes.
Firstly, I think it would help to think about modelling the response variable, which I assume is currently visibility. This is going to be a continuous variable, bounded at 0 (perhaps the data never reach zero?) which suggests modelling the data as conditionally distributed either
gamma (family = Gamma(link = 'log')) for visibility that never takes a value of zero.
Tweedie (family = tw()) for data that do have zeroes.
An alternative approach would be to model the occurrence of fog; if this is defined as an event <400m visibility then you could turn all your observations into 0/1 values for being a fog event or otherwise. Then you'd model the data as conditionally distributed Bernoulli, using family = binomial().
Having decided on a modelling approach, we need to model the response. This should be done using a multiple regression type of approach, with a GAM including multiple predictors. This way you get to estimate the effect of each potential predictor variable on the response while controlling for the effects of the other predictors. If you just do this using a single predictor at a time, say dewpoint, that variable could well "explain" variation in the data that might be due to another predictor, windspeed say, and you wouldn't know it.
Furthermore, there may well be interactions between predictors that you'll want to control for if they exist, which can only be done in
Then, to finally get to the crux of your problem, having fitted the multi-predictor model to "explain" visibility, you will need to predict from the model for sets of likely conditions. To look at how the visibility varies with dewpoint in a model where other predictor variables have effects, you need to fix the other variables at some reasonable values; one option is to set them to their mean (or modal value in the case of any factor predictor variables), or some other value indicative of typically values for that variable. You'll have to use your domain knowledge for this.
If you have interactions in the model, then you'll need to vary the two variables in the interaction, whilst holding all other variable fixed at some values.
Let's assume you don't have interactions and are interested in dewpoint but the model also includes windspeed. The mean windspeed for the values used to fit the model can be found from the cmX component of the fitted model. Of you could just calculate this from the observed windpseed values or set it to some known number you want to use. Denote the fitted by m, and the data frame with your data in it by df, then we can create new data to predict at over the range of dewpoint, whilst holding windspeed fixed.
mn.windspd <- m$cmX['windspeed']
## or
mn.windspd <- with(df, mean(windspeed))
## or set it some some value
mn.windspd <- 10 # say
Then you can do
preddata <- with(df,
expand.grid(dewpoint = seq(min(dewpoint),
length = 300),
windspeed = mn.windspd))
Then you use this to predict from the fitted model:
pred <- predict(m, newdata = preddata, type = "link", = TRUE)
pred <-
Now we want to put these predictions back on to the response scale, and we want a confidence interval so we have to create that first before back transforming:
ilink <- family(m)$linkinv
pred <- transform(pred,
Fitted = ilink(fit),
Upper = ilink(fit + (2 *,
Lower = ilink(fit - (2 *,
dewpoint = preddata = dewpoint)
Now you can visualised the effect of dewpoint on the response whilst keeping windspeed fixed.
In your case, you will have to extend this to keeping temperature constant also, but that is done in the same way
mn.windspd <- m$cmX['windspeed']
mn.temp <- m$cmX['temperature']
preddata <- with(df,
expand.grid(dewpoint = seq(min(dewpoint),
length = 300),
windspeed = mn.windspd,
temperature = mn.temp))
and then follow the steps above to do the prediction.
For one or two variables varying I have a function data_slice() in my gratia package which will do the above expand.grid() stuff for you so you don't have to specify the mean values of the other covariates:
preddata <- data_slice(m, 'dewpoint', n = 300)
technically this finds the value in the data closest to the median value (for the covariates not varying). If you want means, then do
fixdf <- data.frame(windspeed = mn.windspd, temperature = mn.temp)
preddata <- data_slice(m, 'dewpoint', data = fixdf, n = 300)
If you have an interaction, say between dewpoint and windspeed then you need to vary two variables. This is pretty easy again with expand.grid():
mn.temp <- m$cmX['temperature']
preddata <- with(df,
expand.grid(dewpoint = seq(min(dewpoint),
length = 100),
windspeed = seq(min(windspeed),
length = 300),
temperature = mn.temp))
This will create a 100 x 100 grid of values of the covariates to predict at, whilst holding temperature constant.
For data_slice() you'd need to do:
fixdf <- data.frame(temperature = mn.temp)
preddata <- data_slice(m, 'dewpoint', 'windpseed',
data = fixdf, n = 300)
And extending this on to more covariates you want to vary, is also easy following this pattern with expand.grid(); I have yet to implement more than 2 variables varying in data_slice.

Fixing a coefficient on variable in MNL [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Set one or more of coefficients to a specific integer
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
In R, how can I set weights for particular variables and not observations in lm() function?
Context is as follows. I'm trying to build personal ranking system for particular products, say, for phones. I can build linear model based on price as dependent variable and other features such as screen size, memory, OS and so on as independent variables. I can then use it to predict phone real cost (as opposed to declared price), thus finding best price/goodness coefficient. This is what I have already done.
Now I want to "highlight" some features that are important for me only. For example, I may need a phone with large memory, thus I want to give it higher weight so that linear model is optimized for memory variable.
lm() function in R has weights parameter, but these are weights for observations and not variables (correct me if this is wrong). I also tried to play around with formula, but got only interpreter errors. Is there a way to incorporate weights for variables in lm()?
Of course, lm() function is not the only option. If you know how to do it with other similar solutions (e.g. glm()), this is pretty fine too.
UPD. After few comments I understood that the way I was thinking about the problem is wrong. Linear model, obtained by call to lm(), gives optimal coefficients for training examples, and there's no way (and no need) to change weights of variables, sorry for confusion I made. What I'm actually looking for is the way to change coefficients in existing linear model to manually make some parameters more important than others. Continuing previous example, let's say we've got following formula for price:
price = 300 + 30 * memory + 56 * screen_size + 12 * os_android + 9 * os_win8
This formula describes best possible linear model for dependence between price and phone parameters. However, now I want to manually change number 30 in front of memory variable to, say, 60, so it becomes:
price = 300 + 60 * memory + 56 * screen_size + 12 * os_android + 9 * os_win8
Of course, this formula doesn't reflect optimal relationship between price and phone parameters any more. Also dependent variable doesn't show actual price, just some value of goodness, taking into account that memory is twice more important for me than for average person (based on coefficients from first formula). But this value of goodness (or, more precisely, value of fraction goodness/price) is just what I need - having this I can find best (in my opinion) phone with best price.
Hope all of this makes sense. Now I have one (probably very simple) question. How can I manually set coefficients in existing linear model, obtained with lm()? That is, I'm looking for something like:
coef(model)[2] <- 60
This code doesn't work of course, but you should get the idea. Note: it is obviously possible to just double values in memory column in data frame, but I'm looking for more elegant solution, affecting model, not data.
The following code is a bit complicated because lm() minimizes residual sum of squares and with a fixed, non optimal coefficient it is no longed minimal, so that would be against what lm() is trying to do and the only way is to fix all the rest coefficients too.
To do that, we have to know coefficients of the unrestricted model first. All the adjustments have to be done by changing formula of your model, e.g. we have
price ~ memory + screen_size, and of course there is a hidden intercept. Now neither changing the data directly nor using I(c*memory) is good idea. I(c*memory) is like temporary change of data too, but to change only one coefficient by transforming the variables would be much more difficult.
So first we change price ~ memory + screen_size to price ~ offset(c1*memory) + offset(c2*screen_size). But we haven't modified the intercept, which now would try to minimize residual sum of squares and possibly become different than in original model. The final step is to remove the intercept and to add a new, fake variable, i.e. which has the same number of observations as other variables:
price ~ offset(c1*memory) + offset(c2*screen_size) + rep(c0, length(memory)) - 1
# Function to fix coefficients
setCoeffs <- function(frml, weights, len){
el <- paste0("offset(", weights[-1], "*",
unlist(strsplit(as.character(frml)[-(1:2)], " +\\+ +")), ")")
el <- c(paste0("offset(rep(", weights[1], ",", len, "))"), el)
as.formula(paste(as.character(frml)[2], "~",
paste(el, collapse = " + "), " + -1"))
# Example data
df <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(10), x2 = rnorm(10, sd = 5),
y = rnorm(10, mean = 3, sd = 10))
# Writing formula explicitly
frml <- y ~ x1 + x2
# Basic model
mod <- lm(frml, data = df)
# Prime coefficients and any modifications. Note that "weights" contains
# intercept value too
weights <- mod$coef
# Setting coefficient of x1. All the rest remain the same
weights[2] <- 3
# Final model
mod2 <- update(mod, setCoeffs(frml, weights, nrow(df)))
# It is fine that mod2 returns "No coefficients"
Also, probably you are going to use mod2 only for forecasting (actually I don't know where else it could be used now) so that could be made in a simpler way, without setCoeffs:
# Data for forecasting with e.g. price unknown
df2 <- data.frame(x1 = rpois(10, 10), x2 = rpois(5, 5), y = NA)
mat <- model.matrix(frml, model.frame(frml, df2, na.action = NULL))
# Forecasts
rowSums(t(t(mat) * weights))
It looks like you are doing optimization, not model fitting (though there can be optimization within model fitting). You probably want something like the optim function or look into linear or quadratic programming (linprog and quadprog packages).
If you insist on using modeling tools like lm then use the offset argument in the formula to specify your own multiplyer rather than computing one.
